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White Knight Sequel To Boast Several Improvements

Don't be surprised if you see a bunch of news articles concerning the sequel to White Knight Chronicles . Remember, US gamers had to wait well over a year for the original title, which only just released last month.

Nevertheless, the designers have been cranking away on WKC2 for quite some time now and president and CEO of Level 5, Akihiro Hino, has been keeping everyone updated via his Twitter page . Yeah, it's all in Japanese but you can read the brief summary over at , where we receive several new details. First of all, development is clearly in full swing, although the "balance and tempo" of the game was a problem at the outset. Both have been improved, though, and Hino does admit that he wants to further improve on some of the drawbacks and shortcomings of the first title. There are some new screenshots via the previous link, too, and not surprisingly, they look pretty darn good. WKC wasn't exactly a visual powerhouse but it had flashes of brilliance in the environment, and we're willing to bet the sequel will be even prettier. It seems we were one of the few sources that actually enjoyed the game , but we know most of our RPG fans liked it, too.

Therefore, we'll be certain to keep an eye out for more status updates regarding White Knight Chronicles 2 . Let's just hope it doesn't take quite as long for it to arrive on US shores…

Related Game(s): White Knight Chronicles 2

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14 years ago

Good news. Can't wait for the sequel. Well, I personally can't my wallet sure could use the break though.

14 years ago

Let my character use a Knight PLEASE. The damn game revolves around the Knights yet they were seldom used in SP and never used online.

I'm hoping they allow more players to quest together and share all items amongst each other. It sucks having a ton of a rare item and being unable to trade with another player.

14 years ago

*SPOILERS alert*

I was so disappointed about the "ending". Seeing everyone else take their share in 4 of 5 knights. I was expecting my character to get the last… then it ends….

14 years ago

i also want to have an option to do quests with my regular party. doing online quests while level grinding guild rank kinda gets to me, especially if you cant use a knight.

14 years ago

I am really looking forward to getting this game, hopefully by summer time. The more I read what people have to say about this game from this site the more pumped I get, I just can't afford it right now. And #2 is sounding like it will be just that much better. Maybe I will use my $10 amazon credit from FFXIII, which I am loving so far, I am about ten hours in on the thrid event in chapter four, to get it in April when my funds balance back out.

Last edited by michiganfan1983 on 3/12/2010 11:07:16 AM

14 years ago

If you plan on spending a majority of the game online questing then by all means get the game. If you're looking for an engaging SP game that lasts as long as your typical FF look elsewhere. About halfway through the SP I was simply finishing it in order to access more content online.

I'm not knocking the game, just making sure you know what you're getting. Expect 15-20hrs of SP and an infinite amount online, I've spent 60hrs questing thus far.

14 years ago

Thanks for the heads up LV, I guess I will rent it and check it out first then.

14 years ago

Wow I guess it depends on how you play the game, I spent a lot of time just wondering around, exploring the huge maps, looking for good places to take pictures, hunting large monsters. I was about 95 hours in when I beat the story. I spent time working on my town while going through the story too.

I think its a game that allows you to control the pace of the story and do things when you want to.

14 years ago

great now hopefully they can make it worth buying.
sorry but the character graphics suck
and hopefully they'll have a better story cuz i was bored out of my mind
(oh and by character graphics i don't mean cut-scene, i mean in game)

been into FF13 for 15 hours right now and im not liking it

damn game is treating me as if i don't know how to play rpgs
n its so goddamn restrictive

14 years ago

I take it you didn't get into the questing?

14 years ago

the online part? yea i did but it didnt help the story, it felt as if it were just added on to get unique items
as if it were an after thought
when i first heard of WKC i though the online portion was melded into the single player as if u can team up with ppl to finish the game
not an added on section

14 years ago

Ah, I see. Ya I too didn't like the SP. I ended up just viewing it as a tutorial to get me prepared for the online questing. Thankfully I love the online portion and find it pretty addictive. If you're able to find several people to quest with regularly it's an enjoyable experience.

14 years ago

This is good news. I'd like to see an improvement on distance (not taking damage when you're clearly out of reach) primarily.

