More than a few developers have complained about the lack of space available on a DVD as compared to a Blu-Ray disc. And now, L.A. Noire developer Team Bondi appears to be running into a standard multiplatform conundrum.
According to Go Fanboy , Rockstar's Jeronimo Barrera has been asked by Take-Two (the dev's parent company) to "calm the situation at Team Bondi over the size limitations." Compression for a typical HDD installation is a possible answer, of course, but we're hoping this need to "calm" things down doesn't delay the project further. The game is already in the midst of a lengthy development process and Take-Two previously hinted that one of their highly anticipated 2010 titles might not make it until 2011. Perhaps they were aware of this issue at Team Bondi… We're hoping that's not the case and the game will still make its estimated release date of September, but at this point, it's tough to predict. It's incredibly unlikely that L.A. Noire will return to being a PS3 exclusive; after all this dev time, they're going to need a very large return on their investment. Perhaps that new motion capture tech is causing the problems…?
Well, we have no idea. But at least Take-Two is on top of things and are making an executive decision of sorts by sending in some help. We'll keep you updated.
Related Game(s): L.A. Noire
1080p HD resolution is roughly 6 times the resolution (number of pixels) of 480p. The switch to HD resolution games means that up to 6 times the amount of image data is required for current games compared to the PS2 generation games. PS2 generation games were already fully using DVD capacity and some games (cut scene heavy games) came on more than one disc. When the PS3 came along with BluRay and all the MS drones bitched about Sony forcing technology down the throats of consumers there were many voices (led of course by Sony and Ken Kutaragi) saying that Bluray was needed for HD games. Rubbish said MS and their drones, DVD is plenty…yeah, right.
Simple mathematics told anyone willing to do the math that image data alone would be up to six times larger than games of the last generation, simply because of the resolution. So Blu ray – which happens to be 6 times the capacity (more or less) of DVD – was the perfect storage medium for HD games on 'next gen' consoles.
Poor MS picking regular DVD and not backing HD-DVD properly. Now their pride is too much to allow them to use BluRay and Downloadable content isn't fast enough to stream HD games, and the HDD capacities don't allow many 30-odd GB games to be stored on the HDD. Oopsie, seems like someone at MS was being a tad short sighted.
Better watch out Highlander, the fanboy police(Hitch, Sypho)are out in full force. Watch what you say about MS and their crap decision to stick with DVDs or they may come down on you hard.
lets cut some content.
Nooooo! *knocks scissors out of Oxvial's hand*
xD I wish you could do that with more people.
That's why multiplats will always be second best to PS3 exclusives.
How can MS keep their Titanic afloat for another 3 years with such outdated hardware? I mean we are talking about the same storage media that was standard when the PS2 launched…
I see them releasing XBox720 pretty soon.
Last edited by Karosso on 3/9/2010 11:32:51 AM
then watch the xbots boast saying they won this generation…
"We Have Xbox 720, the first 8th Gen system… Sony still has their Dinosaur 7th gen PS3… We Win!!!!!"
Lol, isn't rushing gens what got MS into this situation in the 1st place?
Just make it multi disc. If that isn't possible because of the gameplay style then release a cut down disc version for the 360 with the cut content as FREE dlc.
The PS3 version can have the full content on the disc.
The only reason I envision that not happening would be because they are working on a very large budget and nearing the end of the production cycle…money is tight now and I doubt they want to fork over any more money than they have to for the hosting of DLC.
I agree. Even if it's open world, put part of the world on one disc, the rest on another. If you want to travel from one portion to the other, change discs.
Or better yet, make the damned xbox version run in 480i.
360 is like the Dreamcast
A fine upgrade for a years, nothing more.
Except that I like my Dreamcast. And well… it still works.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 3/9/2010 1:47:25 PM
+1 World
Sigh, yet another developer going from PS3 exclusive to inferior multiplat, only because the M$ money, and what do we get, that's right, a game that could've had so much more…
Oh no, noo!
We ps3 owners have to go through this every time. When a game goes multi-plat, we always have to worry that devs don't cut off contents so the experience is as seamless as possible for the 360.
I just feel so bad right now for the bots that defend their DVDs with so much loyalty. They're either clueless or they're getting paid by MS.
haha I know right? I see it all the time wether it be on facebook posts or youtube video comments…all these asinine statements trying to defend what can't be defended, 360 is simply inferior at this point in time both hardware wise and exclusive game wise end of story the facts don't lie, people do.
I have a feeling that Ben will pretty busy from now on writing articles exactly like this one.
As exclusives get better and companies visions are greater, every multiplatform developer is going to run into this issue. All things considered, companies are going to try to 1up the competition and they just will not be able to release the game the way they envision it due to DVD9 capacity.
Therefore, we will be seeing watered down games with extensive amounts of DLC just so companies can fulfill their vision of a game. Sad but true!
Microsoft fanboys can argue this point til they are blue in the face but game companies keep proving the point.
I am right there with you on that belief.
Games keep getting larger and larger. Currently the games are hovering around 1 DVD size. Eventually, the developers will have to make a choice:
1. Compress to 1 DVD
2. To jump to 2 DVDs
3. Make it only possible on PS3
The big problem is, will the developers make the PS3 version superior or make the game "THE SAME" intentionally.
So far they only make it the same on purpose, FFXIII didn't include the japanese voices on PS3 to be fair to xbots.
What Team Bondi should do is make the PS3 version complete, use the whole dual layer of the Blu-Ray. Then cut content to fit it on the DVD(s) for the 360. Then (maybe) people will realize the 360 can't handle new bigger projects that developers want. And us PS3 owners will actually get a decent multi-plat game!
That will never happen. Companies would be cutting their own throats to release a multiplatform game that is different on one console than the other.
