The music genre plunged in 2009 but that doesn't mean there aren't millions of fans out there, which is why Harmonix and MTV Games are going at it again later this year.
As reported by GameSpot , we're moving past the Rock Band s dedicated to one band (last year was The Beatles: Rock Band ) and the spotlight will shine on the third complete installment in the series. Harmonix and MTV Games has announced – via Facebook, believe it or not – that Rock Band 3 will be ready to go for the 2010 holiday season and not surprisingly, EA will handle the distribution duties. And while many may believe the genre has reached its peak, the announcement claimed that RB3 "will innovate and revolutionize the music genre once again." Unfortunately, we don't yet have any other details so we'll have to wait on the intended platforms, song list and estimated release date, but at least we know it's coming. This series has proven to be a quality competitor to Activision's Guitar Hero and many will claim that Rock Band is indeed the better franchise. The latter group will certainly be happy with this unveiling and we'll be sure to grab those details when they become available.
It would likely be a mistake to say the music/rhythm genre is on the way down; it may be more accurate to say the craze has died down a bit. Won't stop Rock Band 3 from being a success, though, right?
As a musician, I'd like the series to take a step in the more realistic direction. Personally I'd like to see a keyboard peripheral introduced as there are many great songs that could be played on it. I'd also like to have the option of connecting a real keyboard, guitar, or bass into the game and having it teach you how to really play the song. But that's probably beyond a video game at that point. But I guess we'll see in due time.
Last edited by 556pineapple on 3/9/2010 10:01:28 PM
That would be an awesome idea if they could somehow make it work. I have a digital piano and an acoustic guitar. I am ok on both but would really love to learn more on both. To implement that kind of functionality into a video game would really revolutionize this type of genre.
A keyboard makes the most sense. Although it might only have 5 keys, all different colors.
Im a musician (guitar, bass, drums, mandolin, banjo, accordion) and I've never understood why some musicians think real instruments are so much better. Its a game, it doesn't have to be 100% accurate. I don't get bothered that i cant plug my car into my ps3 and play GT5. I dont care that i cant plug in my katana to play Ninja Gaiden.
Its just a game, its fun how it is and theres really no need to change the core game play.
I agree with what you have to say and there is absolutely nothing wrong with the core gameplay of the series. I'm just suggesting that in addition to that style gameplay, they should apply a similar method to use real instruments if the user wishes to learn or improve their skill.
I've been recommending a keyboard to my friends since RB2 came out!!
I'd buy that, I'm planning on piano lessons anyways(as soon as I get an abundance of cash), might as well learn it from my PS3.
Another one!? ah geez! 🙁
Well then again, at least they aren't releasing a new rockband every year or something, i.e. Guitar Hero.
Last edited by Razgriz916 on 3/9/2010 10:19:05 PM
Not to sound to smart or nothing, but every since rock band came out, there have been a rock band released every year. Sooooooo it kinda is being guitar hero-ish……
Well Rock Band only had 2 releases last year. Guitar Hero had 4, not counting DJ Hero and all the handheld versions. Rock Band has been taking care not to overflood the market, while Guitar Hero just wants to milk it for all it's worth.
Rock Band 2 came out in 2008 and we're now in 2010 so I don't see how it came out every year.
Rock Band: Beatles came out last year. I have nothing against rock band even though all i have is guitar hero. I love rock band unplugged for the psp!
A good game to be sure, but yeah, the genre is not as interesting as it was three years ago. The career modes kill it for me. They're extremely shallow. They could make a whole career system and leveling up path but no, you get to go shopping. The music is good, but we've been inundated to the point where I can't help but be indifferent towards new releases.
Rockband developers have been bragging about playing music with real instruments and having designers to upload their custom music for us to download. Maybe they are finally doing it for Rockband 3.
that would make me extremely happy, though I feel like it's a little further away then a year
Ok I just checked Kotaku (don't worry Ben and Arnold this site is always and will always be my primary source for gaming news) and maybe it's not as far off as I originally thought. If you look at the top bar, it shows a pic of a guitar which leads to an article about a new game… worth checking out IMO
And here we go again…what changes will they make to the equipment to make people have to invest in another Rockband this time? Double Bass peddle? 20 piece drum kit? Ooh, how about a full orchestra like Metallica's S&M album, I'd love to learn how to play Rockband Chello!
Okay, some people will be excited about this, and sure the music genre isn't dead yet, but if things keep going the way they are, all we're going to see on store shelves for games will be FPS's and Music Genre games…
Let's try something new, it worked for Heavy Rain….
They already have a double bass pedal
I beg to differ here, there is a lot more variety than just FPS and Music games.
Also there are only 2 developers doing this (well 3 as of recently) but thats because thats what they started and it works for them and makes them money. So they aren't going to stop, but there is no need to worry.
