If you've completed White Knight Chronicles but still need more RPG goodness from Level 5, get ready for an influx of said goodness.
As unveiled by the PlayStation Blog , Sony has announced that it plans to release new quests for WKC on the PSN "every week from March 11th through June." Each week, they'll drop one new, permanent quest onto the Store, and they'll also toss in a few temporary quests that will be active for two weeks at a time. The good news? These quests will be free and will automatically pop up on the world map when you sit down to play Chronicles . Of course, you need to be logged in to make this happen but hey, at least you won't have to add a dime to your virtual wallet, right? Furthermore, they've announced an in-game sweepstakes of sorts, where you can win yourself a collectible 12-inch White Knight figurine (estimated retail value of $100). To enter log into any one of the following quests:
Just log in between 5 p.m. PST on Friday, March 19 and 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, March 21, and you've got a shot. You can read the full contest rules through the Blog link above, and they've also got a nifty new trailer, too. While many of you may be playing Final Fantasy XIII right about now, we also know there are quite a few WKC fans out there. Clearly, these new quests are for them.
Related Game(s): White Knight Chronicles
I'm currently playing FFXIII (just took a 10min break to check this site if that doesnt scream site loyalty I don't know what does). But after I'm done with the Single Player FF has to offer I'm going right back to questing in WKC.
Great to see DLC being handled the way it should be, keep it up Sony!
haha, I do the same thing. We are loyalists.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 3/10/2010 12:50:59 PM
Yeah! I got this game and am dying to try it out, but I told myself Im gonna get through FF first. Am excited to play it though.
I am severely envious of you two
Wow, now this IS DLC as it should be.
I've had WKC for over a month now and I'm still not done with it. Looking forward to doing these new quests.
awsome, if that brings even more people to this game , i think they deserve it, i think that the game is really well made rpg, and they had a good idea with this online component to it, for all its awsomeness, single player rpgs are something i sometimes wish i could share with a friend, this allows it in a way and i think the guys at level 5 deserve this title to be succesful
awsome, still not playing ff cuz im too cashless and waiting for a review from you guys , but i for one think im gonna probably end up biting the bullet at some point, guess i got my sidequest and town fill with wkc, so i wont be THAT upset about not having them in ff…
still , glad to see wkc is getting DLC's , free ones too!
EDIT: pardon the syntax or gramatical errors, its hard thinking in spanish and writing in english gets confusing sometimes lol
Last edited by Irievibes on 3/10/2010 11:09:20 AM
THIS is the rpg of the rpg imo (so far)
Hope they make more DLC (and of course, those quests!)
i am very delighted. WKC is way more JRPG than FF13 if we dont talk about graphics. it is the WKC gave me the feeling of classic JRPG on PS3, NOT FF13; Lost Odyssey gave me that feeling too on Xbox 360. we need these type of JRPG this gen, especially, listen WADA, we dont need an innovation that derails Square Soft and we dont need a westernized JRPG, it by itself sounds absurd.
Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 3/10/2010 11:24:50 AM
You, my friend, said it absolutely perfectly!
I'd give you multiple thumbs up if i could but, i can't but, know the sentiment was there.
Wanna team sometime?
thanks Lotus!
sure, my world ID in WKC is cronosymphonic.HQ, u can add me in.
i think you are also a hardcore Demon's Souls fan, too bad its online function is random.
Will do next time i boot it up!
Yeah, Demon's Souls was my personal game of 09. Absolute gem.
I've heard you need to be GR7 to get in on these new quests. I hope not as i am GR5 but, i could be way off base.
Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 3/10/2010 1:25:31 PM
So, brand new dlc given to the fans for free.
Sounds brilliant. I might pick this game up
I couldn't recommend it enough, great single player, great multiplayer.
Awesome, awesome, awesome!!
oooooooh, i unfortunately put WKC on hold. FFXIII time! ill check out the DLC after im done with FFXIII.
Same here. I couldn't pull myself away from XIII if I tried. The only reason I'm even on here is because I just woke up and haven't put it on yet.. on that note.. have a good day..or two everyone.
Wish I had more time for games. My online presence in WKC is practically nonexistent. But I'll be playing on my lunch break in just a few minutes!
I think you mean, eating on your gaming break.
Level 5….you own all.
That is all.
Great news! I'm LOCKED into Final Fantasy XIII now but am going to try to make time to keep up my WKC game because it is the true fix for classic JRPG goodness. I'll be checking out these quests, VERTIGO! Let's complete those bad boys.
Fark I wish I had more time to play too. I rarely press 2 hours a day but I'm already up to like 4.
I wish you'd call me LV, Vertigo is so formal.
I'm a slave to XIII for a while but hit me up on PSN when you want to quest, I'm way ahead of you in both exp. and GR so I'll help you move up the ranks fast.
Alright LV, but you can't call me WEWM cuz it sounds like "Womb"
I would prefer to call you meat but I'm cool with World.
4 quests are live now starting at GR7.
Well this is just amazing news. I've been waiting for the review from psx to decide whether or not to get ffxiii cause money is tight.
Now thanks to this info, I can be patient and wait for FF and just play WKC like crazy. Sony and level 5 are awesome.
I love me some free DLC!
I'm loving me some WKC myself. I need to up my rank if I'm going to play these quests.
get online and group, it goes much much faster.
What GR are you? I'm gr7 and the other night I got a good group of 4 and we were taking our time having fun, and we played for almost 8 hours and I managed to get over 200k points.
Damn. Another game I meant to get when it came out. The giant white knight on the cover is usually enough for me to drop the money.
@Alienange I will tell u this dont buy into the negative reviews about this game, wkc is awesome that white knight is bada$$. I played this game from 10pm too 6am its a old school rpg with twist and turns near the end of wkc I shed some tears. If u beat the game u will be wanting wkc2. Playb3yond
I believe you.
LOL….rell I've logged over 80hrs in WKC and even I find the SP laughable and some of the worst story telling I've seen in a while.
You sure you weren't crying due to laughter?
Rell is correct.
It got unpredictable towards the end.
I want that traditional story in a few of my RPGs and man have i missed it.
Level 5 have always done stories like this, why the complaint now? oh because so-called critics said so.
Dragon Quest Vlll is one of the best rpgs of all time and bigger than any FF in Japan and yet, the plot on that one was way more simplistic and Princess saving type than WKC.
My complaint with the SP aspect has to do with my multiple playthroughs, not any reviewer. If WKC didn't have an online portion I would have regretted my purchase. I along with many on this site agree that we simply played through the SP portion in order to access the online questing.
wait there giving us a new small extention of the campaign every week till june?
FOR FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
now THIS is how you support your fans and say thank you.
why cant any other developer do this?
i would go ape sh*t if naughty dog did this for uncharted 2, or any other game for that fact.
Played one of the new quests a couple hours ago, new quest is pretty darn fun. go white knight!
@LV its laughable too u but not too me, im loving every minute of it. @Lotusflow3r thanks for understanding that its a good game. Level 5 is like the old Squaresoft thats why SE come to them to make dragon quest I remember i didn't like dragon quest at first but when i played DQ8 i love it and lvl 5 made rogue galaxy which is a classic we need more fun old school rpgs. Majority of the negative reviews probably didnt even finish the game they just follow behind others. I hate reviews on games. Playb3yond
WKC is a great game, with great gameplay and a massive online portion. But there is no denying that the single player is poorly acted, poorly scripted, and has one of the worst endings I've ever seen, game or movie.
If you can't see that then congrats on enjoying it but just because you do doesn't mean everyone else is wrong.
there were only a couple lines that wasnt good and that was by lenoard everybody else line was fine with me. Playb3yond