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Molyneux On Heavy Rain: “Absolutely Brilliant”

Many will agree that Quantic Dream's Heavy Rain is an example of the future of gaming; that it represents a mature, intelligent, innovative step forward for the industry.

Well, designer Peter Molyneux certainly agrees. PlayStation fans aren't always on board with this guy, as he typically spearheads games that simply don't arrive for Sony's consoles, but his experience is undeniable. In regards to Heavy Rain , Molyneux says the game is "absolutely brilliant." He even admits to being so emotionally affected by the experience that he simply couldn't continue. As summarized by Joystiq , Molyneux offered these candid thoughts in an interview with Frank Rose at SXSW this week:

"I recommend anyone who wants to start to see the first glimpses of the future of video games to go out and buy it. But, personally, I could not bring myself to play more than 90 minutes, because the world that was there was so dark and so emotionally involving I felt emotionally beaten up.

But there's no question in my mind that games like Heavy Rain — games that have a new fidelity in the way that they present their experiences; obviously made with cinematography and motion capture in mind — can really show the way forward to a new form of entertainment, which is evolving the story and choices and consequences."

We couldn't have said it better ourselves. And this only proves that excellent entertainment experiences can have a profound impact on just about everyone, and something like Heavy Rain will continue to influence developers for quite some time. Molyneux also complimented Quantic Dream on the design of the game in question, saying the QTEs "really meant that you had to pay attention all the time because you didn't know whether these quick-time events were going to come up." He also says that what the team does with Heavy Rain is "really revolutionary."

We may not get Fable on the PS3 but an exclusive title certainly managed to impress a guy who routinely embraces the Xbox 360. Platforms are irrelevant in the face of brilliance.

Related Game(s): Heavy Rain

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14 years ago

Lately Peter been showing signs of interest in the ps3, and he's welcome too try to make a rpg on the ps3. Playb3yond

14 years ago

Wait wait wait. He got all that from playing for an hour and a half? What a turkey. Play the game before you start reviewing it you blabbermouth.

Last edited by Alienange on 3/16/2010 9:59:07 PM

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

He isn't reviewing the game. He's merely adding commentary into what he felt while he tried the game. Some people connected with this game right from the start. I, for one, got "sucked" in right away.

14 years ago

Not a fan of this fellow for his constant untruths about his games, but I did enjoy the first Fable. He's right of course, the game is very emotional, but still if you don't finish it I have little respect for you. I just got my first playthrough done, kept em all alive, got 44% trophies and was surprised at the killer's identity.

I'd like to write a mystery that comes off in a similar way, so it is inspiring to say the least.

14 years ago

fable is a good game but imagine what it could have been if he had done on the ps3 and not the crash box.

Anyways its good to see other developers taking notice of heavy rain and the power of the ps3

14 years ago

Would be nice to find a developer to play it for more than 90 minutes.

14 years ago

This is the kind of quality you get when you dedicate yourself to 1 console.

I mean, I bet he even agrees that if he tried to make Fable for both the 360 and ps3 it would have been a SHORT game with a lot of elements missing.

Nick Maim
Nick Maim
14 years ago

Molyneux might be fishing for a job, getting feedback to the idea of a 3rd installment of Fable on PS3, or he may be simply giving credit where credit is due.

All this talk and it doesn't change or distract from the fact that Milo is lame.

14 years ago

Fable 3 is confirmed as 360 exclusive, and a massive departure from the other two. Instead of having your own adventure you are some King who gives orders. Some kind of strategy elements maybe.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 3/16/2010 10:27:51 PM

14 years ago

that doesnt sound interesting if you start off as a king. maybe if you were disgraced and had to win back your kingdom or it was a average guy that rose up to be the king. but if you start as a king and issuing orders, it does sound like a strategy game. plus battles/setting wont seem as big compared to a average guy fighting.

14 years ago

I have always liked the Fable games for what they were and not really what was promised because well, we all know what happened to those promises.

Anyway, I have been tracking Fable 3 best that I can and apparently you start off as some dude and build up an army to become the king and then you can observe your kingdom a la an RTS without any of the RTS input. The fighting is going to again be easy because they want you to feel powerful and bad@55 all the time. You are supposedly going to have to interact deeply with people and towns and such to actually win them over and have a prosperous kingdom or social life but that sounds like one of those empty promises again and I suspect you will just have to run around and act like a chicken and make armpit farts to win favour as per the norm.

Hope that gives anyone interested an idea of what to expect, or at least what they have said to expect.

Nick Maim
Nick Maim
14 years ago

Maybe he's singing the praises of Heavy Rain, telling people it's the future of gaming, then ripping off game mechanics for Fable 4.. stating it's inevitable. It's "The Future of gaming, like I said before…" – Peter Molyneux

Nick Maim
Nick Maim
14 years ago

meant to reply World^^


14 years ago

I'll always welcome praise for the ps3 and it's exclusives, even from questionable characters.

I've heard a lot of people asking for a multiplat fable game. Isn't fable a M$ game? I thought lionhead studios was a M$ subsidiary. If so isn't a ps3 fable pretty much guaranteed to never happen?

14 years ago

Who is Molyneux?

14 years ago

The guy behind Fable and that abomination "Milo."

14 years ago

The guy behind Fable?
Well I never played Fable so I wouldn't look into this guy.

14 years ago

Shame on all you guys for not knowing who Peter Molyneux is, or any of his work!

Google and learn how his work has contributed a great deal to the games industry from the 8bit days and then give yourself a thumbs down for showing such ignorance.

