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PS3 Disappears Off Shelves In Wake Of God Of War III

One figured that God of War III would have a big impact on PlayStation 3 sales and although we won't have the official numbers until next month, the lack of PS3 systems at major retailers is telling.

Sony has mentioned a hardware shortage due to intense demand for the system (especially after the likes of Heavy Rain ) and the launch of SCEA Santa Monica's masterpiece isn't helping availability. Many retailers say they're sold out of the PS3; according to Punch Jump , the 120GB model held a "backordered status" at, and you couldn't even buy the 250GB version. Both models were out of stock at, and you couldn't find either PS3 at Best Buy, which also claims a "sold out" status. Right now, Sony's machine is very tough to come by, which is in stark contrast to late 2006 or early 2007, when you couldn't give one away. Of course, at that time, barely a few million PS3s were floating around the world; now, Sony has revealed that worldwide sales of the console are nearing 34 million, which is only a scant 5 million behind the competing Xbox 360.

Of course, most of you already have the PS3 so this news won't be a problem. However, what about all those other poor saps vainly searching around for a console when, by all rights, they should've already had one? Oh, we feel for them…

Related Game(s): God of War III

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14 years ago

lurking compulsive thumbdowner xbot fanboy, they are the comedic relief of PSXE , just pat them on the head and give them a treat they will leave you alone 😉

14 years ago

haven't started it yet , the husband had taken over the PS3 playing it!!

14 years ago

Are you the woman in the Kevin Butler ad? j/k

14 years ago

lol'd at 'the husband'

Last edited by totozero18 on 3/18/2010 7:19:24 AM

14 years ago

My thought is that they are sending most of the consoles across the pond because the euro is worth more than our once almighty dollar. Its business and I understand that what ever makes the most money is logical, but dang I would think it would sell more units in the U.S., but this is merely speculation, since I will be the first to admit I don't know much about how many consoles have sold over there as opposed to the States.

14 years ago

Side note.

I am a little jealous of all those who aleady have the game. I am on the 4 games out plan with Gamefly and it shipped on the 16th but it always takes 2 days to get to me, so it should be in the mail when I get home. I am a DIE hard GOW fan, but at my age of 30, I can't see spending $60 or more for ANY game ever again. Besides if I want to keep it from GF it is only 44.99 plus tax and no shipping so I don't mind waiting 1 extra day to save $20 on a brand new game.

14 years ago

Damn I'll have to wait a couple of days to pick it up.

14 years ago

For everyone looking for a Slim PS3… the Canadian Amazon Web site has both the 120GB and 250GB units in stock. I'm sure they'll ship to the US, too, since I'm able to buy stuff from the US Amazon store and I live in Canada. Just a heads up!

14 years ago


It only does Invisibility…

14 years ago

I need to wait for Best Buy to get them so I can use a damn gift card I got who knows how long ago. Any little thing to cut my cost helps me.

14 years ago

really? The Bestbuy and futureshop in Canada here seem do not having this out of stock problem. but anyway, it is a good sign for sony, glad to know.

14 years ago

If you live near a Fry's Electronics, they usually have them in stock. Amazon and Newegg are out of stock. If you are in desperate need of a PS3, you can always find one on craigslist (watch out for scammers).

I don't remember the PS2 having this problem mid-cycle. I guess Sony underestimated their own console (probably wouldn't have been so quick to drop the price to $299 if they could have seen the future). I think a lot of people would have been willing to pay $399 to play GoWIII, GT5 and now Heavy Rain.

14 years ago

Still playing my first no upgrade hard run. What I love about God of War game is you can always find a way to beat your enemies with just your basic weapons.

14 years ago


You saying you play it on hard for your 1st playthrough and don't use any of your red orbs to upgrade any weapons or magic?

Is that a trophy or something? Just wondering why you would do that if it isn't.

14 years ago

I always play games on normal before I move on to tougher settings.

I don't really know if there's a trophy for that to be honest, but I've done it with I, II and CoO after I completed the game, and this time I decided to start early and go straight into hard setting with no weapon & magic upgrades to challenge myself. I want to be difficult, I don't want to feel too easy like many people are suggesting but with hard setting and no upgrades, it has become pretty tough lol

14 years ago

there is nothing i despise more than paying 60 bucks , playing an awsome game and just when im enjoying it to its fullest i realize im an hour away from beating it and i got it a week ago….

with good games? i wnat to savor every bit of pixelated candy that they can produce, i want it to last for me, so i usually go hard right of the bat just to make em last longer, depends on the game though….sigma 1 and 2 on hard…hmmmm HELLL NO , its hard enough as it is lol

14 years ago

I think that there would be a PS3 shortage even without GOW.

14 years ago

I went to the sony site and found the retailers they work with and the sony retailer site says there will be more available April 1, kind of funny as it's april fools heh

14 years ago

That is years for $299 to just sit in wait in gamers' wallets.

14 years ago

ps3's were very hard to get for about 2 months b4 gow3's release!

14 years ago

It's a good thing my dealer always have PS3 stocked in.

