There's little doubt that God of War III will generate tremendous revenue (based on huge pre-order numbers and review scores alone), but SCEA will definitely need that return on their investment.
Not that they're horribly over budget, or anything. According to what director of production development John Hight told Giant Bomb in a recent interview, the final installment in this memorable trilogy cost $44 million to make, but that's still "right within budget." Thing is, they required that amount of cash to fund the team of 132 (more than double the staff of 60 that worked on GoWII) to handle the giant upgrade in visuals and art, and such projects can get mighty expensive. On the other hand, bear in mind that some sources estimated GoWIII took around $100 million to create, and we know Gran Turismo 5 's budget is hovering around $60 million. We also won't be surprised in the least if we learn that Grand Theft Auto V will take upwards of $100 million to complete, so in reality, it's all a matter of perspective. It also depends a lot on the game in question; Sony likely wasn't too worried about funding this project, because the chances of it not paying off were extremely low. God of War is God of War , after all. But handing a chunk of money to Quantic Dream for Heavy Rain must've been far more nerve-rattling. New IP, ambitious concept…
Thankfully, the latter gamble seems to have paid off and GoWIII is bound to make some serious cash. We'll see about the sales numbers when the month is over but until then, expect a rush of gamers at the stores when the game hits next week.
Related Game(s): God of War III
I hope Sony left some money in the budget for marketing. I haven't seen a commercial anywhere for this game. Haven't they learned how to sell their wares yet?
Yeah, where is Kevin Butler? C'mon!
do you honestly think commercials are even NEEDED for kratos?
everyone, and i do mean everyone that has a ps3 has been waiting for this game for a while now, sony doesnt have to announce it, kratos announces itself…
I wonder what kind of commercial Sony will come up with for God of War III. I don't know if they can be funny like the most of "Dear PlayStation" bits, but you never know.
the only commercial i've seen was for gamestop and their pre-order bonus.
@ Irievibes. Yeah, I do. Not for folks like us who've been drooling over this game for years, but for anyone still on the fence about owning a PS3. A killer app deserves a killer campaign. Take a page out of M$ playbook. Do they need to advertise their next HALO or Gears of War? No. But they blitz you with it so those who aren't aware will have to say "what the heck was that?!?". Gotta peak people's interest.
heck I'd like to see a commercial for no other reason than to hear all the xbots in the world go "Aaaah crap"
That new "Insignificant Other" commercial is awesome. LOL
It turned out I was wrong. Just watched the new God of War III ad "Insignificant Other" from Sony. Very funny indeed LOL! I only have one question: Where can I get that GOW mug on Kevin's desk?
Last edited by Kai200X on 3/10/2010 1:17:37 PM
So I read in some sites that they cut the epilogue due to time constraints and maybe later we gonna see it has dlc .
I hope that isn't true .
Last edited by Oxvial on 3/9/2010 11:15:33 AM
They should have but that would indeed be lame.
*shouldn't have
I know , but hey why no more replys? why nobody rage with this? if this was a multiplat people would be really angry.
Last edited by Oxvial on 3/9/2010 10:49:15 PM
They already have my cash.
Last edited by FullmetalX10 on 3/9/2010 11:34:01 AM
Wow a lot of these games now have budgets rivaling films.
I guess that makes sense, since the credits in GTA IV were longer than most movies I've seen.
Guess that's why I watch less and less TV and instead play more and more video games, the video games are a lot higher quality than a lot of the crap on TV.
remember the writer's strike, sure they saved themselves but they dont have new materials especially in movies right now. other than iron man 2, im not even thinking of watching movies.
40 million for God of War III and 60 million (possibly 80 I heard) for GT5 is actually very, very expensive for exclusives. GTAIV doesn't have to worry as much with their 100 million dollar budgets because it's sold on multiple platforms.
Hope they get the profit they want/planned.
I've seen a GOW3 commercial.It was the one that said if you pre-oder god of war 3 at gamestop you get a redeem code for the phantom of chaos skin.
Its really funny.It shows that Lion/goat monster with the snake tail[Sorry not really into greek mythology] complementing kratos on how good he looks.
I think that would be a Chimera?
Technically that's a Gamestop commercial.
I'm a bit worried about the gaming industry. It doesn't seem like people are buying more games, but the games keep getting more expensive to purchase and develop.
same here.
10 or 20 years ago, it seems great games built on great talent and vision; right now, great games seem first built on great fund, which is worrying; because as far as i know, money and talent does not always go hand in hand, and it is the talent, unique vision that makes great games, not money.
also, as far as i understand, when arts and money business go hand in hand, it is the begining of the end of true art, and i do believe a great game is a great modern form of art.
to say this, is not pointing finger at GOW game ofcourse; it is pointing to the more and more business driven gaming industry, and there are lots of poison in it that hinders great game development — true art are sacrificed for greed.
Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 3/9/2010 1:09:26 PM
i agree too, gotta say, its refreshing seeing other gamers with an appreciation for the art involved in making games, im not a programmer myself, but i see the details in game and i appreciate the attention to detail , to making sure everything fits, the atmosphere, the music, the pacing, the light, the textures, the in game sounds, everything..
think about it, its like organizing a simphony , only the players are programmers with their own niche , and all must be merged together perfectly to play that piece for the audience…
yes i do believe video games are not only a profitable market, but an exxpression of art same as an orchestra or a painter's gallery, our consoles are the medium in wich we get to see that art, and i believe that the more profit companies seek to get on the video game "market" the less of an artform it will become and it will be more about doing more with less and that doesnt neccesarily bring us art, or a creative process that leads to a true masterpiece
ahh i still remember being in awe at the attention to detail in the gamecube metroids, reflections , lightning , everything fit, music was awsome, NOTHING felt out of place on those games, i still keep em and play em once in a while just because im such a sucker for such well made games
I've been posting this a lot lately, but games aren't really any more expensive now to purchase than they used to be.
ps1 $49.99
sega genesis 59.99
snes 59.99-69.99
pretty similar to now, not to mention that was 15 years ago and with inflation and all, well not a big diff.
Simply because they are using film technology to enhance this generation to the next level… by the time the PS4 is released, there will be little difference…
"speak to the droid"
And to add: nowadays, talents do need to make for their keep so they demand a bit more than so and so developers. Quality should ideally be free but hey, if you're a quality developer, would you price yourself low?:)
Ahh yes, I still remember the good old days of being impressed to learn that Final Fantasy VII had actually broken the barrier and cost multiple millions to make.
so if it sells 4 million that's 240 million dollars, 196 after costs. They should be able to get some profit after paying all the middlemen.
I'd prefer the vast amount of it to go to the genius devs.
The average video game developer on salary makes about as much as a regular run-of-the-mill software developer, web developer, or IT guy: between 60-90k. This isn't a measly pay grade by any means, and I'm not counting possible royalites, but when you consider how hard these guys work, and how much talent, creativity and productivity is involved, you'd expect them to be like movie stars. And while there are the likes of Miyamotos, Kojimas, and Kazanori Yamauchi's, there are just a few out of the thousands involved in the industry.
While that figure makes me think WOW, and Awesome! the moral part of me is saying, "that's f*ck loads that coulda gone into charity."
That's a little saddening, but no matter, i will donate 44 millions to charity myself.
44 packets of millions sweets.
it's similar… :/
As someone not in game development I just don't understand how it cost 44M.
From what I have seen through behind the scenes footage on "creating a video game," it's similar to making a movie. There are producers, directors, developers, actors, people with expertise in environments and costumes, then we're talking studio time, software, etc. a lot of crap into it basically. I'm probably missing a lot too.
60 in-house developers and designers averaging 80k salaries over 3 years is 14.4 million. Then maybe 20k a month for running the studio, including rent, and utilities, and software licenses. That's another 7.2 million. Add a few million for the orchestra and voice acting, and mo-cap acting. Then add about 10 million for the marketing, including ads, commercials, cover art, manual design, and the like. That's already 35-37 million dollars. Then, you can't forget manufacturing, and distributing, and shipping of potentially millions of copies of the game. So 44 million doesn't seem too far off the mark.
Shams you are exactly right, thats why it costs as much as it does, extremely complex processes. Arguably more complicated than filming and editing most feature films.
hey ben, kinda off topic but are you guys reviewing resonance of fate? i started to get interested in it but i want to read a good review first.
44 million!! From the sounds of it SM put all that budget to good use.
I do recall an article about GT5 hitting 60million.
Anybody know what the record is??
I don't know the record but I do know Shenmue I for dreamcast was a record breaker back in the day, they hit the 70 million mark in production costs. That was a huge mistake considering the Dreamcast only ever sold 10 million units worldwide….hahah
And that was a g-damn shame I might add, because shenmue was a massively ground breaking game for the time and definitely deserved better than it got. I still hope to eventually see Sega actually make Shenmue 3 and a PS3 exclusive at that…but fat chance I say. )-:
Last edited by Natalisrubbish on 3/9/2010 7:18:37 PM
apparently GTAiv had the biggest budget.
top ten list
Kevin Butler, "Regional Manager of War". What a great commercial!
Here's a commercial thought for GOD3 ….
Kevin Butler comes out, his face painted & dressed up to look like Kratos(in KB's own humorous way).
Then he runs around all the office cubicles in a false fit of rage, switching between all of Kratos's weapons, to destroy everything in his path.
KB then looks around and says "Wow, I really don't know what came over me, but I suddenly got this urge to create complete utter chaos".
Then the commercial switches over to a few moments of actual in-game footage,
Then just before the commercial's end, the camera switches over to the PS3 logo and…….
"It only does Kratos",
"It only creates chaos,
"It only does everything"!!!!!!
Then at the end, it switches over to….
"And it only does it….on the Playstation 3"
End of commercial
Does anyone else have the game already? I can't believe the sound and video quality, I found myself getting hit several times cause i was watching instead of playing lol.
wow i need this game
8 days than there will be nothing but chaos!!!!!!!
Sounds right, to make amazing games you need to fork over the dough.
They just released a GOW III commercial with KB man it's so funny here's the link…
IT ONLY DOES EPIC… IT sure does!!! LOL
Nice catch on the commercial, Robochic!!!!
There's gonna be a whole lot of CHAOS going on at Nascar too…….
Kratos will be invading the world of NASCAR. On Saturday, March 20.
The No. 20 car will be sporting a brand new God of War III and GameStop themed paint scheme driven by Joey Logano during the Scotts Turf Builder 300 at Bristol Motor Speedway.
@ bikersaint, Believe it or not facebook notified me on it LOL. Cool on the no 20 car with the GOW III paint on it thats going to look awesome.
Sony had nothing to worry about paying for GOW because it's gonna be a system mover. Works out to a plus for everyone.