PlayStation Home continues to expand and the latest update will once again make your online social experience that much better.
Today, Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) has announced Home update 1.35, which will make "exploring and connecting with friends quicker and easier." This update will be available tomorrow and it will really help to streamline the entire process: load times will be decreased and it also replaces the Home World Map with an intuitive navigation system. The system will allow you to move quickly through the Home universe, and locate all your friends in just a matter of a few clicks. The categories in this navigation system include:
Lastly, update 1.35 enhances the login process; once you've started up the application, you will be taken directly to the navigator so you can start exploring almost immediately. In the past, one of the major complaints of users has been that maneuvering through Home can take a while. Obviously, this update addresses that critique, so as of tomorrow, everything will move faster and more smoothly.
is it still a beta? (LOL!)
Last edited by Superman915 on 3/10/2010 12:27:41 PM
Home will always be a beta/work in progress.
I hope they bring back that everyone can always have their mics on like when it first started.
(wow 5 thumbs down…seems like i hurt a lot of feelings.)
Open mics will most likely never return because there are too many morons who like to verbally abuse others using the supposed anonymity of the Internet as 'protection. The whole reason they were removed in the first place was the ridiculous amount of verbal abuse that happened. Some people say it was because folks were playing copyrighted must over their mics – however, that was NOT the reason. It was due to stupidity and abuse.
but that can be true for ANY online game.
I thought it just took up a ridiculous amount of bandwidth?
If they drastically reduce the log on time, they will win me back.
That's what methinks.
nuooooooooooooooooooooo! where'd cohnan go?!
I think home is kind off meh, I expected a lot more of it, like a trophy room, as they showed once, can't find it anywhere…
I hope they spend more attention to it in the near future, I can be a great add-on to the Playstation system.
i dont use it much but i always heard about these places either online or in the home announcements and it would tell you to go to this place but i could never find it when i was there. lol
i cant be the only one?
For anyone who has not been in home for some time they will be surprised at just how many areas their are now. Just open the world map from your virtual PDA and navigate to the area from that.
Imagi I never knew there was a world map 😮
Home still shows great promise, I do find it frustrating that it could easily be made much better, but time may see that addressed as they are doing good work with it so far, though slow.
I tend to pop in once a month or so atm just to see it's progress and to watch trailers and other vids at the cinema.
I'll check this out. The PS3 has been pumping out AAA games consistently for a while now so I haven't been on Home as much as before but I like to go to the mall every now and then and play some chess (I always win).
And yes Highlander, I'd love to play you sometime.
LOL, Chess? You'll beat me, chess is not my best game sadly, though I will definitely take up the challenge.
I love to play chess, but every time I go to play in home it's either over crowded or no one is playing.
Maybe I could re-learn chess. I played as a kid but only when there were no videogames around. Now they are always around!
This is great news, cutting down on the loading/navigating times will be huge for Home. I will definetly check it out after the update and if anyone would like to add me as a friend on the PSN my name is the same as my PSN account.
It's been a while since I've used Home. It seems to me that they've had so much untapped potential with it. I've been meaning to check it out again to see what was new, but never got around to it. Maybe tomorrow's the time to give it another shot.
This is great news. Now when's the next major firmware update? Gotta love new features. ;x
Is this the update that will finally allow me to knife random people in Home? Whenever I login it feels like a third person shooter.
Last edited by mackid1993 on 3/10/2010 1:50:56 PM
You've been playing too much Lineage my friend, thou the stabbing would be fun, can I add suicide bombing?
If they let you take pictures you could photo bomb people 🙂
Seriously, I tend to find myself looking for the shoot button. It just gets so boring.
But.. You can take pictures…
Let the photo bombing begin!!!
At this pace…
How will HOME will be in 5 whole years?
-i think like the Jetsons. lol
Home will never be 'finished' because it will always be growing and changing.
I'm really glad to hear this because there is a lot about home that I really like but, the load times are utterly ridiculous.
Thank goodness sony listens to its customers.
I deleted Home for the space, but once I change out my hard drive I might download it again so I can pester my ex-gf who is always on there.
See? we really need the stabbing
Great! Now for a system update…
playstation motion control named playstation:move!
Keep up with what is "hot?" lol yeah sure! Hot Home trends like new pants and new hairdos.
I'm still rockin' the Blanka hair.
HOME in SPACE. Can't wait. Seriously, It can and will be done. HOME and PLAYSTATION will someday be as advanced and capable a platform as any personal computer or any other technology. It's inevitable.
Integrate a new browser and we're on our way. CHROME maybe? ANDROID on PS3! Scary huh? PSP phone? What is this ENGADGET?
So… How do you guys like our SHORT-FUSE LITE-SABER?
so how long until this update will actually be live? im actually excited to check out home for it
so there making things easier to find?
honestly i thought they would of added a sh*t load of features to home by now, but its exactly the same as when i went to watch the E3 presentation last year.
home = the worlds biggest waste of time and money.
whoopsy, that was ment as a reply to u, no name…
but content wise.
having a faster boot up is not going to keep me coming back.
they need some classical arcade games like they promised the sega dreamcast games.
if they added them to home like they said they would they would not be able to get me off there.
there has been quite a lot of things which have been added… A faster startup time is a HUGE step forward believe me along with a all round smoother interface.