It all depends on which company owns the rights. That's one of the reasons for the current Activision/Infinity Ward war.
So when we all wonder if a currently exclusive series might go multiplatform, the first step is to determine the whereabouts of the title rights. Who's got 'em? Well, in the case of the critically acclaimed and immensely popular Gears of War , the developer has a firm grasp on the rights. Epic VP Mark Rein said as much at this year's Game Developers Conference last week, and added that they "can do as they please" with Gears . That being said, he added that they "have a great relationship with Microsoft" and they're "pretty happy with the way things are going." so to assume they will automatically take Gears to the PS3 is erroneous. The possibility is there, but for now, that's it. For the record, though, Epic does work with multiple platforms and other publishers, as evidenced by the People Can Fly shooter (supposedly known as "Bulletstorm"), which is set to be published by EA. Rein referenced a project "with EA" and although it hasn't been announced, they'll provide us with more information "soon." So it's not a matter of Epic being stuck creating games only for the Xbox 360, and Microsoft does not have the rights to the Gears of War franchise.
Just thought that was worth a clarification. The series in question really is fantastic and one of my favorites of the generation. Many might say Uncharted 2: Among Thieves took the third-person shooter crown last year but most PS3 owners would very likely welcome Gears of War 3 .
Sorry, I'll stick to Uncharted. I like colors on my games 🙂
Precisely. It's hard not to notice the bad color pallets in most games. Especially Xbox games. After Uncharted, I've become spoiled.
EVERYTHING looks bad after Uncharted 2. That game is unbelievable.
crysis 1 and soon to be 2 is still looking good D:
why is it that gears constantly gets dissed for bland colors, but games like resistance and killzone 2 get a free pass?
The color palette is fine to me, its part of the 'ambiance,' if you will, of GoW. The games are freaking awesome. I love UnCharted, but I'd gladly welcome GeoW. If it ever came to the PS3, I could sell my xBox once and for all.
I'd totally play Gears 3 if it came to ps3, wouldnt be high on my purchase list though.
ROFLMAO…what if we see Sony pull of a total M$ at E3?
Jack Tretton: So as you can see we have an enormous amount of great exclu- *pat on shoulder* OMG CLIFF BLESZINSKI!!! WTF ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?!
Cliff: Well Jack, let's just say that I would like to add one more to that big ass list of exclusives you have!
*shows some game*
Oh and one more thing…everyone take a look at this trailer –
*Gears of War 3 trailer*
*PS3 fanboys erupt*
*Regular gamers – "ok…"*
Jack: We're so happy to have Queers of- I mean Gears of War 3 coming to PS3. *this is a parody of the moron (M$ spokes person) who messed up "Metal Guild Solid."*
By the way – please excuse my imagination. It can go a bit insane at times. =)
Last edited by shadowpal2 on 3/15/2010 6:06:59 PM
I think M$ will just write them a check for exclusivity to the 3rd one. It's not like they have any 1st party studios to worry about.
Gears of War 3 on PS3 – synergy – and sales…MS would have to write a pretty fat check to compensate for the millions of copies of Gears that would otherwise sell on the PS3.
true, but its not like they havent done it before plus they seem to have unlimited funds. Hell, they paid about 50 million for a couple of DLC which were only timed exclusives.
I would love gears 3. It would be awesome too if they released 1 and 2 on a single blu ray. That would make my day! I actually said this in an earlier story published on this site about what we thought the gttv game announcement would be. I hoped more than believed, but now that epic said this, then why not. It's funny that sony can't keep any of it's third party exclusives because the companies can't afford to stay exclusive, but Microsoft has all these third party developers that are content as a cucumber to stay exclusive. Might there be a bit of microsoft's endless supply of the almighty dollar being slipped under the table?
plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz
it doesnt deserve as much plz as twisted metal, but if this and DOA comes to ps3 , i can finally say bye bye to the only thing M$ in my house 🙂
I would welcome DOA, especially since it isn't MS exclusive in any way.
i still play Dead or Alive 2 hardcore on the ps3 once in a while.
I wouldnt buy this but it would be great to take off MS like they took MGS and FF.
Only game on 360 exclusive i like is Fable, would love for that to go multiplat
Agreed. I was pretty disappointed when I finally tried Gears (too much hype I guess), but it would be a great way to stick it to MS.