They can get away with adding something exclusive to one console (Ex. Joker on PS3) but to intentionally release a game that is a totally different experience from the other is an industry no-no.
I just wished companies would consider a watered down game or inferior port a no-no. It seems like companies are happier to release the same content but have one version be inferior due to a bad port. We will never see the end to this argument. All we can do is support the companies that choose to do it right and let our wallets talk. JMO
That's why I liked the SNES vs Genesis years, SNES versions of multiplats were always vastly better.
I agree with you World, except for one game. I had the SNES and Mortal Kombat 2 was awesome but it didn't include blood. My friend had the Genesis version, the graphics weren't as good but he boasted all the time that he had real blood. Oh well, those were the good ole days.
*Goes digging through building to find SNES*
Actually MK1 was the one without the blood, MK2 had all blood and fatalities intact and was as close to an arcade perfect port as we would get until MK2 released on PSN 🙂
You are correct. I could not edit my post in time but I remember that now. Way to have my back.
WTF are all of you doing on here right now?! Why aren't busy playing FFXIII!?
::goes back to FFXIII::
Tell me LV, should I go out and get it later tonight or tomorrow, is it worth it? Your honest opinion?
@LV… I just saw the first FFXIII commercial that didn't tout it as a MS exclusive. They actually had the PS3 logo larger than the MS logo. Go figure.
So what do you think of the game. I haven't talked to my friend that bought it. I will be borrowing his game when he is done.
I'm only 3hours into it. So far I'm really digging the characters and the story is really interesting. The production is top notch of course and visuals IMO are some of the best I've seen on the PS3.
The battle system is limited thus far (I'm assuming since I'm still early into the game) and the battles have been quite easy.
The game grows on you, just give it a chance.
I'm lovin it, but yeah you kind of have to forget about your old notions of what an FF should be. That said, the battle system is still engaging, and actually tense when you have to be super fast and don't want to use the autobattle feature.
Cool, glad to hear its not too badly flubbed up guys! Maybe i'll venture out tomorrow morning before my shift of work starts and buy a copy, assuming there are any left in stock, lol (-:
Just picked up FFXIII and now I just have to run a few errands and erase all the negativity and skepticism I've accumulated from reading the bad metacritic reviews from my mind (I do read a lot of the bad game reviews even if it's a UC2-caliber title so I have an idea of the title's perceived flaws though most of the low score giving reviewers are idiots it still makes for a good laugh sometimes) I cant wait to see what this Cocoon/Pulse place has in store for me when I get home. This game has had more shots taken at it than any game I can think of this generation calling it "linear" (linearity is a valuable story telling tool) and emphasizing the lack of towns and little to no NPC interaction. I hope the flak isn't well deserved, it certainly wasn't in HR's case, but only the simple-minded wouldn't "get" HR thus trashing it.
FFXIII is far so good. my only gripe at the moment is the inability to control your other party members while in battle and that if the party leader dies its game over. Thats kinda lame. Other then that, im enjoying FFXIII.
Last edited by Jawknee on 3/9/2010 4:19:46 PM
They could make the 360 with multiple discs and require an install of all discs except the main one that keeps the game going.
What LV said. Back to FFXIII.
Last edited by tes37 on 3/9/2010 12:50:09 PM
Great idea!
My only question is…
How many developers will switch to the PS3 in the near future?
with microsoft's dirty money hovering everywhere, never…
another reason why blue ray is superior. from what ive been noticing 360 games are starting to be on more than one disc or developers having to compress way to much in order to fit the data on to the DVD-9.
example capcom cutting out content for lost planet 2 for both consoles due to DVD-9 storage capacity. FF 13 big time example of limitation of dvd-9 three discs.
GTA IV was going to be the best GTA ever but it turn out to be a ok GTA. due to rockstar had to cut content out not only cause of the disc space but also cause not all 360 came with a hard drive.
ME 2 great game indeed but think of possibilities bio-ware could of done if they had put it on a blue ray disc, plus one disc no disc swapping.
now la noire developers seeing the limitation of 360 DVD-9.if MS doesn't put a disc as good as blue ray or better in their next console all i can say is Xbox 720 R.i.P. on a side note ms put in a disc drive that doesn't f-up the disc while playing.
I think they know they have to either adopt Blu-ray or resurrect HD-DVD as a games only format.
When I was at my midnight pickup of FFXIII last night, they made it a big selling point to try to get people to buy the disc protection on "All 3 discs" of the 360 version.
I just smiled.
Hey! Anybody else think that: "calm the situation at Team Bondi over the size limitations."
Actually means "SHUT UP! We have to keep a lid on this thing or we will get in trouble with MS!"
Not just "shut up," but also "Say that again and you're fired"
We can't just blame Microsoft here everyone…
The Dev's can say no! they aren't brainwashed here… It's more the Dev's fault for accepting Bill Gates' Dirty Money…
Ha…bet if we had a peek inside his secret lair you'd see him playin FF on the PS3.
@ Canuck Yes we can, look at it like this in the case of timed exclusives from a dev standpoint: if someone wanted to give you essentially free money to hold back one version of your game you'd take it! It's like releasing a game twice because single console owners will wait for your game if it's good enough, so the timed exclusive money is either like a bonus to them or used to fund the next title. I don't blame developers for that because it makes business sense. I blame developers when we get sh*** ports, or they make ridiculous statements such as: "I didn't come into this business in the '90s because of some technical fetish. I came in because I wanted to give people experiences that made them have fun," thumb up to the first person to name the developer unless it's LV.
well wouldn't of been Rockstar who told them to make it for 360 and PS3?
Sounds like a "WAAA THE PS3 IS TOO HARD" complaint honestly so I am going with anyone that works for Valve.
Nice Coverton