So before the game hit store shelves, we wanted to know what you expected from the newest entry in the legendary role-playing franchise.
It's all a matter of perspective and it probably depends upon the research you've conducted and the feedback you've read going into the week. Well, while most of you certainly expected a great game, many weren't convinced about the overall experience, and whether or not it would "feel" like Final Fantasy . We said in our review that in fact it does not feel like FF but is indeed a fantastic adventure, and one well worth playing. For my part, it was a difficult review to write, because I felt as if I might be shortchanging the majority of gamers while only caring about the FF fans. But it seems that everyone who commented appreciated the tone and agreed with the analysis, which is great. I'm having a ton of fun with it, certainly. But this leads me to the new poll question, and it's bound to incite plenty of new discussion and debate. After all, while FFXIII is fantastic, perhaps we haven't really determined the level of awesomeness…
The question is, do you consider the game to be a contender for Game of the Year? You might, and we might as well. You will recall that I said if the game didn't hold the "Final Fantasy" name, I'm convinced review scores would be nearly a whole point higher on average, and my overall score would've certainly been higher. And it seems we have plenty of fans around, so who thinks it's worthy of a nod at the end of 2010?
Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIII
So, what they are saying is…
The PS3 is to blame because it is too good.
LOL! OK, Sony will accept the blame because the PS3 is too good. Hell, I will accept that blame too, so long as everyone recognizes that the PS3 is too good.
That guy Jim is the idiot. Just about everyone of his articles are fanboy rants about how much he loves MS and hates Sony. Sometimes i don't even think he believes the crap he writes and does it just to bait people so they can get hits.
Looks like it worked: you apparently convinced a bunch of people here (who should know better) to go read it.
VII and (yes I will be shunned for admitting) VIII will always be my favorite FF's one because they brought me into the series. Two they have all the things (mini games, side quests air ships) I've loved about Final Fantasy games. My GOTY so far has to be Heavy Rain.
Last edited by Mavfan321 on 3/15/2010 4:00:24 AM
There's been many new sensational release over the last couple of months, The GotY award is going to be a tight competition. I personally think it should have a chance, but with all the nuetral feedback its getting i think Heavy Rain or GoW III will have a better chance.
WHY WHY WHY DID FF HAS TO GO THIS WAY!?!?!!??!??!?!?!!!??!?!?!!?!??!?!?!?!
I have never been so frustrated about a game in my whole gaming life………
As more people play FFXIII I learn more about it, I can forgive everything else but there's only one thing I will never forgive is that you only control one character and if she/he die it's game over…….
So far I only watched people playing it but it's enough to make me love FFXIII, sigh……if only we have control over all characters then this will be my favourite FF of all time but sadly we don't……….
Last edited by Snaaaake on 3/15/2010 4:21:15 AM
Snakey boy – I really don't think you should make an assumption either way (whether you like it or not), until you actually PLAY the game.
Watching people play gives you ZERO control over the characters, so I could see why it might not be your favorite…..
Last edited by SvenMD on 3/15/2010 11:27:02 AM
After playing this as a non RPG fan.
It's a bit stop-starty.
I actually thought it had a good balance between story and fighting. I find that if there's too long of a string of twitch fighting, it becomes monotonous. Obviously, when you have to grind out a couple levels in RPG's, you can expect this sort of thing, and in that case, I enjoy the thrill of reaching the next level. However, when you want to advance, you want to advance. Have too much of one particular area, and the battles become too similar if you remain in the same area too long.
Additionally, the number of "story breaks", or whatever, give purpose to each small advancement you make in a level, and for many of us, the story is one of the most important elements. Guys like us enjoy games that allow us to relate to characters and their emotions. Constant action (although good at intense moments) would just be another all out twitchy experience and remain dissimilar to other games on the market.
I'm only an hour in as I'm reading all the datalog items as I go.
I understand the need for the battle system, but at the moment it feels, like run a few metres fights 3 things, run a few metres fight a few more things, run a few metres fight a dew more things, etc.
Is this the usual flow of one of these games?
Sort of…
In past FF's, while bosses or special events might trigger a battle by touching or talking to them, there used to be something called "Random Encounters". Back in the day, you'd be running around on the world map, dungeon, or w/e, and randomly the screen would swirl, or shatter (whatever the special effect) and you'd enter a battle screen. Most FF's would have 4 (Newer except 9 only have 3) party members. They'd line up, and you'd wait for the ATB gauge to fill up. Then you get a chance to enter in commands. Depending on your confidence, you could have time continuously flow while selecting commands or have it freeze time while you decide what to do.
But yeah, typically, while exploring and solving dungeons, figuring out your next move, you are interrupted by random battles. In FFXII and FFXIII, you can see the enemies before you fight them. Random encounters are what most people loyal to FF's enjoy doing. It's traditionally a game for those who enjoy strategy and an addictive storyline.
