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GDC 10: A Small inFamous Team Achieved Big Things

inFamous was one of our favorites last year and we know a lot of readers had a blast, too.

But did you realize that the entire massive city in that game was produced by only 12 total artists? According to Joystiq citing Sucker Punch's Nate Fox at GDC 2010, the accomplishment that was Empire City didn't require a big team. This is all the more impressive when we remember just how much of that city had to be "interactable" with Cole; so much had to be destructible or climbable or "grindable." So how did they manage? Fox says it was all due to reusing the game's catalog of environmental assets. They give the example of having only two cars in the entire game; the only other differences are cosmetic, like color and decals. And hey, here's another really cool behind-the-scenes tidbit:

"The map was partitioned into a hexagonal grid — the inspiration for which came from the popular board game Carcassonne, Fox explained. Edges of each hex were designed to effortlessly fit together, allowing designers to make minor changes to each compartment, and paste the location into another chunk of the city."

Now, for those of you who will condemn this behavior and dub it "lazy," bear in mind that Sucker Punch's "time and resources were limited." It's pretty amazing what a small, determined group can do when facing some pretty big obstalces, huh? I particularly like the fact that when playing, I really didn't notice a heck of a lot of environmental repetition. I guess it was because I was having so much damn fun , I was only focusing on that .

Related Game(s): inFamous

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14 years ago

Really hoping they will release this fall. But then again, if its this fall then its SP has only 1 and a half year of development time and that would be too rush for them. I rather wait longer for a quality title than a rushed game. Take all the time you need SP, so long as you produce an awesome sequel. Surpise me, Sucker Punch!

14 years ago

Great game, I could tell that the city was repeated but that never took anything away from the game. Hope that a #2 is in the works, anybody that has not played it should go out and show their support by getting it, it's a blast.

14 years ago

I noticed similarities but, don't most cities have building that look alike? It's not like they looked exactly alike.

Way to go sucker punch peeps, you are awesome.

Also on a side note, maybe SE should call sucker punch and ask for them to teach a class on how to make a video game.

I'm sorry but if 12 can do Infamous SE has no room for excuses of any kind in my opinion.

14 years ago

Infamous 2 will definitely get my money.

14 years ago

This is very very impressive, 12 man and they can make inFAMOUS like how it is now?

Add another 50 and we'll have a GOTY.

14 years ago

A bigger team doesnt always make a better game. Insomniac and Naughty Dog are fairly small compared to giants like EA, Ubisoft, etc. but they make some of the best games out there.
Its better to have a tiny team of guys dedicated to making the best game possible instead of a ton of guys in it just to get the job done.

14 years ago

SP said they could have asked for help from Sony but they didn't.
Maybe manpower could be added a little but for budget I bet Sony will provide whether they like it or not seeing that inFAMOUS sold close to 2 million now and I highly doubt that it's even a high budget game.

14 years ago

Sony doesnt seem to shy away from giving developers more time or moeny to get a project done (look at GT5). They know its all about the quality of the games released, not the quantity. Im sure when GT5 is released it will sell more in one month than both 360 Forza titles combined, and Sony knows that is what keeps the gamers coming back.

Last edited by NoSmokingBandit on 3/12/2010 9:47:30 PM

14 years ago

smaller team = better communication = similarly aimed efforts = better game….usually

14 years ago

Most licensed games are built by small teams.

The reason Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch, et al. can make great games with relatively few people is the people are more talented.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 3/27/2010 2:56:29 PM

14 years ago

Holy crap! 12 people? I gave them alot of crap about the robotic animations when characters were talking, but they were doing this with only 12 programmers! The game was better than most games with many more programmers!

14 years ago

Can't wait for the sequel, don't you take away my ability to hover.

14 years ago

Now why would they do that?

14 years ago

Just saying, that makes getting around the city so much more faster.

14 years ago

static thrusters = badass

grinding on the train rails isnt too shabby either, just gotta watch oput for those incoming trains lol

King James
King James
14 years ago

I just finished this game last night. GREAT game! didn't see that twist coming at the end.

14 years ago

ahh… i still remember that first time i fired up that demo, then launching a couple of electricity granades by mistake on the wrong button push, then seeing a car , and a couple of pedestrians just come flying of the bottom of my screen (you start on a roof) and hearing the people freaking out , inmmediatly followed by the the biggest LOL in recent memory over something i saw on my tv…god i laughed so hard, and i played hell out of that demo, had so much fun, went and reserved it in full next day, still one of the most pleaseant surprises ive gotten and one of the favorite titles in my collection…

hoping the 2nd installment is all that and more
i wouldnt mind better character models for the cutscenes , but its minor as the game runs perfectly smooth, offers a challenge, and most of all IT IS FUN AS HELL, thank you sucker punch for a memorable experience