Everyone's favorite PlayStation pitchman, Kevin Butler, will be helping to promote the PlayStation Move.
Recently officially named at this year's Game Developers Conference, Move is the highly anticipated motion sensing technology for the PlayStation 3. Working with the already-existing PlayStation Eye camera, it seeks to bring a new level of interaction and immersion to motion-based gaming. We can't wait to give it a try, but in the meantime, we'll just have to take Butler's word for it. Here's the commercial you may see popping up over the next few months; it's downright hilarious and you may notice that he takes a bit of a jab at Microsoft's Natal, too. Check it out:
Move will be released this fall, which means that by the end of the year, PS3 owners will have the option of true next-gen motion sensing and full 3D entertainment. The question is, which will be the bigger feature? Well, maybe it all depends on how many Wii fans (or former Wii fans) want to upgrade to newer and better technology. 3D gaming may not catch on until it becomes a common standard in HDTVs. But who knows?
when they announced the move, they also said that it would be sold either:
1. by itself, move + subcontroller
2. bundled with the camera
3. a ps3 bundle
im pretty sure that they come with a game but i dont know about if option 1 has a game.
Lol @ natal rant, "who uses their hand as a gun, what is this third grade or something?" *piew, piew, piew*
For now on, when Natal is mentioned, people will be typing 'pew pew pew' in the comments =) lol
Kevin Butler is hilarious and I'm glad to see sony doing more and more marketing in the us.
I love this commercial and I'm very excited to use the move.
Demon Souls 2 + Playstation Move = Greatest gaming experience ever.
I wish these ads came to the UK, they are sooo much better than what we got. Although i dont think i've seen a ps3 ad since christmas time.
It will be interesting to see how many Wii owners this brings over. I don't think most of them care (I don't think most of them even use their Wii on any sort of regular basis), but there is a vocal minority who are always complaining about the lack of any mature games for that system. Of course when more mature games come out for it, absolutely no one buys them, so who knows. Maybe it's ten guys who just post on the internet a lot.
Can't stop laughing at 0:47 wii boxing. Gotta love him.
LOL Kevin!
Great ad.
Very subtle yet pursuasive bashing of the competition. Keep it classy Sony, and if you can keep this up and advertise to the casual audience watching sitcoms or dramas, you may have a winning formula. All you gotta do is get the word out.
A celebrity helps. Olivia Newton John did DS Brain Training and Wii Fit ads here in Australia, and I was dealing with hundreds of 30-60 year olds coming into the store asking for whatever she was playing.
Perhaps Sony could use Hugh Jackman to demonstrate Move, since he is a famous loveable actor amomgst many. His love of PS Move could shift millions. Imagine it, "Hi there, I'd like to buy the thing Hugh Jackman was playing on the TV. I think it's called "Move". Nice easy name to remember. So I can play games on this Playstation machine thingy, what else can it do? Can I watch my dvd's on it? Cos I can't with my Wii."
… and the floodgates open.
They could also hire Chuck Norris. Anyone who doesn't buy it will be sorry…
One more thing…
Don't let Xbots get people down on this thing. Sony clearly know what they're doing.
If MS knew what they were doing, they'd have a lot of 1st party studios working for them, working on an incredibly advanced yet cheap machine with little problems, and working on improving their image rather than buying out or stealing old tech ideas and marketing it as if its the 2nd coming of Jesus…
Damn!!! That rant made me mad!!! I'm gonna go hack n' slash some s**t up in God of War 3.
WOAH!!! Imagine Move controls in QTE's and finishing moves in God of War 3!!!! That would be freakin' INSANE!!!!
PS Move and GoW3 – A match made on Mount Olympus?
Can't wait for SoulCalibur or Dynasty Warriors with move
Soul Calibur in 3D with PSMove.
I would pay for a 3D TV, shutter glasses and Move controllers for this, Home and GT5 in 3D.
Last edited by TheHighlander on 3/18/2010 10:13:00 AM
SoulCalibur in 3d with move, hmmmmmmmmm I can see a lot of people kneeling down when fighting Sophitia.
Taki…………………..*nose bleed*
DUDE! I'm reading this at work and actually LOL'd! Getting looks from people who thought I was doing something useful!
But….oh yes, indeed!
ROFL, thank god people in mah office understood that I'm not useful at all :S
EDIT: My girl gave the looks when she read this.
Last edited by totozero18 on 3/19/2010 8:29:52 AM
The commmercial wasn't all that funny, but Sony did throw a few good punches around. I still <3 Kevin Butler!
But still not sold on the idea on the PSMove. I only play my Wii games w/ nunchuck attachment because it is the closest to a regular controller and unless something truly groundbreaking happens with the PSM, I'll pass.
LOL I love kevin butler! the jabs for Wii were hilarious. can't wait for the move now i can dust off my camera and use it.
Gotta love the shooter in 3rd grade joke..
Move with FightNight would be awesome….now EA why not put Manny Pacquiao on the cover on the next game…
Don Reisinger reminds everyone why we think he's a Microsoft Shill…
Please note this article is dated March 16, 2010 and yet still posts a link to PS3 that claims a $499.99 price tag. Considering the content of the article along with that, thre is no other conclusion than Don Reisinger is a biased fanboy posing as a writer. The comments on the article are hilariously uninformed as well. I am continually amazed at the sheer ignorance shown by 'mainstream' media outlets like cNet.