My apologies to everyone for sidetracking away from the article on this reply.
Sad to say i think that this is the end for the FF series as a RPG genre. Those morons at squeenix will turn it into a Actio/Adventure like Uncharted. Lets hope WKC and DA:O keep up their great work and replace FF as top dog in the RPG world. And forget GOTY. Nest Action/Adventure of the year yes.
Last edited by Athrin on 3/15/2010 7:17:07 AM
This is certainly the end for the FF series being considered a genre defining series of games. I feel that FFXIII is a conscious abdication of that role.
I don't know you could still call it genre defining. It defines the genre for games that have no particular genre at all.
FFXIII leading the way in the Mixed Mutt genre!
Well SE never cared about us so……I don't care, just like the rest of the world….nobody cares….
GT5 should get game of the year.
This could turn out to be a very bold, and very accurate prediction – if Polyphony can get past the point of almost being ready to release this time.
I also would like to see The Last Guardian win it(don't know until I play it but i have a sneaking suspicion it will be phenomenal). GT5 really doesn't need the accolades..
p.s. random thought, but has anybody seen Bronson? just watched it recently and it is a great movie. Highly recommend it.
I had my reservations about buying this one, but i couldn't wait to try it out… so for the first time in a long time i rented.
I'm about 10 hours in and so far I have to say most of the negativity is unfounded. The few things I do have a gripe with are not the things that were making headlines. As for linearity, meh, it actually reminds me a lot of FFX. and I LOVED FFX.
Story – Compelling and well written. (yeah it can be a bit cheesy and campy, but if you follow any japanese media this is pretty typical)
Visuals – WOW! This game is stunning. nuff said.
Learning curve – as complicated as the game systems may be, it does a good job warming you up to them.
Clunky camera and controls! what the hell man? It is completely impossible to run and move your camera at the same time. It jumps around like a kid on crack. And your characters movement feels terribly unnatural. It's too basic, like PS1 movement in PS3 graphics.
I don't know if I like this battle system or not yet… I'm still waiting to see if It'll grow on me, so far… it's definitely not my favourite.
Actually, what you say isn't all that different from what everyone's been saying. The only real differences are that you don't mind linearity, and that while most people don't like the battle system, you're simply undecided. At least in FFX, you got to explore towns and visit REAL shops.
As for me, I'm not finished the game yet… so, I'll conclude once I get to see the flexibility at the end. So far, however, my exploring behavior, I'm sure, has allowed me to EASILLY obtain every treasure… without really trying… It's too easy to explore. lol.
Gumbi – I pretty much agree. My big complaint is the camera, both walking and in battle. Sometimes I just want a broad overview of the battle from the side (kinda like what I'm used to) and the game keeps changing angles and bouncing around cause they think it looks cool. Then it zooms in after a stagger and just stays there.
Sometimes I just wish it would do what I wanted it to do.
I don't care about how linear it is either. It works with how they are telling the story. If you read my above posts, the biggest problem with the game is the battle mechanics. Its no longer an RPG. I don't know what it is.
I'd say it's worth a nomination. It's probably going to end up being in the top 5, but I don't think it's going to win. GT5 and GOW3 have a better chance at this point.
I'm deep into the game and the gameplay gets a bit better gradually especially when the enemies get tougher, I'm starting to like it (putting aside all the anticipation i had put into it) and i'm more enjoying the graphics and the cut scenes than the gameplay itself. I paid to enjoy it so I plan to do so.
GOTY? nah its place is 5 and below. (better luck next time SE 😉 and fire whoever in charge of the battle system.
I'd like to add that it's worth being nominated. I've had thorough time with the Japanese version and while now playing through the English version of the game I understand the story a whole lot more. It's very emotional just like any of the other Final Fantasy's before it. While I know a lot of people have been thrown off from the game play, I think this is just the case of Gamers being to picky. When was the last time anyone here has played a Next-Gen turn-based RPG? They don't make them very often, sure the series had to try some new things, but with the way the "Twitch" gaming market is right now, it works in their favor. We are mostly hardcore fans being displeased with one of our favorite game series, but you honestly knew deep down that it was going to be like that forever. Did none of you play Final Fantasy 12? Hell, even Final Fantasy X-2 was changing the game play, and that was still turn based. Looking aside from the linearity of the game, it is truly a game worthy of the Final Fantasy name. Just enjoy it for the story like we have all enjoyed the past Final Fantasy games. It was always about the story and the gorgeous graphics. Square in my opinion did not disappoint with this game. They have proved that the garbage they have put out in the past wasn't from them. Just have the Square-Enix logo on it, haha.
Also Jawknee, if you have ever played Persona 3 and enjoyed it, the battle system for both FF13 and Persona 3 are the same.
