Update: And less than an hour after publishing this story, we receive confirmation that this Game of the Year Edition WILL be coming to North America. We have to wait until May, but it's coming.
Original Story:
If you didn't get a chance to experience one of last year's best and you live in Europe, Asia, or Australia, you'll definitely want to consider picking up this snazzy Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition.
Scheduled to arrive in the aforementioned regions on March 26, this special release of 2009's gem includes the option for full 3D plus Batman and Joker-themed 3D glasses. As if that's not enough, you'll also receive 6 new Challenge Maps and of course, an experience that's almost unrivaled in the action/adventure realm. You can view the video over at Joystiq , which is bound to get your blood pumping; those who have already played it will want to dive in again, and those who missed out will feel regretful. We're not entirely sure why the Game of the Year Edition has only been confirmed for Europe, Asia and Australia, but we're hoping they will announce it for North America at some point in the near future. After all, the game sold very well in this region, too, and I'm relatively certain there are plenty of big-time Batman fans here in the US. We're talking about the best superhero game of all time, right?
Anyway, we'll let you know if the 3D-enabled Arkham Asylum will come your way; in the meantime, Euro gamers have something to crow about.
Related Game(s): Batman: Arkham Asylum
Talk about unexpected… but welcomed nonetheless. Even if the 3D is not amazing, it's still good to have as an extra, even if the glasses turn out to be cooler than the effect itself!
got an email about this from square enix? Didnt think they had anything to do with it.
Anyway those red and blue 3D glasses are next to useless and would probably worsen the experience rather than improve it, but hey 6 new maps sounds good and i still need to pick this game up
Last edited by PAKINIPS on 3/16/2010 11:08:01 AM
Sorry Sweed, but that is incorrect.
The glasses commonly used in theatres (good theatres) are polarised, so as to seem just a darkened lens. This results in less loss of colour in the picture and also no tinting of your vision. The ones with AA:GoTY seem like the bog standard ones. Also if this 3D was on par with theatre 3D believe me when I say that the new 3D-enabled TVs would never have been manufactured (even if it's just a ploy for TV makers to make more money, no major companies would purposefully deceive consumers in this way), and they do it much better as they are optimised for 3D (through better refresh rate etc.). An example of this are the 3D movies on blu-ray released (e.g. Journey To The Centre of The Earth) where the glasses are so tinted that the viewing experience is highly unsatisfactory.
Hopefully, these glasses will surprise with the standard of 3D it provides :).
How the two (different) glasses work are somewhat the same but they are nothing alike. The ones you get in theaters have different polarization in each lens so you won't see both images in one eye. Looks like the ones you get in this set are the older ones you got when you were little. The red and green lensed ones work by using two different colors to trick your eyes.
That's why you can't swap the two different pair of glasses for another.
Last edited by vicious54 on 3/16/2010 1:32:37 PM
Sweedie, you may be able to see that, but the new glasses don't work with the old movies and the old glasses don't work with the new movies. So yes they are different forms of 3D.
*Swats vicious for beating me to that point*
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 3/16/2010 1:45:09 PM
looks like its the 1960's type of 3d, where you dont need a 3d tv, spose makes sense as sony hasnt released the new firmware making the ps3 3d enabled, i think i'l wait for the proper 3d, with a 3d enabled tv.
I am going to blame Canada for the lack of an announcement for the North American region.
When all else fails, blame Canada.
Also keep a close eye on Switzerland.
Those tricky Swiss and their delicious hot chocolate lulling me into a false sense of security.
What are you talking about. The swiss are neutral. You know this. They do promote the hot cocoa though.
Good game but only worth a one time purchase. In fact if i ever get platinum ill probably sell it.
i agree, i rented it and already got platinum. shock and awe challenge rooms were a pain. Anyway, theres nothing to do after the game after you finished the main story and challenge rooms. I'm actually waiting to find it real cheap because i want to add it to my collection. also looking for heavenly sword but its still 59 buck. the hell is up with that?
Yea those challenge room trophies are crazy hard. The game was a blast, but after running through it a few times, it got boring. I haven't played it for a while. Maybe when there's a game drought ill play it again. Ha.
The Swiss are OK with me,
I like their cheese, chocolate, Army knifes, and watches.
But their yodeling…….nahh, not so much.
Last edited by BikerSaint on 3/16/2010 1:01:58 PM
wat, yodeling is the shizzit man.
I don't like the GotY system, i reckon there should only be one awrard ceremony, too many games get the title.
You're right,
it sound's like sh!t to me too.
I'll be wondering on the price, as I'd really like to play this game. Have been waiting for a price drop but this is good news as I now have more stuff to make the wait even more worth it.
360 can't do proper 3D, what did you guys expect?
I already bought this game ,no need to get another copy .If they sell the glasses separate and give the current disc an update maybe I'll try it out .
Oh, it's joker themed glasses. I could have sworn those were MW2 themed glasses. Oh well, even Batman can't make wearing 3D glasses cool. I'll pass.
How about real 3D and the shutter 3D glasses in a replica of Batman's cowl, would that appeal to you?
Good thinking Vicious! Now THOSE I'd fork out for, if only for the fact I'd finally be able to get a Batman cowl not made out of cloth!
I like the word "cowl"
My only concern is for the people that got the game already. I hope that the new maps will be given to all who already already have the game.
As DLC maybe.
Thanks but I'll pass did the first one dont need to do the GOTY one. 6 new extra maps will not make me rush out and get this one even it it is in 3D.
A good option for those who haven't played this excellent game!
huh did i miss something?
since when can the ps3 play 3D games?
wont i need a 3D TV to take advantage of this?
well thats going to be kinda hard since none are in existence yet.
anyway, o wait i forgot something, cant pin point it but i feel like i missed something shocking.
oh well im sure ill remember, give me a hour or so.
i think i need glasses or something because the text up there says the US is not getting the game till may, and AU is getting it in 6 days.
yup, for sure i need glasses.
off i go to the optometrist!
Last edited by ___________ on 3/17/2010 2:19:12 AM
This is Anaglyph 3D isn't it? Ewww…