14 years ago

Day 1 buy for me. Playb3yond

14 years ago

While I was a little dissapointed with some aspects of the first game I will absolutely pick this up. I think there is a lot of room for growth in this world they can take advantage of.

14 years ago

WKC is definitely an enjoyable RPG, so a sequel is very welcome. I would be more than happy if they took advantage of making a sequel to bring more story and more SP goodness. The online is great, and by all means flesh it out, but please focus on the fundamentals – single player.

14 years ago

Meh i didn't like WKC, probably won't get this unless it really gets juiced up.

14 years ago

First improvement… GIVE THE AVATAR A KNIGHT!!

14 years ago


I think they already got the last knight reserved for the palace guard captain. Hell it shown he was alone and "adopted" by the king. plus they always showed him doing something throught the game. the only way your avatar can become a knight is if one of the others died and you took his place.

Last edited by johnld on 3/12/2010 4:04:01 PM

14 years ago

So is WKC that good eh?
Since this is PSXE, I believe everyone's word because you guys are trustable(my friend thought you guys love WKC because this is PSXE where PS3 exclusives are always welcomed).

14 years ago

If you enjoy questing online with friends/others YES.

14 years ago

Well read the comments in the examiner link, they think it's better than FF13 and i'd agree.

Not saying that's fact but, a heads up on how some people feel about it.

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 3/12/2010 1:28:54 PM

14 years ago

WKC is a better online RPG than FFXIII, that is correct.

14 years ago

I'd say even Demon's Souls was better than FFXIII (we need a psxe review of Demon's Souls)

14 years ago

A few weeks ago Arnold did a review for WKC and I wrote a bunch of stuff about it, without spoilers, and I've been playing for around 130 hours now and I love it. I suggest reading Arnolds review and the comments on that page.

14 years ago

Well aslong as they didn't listen to them pathetic reviews and instead, change it the way they see fit, then all good.

Few things noticed from screens…

6 player co-op

Same battle system

Old areas of wkc can be visited (could be story oriented too) but, its on a new continent.

Major new weapons and gear

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 3/12/2010 1:35:57 PM

14 years ago

The sooner they make part two the sooner the first will drop in price.

14 years ago

I like where your heads at Alienange. I haven't picked this up yet but I still plan to…Hehe

14 years ago

I have to say that I absolutely love this game. Over 130 hours in and boy do I enjoy it.

I loved how they handled the story and ending, I won't spoil anything because I love it too much. They handled it well, story was setup and at the end it left me saying, "Heck yeah, can't wait for White Knight 2!"


I've heard the complaint a lot about the avatar not being able to get a knight, personally this does not bother me. You can control a couple of knights in game and summon them whenever you have the ac to do so. Most rpgs have you as the main character, I felt it was nice to play a role where I was not the center of attention, but I still got to be involved.

Also if everyone had their own knight, I think it would have hurt the online play. The knights are there to make you feel uber powerful and I think the online is set up well and feels challenging, knights could have taken that away. I got to control some knights so I was happy, also perfectly happy I can play as whoever I choose.

14 years ago

Well said Kraygen!

I also complimented your thoughts on the WKC review thread.

You've pretty much spoke my thoughts too!

Im guessing you rank pretty high so, could you help us out a bit? Im GR5 and level 41 and trying to get to GR7 as that's where fun begins!

Im not having trouble with difficulty or anything but, it's just dragging doing quests over and over, someone stronger could help speed my process.

How about it?

14 years ago

Kraygen is my psn id and I'd be happy to help with the levels. I play as much as I can, I'm about 130k shy of gr8 right now, my WKC character is Valerin, but my georama name is kraygne castle i believe. I'll do what I can to help.

I'm in usa, central time and most of my playtime is between 11pm and 5am.

14 years ago

cool, i'll add ya.

I'm taking a break from WKC atm though.

14 years ago

I'll be buying WKC 2 without any hesitation. I'd like to have use of the other Knight, who looks like a female, but I could be wrong.

Last edited by tes37 on 3/12/2010 7:43:25 PM

14 years ago

Great game, I will purchase 2 for sure.