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PSXE Poll Update: FFXIII Expectations High, But Mixed

So before the game hit store shelves, we wanted to know what you expected from the newest entry in the legendary role-playing franchise.

It's all a matter of perspective and it probably depends upon the research you've conducted and the feedback you've read going into the week. Well, while most of you certainly expected a great game, many weren't convinced about the overall experience, and whether or not it would "feel" like Final Fantasy . We said in our review that in fact it does not feel like FF but is indeed a fantastic adventure, and one well worth playing. For my part, it was a difficult review to write, because I felt as if I might be shortchanging the majority of gamers while only caring about the FF fans. But it seems that everyone who commented appreciated the tone and agreed with the analysis, which is great. I'm having a ton of fun with it, certainly. But this leads me to the new poll question, and it's bound to incite plenty of new discussion and debate. After all, while FFXIII is fantastic, perhaps we haven't really determined the level of awesomeness…

The question is, do you consider the game to be a contender for Game of the Year? You might, and we might as well. You will recall that I said if the game didn't hold the "Final Fantasy" name, I'm convinced review scores would be nearly a whole point higher on average, and my overall score would've certainly been higher. And it seems we have plenty of fans around, so who thinks it's worthy of a nod at the end of 2010?

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIII

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14 years ago

"COD without fanboys"


14 years ago

I guess Square should have called the game something else, then release it in November, and they could have been in contention for GOTY.

14 years ago

What you say sounds good on the surface, but SE claims this to be a FF rpg. So SE invited the bias opinion. It got one from me.

14 years ago

Me too. If you attach a name like Final Fantasy to a game, your going to expect Final Fantasy, not some wannabe action RPG dressed up like Final Fantasy. I was duped.

I mean it's still a fun game. That's for sure. There's a lot holding it back from being a real Final Fantasy. I think Square said once this was supposed to be greater then VII. errr…maybe next time, maybe not they serious about having Uncharted influence the next entry. Capcom went that route with Resident Evil 5, talking inspiration from Gears and Halo, and look how that turned out. Poopy.

Last edited by Jawknee on 3/14/2010 11:27:42 PM

14 years ago

Ben admitted to his bias in the review, and said that anyone who hadn't played FF's before wouldn't score it so low. It was a disappointment thing.

About naming it something else, I stated before a great name for it. Final Fantasy: Focus. It works on a couple of levels and would've kept the fans at bay.

I can still see a little FF in it, though. I hate that the leader dying ends the game, but I am getting used to it. Buffing the heck out of them helps.

The poll says that it will be ONE of the games of the year, not THE one. I can see that, so voted yes.

14 years ago

@tes37 – SE also says that Tomb Raider and Hitman are RPGs. I don't think they know what a RPG is anymore.

14 years ago

It is ok to lower the score due to it being named final fantasy and not being similar to previous FF's. Why can't we rate each one of its own, I'll explain.

It would be like Lucasarts releasing a game called Star Wars: Sith Dominance, but there not being any sith, jedi, empire, storm or clone troopers, or space ships.

Thats how I see it, you expect things from certain titles because those titles always have them.

14 years ago

@ Oyashiro

Maybe that's just part of their newfound sick sense of humor.

14 years ago

Seriously, wth happened to Square? Nobuo Uemastu leaves, then that clown Wada takes over and now they seem to only be Square in name only.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Yeah, I explained in my review how I feel. I tried to make it clear.

14 years ago

You were Crystarium clear Ben.

14 years ago

They shoulda just called it 'Twitch Fantasy I' and it woulda scored higher.

14 years ago


"SE also says that Tomb Raider and Hitman are RPGs. I don't think they know what a RPG is anymore. "

SE is attempting to redefine the term RPG using the broadest meaning possible. The difficulty for me there is that every video game is an RPG by that definition since you play a 'role' in every game you play. SE should have stuck to what they were once good at.

14 years ago

I tend to believe that if FFXIII is a part of a beloved series, which it is, it should have been cut some slack rather than be condemned for not being the same as it's predecessors.

In fact, isn't that what many said about FFVIII? That it was a weak attempt at emulating the success of FFVII and therefore wasn't as good? And yet here we are years later and everyone's got fond memories of both of them.

I think we're a little too harsh on our favorite series sometimes.

14 years ago

Alien, you'll understand if you ever play it.

14 years ago

You're probably right World.

Can't wait for the weekend!

14 years ago

Its gonna be GOW3 with the GOTY. 100% certian

14 years ago

I think FFXIII totally deserves a FF nomination, but in no way does it deserve a win. I mean, atm, I don't see much else that would be GoTY status, GoW3, GT5, maybe the last guardian, but other than that? i mean I guess halo:reach will be on their to keep the 360 ppl happy but I don't see anything being able to compete with GoW3 or GT5

14 years ago

I agree, it's an excellent game but I certainly wouldn't see it being GOTY. Even though I'm not really a fan I'm pretty sure GoW3 will win on epicness alone.

