More than a few developers have complained about the lack of space available on a DVD as compared to a Blu-Ray disc. And now, L.A. Noire developer Team Bondi appears to be running into a standard multiplatform conundrum.
According to Go Fanboy , Rockstar's Jeronimo Barrera has been asked by Take-Two (the dev's parent company) to "calm the situation at Team Bondi over the size limitations." Compression for a typical HDD installation is a possible answer, of course, but we're hoping this need to "calm" things down doesn't delay the project further. The game is already in the midst of a lengthy development process and Take-Two previously hinted that one of their highly anticipated 2010 titles might not make it until 2011. Perhaps they were aware of this issue at Team Bondi… We're hoping that's not the case and the game will still make its estimated release date of September, but at this point, it's tough to predict. It's incredibly unlikely that L.A. Noire will return to being a PS3 exclusive; after all this dev time, they're going to need a very large return on their investment. Perhaps that new motion capture tech is causing the problems…?
Well, we have no idea. But at least Take-Two is on top of things and are making an executive decision of sorts by sending in some help. We'll keep you updated.
Related Game(s): L.A. Noire
Looks like multiple DVDs and compressed lower quality graphics for xbox360 owners, unless you also have a PS3.
It would be hard to have multiple DVDs, I assume it's like GTA, an open-world game. I doubt you should switch DVD between each room you enter.
I believe this is the future for the PS3 and 360 if MS doesnt add a Blu-Ray drive to the XBOX.
Is it any wonder that the four best looking games out right now have PS3 exclusive behind the name?
Killzone 2
Uncharted 2
Heavy Rain
God of War 3
If i've been told correctly the 360 lacks the ability to boot a game from an external drive, hence the reason 360 games can't be pressed on a HD-DVD, so in order to upgrade the optical drive they will need to ship a whole new model with new everything, so they will probably try to tough it out (or throw their money around to get what they want) as long as possible before just making an xbox 720 instead of the xbox360+bluray
Sony would be nuts to give MS the rights to put a Blu-ray drive in their console. I just don't see it happening.
Actually sony said they'd love to allow M$ to put blu-ray in their 360's. They would get a piece of money for every BD360 sold. This is however why M$ refuses to do so.
Also M$ said that they would win the console war at all cost, they claimed if all else failed they would buy their way into peoples homes.
Microsoft, the original trojan horse.
They could just make it so each different 'island' (gta reference) was a different disk or something? now idea..
HAHAH! Who would have thought? No, really thanks a lot M$ for keeping the entire industry in regression because of your profit greed via making a cheaped out version of a "next gen," console and spending your near unlimited money resources to buy everything and make it exclusive/time exclusive multiplat. Microsoft has ruined this generation. Thatisall.
Last edited by Natalisrubbish on 3/9/2010 10:43:07 AM
Completely agree. The DVD medium should never be compensated. The game gets larger, the processing power is faster, the RAM increases. It only makes sense to make the DVD larger too. I would not be AS angry if Microsoft supported their HD-DVD (even though it failed), at least then we'll have the same sized content in PS3 version too. Instead we get cut content, and compressed visuals.
@ Godsman
Absolutely. It would have been similar to dreamcast's GD-Roms if MS had just supported HD-DVD for 360…Buuuttttt their tight a**es about money so naturally they give the consumer the chinsiest product possible and market it like its the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Actually the hd-dvd still could have run into the same problem. Not as easily or as quickly, but the hd-dvd single layer could still only hold around 15 gigs, dual layer being 30.
Blu-ray for the win! Single layer 50Gigs, BAM!
dual layer 50gb* =P
And single layer = 25gb 😛
Actually those numbers are just standard storage numbers used at the time of the original Blu-ray release. Technically blu-ray storage possibilities have been increasing each year as companies learn to increase the amount of layers on the disc which creates more disc space.
A 400 gig blu-ray disc was unveiled in 2008.
Read ongoing development on wikipedia.
@ kraygen
Yes that is very true and very awesome, however, none of that is affordable enough for the consumer or companies alike, in due time though the price will drop for manufacturing and in turn for the consumer.
Still doesn't change the fact that it's possible on current blu-ray players, with only the need for a firmware update.
@ Kraygen
Im not saying it won't eventually happen my friend, because you and I know it will, it will just be a good 4-6 years away from now. (-:
Thats sad in a funny way!
We all have to suffer because of M$. Maybe they'll set PS3 owners back further by using cartridges in their next console?!?
Microsoft strikes again
Is that site even credible ? I mean , just look at the name .
I don't know, but names are irrelevant. Just look at the names for other sites…
I don't blame Team Bondi; why shouldn't they be upset if they can't make the product the way they envisioned it because of a console's space restrictions?
it's not the development teams fault that the storage medium on 1 console can't sustain all the content they want to put in the game.
Spyro and Aaronisbla(aka contemprus or whatever) would not approve guys. C'mon now, were "gamers" not "fanboys". True "gamers" aren't allowed to dislike or point out MS's flaws.
Kidding aside, what a disaster. This gen will not end pretty for MS. what a blight on gaming they have been. Oops sorry Spyro, I went on another anti-MS rant. Please forgive me m'lord!
