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FFXIII Includes Promotional Code For FFXIV Beta Test

If you're interested in giving Final Fantasy XIV a try on your PS3, you just might want to have Final Fantasy XIII handy.

We know a beta test for the new MMORPG will be coming to Sony's console and now that FFXIII has hit store shelves in North America, Square-Enix has updated their FFXIV website with some new information. This is where you'll submit your beta application but you should definitely pay attention to the new details:

Now, if you try to apply with the PS3 as your selected platform, you'll only receive an error message and the words, "If you received a FINAL FANTASY XIV promotional code for registering FINAL FANTASY XIII on the Square Enix Members site, please enter that code now." Obviously, you need to wait for the official launch date, which is today, March 9, for North America and Europe. We sort of figured Square-Enix would find a way to connect FFXIII and FFXIV and it does make sense, despite the difference in gameplay styles. Fans of the series could very well be interested in both games and hey, is anyone wondering what that "secret in-game item" might be?  How's about Excalibur, or something?

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIV

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14 years ago

I want to play FFXIV so bad. Such a shame I had to cancel my preorder of FFXIII due to money issues. Hopefully I'm not too late when I pick up my copy this coming weekend.

14 years ago

I've always loved the concept of the MMORPG — it's the execution (and those SCANDALOUS monthly fees) that's kept me away from them. If this one looks as gorgeous as the early footage suggests, has a compelling FF world worthy of the name, and at least a REASONABLE monthly charge, I will take a long hard look at this game. If it's a cheap, lousy cash-in? There are way too many great games coming for me break stride for trash 😉

14 years ago

I'll give SE credit where it's due. They are trying really hard to compete in the MMO arena. "Cheap cash-in" has never even crossed my mind when it comes to FFXI or FFXIV.

I think what has helped WoW take off is the trial is free. You can download the game for free and try it out for 14 days without spending a dime.

Final Fantasy requires you to purchase the game first, then you get free 30 days online. That's just bad business when it comes to MMOs. If you don't like the game, they still collected $60 from you that you'll never get back (unless it finds it's way to eBay). They need to find a better way to get people to play the game.

Have a free prefab version available for download that allows people to try the game before purchasing and handing over $10+ each month.


Give all gamers free 120-180 day trials with the game purchase.

Last edited by Nynja on 3/9/2010 3:34:44 PM

14 years ago

Any idea how much the online fees will be? One reason I don't play WoW is because of the fee. Hope it's nothing like that.

$10/month + $60 game. In 2 years, it'll be $300!!.

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
14 years ago

I totally have to agree with you. I played XI for a while and loved it, but I'm not a fan of paying a monthly fee to play a game.

I would bet the fee will be close to $15 or so. There were some rumors floating around that it would be free, but I sincerely doubt that.

14 years ago

maybe they can tie this in with a premium psn account.

14 years ago

I gotta say tho, the monthly fee while I don't like it, it does allow you to play the game continuously with new content over those 2 years.

Here's another math lessen for you. People buy new ps3 games each month because most only last for a few weeks worth of play. Sooo

1 new game each month over 2 years.

$60 a month @ 24 months = $1440.

How does that $300 dollars look now?

Even if you only buy a game every other month the mmo is cheaper.

14 years ago

And that's just one of the reasons I have 2 seperate MMO accounts going. Not to mention all of the content that is being added all the time. Most regular games you buy have very little added after the original purchase. So after those few weeks, you're stuck with a game that will never change. MMO's constantly change and have new stuff over time. Some every two months or so.

14 years ago

FFXI was about $12.95 a month for 1 account which gave you 1 character. It was $1.00 for each additional character. Those who had the money were able to dish out a lifetime membership for a 1 time cost of about $160-180.

The money adds up, sure but as Kraygen said if you are playing the game pretty seriously it will reduce you game purchases. I would say that I fall into that category and probably purchase more than 25 games a year.

14 years ago

It's a different claim to buy new games every time. I buy games for the story. Each new game you buy, you get a completely new story, game design, experience, gameplay. I have a choice of playing action, shooter, RPG, etc. To dedicate yourself to 2 years of FFIV, I don't know.

14 years ago

That's where the expansion packs and free updates come in. I can say that FFXI is not the same game it was when it first came out. SE has improved it on so many fronts since release day.

Granted the battle system remains largely intact. The experience though, it keeps evolving and in a good way.

The only reason I don't play it anymore is because the better version of it is on 360 and the controller blows for FFXI. Also, I've been waiting for FFXIV since I heard they started working on a new MMO several years back.

Last edited by Nynja on 3/9/2010 3:38:55 PM

Kiwi of DOOM
Kiwi of DOOM
14 years ago


14 years ago

Glad to hear this, now FF13 sales should definetely be more for the PS3, which'll convince SE to leave FF vs 13 exclusive, hopefully. My question is, what are they working on next, & if both, which one are they prioritizing? Versus, or 14?

14 years ago

Different teams are working on the games anyweiz. The FFXIII team said they moved on to working on Versus now.

14 years ago

also at e3 last year they said ffxiv would be out this year, no word yet on a versus release yet.

