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Epic On Gears Of War: We Own The Rights To It

It all depends on which company owns the rights. That's one of the reasons for the current Activision/Infinity Ward war.

So when we all wonder if a currently exclusive series might go multiplatform, the first step is to determine the whereabouts of the title rights. Who's got 'em? Well, in the case of the critically acclaimed and immensely popular Gears of War , the developer has a firm grasp on the rights. Epic VP Mark Rein said as much at this year's Game Developers Conference last week, and added that they "can do as they please" with Gears . That being said, he added that they "have a great relationship with Microsoft" and they're "pretty happy with the way things are going." so to assume they will automatically take Gears to the PS3 is erroneous. The possibility is there, but for now, that's it. For the record, though, Epic does work with multiple platforms and other publishers, as evidenced by the People Can Fly shooter (supposedly known as "Bulletstorm"), which is set to be published by EA. Rein referenced a project "with EA" and although it hasn't been announced, they'll provide us with more information "soon." So it's not a matter of Epic being stuck creating games only for the Xbox 360, and Microsoft does not have the rights to the Gears of War franchise.

Just thought that was worth a clarification. The series in question really is fantastic and one of my favorites of the generation. Many might say Uncharted 2: Among Thieves took the third-person shooter crown last year but most PS3 owners would very likely welcome Gears of War 3 .

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14 years ago

The claim more exclusives? LOL! Are they counting XBL titles but not PSN titles?

14 years ago

I have no idea, every time i read an interview with the King of Trolls(Aaron Greentoad) he always uses that talking point with out actually naming any of the titles. Its kinda sad. All i saw that was exclusive was, Halo, Halo, Halo, Halo, Gears, Gears 2, Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2. Which are all essentially the same game just wrapped in different wrapping paper and story.

Last edited by Jawknee on 3/15/2010 11:53:46 AM

14 years ago

Wow… you're right. They're all different types of martian shooters. Oh, and they also have that Viva Pinata game. Don't forget that! LOL.

If I was Rare, I'd be kicking my ass for not staying with Nintendo (or going to Sony).

Last edited by tridon on 3/15/2010 12:31:06 PM

14 years ago

i can see them having more exclusive, i mean it did have a year head start. I dont see them making the claim that they have more AAA (amazing) exclusives than Sony. Hell i bet Nintendo got Microsoft beat on number of exclusives because everything on that system is waggle exclusive.

14 years ago

I think everyone just needs to get a copy of Unreal Tournament on PS3 and download all the user created maps and mods available for it. They even have a 3rd person camera mod that really gives it that "Gears" feel. And did I mention that it's hella fun? Not to mention the bots and their awesome names! lol

14 years ago

Definitely! I love UTIII on the PS3 and the fact that there was mods made it even cooler. At $20 a copy now, you can not go wrong!

14 years ago

hahaha, i bought the game and tried using the Master chief costume just to see how many people would get pissed. lets just say it wasnt a fair game.

14 years ago

maybe this is the big game OPM is teasing. If it is i could care less i am sick of FPSs, i skiped over battlefield bad company 2 for sonic and sega allstar racing and it was the best move i ever made. i am really enjoying it reminds me of mario cart 64.

14 years ago

I'm getting sick of first-person shooters, too, but in all fairness, Gears of War is a third-person shooter.

14 years ago

MS needs that series too much, that and Halo is all they have.

14 years ago

Watch for Mark Rein's termination without notice sometime next week.

14 years ago

Will they sue him like Activision would?

14 years ago

Well I hope they don't get evicted by bouncer-types, rather, girls in bikini.

14 years ago

IS gears not Quatum theory as Dante Infeno =/= GOW III. i DON'T know but i think i like Gears… i have learnt to think like a Gamer and not a fanboy.. cheers

14 years ago

Just because someone finds Gears of War lame doesn't mean their a fanboy.

14 years ago

Notice the person that took offense was Jawknee. lol. Just admit it Jawks.

14 years ago

Im a fanboy and your a rabid troll.

14 years ago

At least you FINALLY admitted what you are haha

14 years ago

When are YOU going to admit that your in love with me? It's obvious you are since you just can't stop following me around troll.

14 years ago

No I just want you to admit that you are a troll and a fanboy. Until you stop with your fanboy comments, and admit that YOU ARE A FANBOY, I'm gonna be riiiight here. Or at least until Ben sees how big of a fan kid you are.

14 years ago

Nice to know you have your priorities in order.

14 years ago

All I know about gears is that it's a 3rd person shooter with a dude in a huge futuristic outfit.

It looks like 3rd person halo without the helmet.

If it came to ps3, I'd probably get it off amazon or newegg once it was $15. Too many ps3 exclusives to take my money as it is.