You really must be blind to not realize you are misspelling my name. And childish for thinking I care about what you think. All I did was wonder why you don't like the 360. There was no need for you to take it up the butt.
You obviously care enough continue replying to my posts. Calling me a fanboy isn't asking my why i don't like the 360. I suggest you reread your original post. 😉
Last edited by Jawknee on 3/9/2010 6:44:20 PM
If YOU re-read my original post, I never actually called you a fanboy. And I only continue replying because you feel the need to insult me.
oh right, sorry. you only implied i was one. Much better champ.
Well jawknee simply put: YOU ARE
If Jawknee is a "fanboy", then this site needs more fanboys.
360 is over rated, un-reliable, and throws money around to get what they want, and Jawknee isn't shy about pointing it out.
If Nintendo Wii had the same traits he would have the same sour attitude towards it too
Coming from you that's a compliment Hitch.
Oh man, more lack of space issues? I'm really not surprised.
That's all I can do right now…sigh and shake my head.
(troll) Best solution: Make the game exclusive to PS3. (/troll)
Then we are both trolls. 🙂
Troll 3 here.
originally it was… then it went multiplat (A.K.A Ms baught rights into it)
this is just the result of this mess… its like trying to fit a Great Dane into a Box… on one hand you have the intended box, capable of fitting the dog and more, but then you have the spoiled rich kid who wants your Great Dane in his box, although his box can only fit a Chiwawa. but of course, the rich kid pays you big bucks for your dog, so your only solution is to cut limbs off the dog until it fits into the box. then all you're left with is a ruined dog.
Bikersaint is not going to be happy with you for your use of dogs in your scenario. Nice post otherwise. I agree with you
Alright, I own both systems and I actually like both system very much and try not to go on a fanboy-esque rant but come on.
I understand at the beginning of this generation that a lot of developers wanted to be multiplatform because of the gap in user base and they needed the potential sales to recoup production costs. I get that and it makes total sense, but now that the user base is pretty damn comparable developers can afford to make exclusive games and see good return on investment on either system and utilise the pros of either one. I don't think anyone would be upset if Take Two made an exclusive PS3 game and then made an exclusive 360 game. Both games would likely be great because they would be focused projects and utilise the best of the architecture.
Microsoft in their desperate need to prove that the 360 can do whatever the PS3 can do and their propensity to buy exclusive rights to the damnedest things is really screwing everyone, themselves included. They need to stop throwing money at devs to make once exclusive projects multiplatform because bottom line is mulitplat games are not as good as exclusive games either way you go. The Mass Effects, Gears of wars, Fables, Halos, Uncharteds, Infamous, God of Wars, Resistances, Gran Turismos these are all the best of the best when compared to multiplats of the same genre.
What Microsoft needs to do is accept that exclusive games are better and instead of shovelling money at devs to end exclusivity for a Sony game they need to spend that money helping devs make a 360 exclusive game. Each system has it's pros and cons and each system's exclusives are the cream of the crop for that system. Focus more on exclusives and less on watering down the damn industry.
I'll agree with you about all those games except Halo, Gears and Fable. Crap, crap and more crap. But In general I do agree with all your points. Time for them to start focusing on their own games. They spend all their time trying to steal games from Sony and talking trash about Sony. When your busy trying to ruin some one your not focusing on yourself or your fans.
Last edited by Jawknee on 3/9/2010 11:20:51 AM
100% agree with Coverton. Excellent rant.
That would be great to have 3rd party exclusive PS3 games again.
But…. This generation, pretty much most multiplatform games are considered Xbox exclusives. That is because it's usually the lead platform and lowest common denominator. They can easily take the full capability of Xbox in every game.
At the same time, publishers need to stop being so damn greedy and learn to refuse MS' offers so they can make the best game possible.
Hate saying this, but it's not just Microsoft's fault for offering the cash. Someone is accepting it.
I say blame Take-Two for being greedy and taking what was once an exclusive game for the PS3 now potentially will be gimped to accommodate the other system(s).
Funny you should mention that ….
Demon Dog's mighty pissed that anyone would even think of chopping his newest "stud fee'ed" sweetie down to size, especially since he certainly like's his Lassies(and other assorted Great Dames), on the tall side.
(and that's probably why he's at the hardware stores right now, trying to rent a extension ladder for the week.
Awesome pic. Doesn't make me want to wet myself. Thanks
@Ben Hey Ben what about what Jawknee said and his continued attempt at veiled fanboyism?
Last edited by Hitch on 3/9/2010 10:25:58 PM
AMEN, you just said it all in a nutshell.
Its interesting to see so many developers complaining about this now. At the generations start everyone was pondering if Blu-ray was a bit overkill stating that DVD was more then enough but now things are different. More and more devs are cutting content to make it fit on one DVD and turning those cuts into paid for DLC, which stinks. Im just hoping that going forward devs either put the titles on 2 DVDs or do like RE5 Gold and put all the content on 1 blu-ray and give 360 owners a DLC voucher. Or do like wolf said above me ;p
Let's hope they DON'T go the way of RE5. Capcom wasn't doing us any favors. Those of us who trusted their claims and bought the game at launch are expected to buy it again or pay for the DLC.
Just a dang shame you can't read all the writing….
you'd probably piss yourself laughing