14 years ago

Haven't played it, so won't really vote. But on based solely on the facts + the review here at psxe; there's no way this game has a chance at Game of the year.

14 years ago

What you say is true.

14 years ago

I picked up FFXIII the day it came out and wasn't sure what to expect. I heard a lot of negative (compared to most FF reviews) before playing it, but I'm at about 30+ hours in right now and there hasn't been a single aspect of the game that I haven't enjoyed. It just keeps getting better. Pulse baby! Was a very welcome change at the exact right time 😀 I'm also just figuring out how to upgrade equipment properly.

Hmm …only complaint I would have (and it's extremely minor) is those Eidolon battles, the first couple I died because I wasn't 100% sure what I had to do. Of course once I tried a few things and figured it out it wasn't a problem anymore. It just felt a little strange…

I absolutely love the difficultly so far, only time in the entire 30+ hours I got a tad frusterated was during one boss fight, that mushroom turtle guy? I can't even remember what he looks like to be honest, so long ago… a friend reminded me of the details. Has what looks like a flower on top. Anyways, died once on him after a good 20 minutes widdling him down.

Anyways, I've been playing FF for more than 20 years and it has always been my favorite franchise (and will stay that way for a long time I'm sure) I really hope this story pays off in the end because at this point, that's about the only thing that could disapoint.

Last edited by Zemus101 on 3/14/2010 11:49:13 PM

14 years ago

Everyone keeps saying "wait for Gran Pulse, it'll get better." That's cool, but the fact that has to even be said says something about the first half of this game.

14 years ago

I've enjoyed the first half. I am just about at Pulse now, I think. Looking forward to it getting even better. It was awkward at first, but after I went around slaying bad guys to grind for a couple hours, I'm finally in the swing of it. I was trying to rush through the last level or so, but hit a wall when I found a boss that whooped me pretty badly. Came back and felt great to return the favor. I forgot how much leveling yourself up can help out in a game. I see many more hours ahead of getting stronger. My favorite aspect of an RPG.

Honestly, you have so many things that you can do in battle that the automated set-up is needed to keep up with the pace of them. At least, it is for me. I'm even learning to like not having MP to worry about and how the Summons are set up. There is a definite learning curve while getting used to it, though.

I'd have rated it a 9+, but put a warning on it that it is not like the old turn-based games.

14 years ago

Neohumpty, the only things i wish were different, i wish they would let you change party leader in the middle of a fight like in XII and that the game didn't end if the party leader dies. Everything else I'm over.

14 years ago

Agreed. Switching would be very helpful.

14 years ago

Jawknee have u play demons souls , saunds like you not

14 years ago

Actually i have. How is this relevent to FFXIII? They are two completely different types of RPG's. In Demon's Soul's you are alone. Final Fantasy you are not. You have a team. Teams work together, when the party leader is dead, suddenly team work is no longer the priority.

Last edited by Jawknee on 3/15/2010 12:04:29 AM

14 years ago

I think Jawknee raises a good point. I could almost understand the whole leader-death-game-over scenario if you only controlled one player the whole game. However, the fact that the game lets you use each and every member as a leader at some point negates the legitimacy of focusing solely on the leader. It takes away a huge element of strategy from your play, having to back-peddle to make sure the leader above all is safe.

Makes it risky to use your leader as a sentinel.

And it's a little weird one would attempt to cut Jawknee down with such poor grammar… side note I suppose…

14 years ago

I actually see a problem with the question. There doesn't seem to be a definitive place that is GOTY. Lots of websites give goty awards, lots of conferences, some shows. Which one is the deciding factor?

I think ffxiii has a chance of winning goty somewhere just due to the sheer amount of goty awards given out each year. Spike tv has its awards, ign does, gdc, gamespy, gamespot.

With all these options I think it's not only possible that likely ffxiii will win at least 1 from somebody.

Do I think they will sweep the board, heck no. Most likely most goty awards will once again go to a ps3 exclusive. Which 1 I'm not sure, it could always go to something that we haven't even heard of yet.

14 years ago

well, it think most people look towards Spike's VGA's as the 'official' one but dunno

14 years ago

Alan Wake maybe? Just thinking outside the box for the 360's sake.

If Wake ends up being average to below average, then it has to be a PS3 exclusive. Heavy Rain, GOW3, GT5.

What huge multiplats are coming out this year besides Bioshock 2? I can't think of any.

Come to think of it, Mario Galaxy 2 is coming out soon, and perhaps a new Zelda game is soon to come.

Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 3/15/2010 12:13:09 AM

14 years ago

I was interested in Allen Wake until i realized its yet, another shooter on the Xbox.

14 years ago

@ Legendarywolfeh

Not sure about spike, sometimes their choices are utterly ridiculous. I've seem them leave out obvious choices for awards and choose winners that were obviously sub-par.