You aren't going to see developers like Take 2, Naughty Dog, Ubisoft, Sucker Punch, Square-Enix and all those developers go this route… well maybe not SE (jk I hope) thus there is no need to worry about only FPS's and Music games being on store shelves.. just chill
*Facepalm* can't we get rid of these same old same old music games now? Slow news night…
Can't we get rid of all these FPSs? How about we thin out some of the sports or racing games? How about Western RPGs? I think we have enough of those already. Speaking of RPGs, Final Fantasy is at XIII? What's so final about it?
By now you should have figured out I'm speaking ironically. I agree that the market was over-flooded by music games last year, but blame activision for that, not EA and Harmonix. I enjoy music games, and I welcome any new installments of Rock Band as long as they do enough to change up the game and don't over-do it much like Guitar Hero did. I guess the point I'm trying to make is, nobody is shoving these games down your throat. I'm not a huge RPG fan but I don't sigh and say "not another one" every time I hear of one. To each his own.
I wish i could give you more than one thumbs up, pineapple.
You used the word "all." I did not. I also said specifically to be rid of the same old same old music games. And if you can explain how any are vastly different from the previous installment or its cousin I will concede the point.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 3/10/2010 12:51:48 AM
Well I guess this depends on your definition of "vastly different." I do concede that the core gameplay has not changed, though one could argue that it doesn't need to.
The differences that really mattered were all in different game modes that were made available in RB2 that were not in 1. The separate tour modes (Solo and Band) that were in RB1 were condensed into a single tour mode, which could support 1-4 players, making it so you could play with 4 people without having to replay any gigs you had already done by yourself. They also included Battle of the Bands, where you can attempt challenges posted by Harmonix and try to post the highest score, most stars, or longest streak. Another useful feature is the drum trainer, which let you practice drum beats to improve your skill.
The Beatles RB lacked some of the features that were in RB2, though out of necessity (character creation, for example.) Also, people complain about the lack of compatibility with RB1 or 2, but it allowed a unique artistic point of view for the game specifically tailored the the Beatles. The biggest improvement to the game was the addition of 3 part harmonies which, if you haven't tried, are very fun and very hard. The game also featured various photos, sound clips, and videos that appealed to a Beatles nut like myself.
I don't know much about RB3, but if this article is correct, if this title will truly revolutionize the genre, we can expect to see some vast differences compared to the titles we are currently familiar with.
I agree with you World, I've got your back (the good way)!
maybe AUSTRALIA will get this bloody installment
we did get them.
both…………….. well after waiting a year for them!
still not as bad as yakuza.
Is Rock Band 2 in Australia?
Haven't seen it recently. Thought it was still only the rest of the world that had it.
Always a place for party games. Buzz Quiz TV, SingStar: Abba and The Beatles Rock Band.
Always gets a party going after a few wines!
could swear it released late last year.
i bought mine from the US on release so i could be wrong though, if you want to get it id import it because it would be cheaper.
just remember the game is not region locked BUT DLC is, so if you buy the US game you need US DLC, AU DLC will not work.
no, we didnt get rock band 2.
thank god ive been dying for this to come out because i refuse to give into the GH cash cow.
now please can we have some more classical rock, and some proper metal songs?
stuff like metalica, slayer or anything from brutal legend.
none of that screaming crap!
maybe they can put my favorite song in there, finally i cant believe they have not put crazy train in there yet.
curious to hear what their new game will be like. if I plan correctly, all my peripherals should be completely broken by time this next Rock Band comes out, so if I have to buy new ones it wont be so bad (price willing).
maybe include some ZEPPELIN!?
Honestly I've only played a few minutes of one of the music games and I don't even remember which one it was.
For one, they are ridiculously expensive for me. I have to save up for a regular game, I'd have to save for forever for one of these.
Also where do you keep all these instruments? I don't have a music room in my house.
To each his own, but I've never seen one that made me drool.
Foie gras, anyone?
Please stop making these games…PLEASE
Aside from 556Pineapple's idea, I'd rather have them hold the guitarheroes and rockbands, until they have something new, not like DJhero, and if they have something new, don't let it cost as much as a second console.
No kidding, I could buy some plastic instruments or I could buy another ps3 . . .Hmmm
I read an interview with a Harmonix guy shortly after RB2 came out. I remember the guy saying, "here at Harmonix, we innovate, then perfect." Harmonix innovated with Guitar Hero, "perfected" it and then they innovated again with Rock Band.
In another Interview I read a while back, the leader of Harmonix said the next RB will use realistic peripherals. He didn't say whether or not these would be actual guitar controllers or life sized guitar controllers (the plastic ones are scaled down).