Last edited by JasperLoons on 3/15/2010 11:24:29 AM
That Molyneux nut might actually accomplish some of the things he pretends his games do if he used the PS3.
They took MGS? If you say so…
They really didn't take MGS they just like to think they did. In all honesty I think the Raiden game will be ok but I probably won't get it. MGS is Snake sneaking around it wouldn't be the same.
Ron Burgundy!!!!
@Alienage, nooo all they've got is MG(ARR) they only dream of MGS, btw I finished Gears on PC definitely not what I've expected…..I played it only because of the chainsaw.
MGR lighting bolt action. Sounds like ZOE to me
Last edited by totozero18 on 3/15/2010 4:44:42 PM
if gears came to ps3 it would be the nail in the M$ coffin!
I'm not sure how many copies Gears 2 sold, but COD and Halo, and even Mass Effect, seem more important to MS's brand-loyalty and overall sales.
Gears 1 was great for it's time. Stylized visuals, and cool camera effects made it play like a comic book in motion. Gears 2 sp just felt more of the same, with it's whack-a-mole gameplay, and felt as if the series was already stagnating. The online suffered, too, but happened to get worse, due to the lobby, and no dedicated servers.
Personally, as a 360 owner, too, I'd say that Bioware's Mass Effect franchise has more legs to it. But just as I wouldn't care much if we never got it on the ps3, we wouldn't be missing much if we never got Gears for the ps3. They are excellent 3rd party exclusives, but not quite at the level of MGS4, or Sony's first party exclusives.
I say this because I got a 360 just so I could find out what is so great about 360 exclusives. Frankly speaking, while great, they still feel very "3rd-party". Slightly better than multiplatformers, but still in the same ballpark in terms of look and feel.
On a side note, I wouldn't be surprised if Epic took Gears 3 in the same direction as Mass Effect, to reinvigorate the series with fresh game play ideas.
That is not to say that Halo or Cod hasn't stagnated as franchises, but if one looks at their popularity rankings on Live, it's obvious which franchises have retained a greater following.
Last edited by Shams on 3/15/2010 11:51:02 AM
I'm pretty sure Gears sells more then Mass Effect. Halo, I'm not sure about.
Yup, me, too. But, I think MA2 achieved more critical acclaim than Gears2, retained more of it's fanbase, and has grown it more, too.
from what i heard, those Gears fans bought their copies but hated online because it was so broken like an over powered shotgun. i believe theres just too much kids that think this is THE GAME to get. mostly through word of mouth from other kids, same as halo. I know gears is a good game and it deserves its praise. but the ratio of gamers to those kids is heavily in favor of those kids. i know alot who bought the game because their friends told them to get it.
I have a somewhat different view of the halo series. I've seen it played, even tried. I personally dont see the big deal about it. the gameplay experience, at least when i played, is either pretty fun or just a mess. never had a decent game. all those screaming and jumping around just put me off. run and gun just isnt my kind of games as of late. i already gave up on MW2 in favor of MAG and BC2.
There are too many people giving up on cod (or maybe just on this and other sites). While I think BFBC2 is a great game in its own right and MAG is fun just because of the chaos of 256 players, COD is more for the casual gamer. Even casual gamers can be good at games. Just because a game doesn't have vehicles or more than 18 players, doesn't mean its outdated and crap. Yes they should have had proper servers unlike the hosts but the host system works well for me. It is a let down but the whole experience is so great it doesn't put me off. I only really play search and destroy and I'm happy with the 12 player maximum for that mode.
I don't wont more players because I think that would ruin the COD experience. And I don't want vehicles because I feel that would also ruin the COD experience.
I just like the game the way it is and although at first I did prefer the first modern warfare once you've been playing for a while and you become better and used to the (STUPID!) heartbeat sensors you'll enjoy yourself and you wont have so many cheap deaths.
Of course that's my opinion but you can't argue with the amount of players on the MW2 servers.;)
Last edited by Taha1 on 3/15/2010 2:36:57 PM
COD's have been given solid reviews here at Psxextreme, and we do have quite a few ardent followers here of it, too. At 60fps, it is the perkiest shooter out there. I just don't dig the whole jar-head motif about the series, so I myself would rather go for Resistance series or KillZone 2 (w/o the dumb voice overs).