They have gotten better the last couple of years but I'd still question it.

I think in general video game companies need to get together and make a definitive awards show. That would be best.

14 years ago

Re : Alan Wait

I think that the time when GOTY went to a shooter might finally be over. GOTY to me needs to be a game that does something truly innovative. Not a game that simply refines the FPS mechanic for the umpteenth time.

14 years ago

Lets not forget about The Last Gaurdian coming out this year…. hoping?

14 years ago

GOTY for FF13, TBH…I never even considered it…after I started playing it. Yeah, it's a great game if you weren't expecting anything else from it (Meaning you've never played a JRPG in your life). Most people that are considering playing or are currently playing this game probably have played a JRPG. Like Jawknee said earlier…to the fans of the FF franchise, this game has detered, Big Time!

Calling FF13 a FF game is like meeting up with a hot chick and you dig her. The next time you meet her, (she probably forgot about you liking her or maybe she just never got the obvious flirtatious behavior you had with her) she looks different…plastic surgery (she was very insecure…). That is completely unacceptable. After the plastic surgery…she looks at tad bit awkward, and barely recognizable from her original and natural beauty. I mean she still looks good but if you had seen her before you would wonder why she would want to alter her physical appearance to begin with. Her name is still the same but the fact that she looked more appealing the first time makes you want her to change her name. This is because you realize she will never look as great as she would if she never got the surgery in the first place.

In the end, you're happy she still looks good but you wonder at the amazing potential she had just being the way she was intended to…exclusive.

14 years ago

Buaha some tool on Destructoid is blaming the PS3 and Blue Ray for the Xbox versions down graded visuals. He said if it wasn't for the PS3 and Blue Ray the game would have been designed around the DVD and would have been better on Xbox. These kids are from another planet i swear.

14 years ago

ROLFLMAO! So, had the game been designed around DVD, the game could have played with better resolution on the 360? Oh yes, and my Atari 2600 would play it better if it had been designed around 4-bit graphics and cartridges with less memory capacity than my digital watch (from the 80's)!

Last edited by TheHighlander on 3/15/2010 10:23:38 AM

14 years ago

Sad thing is, he's not the only bot I've heard use that argument. My Bots complain all the time that the games "don't need blue ray." They love to watch Blue Ray movies, but when it comes to games, some how the DVD is better.


14 years ago

What're they gonna say when the 720 (or whatever it's called) comes out and needs more than DVD?

14 years ago

MS will release it with a Blue Ray player in it and tell all their bots its actually a Super DVD powered by Unreal 5.0. They will believe it too. ha

Last edited by Jawknee on 3/15/2010 12:16:15 PM

14 years ago

Let's use low tech things from now on to kiss $softs @$$. Maybe we could all just switch to ie so that websites won't be hurt by firefox's abilities.

14 years ago

The 360 fanboys must have some kind of cult where they brainstorm to formulate their own impossible backwards sense of truth to twist and manipulate their own realities in order to resist the power and superiority of the PS3. Basically, they're in constant denial of the hard facts. The difficult life of a 360 fanboy…would make for a great comical tragedy I must admit. While they formulate lies to compete with us, we just stick to the honest to God truth. The PS3 really does do everything…and makes our jobs defending it so much easier. PS3 FTW!

14 years ago

just google Final Fantasy XIII and look for the Google/Desturctoid headline "Only idiots blame the 360 for FF XIII's linearity."

Conveniently that tool Jim changes the headline on the actual Destructiod page to a broader one.

Last edited by Jawknee on 3/15/2010 2:18:43 AM

14 years ago


I think, actually, there's a name for that kind of issue. What's the Psychological Disorder where if you tell yourself the same thing enough times, it finally becomes true in your own mind despite what the actual reality of the situation is??

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

The mere fact that Destructoid puts the word "idiots" in a headline should tell you everything you need to know about that place.

14 years ago

Yea i just shake my head. I can't believe those tools are even allowed to publish crap like that. I assume their editors are a bunch of lunatic Bots as well.

14 years ago

Or someone's annoying and rejected younger cousin…

14 years ago

Foolishness from destructoid website article about FF13…

"If you look at it that way, you could almost blame the PS3 for XIII's limitations. If the PS3 wasn't so damn good, Square Enix wouldn't have had to make such a great looking game and sink so much time and money into the graphics, concentrating instead on making a bigger and better title".

Finished the article and Jawknee I gotta say, ignorance is comical.

One thing he said I could agree with was the fact that FF13 would have boasted the same new paradigm battle system despite it's exclusive or multiplatform status. So I commend this one point. SE is the only one to blame for this giant deviation from previous FF titles. However, his comment I pasted above is downright ignorant.

Blaming the PS3 for being a limitless powerhouse is clearly idiotic. The 360 is like a magnet designed for pulling in these blind and logic-less guys (Not all but a noteworthy chunk of them).