::rolls eyes::
I rarely to never read Cnet for this very reason. Don is a tool. Should he ever lose his job at Cnet he would fit right in at Destructoid.
What i also find funny, is that Greentoad is claiming Blue Ray is holding the PS3 back, yet 2009 and likely going forward, its proven to be the key to the PS3s long term success. PS3 exclusives are bigger and better and only keep getting bigger and better.
Now at least we know were all the Xbots get their ridiculous arguments about how "Blue Ray doesn't matter, FFXIII would have been better if designed on DVDs" etc.
Last edited by Jawknee on 3/18/2010 12:54:21 PM
I know what you mean. I had to double check the date on the article to be sure, I even cross referenced the dates on the comments. It reads like something written literally two years ago.
I know that Google News sometimes lists old article as false positives, but the dates on the comments are from Marched 2010 as well. Freaky.
Highlander, I read the article, what was it that Dan wrote that you found objectionable? I get the link at the bottom for $499. That was silly, and might not of been his fault, but the article seemed non biased to me. Past articles I have read of his have been leaning towards the XBOX, not I don't see this article being one of those.
Jawknee, "Greentoad" should not have said it is "holding" the PS3 back. He should have said it WAS holding the PS3 back, because early on, the Blu-Ray was so expensive, and the PS3's price point was so high, that they priced themselves out of the market.
Sony's answer at the time was they were forward thinking and thought in terms of 10 year cycles, so at the time it sounded like giberish defensive speak, but now if this trend continues, they will be shown to be genious.
It disgusts me that he can tout they have a base model for $199. Who wants a console with no harddrive?
Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 3/18/2010 4:26:10 PM
ha, He also said that MS was betting on digital distribution over blue ray, then touted the base model 360's with no HDD. Good luck trying to sell digital media to people with no hard drive to store it on Greentoad. ha!
You and Jawknee pretty much nailed it.
I've noticed most mainstream news has no clue what they are talking about when it comes to gaming. They tend to discuss things that haven't been relevant in over a year and even when it's not dated info it's just plain wrong.
My cousin calls me the other day and says, I saw on the news that the ps3 isn't selling well because they haven't had any big games come out this year.
I about died laughing. News people are ridiculous.
that ad was birlliant as ever!
Too bad mainstream gamers who have never heard of Natal won't get the Natal joke if this is played on TV.
Other than that though, its a great ad. I'm glad Sony finally got their crap together in the advertising department.
Oh, I think an edited version of this may air when MS drops Natal on the market. By then every Tom, Dick and Harry will have been told by MS that Natal (or whatever they actually call it) is the most advanced gaming control system ever, unique and exclusive to 360.
Right about then Kevin Butler shows up and skewers them.
Glad he makes fun of the competition.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 3/18/2010 3:58:56 PM
What if…Sony pulled an Apple and went after the 360 with a new ad campaign along side the hilarious Kevin Butler ones?
Here's what I am thinking. Remember the Apple commercials of Mac and PC discussing the various advantages of a Mac, and disadvantages of a PC? They were hilarious and very, very effective.
What we need, I think, is a campaign that features a Ninja, dressed in black, with an appropriately distinguished Japanese accent and a loud mouthed gamer from the southern US – you know, one of those really spotty, hardcore shooter nuts who cant see past his kill death ratio or his XBL account.
Commercial Opens;
::PS3 and 360 are standing side by side patiently. PS3 is limbering up, 360 is pretending to shoot something.::
::They look up as if noticing the camera for the first time.::
PS3: Ah, hello, I am PlayStation 3, you may call me PS3.
360: Hi, I'm an Xbox 360, but you can call me 360.
PS3: It is good to meet you, 360. Erm…what is that red light I see on your front?
360: Oh, don't pay no attention to tha…..
::Medics in white coats rush in with a utility cart and wheel out 360, while another team wheels in another 360.::
::PS3 looks on with concern.::
360: Hi I'm 360, sorry about that, my predecessor was a little too hot under the collar.
PS3: Very well. PlayStation 3 has BluRay, what do you have my Friend?
::360 makes a loud hacking noise clearing his throat before answering.::
360: Well, I got DVD, and it's real fast. Wanna see?
PS3: No, no. That is OK. I also have wireles Ethernet, do you?
360: Great question lil' buddy. I got this wire hangin' out of me, and if I'm rea….
PS3: 360? 360? You have that red light thing again. Are you OK?
::Medics quickly swap in another 360 who looks a little bewildered::
360: Sure is hot in here, could someone turn on the air? Please?
PS3: Yes. Please! Someone turn on the air coditioning, my t-shirt wearing friend here is finding it a little warm.
::360 hacks loudly again::
360: Oh no! Not again!
PS3: My friend? 360? What is it? Are you OK?
360: 74. 74. 74. 74.
::red light flashes on the front of 360's shirt::
PS3: Oh dear, it happened again!
::Fade to black. PS3 logo, Voice over "PlayStation". Fade in "It only does everything."::
Thats like 3 commercials right there! Awesome!
Sony! Give this man a job!
ROFLCOPTER good one, I could see that in mah head.
Awesome, Highlander, just awesome!!!!!!
i dont want to say this, but in all honesty, the more i look at those, the more i feel they are just a pair of innovated "self-serve" vibrator toys. i dont know, i just feel it that way. 😀
Best Sony marketing campaign since the ps1!