14 years ago

got the ultimate edition today its amazing what people will pay for things on ebay.
one of my classmates from tafe sold his today on ebay for 500 bucks!

extremely disappointed, the DLC code for the making of doc does not work.
sigh, can sony release one game and everything work?
just once thats all im asking!
i dont think thats too much to ask.

14 years ago

I have a sneaking suspicion that this ps3 console shortage may be a marketing ploy. If the shortage gets bad enough, for long enough major news groups will begin to pick up on it.

I hope this is what they are doing because it would be brilliant. If the ps3 shortage starts being broadcast on general news sites and not just gaming sites it could very well cause even more interest in the ps3, especially among casual gamers or people looking for a media device.

The shortage could cause non-hardcore gamers to realize the potential that the ps3 has for things other than gaming. Causing a swell in desire from no gamers.

Sony could simply be causing this shortage, simply to give them time to build up surplus, so that when suddenly everyone has a ps3 in stock, people will make a mad rush to there local electronics store of choice to purchase a ps3 and no one will be left wanting.

I hope this is so, because after trailing only slightly behind the 360 in the us for a few months, it would be awesome to see it have a month where it sales double the amount the 360 does.

14 years ago

Traded some multipats in today and picked up God of War III and Metal Gear Solid 4.

Played a couple of hours of GOWIII and it's good but it hasn't gripped me yet. All this hype has left me a little flat with the final product. I'm not sure what I was expecting!
The graphics are amazing though.

After Uncharted 2 and Heavy Rain, I am going to try and concentrate on the PS3 exclusives for a while.

14 years ago

Try MGS4, I command you to do so

14 years ago

agreed,all im gonna say is….nah i cant spoil it for you…lets just say that the nostalgia you will enjoy after you run into mgs'1 metal gear rex is NOTHING compared to what you do next 😉

also, raiden = badaaaaaaaaaaassssssssss!!

14 years ago

I GUESS the awesomeness of Kratos can possibly not be everyone's cup o' tea ( I really can't believe I said that). So on the other hand MGS4 is a great back up. I was watchin my cuz play again (for the 100th time it seems) and it is astonishing how it still beats the pants off newer games.

14 years ago

I just got a mail from the store I pre-ordered my GoW III copy, of which I should've gotten the special edition for free, since I pre-ordered. I cite: Unfortunately the news has reached us that our supplier lost the shipment of special editions, there for you will recieve the regular edition, we are very sorry and you will recieve a voucher with the downloadable content next week. You will still recieve your copy of the game at the set date.

Sigh… there goes my special edition… well at least I'll still have the game, and that's the most important thing.

14 years ago

For the one person who suggested that Americans buy their PlayStation 3 off, apparently you never read the International Shipping Help section, can only ship books, CDs, DVDs, and VHS videos anywhere outside Canada, electronics can't be shipped to any address outside Canada.

That being said, I can't wait for my copy to hit my mailbox, then it will sit around till I finish the first two games, I've been too busy playing Red Faction: Guerrilla and BioShock 2 to get to them.

14 years ago

wow i thought i was the only one doing it, im restraining myself , until i fnish that second one never could quite kill those bishsnits on hard…..not gonna lie though, i HAD to put it in and play the first few minutes…, and all im going to say is HOLY SHIT EPIC SQUARED INDEEED

14 years ago

Well, how about my predicament? My PS3 gave me the yellow light Tuesday of last week. It a March 2007 Manufactured 60GB PS3, which makes it worse. Now the PS3 systems are hard to come by. I usually don't get money to buy things like game consoles, but now I have the money, my PS3 dies, and I can't buy one. It sucks so much, I had just got Heavy Rain. >_<

14 years ago

Dude, try the fix unless your under warranty! I actually had to try it on my bro's ps3 and AMAZINGLY it worked!!! I'm no rocket-scientist or computer savvy in anyway and we did it! I've posted the link before but here it is again…TRUST me it works and his ps3 is still going on strong…

14 years ago

wow, sony is the black beast!!! in this year alone they have sold more ps3's than the first 2 years of xboxes i think, and add to that the fact that A LOT of xboxers have bought more than one console on their time playing it…

goes to show that numbers dont mean squat if they are not profit, 35 mill ps3s vs 40 mill xboxs , a quarter of at least are people rebuying new consoles

PS: im playng the ghetto gow 2 on the ps2 with composite cables , it does look pretty decent , grainy of course on a 32 inch tv but very much playable, ill probably upgrade them at some point to the ps3 versions but right now…meh, whats the point lol

Last edited by Irievibes on 3/18/2010 3:37:26 PM

14 years ago

Don't sweat…. Or, at least drive yourself nuts finding a Wii or PS3. Use the power of the internet and use a tracker to find a PS3 or Wii in stock.

Zoolert is one and it works. And it's free – and it only finds it at retail, at "real" stores.

14 years ago

I used to have a PS3 until about a month ago when my house was broken into and my 60GB PS3 among other things was taken. Now that I am ready to get the system again I can't find it. I live in Chicago and most stores are sold out. What the heck Sony.