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Uncharted 2 Dominates Yet Another Awards Ceremony

After sweeping away the competition at the AIAS event just last month, we figured Uncharted 2: Among Thieves just had to be finished winning awards. But we forgot all about the Game Developers Choice awards.

Well, left in the hands of designers, maybe the "choices" would fall differently. Maybe Naughty Dog's awesome game doesn't resonate as strongly with other developers. …nah. Going in with seven nominations, Uncharted 2 took home five total awards, including the coveted Game of the Year Award, which means the game now has a total of about 6,429 awards. Or something like that. It also won Best Writing, Best Technology, Best Visual Arts, and Best Audio. After 10 wins in similar categories at the AIAS awards, it has become abundantly clear to everyone that Uncharted 2 was, beyond any shadow of a doubt, the top dog in 2009. Other winners included the great Batman: Arkham Asylum , which snagged Best Game Design, and Flower , which won the Best Downloadable Game category. You can view the rest of the details over at GameSpot ; they'll soon have the full event on video if you wish to watch it. But at this point, how many times can we watch Uncharted 2 dominate the competition? Doesn't it get boring after a while?

Okay, it really doesn't. The game was so good, it deserves every last accolade it receives. We still think Assassin's Creed II should've gotten a bit more love at some of these awards shows in 2010, but that's okay. We know that one rules, too.

Related Game(s): Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

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14 years ago

Ben you forgot about the "Greater Scranton Area Video Game Spectacle", where UC2 swept up another 8 awards, bringing the grand total to 6,437.

This game is just too awesome.

14 years ago

Fully deserved, without a doubt.

I agree though, I wish ACII had won some more stuff. Seems like it didn't get nearly the recognition it was owed.

14 years ago

Quite right Ben, Uncharted 2 deserved everything it got. Killzone 2 and Uncharted 2 are my favourite games thus far this gen; but others are about that are amazing too, I just cannot afford to purchase them all for my collection so I have to be picky… so do many members of the community here.

Regarding AC2. Whilst it seemed greatly improved over the original AC1, I think technically there were a few hitches that let it down, like the usual multi-platform screen tearing feature that can plague most cross platform engines, and are typically not optimised for that specific target console…

This could have been one of the factors that did not make it "perfect".

No such issues with Uncharted I don't think. Everything about it was damn near perfect bar one small irritation… and that was the "odd" way the vehicle wheels unrealistically turned when in motion across the environment. If I look closely and study the wheel motion, it seems to me they turn "out of sync" with the road surface below. It looked to me that the wheels were not revolving at the correct speed compared to the actual vehicular speed of the car or truck in question.


" learn . experience . enjoy "

Last edited by Qubex on 3/12/2010 11:20:06 AM

14 years ago

Oh, wow, still getting awards, Go Uncharted!!!
It's expected though, for this great game to get so many awards, as it should, nearing a total of 7000, shouldn't they try for a guinnes book of records entry?

Most game awards in like EVAR:
Uncharted 2.
*insert some picture with chloe in it(cuz she's dam hot, that's why)*

14 years ago

I am definitely looking forward to what Naughty Dog's next game of the year.

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
14 years ago

Bu bu bu but teh innovation …..

14 years ago

They 100% deserve all of the acollades they are getting for this amazing game. Truly the best game of '09.

14 years ago

Coolness – again.

I keep wondering whether Naughty Dog / Sony will re-package the game as a GOTY edition. Better yet, a GOTY Collector's edition with some additional content so that I can go spend another $60…Yes, I know how that sounds, but damn this game is a good game. There are several games this generation that I would have paid more for (having played them). Uncharted 2 is one of them.

So, how about it you guys at Naughty Dog? How about some additional content – perhaps an expanded level or two, additional character skins (can we say Chloe and bikini in one phrase?), additional gear for Home, a game art booklet, or even a poster? It's just that after winning so many GOTY awards, there has to be a way to capitalize on that and sell more copies – you know?

14 years ago

For sure they will. If Batman's doing it the I'm pretty sure Nathan can too.