14 years ago

I almost want to cry, some people deserve to be still playing pong!

14 years ago

Welcome, Peter……

14 years ago

Can't we all just…get along?

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
14 years ago

At least Peter Molyneux has good tastes. Now if he could only make a good RPG…

14 years ago

Only 90 minutes in & you're so drained that you quit???

Oh come on now, pour some Miracle-Gro on your testicles, & get on with it already!!!!

(T'was a nice acknowledgment you made towards H.R. though)

14 years ago

This guy sounds like a bit of a pansy. The game was obviously emotional but only 90 minutes. That's pathetic.

14 years ago

"Platforms are irrelevant in the face of brilliance."

Yes indeed Ben… enough said!


" play . experience . enjoy "

Last edited by Qubex on 3/17/2010 12:08:40 AM

14 years ago

Unless the platform it stands on is so cheap it crumbles to dust and drops the brilliance in the mud.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 3/17/2010 12:14:34 AM

14 years ago

Then the PS3 comes along and drapes its jacket over the mud so we can all cross safely.

Isn't that sweet?

14 years ago

I thought the controller was a "barrier" and all Peter…

14 years ago

Wow, I'm actually on board with something he's said…except for the 90 minutes bit, of course. On my sixth playthru now 🙂

14 years ago

if heavy rain is the future of gaming strap me in and fire up the kettle!
i had by far the most fun playing heavy rain, than any other video game ever.
i have never felt so attached to the characters and experienced so many emotions at once, never have i played a game trespassed into someones house and feel so stiff and scared that the owner is going to walk in the door.

in fact it has such a effect on me its made me a little squeamish.
normally im not sensitive to things on screen, i can see a person put through the most painful thing known to man and i feel fine.
but today i was watching TV and someone got stabbed in the leg with a ice pick and my stomach turned, felt like i was going to be sick.

going to be interesting to see what GOW3 does to me tomorrow 😉

14 years ago

Wait a minute,
I specifically recall you putting Heavy Rain down, saying you didn't understand the story, that you didn't really care for all the QTE's and then preceded to spout out the killers name. Make up your mind already.

I will say that this is the first post that I have read from you that didn't have anything negative in it. Even if it does contradict everything that you have previously said about Heavy Rain.

14 years ago

apparently two different people use the account or he has split personalities.

Case solved.

14 years ago

bi-polar disorder

but it's nice to see a positive post from you, line guy. i knew you had it in you! 😉

14 years ago

i never said i did not like the QTEs in heavy rain, there the best bloody part.
stop putting words in my mouth.
for fu**s sake can i say one fu**ing thing without someone jumping down my through?
i complain you bitch.
i praise you bitch.
what the fu** do you want?

14 years ago

Agreed just platinumed HR last night awesome game

14 years ago

You did?? So how many different endings are there? Is it really 22?

14 years ago

Positive comments are always welcome when they are sincere comments. Glad to see other people involved with video games (despite the console) can appreciate quality gaming experiences.

P.S- Some of you guys are really starting to sound like extremist PS3 fan-boys. I mean I know the 360 lovers have their unwavering loyalty, but I thought we were different over here. Stooping down to their level is basically saying we're no different than they are. It's not just about the PS3 obviously being the better system…it's about our ability to accept the facts and give credit where it's due. Otherwise, we're just a bunch of PS3 fan-boy jerks defending an awesome system.

But don't mind me…strike the iron while it's hot.

14 years ago

well said !

14 years ago

It's good to hear that even some of the 360 people can have respect for something that's just great, even though it's PS3 exclusive.

I am planning on getting Heavy Rain this month, if all checks out.

14 years ago

Regardless of your favorite console Heavy Rain is a great game. It's also the first game where I had to use my tongue to complete a QTE.

14 years ago


I can honestly say I did the very same thing.


14 years ago

lol i thought i was the only weirdo that did that

14 years ago

Never cared to hear what he had to say.

Even though he is talking about one of my favorite games..

I still don't.

14 years ago

Molyneux just need to shut his mouth.

14 years ago

Heavy Rain is a great game with a gripping story. Who the killer ended up being was a great suprise. I am not a fan of Peter Molyneux, I can't believe he has a PS3 with him being such a fanboy for the 360.

14 years ago

I have fond memories of Peter Molyneux, he is a great game designer but it feels like since Lionhead went the way of MS studios it has been nothing but downhill for them.

His commenting on Heavy Rain after only playing for 90 minutes feels a bit of an insult, play the god damn game Peter! your a grown up now!

14 years ago

wow molyneux actually complementing a ps3 game, wheres the Guinness record book lol. now i love fable 1 and 2 one of the best rpg titles ever. molyneux just needs to stop sipping down the bong water to much cause when he opens his mouth he over exaggerate on his game or Milo game for natal. he kinda reminds me of Steve jobs in some ways very calm looks like his high and talks like his making something new and fresh when its not all that new.

Last edited by Bloodysilence19 on 3/17/2010 9:44:40 PM

14 years ago

@ OtisFeelgood

SPOILER ALERT: no there's 18 epilogues including the "news report" epilogue….they are divided into the different characters though…so its like 18 in total but divided between the four main characters…..

14 years ago

@ OtisFeelgood

SPOILER ALERT: no there's 18 epilogues including the "news report" epilogue….they are divided into the different characters though…so its like 18 in total but divided between the four main characters…..

14 years ago

@ OtisFeelgood

SPOILER ALERT: no there's 18 epilogues including the "news report" epilogue….they are divided into the different characters though…so its like 18 in total but divided between the four main characters…..