14 years ago

3rd person Halo without the helmet sounds like it must be a whole generation ahead of Halo. I mean, how good a developer are you if you have to cover your character's face with a shiny helmet & visor instead of rendering a face? Seems like Bungie would want to show off their prowess by having a beautifully rendered and animated face on their hero. At least Gears of War shows the face of heroism, Epic didn't take the easy way out and rendered a face.

14 years ago

Oh c'mon highlander, that master chiefs helmet has a lot of edges, those can be tricky. 😉

14 years ago

Hey highlander I kind of disagree with you there. I think the helmet and not showing the face kind of adds to the mystique. You know like some wrestlers and some superheros. I could be wrong as to their true reason though…

14 years ago

We're fighting for one thing : money. It's a war out there, Devs VS Publishers

14 years ago

"In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women." – Tony Montana

14 years ago

Greed is good – except when you a) get caught, b) destroy your company or c) destroy the economy.

14 years ago

I think I was burned out on shooters by the end of the PS2 era. If I wanted one, there are like a thousand of them available on the PS3. I guess that tells you how excited I am about this game possibly going multi-platform.

14 years ago

Sorry I don't want 360's hand-me-downs.

14 years ago

Give it a few more months and the PS3 will have outsold the 360 globally and it will be a hand-me-up…


14 years ago

lol nice.

14 years ago

I played the first Gears and wasnt too impressed by it. 90% grayscale, terrible dialogue, dull story… I just dont get why people love it so much, the whole thing just had me bored to tears.

14 years ago

I say bring it over, Epic can make the PS3 the lead platform for any of it's titles.

14 years ago

Xbox fanboys heads will explode if that ever happens. If it ever it happens I'll laugh ass off.

14 years ago

i wouldn't lmao because the second that happens then it would come back and bite me on the a$$

for instance look at FFXIII, 360 fanboys erupted with "what now?"s and just plain laughter…. the result? ps3 has a superior version of the game, even though we all knew that before hand anyway 😉

karma is a b!tch

14 years ago

Eh I've beaten the first one with my friend and played a good portion of 2. They can keep it.

14 years ago

Yeah this game was fun playing split screen but that's it I tryed single but stoped and never played it again.we need more split screen games gears would be good on the PS3 well at least for a wile.

Solaris Knight
Solaris Knight
14 years ago

This will never happen. Cliff Bleszenski has already stated he doesn't like working on Sony's machine. Also note that Epic's Unreal Engine is in about 60% of the games made; Epic has made so much money from royalties and licensing that there would be no need to waste time and development costs on a multiplatform Gears of War. The Uncharted series is an intelligent, well written shooter that is unparalleled in breadth and scope. Gears and Epic might have ushered in cover based shooters but Uncharted and Naughty Dog perfected them. Gears and Epic should stay on Micro$oft system(s); that's the demograpic they are looking for and I'll reiterate: "Do we really need another shooter?"

Last edited by Solaris Knight on 3/15/2010 7:46:33 PM

14 years ago

Man, it would be of "EPIC" proportions if Gears came over here!

And by not only giving MS a taste of the same rotten karma they have caused all the PS3's fan-base, but also some great "payback" right back up the ole MS wazoo too.

14 years ago

so pretty much, Epic is microsoft's Insomniac?

14 years ago


No, I meant "Epic" as in my second sentence … MS paybacks

14 years ago

Except that Epic created the Unreal Engine on the PS3 as well, and have a PS3 commitment. Insomniac has zero 360 commitment.

14 years ago

Gears is one of the few great exclusives on the 360, Microsoft will do anything to keep it.

It would be nice for it to come to the PS3 though.

14 years ago

Gear was not my thing let M$ keep it, I have unchartered and it's way better than gears!

14 years ago


14 years ago

Never played Gears. Gotta say though, it looked like a solid game. As for the lack of colors in the game…maybe that was just the artistic preference? Although I probably would sit better with a more lively canvas in front of me, it probably wouldn't bother me much. So instead of saying I don't want Gears…I'll say that I don't need Gears. I've got my hands full with Uncharted and all these other shooters out here so I don't necessarily have to have it. However, if it came to the PS3 system it would be a welcomed addition IMO. If any 360 exclusive title could come over to the PS3, I would grab Fable. Can't have enough awesome RPG's nowadays. Especially after they recently buried the true Final Fantasy franchise. What a waste!

14 years ago

I love Uncharted 1 & 2, but if we ever see Gears 3 or maybe 4 come to the PS3, I'm not gonna pretend it's nothing. I'd be happy to give it a try.

14 years ago

i would literally scream so loud all the windows on planet earth would shatter if gears 3 was indeed coming to ps3, and actually utilizes it none of this crappy port BS.
gears 2 is my favorite shooter of this gen, it actually forces you to change your tactics, plan ahead and not cover camp unlike another game *cough* killzone 2 *cough* sorry i got a really bad cold.

14 years ago

I'll say this for the idea, let it come over to the ps3 just to bring about an outpouring of rage from the xbots.

Then to further cause insult to injury we can all play something else instead.