14 years ago

Slightly out of topic but I wonder where will Drake go if Uncharted 3 releases?

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
14 years ago

Africa , the Sahara dessert .

14 years ago

I think Uncharted 3 is a given… ND will release 3 I am sure of that… Something along similar lines… if not Asia again it will probably incorporate an African theme, something quite exotic maybe.

South America is a possibility, Andes etc Machu Pichu, Aztecs…


" learn . experience . enjoy "

14 years ago

I'm more interesting in what comes after Uncharted 3. On the psx there were 3 Crash games then Crash racing. On the ps2 they had 3 Jak games then Jak racing. I seriously doubt there will be Uncharted Racing, but if they follow tradition they will be deviating from the action/platformer/shooter genre for the 4th game.

As for Uncharted 3, i vote for Atlantis. They said they want to change up the environment between each game so they dont get stuck in a rut, so they could go with a desert or something, but thats rather dull. I suppose they could go to egypt, but i'd rather see Atlantis.

14 years ago

I agree with Qubex – South America just has so many locales and great historic explorations. Would make for amazing game.

14 years ago

Atlantis too is my first tought, after Uncarted 2, I thought anything has become possible for this game. So I guess Atlantis

14 years ago

In my opinion, nothing came close to Uncharted 2's experience to the player and observer.

14 years ago

UC2 keeps on dominating awards show is getting more and more ridiculous.

MGS4 won a heck lot of awards too but UC2 simply toppled MGS4 with awards.

Can anyone give me the exact number of awards UC2 has won?
Not just GOTY but for graphics, audio etc as well.

14 years ago

They deserve every single one of them .Looks like ND will be needing a bigger shelf 🙂

14 years ago

I think the thing that excited me most in that entire article was the fact that 'Flower' won Best Downloadable Game. That was easily one of the best games of last year and probably the best ten dollars I've ever spent.

14 years ago


14 years ago


14 years ago

Yes, Flower was quite an experience. Unique.

14 years ago

The BEST $10 you ever spent? The only thing I enjoyed about Flower was that it didn't make my allergies act up.

14 years ago

Of course it dominates, it was GOTY for a well deserved reason.

14 years ago

will God of War 3 be next?

Last edited by Jawknee on 3/12/2010 1:13:56 PM

14 years ago

I think everyone is tired of PS3 games being GOTY and winning all these god damn awards.


14 years ago

Well that's good that a ps3 exclusive is making the headlines. Still don't understand why everyone's game library doesn't include this game. There is no doubt that god of war 3 will be taking most of the same awards this time next year that uncharted 2 got because this game is going to be epic from start to finish. Just got done playing the collection again. Now its back to final fantasy and let's see of I can get some heavy rain in before tuesday

14 years ago

Well it's sold past 3.5 million copies and is well on it's way to 4 million by now.

14 years ago

Well that's good that a ps3 exclusive is making the headlines. Still don't understand why everyone's game library doesn't include this game. There is no doubt that god of war 3 will be taking most of the same awards this time next year that uncharted 2 got because this game is going to be epic from start to finish. Just got done playing the collection again. Now its back to final fantasy and let's see of I can get some heavy rain in before tuesday

14 years ago

If ND released a new Drake adventure every year there'd no longer be a need for these awards.

14 years ago

IMO, this game is getting so much recognition because it was the most sincere and polished gaming experiences I've ever had. From the visuals, to the voice-overs, jumping over into the storyline, then gazing at the amazing artwork, the sound was nothing to smirk at either, the realistic chemistry between all the characters, the voice to lip movement was flawlessly synced…I mean as a complete and entire experience…Uncharted 2 delivers topnotch material in any category one can think of. So we're only going to expect greater things from the next installment…Naughty Dog will be sure to deliver despite this untouchable bar they set last year. Somehow…they will do it again…

14 years ago

Funny how you don't mention the gameplay amongst the arguments why it's such a good game. And I agree with you – the gameplay was mediocre, at best.