Actually its a case of gamers wanting Final Fantasy to return to its roots.
Well gamers don't always get what they want now do they. We have way to many FPS's out there, and I want those to simmer down, but because of the masses of people who buy them we are stuck with tons of them. We "Gamers" are the minority when it comes to the casual or most people who will buy these games. I understand what you mean, but I can accept this Final Fantasy for what it is. I also love RPG's and Persona was great.
"We have way to many FPS's out there, and I want those to simmer down,"
man where do i start??? besides looking like borderlands graphics(which are good but whatever) EXCEPT on cut scenes but thats cut scenes they are suppose to look that good….
its almost like im in a invisible tunnel and i can only run in almost a straight line…. i think on chapter 3 or 4 there are live wires? i guess on the floor and it sparks…. somtimes i run to one thinking i found an item and lol nothing….. i gotta remember this game has nothing like that…. right about now im heavily invested into the storyline and with this one I honestly could not care less,
its a cool game..but its Final Fantasy 13 its suppose to be amazing 50% of why i dropped 600 and the other 50% is going in my PS3 today!!! atleast they dont screw over an already massive fanbase… i remember the good ol days when i would turn on my ps2 and JUST level up for hours and thats it…. just play to level up… FF is dead to me, its just another rpg among thousands,, Id rather honestly no lie just play 7,8,9, or 10 again….
I don't even know what to say, except that's is your opinion, and I guess, well you can't please everyone. However, Borderlands graphics?!?! I mean seriously, you can compare this game to any game out there and you chose Borderlands? This is why I say RPG's will never go back to the way they were, it's just not gonna happen.
yeah thats the feeling i got running around the cut scenes are A++++++ cut scenes are amazing, but it stops there? and why is there so many damn save points?
yeah thats the feeling i got running around the cut scenes are A++++++ cut scenes are amazing, but it stops there? and why is there so many damn save points?
I didn't know which one of the double posts to reply to. Haha. I guess there are way to many save points thrown about in the game, but in terms of graphics they are up there with Uncharted. It would be a very disgraceful thing to say they aren't. I know in the back of everyone's mind they are saying, well it's on Xbox 360. True that it is, but remember it's on 3 Discs. Borderlands isn't that good looking. You are giving Borderlands some good credit haha.
I've said it before and I'll say it now — Final Fantasy's made some pretty major missteps in every chapter since VII, in my opinion. I've pretty much expected XIII would continue the trend — world-class presentation, an amazing world as only Square seems capable of imagining, neat characters, but boring/repetitive battles, needlessly convoluted plot lines, and on and on. The linearity in this one sounds terrible, but I'll give it a whirl soon… AFTER I've played the hell out of God of War III 😉
i agree, if santa monica, and polophony studios have anything to say in this matter, FF has no chance in hell of a goty nomination lol, havent played it yet, but after reading all the reviews of the people playing it (esp jawknees) seems ill probably get rather irritated with this game…
i like a challenge, but that stuff….thats downright asnine irritating THAT i dont enjoy in games…irritating stuff can quickly kill a game for me tbh
And this is the reason Final Fantasy will never go back to the way it was before. I'm all up for God of War 3, but it's only a 10 hour game. Wow! Gran Turismo better be good. We don't know jack squat and so far Forza is wowing people. You shouldn't knock it until you've tried it, and you can bet your ass I will own God of War 3 and Gran Turismo 5. Reviews don't mean crap.
@ Dismael85
Ummmm no offense but I think you claimed every reason under the sun is why FF will never go back to the way it was and I don't think any of them made sense.
Can you explain how the game being full of irritating stuff that can quickly kill a game for someone is why ff won't go back the way it was.
Seriously I'm just curious.
It would take way to long to explain this to people why Final Fantasy wont return to the way it was. The only way to do that is for you to get off the Internet and see what people actually buy out in the real world. How many copies of Final Fantasy sold on day 1? Compare that to Call of Duty perhaps. Square knew what they needed to do, and believe me 13 is way away from the garbage that have produced in the past. All the comments on here seem to sprout from one known fact. Fanboys are pissed because the game is on the Xbox 360. I'm a huge Playstation guy, hell "PSX Extreme" could summarize my feelings for Playstation, but let it be known, as opinionated by Ben in another topic, that the "twitch" gaming market is the reason Final Fantasy changed, and the reason why people want things different all the time. I feel Final Fantasy 13 blended in a good amount of RPG with something knew without making it a boring game. They aren't out to please the fanboys, they are trying to make a game that will sell to many people, not just a minority of people. Think about that for a second.
It couldn't be helped
Like every other FFXIII poll, I can't vote. I have no interest what so ever in JRPGs like FF or anything like it. But I respect everyone else's opinion. I would however like if you included a "I didn't play it" option everytime you do a game-specific poll question.