A little off topic here but who else has seen the rumours on various sites regarding Insomniac going multi-platform? If it's true, I find it strange because why would you want to develop games for other consoles when they have less power than the one you currently develop for? Either way, I'll never understand why Sony never went to Insomniac with a big wad of cash to buy them.
i did and posted it 3 days ago, what i think??? i thinks its still a rumour , i got 9 thumbs down for posting it last time .lol
Last edited by TEG3SH on 3/15/2010 11:26:39 AM
insomniac has commented on the rumor and they confirmed it was FALSE
Insomniac has said before that they want to remain independent. That said, I would be utterly floored if they went multi-platform. Right now they are treated as if they were Sony first party, and I know that grants them a lot of advantages. Altering their platform status would definitely end that kind of close relationship with Sony. Who knows what the future holds for them? Sony recently purchased Media Molecule, so Sony is still buying up developers. Insomniac might still decide to take the money.
why does it bug you when your thumbed down? I'm thumbed down often for no apparent reason. Don't let them bother you. 🙂
@Highlander, i think they should. Sony just keeps adding on to their empire of 1st party developers and obviously have some kind of standard above the rest when it comes to quality. Just look at how great their exclusives usually turn out to be. Then you have MS exclusives like Gears that in my opinion are really no better then your average multiplat made with Unreal.
Last edited by Jawknee on 3/15/2010 11:56:23 AM
This is true. Just like Batman:AA, in terms of look and feel (even the enemies looked like the locust horde). I imagine the sales, while high, wouldn't be much different, either.
@ carlosspicyweinr
First, awesome user name. Secondly, thanks for the clarification. I feel like I can sleep easy tonight now (which is good, because I need the rest to go nuts on Olympus tomorrow with good ol' pal, Kratos).
@ Shams
They both run on the Unreal Engine, both are corridor roamers, and both playable characters control like big-rigs. I didn't think I had to explain that.
But, doesn't matter. Tomorrow we will all have our hands on GOW3, or most of us anyways, and there will only be chaos.
@ Shams
Okay, I gotcha. For some reason I had a brainfart and couldn't understand where you were trying to go with that comment.
@ tridon
thanks i like the user name alot! i wish i could get some good sleep tonight but i wont i am getting gow3 at 12 and i will play it until it is over! then i shall sleep.
"no rest for the wicked"
Money people, money.
i heard about it at kotaku. They're comment section were filled with F*** the ps3, i can finally play ratchet and resistance, and i can finally get rid of my ps3 because 360 will have those games. i just laughed at all of them and didnt bother to tell them they'll never see ratchet and resistance on the 360. i figured their disappointment is much more worth it if they build themselves up to find out its not happening.
@john The difference between 360 fans and their exclusives and ps3 fans and their exclusives is that they will buy a system for ours, but most of the time we just have to wait a little while for theirs.
Wait a little longer for their exclusives… or just buy them on the PC (because they're never really exclusive).
My bad, Tridon. I was replying to J, and I didn't address him by name, so I can see how it looked aimless.
I think that if there was even a whiff of reality to Insomniac going multi-platform, Sony would simply call the guys in and ask them; "How much? How much for the company, the rights and the back catalog? You guys stay in control, but we own it. How much?"
That's what I'd do anyway…
I used to own an 360 then i got a PS3.
I played Gears all the time and its the only 360 exclusive I would like to see on PS3 -no not even halo- and I'm sure splinter cell will be coming.
Uncharted 2 is an amazing third person action game, but man do I love Gears of War. If series ever comes to PS3 it'll be a great day for the Sony faithful.
Will it come to PS3? Eh, chances are iffy. If Epic wanted more revenue, they'd do it. But seeing as they have a lot of cash, who knows. Also not so sure but I remember Epic signed a 3 games exclusive deal with M$ right? If Shadow Complex counts as one of those games, then we MIGHT just see it happen. This is also after rumors flying around saying how Gears 3 tech demo was also running on a PS3. Guess we'll have to wait for E3.
i read an article somewhere that said the gears 3 demo has been tested on the ps3.
I seriously can't understand what MS's obsession with Martian Shooters. When i went to get FFXIII, i browsed through Xbox section, all of their exclusives are alien shooters and one racer. pathetic line up. And they claim they have more exclusives. riiiiiiiiiiight.
If Gears came to PS3, i WOULDN'T buy it.