14 years ago

This game is a real game. It doesn't BS you

It gives you the WHOLE game (the DLC are just optional extras)

Truly uses HD (visually, sound wise, color wise, everything), in acting as well…

It's just at the top with many great games like MGS4, KZ2, etc. GWOIII will join it soon enough.

14 years ago

I still haven't gotten this game due to being let down by the first one. The staggering enemies glitch bugged the crap out of me and I've yet to have someone tell me if the 2nd one is the same way. Surprisingly most people I ask don't even realize the glitch in the first one, which surprises me because it jumped out at me almost immediately, was so so annoying.

If they fixed it, awesome, I'll get it, if not I'll pass.

14 years ago

Staggering Enemies glitch? I have no idea what you're referring to. I think you're looking for a reason not to play it, or you've been horribly misled about it. Having played both games extensively I'm really not sure what you're talking about.

14 years ago

Ok, I'll explain highlander. Remember this is on the first one, as I have not played the second one. I got about 3-4 hours into uncharted before I quit due to this.

When you shoot an enemy and it is not a 1 shot kill he always staggers backwards, as if he's been injured and almost knocked down.

Any shots that hit this enemy while he is staggering backwards has no effect. It does not damage him. When I first noticed this I thought perhaps I was wrong so I ran several tests.

I tested this by always shooting at the same type of enemy for each test. First I would aim at him and shoot him as quickly as I could, which resulted in him being hit anywhere from 9-12 times before he died. He would always stagger twice then die after a few more shots.

If however you shot the enemy, waited for him to stop staggering, shot him again, waited, then shot him a 3rd time, it always took only 3 shots.

On both test variations I always shot them in the chest to make it fair. After several tests it became clear that the reason unloading on an enemy took that number of shots was that you could get 2-3 shots in while he was staggering. Only 3 shots were damaging the enemy, the ones that caused the stagger.

I read many reviews on this game since then and only found 2 reviewers who noticed this problem.

As for the comment I'm looking for a reason not to play it, that is silly. I try my best to give any game a fair chance, even genre's I don't like. I download every demo that comes out each week. When I first played this game it was loaned to me by a friend who's opinion I trust. I love these type of games and really thought I would like it, but this issue and the fact that headshots are inaccurate was enough to frustrate me to where I quit playing.

I went back and read arnold's review and even he noted that it took several shots to kill someone and that headshots were inaccurate. I think some people just thought it took lots of shots, but there was more to it than that.

14 years ago

I'm still finding it hard to believe that you play a game and such a minute thing spoils your enjoyment of what is without doubt one of the better games of the generation (Drakes fortune).

I didn't notice anything like that with the second game at all, but then I wasn't watching out for it.

Thinking back to the first game the only thing I can remember being remotely like that is when you are shooting an enemy with one of the smaller weapons, I always dismissed it as the weapon being the equivalent of a pea shooter compared to say the laser sighted one shot, one kill pistol you get later. I also seem to remember that when the difficulty was ramped up, it took more shots to down an enemy, and this is the only time I can remember anything like the staggering problem you refer to.

Sorry, I guess the problem for me is that I see this as a non issue – so much so that I haven't ever noticed it during play. I'll accept that you're not looking for a reason to avoid playing the game, but I do wonder if you're more sensitive to this issue than 99.9% of other gamers?

14 years ago

Well, I do have this ocd type issue where if I notice a flaw that can hinder game play it tends to drive me nuts. I did like a lot of other aspects of the game, but once I realized this particular issue, it was frustrating, that joined with the fact that shooting a guy in the face was a 1 shot kill only 1 out of 3 times.

Maybe I'll give it another try, I'm open to that. I do love the platforming the game offers.

Also your mention that higher level weapons tend to be more reliable makes me feel better. Like I said I only played it for a few hours. It just felt like the scratch I couldn't itch.

14 years ago

Glad it got some more awards. Deserves every one it gets.

14 years ago

poor infamous not getting the praise and recognition it deserves.
dont worry sucker punch, ill be rooting for ya!