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Codemasters Reveals Bodycount: “An Orgy Of Bullets”

Remember that new shooter Codemasters teased a little while back? Well, here ya go.

Today, the publisher has announced what will be known as "an orgy of bullets and destruction" in Bodycount . Boasting "genre-defining gun play," this FPS – currently in production at Codemasters Guildford – uses the EGO Game Technology Platform and features a team of "all-star" developers led by Black designer Stuart Black. Said Executive Producer Tom Gillo:

"Our core focus for Bodycount is to deliver best-in-class gun play that places the gamer at the heart of the experience. From the jaw-dropping devastation caused by firing into enemies or shredding the world around you in a hail of bullets, Bodycount will crystallise that moment of pulling the trigger into an exhilarating sensory overload of action."

In this mad rush of death, you will be involved in a global power struggle that boasts lots and lots of bullets and destruction. You will be cleared to eliminate all "Targets" by whatever mean's necessary; this includes a "mouth-watering selection of contemporary weapons" and a destructible environment (ala Red Faction , we hope). You must leave no witnesses. Added Black:

"We’re all massive FPS fans, and believe that there’s room for a refresh of the shooter experience. If Race Driver: GRID™ was all about the purity of racing, then everything in Bodycount is absolutely centred on the bullet and its impact on the world. Our shredding tech enables us to create a different kind of gameplay, where players and AI can’t hide behind indestructible cover and rely on whack-a-mole mechanics. Here the environment is constantly changing as the game world is shot to hell; it’s going to be a huge amount of fun."

Although everyone can get a little tired of shooters, we all have to admit they haven't maxed out the genre. There are still new things that can be done and besides, amping up the insanity level always helps the fun factor. We'll be very interested to learn more about Bodycount in the future, because the concept definitely strikes a chord in us…a chord that kinda drags a demonic chuckle from deep within. But is anyone else surprised the name "Bodycount" hasn't been used in video games yet…?

The promising title is slated to arrive for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 during the first quarter of 2011.

Related Game(s): Bodycount

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14 years ago

Ew another shooter….and by codemasters…really, no thank you! haha

14 years ago

I will pass…

14 years ago

It may come from Codemaster but the devels are the same geniuses behing BLACK, aka, gun porn.

Shallow gameplay but extremely fun destruction and crazy shooting. Black was all about shooting, shooting and have fun shooting.

This game has good chances to be great.

14 years ago

Exactly why I will pass. I remember similar claims being made about Black, and i was completely let down.

14 years ago

what, BLACK is by far the best shooter ever released!

14 years ago

This should be good actually.

Has anyone here even heard of Racedriver: Grid??

It was one of the best racers of this gen so far.

Can't wait to see how this game turns out.

14 years ago

I'll have to see some footage before I make any decision to how good it is. But it does seem promising, hope it's a good game. I could use something new and unique, especially in the FPS category.

14 years ago

i agree. I wont be any shooter out there, not by along shot. But doesn't mean I don't like them. Really interested to see some gameplay footage for this one.

14 years ago

won't buy**

14 years ago

I do love a shooter here and there but there is an over abundance. One shooter I would hope to see revived and could be amazing is XIII for some reason I loved that game's style and could only imagine the improvements that could be made this generation.

14 years ago

I say no, to me fps has been as good as maxed out, since the 256 players on MAG, which I still find amazing. I'd rather play third person shooting it's more fitting in my style.

14 years ago

if only this was a ps3 exclusive, then we could get some graphics with that gameplay

14 years ago

yeah, multiplat=no buy

14 years ago

You're missing out on a lot of good games. As much as I like PS3 exclusives, they're not the only games that deserve good sales

14 years ago

Don't get me wrong, half my collection is multiplat, but when it comes to FPS I only play the best of the best because there are so many. And the multiplats are meh in that genre.

14 years ago

I completely disagree with all comments up to this point. Black is one of my favorite FPS's of all time, and I've been looking forward to Stuart Black's new project since it was announced. If it plays and feels like an updated Black, then I'll be very very happy with it.

14 years ago

I'll agree there, the down side is that right after playing BLACK on PS2 no other shooter made it for me…

14 years ago

i like shooters cause theirs nothing wrong of putting a bullet between someones eyes. but really though im getting annoyed of developers only making fps now. what happen to the good old days 80-90's when their were a lot of different types of it seem every year more and more fps come out and not enough rpg,adventure,puzzle,hack/slash, etc.

14 years ago

In my opinion that is what capitalism is all about. They take a popular product and make as many carbon copies with minor differences as possible and when consumers get tired of buying that they bring out the next commodity. See Hollywood and most any game to movie or movie to game conversion, with very few exceptions.

Thrill Kill
Thrill Kill
14 years ago

That has nothing to do with capitalism. See China.

14 years ago

Thanks Thrill Kill by reading your response I learned China's government is Communist but economically they are Capitalist, I thought they were Communist through and through. Also I would like to ask you how someone making every possible dollar off of a commodity isn't Capitalism? I always thought exploitation was central to capitalism.

14 years ago

"We’re all massive FPS fans, and believe that there’s room for a refresh of the shooter experience."

If only someone would take Black's approach and apply it to turn-based RPG's their quote would read: "We're all massive RPG fans, and believe there's room for a refresh of the turn-based experience." I can dream can't I?

14 years ago

thumbs up sir.

