Update: We've got our own copy of Awakening and we can confirm that the date is indeed on that flyer. Therefore, we can only assume that this sequel will be ready for February next year!
Original Story:
We've got Dragon Age: Awakening headed our way next week but in the meantime, how's about a nice Dragon Age 2 rumor?
EA is starting to send out some retail review copies for Awakening and as noticed by 1Up , the box contains a very interesting flyer. This flyer portrays pictures of the impending sequel and that recognizable red dragon, but perhaps most interesting of all is the date shown in the upper-right hand corner: 02.01.2011. This obviously implies that Dragon Age II will be releasing on February 1 next year, which certainly isn't out of the realm of possibility. Now, if you check EA's schedule, they say a "Dragon Age Title TBA" is set to release in the first quarter of next year, so doesn't this fit? Neither BioWare or EA has said anything to confirm this, but we imagine that when everyone picks up their copy of Awakening next week, they'll know the facts of the matter. Of course, the team could always run into some unforeseen snag and the game could get delayed, but we'd rather be optimistic. We wanna see the sequel to our RPG of the Year in 2009 ASAP.
And by the way, we'll be interested to see if any news concerning Demon's Souls 2 will become available soon. The current whispers indicate it's a distinct possibility…
cant wait for demons souls 2.
Hope this is true, and that the date's not just for a GOTY edition of DA:O.
Actually a goty edition is exactly what I'm hoping for
Dragon Age was fun but I just quit during my second playthrough as the combat was repetitive and though the story goes on a different track but it's still the same path or slightly different.
I guess WRPG just isn't my thing.
I already knew that DA:O2 was going to be released sometime between the first 3 months of 2011, but if ME3 hits around the same time (which would be a ton of work for Bioware…think of all the planning and execution of voices they're gonna have to record!!)….then oh my god….YES!!!
Sounds like a plan, I wonder if it will be able to use your character from DA:O.
If the expansion allows it, so should the sequel.
Merely my two cents ^.^
I distinctly remember myself and others putting up a gripe fest about not having any quality RPGs out not too long ago. Now we seem to be coming into a good stride of them.
I for one can't wait for Dragon Age Awakenings or Dragon Age 2. I also would love to hear them announce Demon's Souls 2.
For the love of god, please add some kind of random loot generator, hated getting iron daggers from enemies and chests late in the game
Perhaps im alone in this but i think that having items drop like Diablo 2 and Borderlands along with unique weapons was truly needed for this game
If not this, at least more variety in the weapons and gear thats given, not just small minor upgrades and a diffeence in color
Last edited by aaronisbla on 3/11/2010 11:17:09 PM
wow EA surely dont waste any time do they?
im worried there going back to their old usual self, careful guys your skating on thin ice above sharks with freaking laser beams on their freaking heads!
I am hoping Dragon Age 2 has the visual presentation of Mass Effect 2.
It's Bioware, so I know it can happen.
yeah DAO was kinda shitty compaired to mass effect 2
I'm enjoying Mass Effect 2. I'm glad I kept my 360 around for something.
Fix that PS3 frame rate, polish up the graphics, ditch some of those lame old PC attributes and we will be good to go.
It's the spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate, so it can't lose those PC attributes…even if it is a multi-platform game =/
Maybe if they refine the PS3 version for the 2nd one I won't buy it for PC like the 1st one.
Good news, would like to see a Demons souls 2 as well game that would be great. Will have to download the expansion for Dragon age once I get a PSN card.
Is the extra content for DAO worth the pricetag, I'm really hating the fact I bought it day 1 and now their will probly be a goty version for $60 when I'll have to pay over $100 for the same thing because I decided to be loyal and buy it straight away.
Thats why I don't like the way most Western RPGs are handeled. Everything from the design right down to the re-release packages is just too PC oriented (its also why I gave up on PC gaming). Console gamers don't want to buy things ala carte, constantly going to a store and buying another expansion, or filling up your HDD with tons of DLC. Its a system that screws the early adopter.
that is why I have held off buying this game. It would feel incomplete to me without everything available in one package.
when they first released it I should have waited but I thought there would only be a couple of small add-ons, stupid me!
anyone thinking expansion pack? i want DAO2 and many more expansions
Seems a bit too soon for a sequel. As much as I love the game, I certainly wouldn't want them to just toss something together to meet some unrealistic release date. Seems like the best games always take several years to create.