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Brink Will Not Favor Any One Platform

We always appreciate it when developers go out of their way to avoid multiplatform mishaps.

Take Splash Damage, for instance. They're currently working on what could very well be one of the most promising projects of the year; we're really liking the look of Brink , and we've got more good news. PlayStation 3 owners are always wary of ports but the developer wants their game to be "platform agnostic." In speaking to IncGamers , Splash Damage CEO Paul Wedgwood said they "set out from the very beginning wanting to design the game that worked well for all three platforms." Wedgwood has a PC-oriented background but recognizing this, he has brought on the requisite help to assist in the design process:

"We have developed a kind of internal approach which I believe is entirely platform agnostic. When we're trying to solve a console design issue with someone like Richard Ham, because he's the co-creator of Syphon Filter, that's the best-selling shooter on the original PlayStation."

Okay, we didn't know Syphon Filter was the best-selling shooter on the PlayStation, but in retrospect, it does make sense. Wedgwood added the diplomatic statement that no one platform is better than the other, and his team's approach to Brink should result in a quality product for all console and PC owners. Exclusive titles always tend to have the edge these days, but with past multiplatform gems like Grand Theft Auto IV , Assassin's Creed II and Batman: Arkham Asylum , we know fantastic multiplats are indeed very possible.

Related Game(s): Brink

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14 years ago

No idea who Splash Damage is and didn't know there's a game called Brink until now.

*Turn my head towards the 1 million-long crowd queuing up for GOWIII*

14 years ago

neither did i :O

14 years ago

I am sorry everyone, I read another article on this game and from from the I understand it looks and sounds awful.

14 years ago

""We have developed a kind of internal approach which I believe is entirely platform agnostic"

Translation: "We will favor the Xbox because in an attempt to be objective our game will only be as good as the weakest link."

Last edited by Jawknee on 3/12/2010 1:09:41 PM

14 years ago

*sigh* Leave it to Jawknee to spew his fanboy nonsense

14 years ago

well, what he said is partly true. the 360 is the weakest link. proof are in the exclusive titles. Multiplatform games should have gears of war quality since it wasnt as good as ps3s uncharted 2. Isnt that what the common denominators supposed to be? I would think that gears of war quality is the standard for multiplats now, right? since ps3 can do gears of war quality and 360 can do gears of war quality, the only problem i see is with the developers.

14 years ago

In what way exactly was Uncharted 2 good? The graphics? Sure. But to what cost? Ultra linear gameplay, microscopic mapsizes between each load screen / cutscene, 100% prescripted "AI". It can hardly be called a game – it's an interactive movie. And even when judged as such it is nothing compared to Heavy Rain.

14 years ago

@Beamboom Uncharted was excellent and if you can't at see why there's no reason trying to explain why.

@hitch you never disappoint. you and your predictable flaming.

14 years ago

Look, Uncharted 2, Killzone 2, GoWIII etc etc… prove what the PS3 can do, anything less is travesty really!


" learn . experience . enjoy "

14 years ago

I think it looks pretty awesome actually. Supposed to be like Mirrors Edge mixed with Killzone or something like that. Looks like alot of fun

14 years ago

The biggest mistake in this game is the character models. Sorry SD, but if your characters are muscle bound monsters, why the hell would you put little band-aids all over them? They look ridiculous! You think a man like that, in a fight like that, would take the time to whip out a little Dora band-aid to patch up? I nearly died LOLing when I saw it.

14 years ago

maybe they cut themselves shaving….WITH A BUTCHER KNIFE.

14 years ago

I watched that character customization video and jeez…they look so stupid they'd barely pass for human.

14 years ago

@Alienage, You sir, just said all that needs to be said. I can't stop laughing. Those characters have got to be a joke…

14 years ago

What I'm interested in, and probably many others, which will be the lead platform(or PC), in developing this game.
I must say, it does look quite fun, for an fps.

14 years ago

So if I am to understand this correctly basically what they are saying is that they will have two or three separate development teams internally for the (360 and PC) and the PS3 or the 360, PC, and PS3 respectively and develop all versions in tandem?

We have seen other studios take this approach and we do see pretty equivalent games but they just don't seem to take true advantage of anything and don't really shine. ACII Batman: AA being exceptions to that rule.

I hope they turn out a good game but I am not all that interested honestly. With all the great sounding RPGs finally coming out I can skip on a few shooters that may or may not be anything spectacular.

14 years ago

I gotta agree with that. Even Batman could have been something even MORE special if they'd have concentrated on developing without the restraints of other systems in mind. Good games can be made, but not games of the year.

14 years ago

Anything that comes from Splash Damage is well worth a look. Good to see they are going to put the required energy into getting the best out of the machines and commit to the console market.

14 years ago

I found mirror's edge interesting, but in the end forgettable. Not a big fan of the fps genre, so a Mirror's edge fps, isn't really going to make me squeal in excitement either.

I have an open mind, I'll look into it more around release time.

14 years ago

Why is there no syphon filter out for the PS3 yet?? Those games were awesome. Better than splinter cell in my opinion too.

14 years ago

And Dragon Quests and Monster Hunters and Gran Turismos and… well… you could go on all day with what's still missing.

14 years ago

Gran Turismo has just been delayed consistently but at least we know for sure its actually there. 🙂

14 years ago

good things come to those who wait.

14 years ago

so in other words the PC is getting the shoddy port.
not that i care since this is moneyvision after all.
though who do i have to kill to get PC games to go back to the glory days of being heads and shoulders above consoles?

look at the consoles every few months there is a new title releasing raising the bar of what is possible.
PCs on the other hand have been stuck with the same bar for the last 4 years ever since crysis came out.

come on developers stop being lazy tight a$$e$ and create games for the pc sucking all the juice out of it than change what you need to so it works on consoles.
like what crytek, ID, valve, blizzard, A2M do with their games.
hell A2M are a extremely small development studio they do not have much cash because metro 2033 is their first title and its suppose to have better graphics than crysis the worlds best looking game.
not bad for their first game, no?
come on you lazy fu**s if A2M a piss small studio in comparison can do it, you can.

14 years ago

I think piracy pretty much killed the PC gaming market. Nobody's going to invest millions into making a great PC game if everyone's just going to download it for free.

14 years ago

funny how thats allways the excuse used but no one mentions the piracy on the other platforms.
i mean the PC is not the first platform to get it.
ps1 had it, did that stop developers from releasing games for it?
how about ps2?
xbox 360?

the reason why developers are doing this is not because of piracy its because it costs more for them to create a game for PC because then they have to go cutting things and changing their code to get it working on consoles.
but the point is if they actually bothered to make a game for the PC and not just do the shoddy port than most people would be happy to buy it for PC.

allot of the time the reason why people pirate games instead of buying them is to teach the developer a lesson like assassins creed 2 with the BS DRM, or infinity ward with the shoddy port and lack of dedicated servers.
if developers actually made a effort than people would be happy to reward them for that.
why should they be rewarded for just doing a shoddy port?