14 years ago

much obliged

14 years ago

amen to that!

Mysterio Spyder
Mysterio Spyder
14 years ago

I don't like turn based RPG's because to me the games play themselves but I would welcome a bran new RPG than another fps. I like shooters but this craps gettin old.

14 years ago

Hmmm….smells like xbot…

Seriously twitch gaming has really damaged the industry, sometimes I wonder how the hell will I get my children to learn to play turn based RPG's They will finish FF-VII or else they will not inherit my last name…

Last edited by totozero18 on 3/10/2010 2:56:23 PM

14 years ago

Wow, the town of GUILDFORD is seriously awesome, really good developers based there.

doublesix games (Burn Zombie Burn)

Criterion games (Burnout)

Lionhead (Fable)

Media Molecule (LittleBigPlanet)

Supermassive Games (Helping with Killzone 3)

EA UK (Harry Potter 5)

Hello Games (Joe Danger)

And of course Codemasters Guildford, that's pretty awesome for a town that has just 66,000.

14 years ago

Well, not for me, the only two FPS I need are Resistance 3 and Killzone 3. But I know a guy who would blow his load playing this, so I'll give it a recommendation if it reviews well.

14 years ago

I read they are enlisting the help of "all-star" devs. Is this where the IW guys went?

Mysterio Spyder
Mysterio Spyder
14 years ago

lol IW guys "all stars"? you've played that beta marked as a full game MW2 right?

14 years ago

Yay another FPS! I'm so excited, because the last 50,000 FPS's that came out weren't enough for me.

Blah, I can handle the run n' gun method, but even if it's the best shooter ever, doubtful due to multiplat, it's still a bargain bin buy. Money is tight and there's no way I'm buying a shooter over a triple A exclusive.

Mysterio Spyder
Mysterio Spyder
14 years ago

Um, no thanks. I have BF Bad Company 2 so I'm all set with my FPS fix, errr my FPS that requires strategy fix. I don't need nor want to play another mindless run and gun fps, especially by the dude behind Black.

Black was a bargain bin buy for me and I sold it before I finished it because it was so boring.

Solaris Knight
Solaris Knight
14 years ago

Another shooter…I believe developers have dipped into this pot one too many times. Are they trying to make the FPS/TPS genres irrelevant?

14 years ago

So…I heard you 'liek' Xenogears

14 years ago

Surprisingly, another FPshooter surfaces (me).

Can't say I'm not overjoyed (chuckle)! I mean who in this world doesn't like shooting people all the time? Why don't we go ahead and push all other types of games out of the market and mass produce FPshooters? We don't need turn-based JRPG's, action adventure games, racing games, Guitar Hero, and fighting games. We don't need variety and innovation people, what we need is FPshooters! Now somebody come up with another way to use guns in a FPshooter (Bobby Kotick rant).

Oh…I know, no cover system, let's go ahead and drain thinking and strategy out of these games and make them all mindless run-n-guns (Random employee)!

Now this is what I'm talking about! I can see it now…the revenues I'll get for this game, it'll be a masterpiece…truly billions and trillions of dollars waiting to be collected…even more than Modern Warfare 2 (Kotick)! Hehe!

So…sir, if we really want to make a quality game that people would buy…shouldn't we make it exclusive to one of the systems (employee)?

What nonsense did you just mutter? Exclusive! Exclusive! I don't care about exclusives, and quality! I care about sales, revenue, profit, and pork and jelly-filled donuts. Nothing else matters! If you ever say exclusive in my presence again without a "no", "who cares", or "never" in the sentence then I'll make sure that you're packing your bags the moment you do! Don't make me bring out the bouncers…you know I got'em. I can make you disappear like, THAT (Kotick)!

14 years ago

I would prefer to get Killzone 3… however this does seem like fun… I am having a hoot of a time with Battlefield Bad Company 2…

Blew enemies out of windows last night and punched holes through walls. Great fun!

Now add destructibility into Killzone 3 already Guerilla!!!


"speak to the droid"

Last edited by Qubex on 3/9/2010 8:17:59 PM

14 years ago

So it's basically a FPS, but with a major "blow sh*t up" attitude.

Yeah, I guess I can deal with it then.

14 years ago

I know there are a lot of shooters out there, a lot of really bad ones unfortunately. But some of the people on this site are just completely set against the genre. You don't know anything about this game, except that it is an FPS, and you are already against it. The market is oversaturated with them, but that dosen't mean that no shooter can ever be enjoyable again. At least learn something about a game before you start trashing it.

I loved Black way back when, and I'm excited to hear that the minds behind that game are working on something new.

14 years ago

Noticed the same thing too Jed. Sounds like every other critic out there. If it isn't innovating then it can't possibly be good. Only innovation is capable of being fun.

14 years ago

ive been chiming for a BLACK sequel for years, so i guess this will do.
now all i need is a sequel to NFS hot pursuit a crash bandicoot remake, and a remake of the R&C games than im set!
color me anticipated, its about time a developer came out and tried to revolutionize the genre instead of following the rest of the flock off the cliff.

14 years ago

remake of R&C games?

your kidding me right?

so the 50 or so R&C games that have been released weren't good enough?

14 years ago

what theres been 50 ratchet and clank games?
dam i got some catching up to do, ive only played 1,2,3,gladiator,TOD,QFB and ACIT.