14 years ago

secret item? If anyone here has played FFXI, you know it'll be some sort of pink fluffy hat that drops cookies that make you dance or something 😛

14 years ago

1 firecracker

14 years ago

I've never been a huge fan of MMORPG's, but if a code comes with the game, then I will just have to give it a try.

14 years ago

Sweet. Can't wait for FFXIII tomorrow!!! Still waiting on the review here xD

14 years ago

Which in a way makes no sense. We get a review for a game that's a week away, but not one for a game that releases in just a few hours.

14 years ago

It must be a priority thing, the same thing happened when Heavy Rain's NDA expired we got that review early and AvP's then waited for Bioshock 2. I don't mind reviews this way because I assume they give us the reviews of the games the community seems to care more about versus just passing off mundane reviews of the latest title so they can get to the next one.

14 years ago

also remember that ffxii takes several more hours to complete, even if you rush it. There is a lot more game to review, a lot more area's to cover, meaning maps and such, and a lot more characters most likely.

14 years ago


It depends on developers and how quick they send a copy to reviewers.

14 years ago

I think SE wasn't nice enough to deign to give PSXE a copy, so they must have to go through other channels.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 3/9/2010 12:16:29 AM

14 years ago

its quite obvious actually.
FFXIII is a 50+ hour game.
GOW3 is a 15 or so hour game.

14 years ago

Awesome, thanks for that Ben 🙂 Im at the gates of antiquity now in ffxiii.. visuals and music are top notch. Really looking forward to seeing more nature. And p.s. vanille is damn cute, she aint annoying to me!

14 years ago

seeing that you get a free code for FFXIV from buying FFXIII, it makes me think that all those content taken out of FFXIII make up most of FFXIV.

-Final Fantasy XIV, the other half of FFXIII-

Then they'll sell FFXIII and FFXIV together then call it FFXIII director's cut.

14 years ago

Highly unlikely since they don't even take place in the same world. Add to the fact that FFXIV is more of a fantasy setting just as FFXI was compaired to the more sci-fi setting of FFXIII.

14 years ago

i guess you didnt get that it was supposed to be a joke. just taking a shot at SE for gimping the game. i just hate the fact that i waited for this game since XII and get a game that maybe a completely new final fantasy title from the ones i loved. I'm just hoping that XIII is not just a final fantasy in name only.

14 years ago

Thanks for the info.

Also for those wondering, ffxiv is supposed to be quite a bit different from ffxi. Soloing will now be possible according to SE. Thank goodness as ffxi was impossible to play alone and after a bad day, sometimes I don't want to talk to people, but I still wanna play my games.

14 years ago

I love the idea of playing this game solo. For me the best part of an MMO is how alive the world feels not so much the grouping up.

14 years ago

I agree with ya, nothing wrong with grouping but I'm kinda a hermit for a reason. Sometimes I just wanna do what I wanna do, not what you wanna do. Everybody has days like that, and I think it's ok.

14 years ago

That's one reason the new Lord of the Rings Online content update that just came out is so great. Now you're able to almost solo the entire game now if you'd like. Great for us loners out there.

14 years ago

!!! wait this its very important! why SE say this until now? lol I suppose it wouldn't be fair for ms sales.

Last edited by Oxvial on 3/8/2010 11:42:09 PM

14 years ago

Yeah, that would have been very bad since Sony had the exclusive advertising for FFXIII as well…

14 years ago

Just got back from my midnight pickup, what am I doing posting here? So long suckas!

14 years ago


14 years ago

i was actually quite shocked today, i was expecting a line out the door at game retailers today but they were deserted.
i had to go to westfields to get some books for tafe because the teachers there, well ill put it this way id learn more off my fu**ing dog!
so i thought while im there i might as well see if BFBC2 has come in yet and saw a massive box filled with FFXIII copies yet to be put on shelves.

14 years ago

So wait, what if we already applied for the Beta? I dont think youre allowed to apply again.

14 years ago

Each applicant can only receive 1 beta invite, either for PC or PS3.

If you have already applied for the PC beta then register your copy of FFXIII and receive a beta code, your application for the PC beta invite is voided.

14 years ago

Update: I registered my game and when I went to apply for a beta test deal it says my promotional code is invalid or has already been used. WTF? They just gave it to me!

14 years ago

The servers may not be open yet possibly?

14 years ago

Did you type it in properly?

14 years ago

That's an easy one. Game… Stop

14 years ago

haha, well who knows, yeah I copied and pasted the thing.

14 years ago

I found out the hard way that you can't copy and paste. The last 4 letters get chopped out, so you'll need to type out the hold thing with no space. Give that a try.

14 years ago

You have to wait for release day before the code will be valid. Anyone who gets that error, just try again March 9th.

14 years ago

THANKS Lucifer! I'm in now.

14 years ago

Im about 7 hours into it now. I still prefer the FFX combat style because it's turn based, but that's only because i like to take my time and consider all alternatives before making a move. I'm sure that I will come to really like the battle system when I get more practice in 🙂 Everything else is great. I couldn't care about the linearity as it's as linear as ffx. I really wish I had a huge LED tv to play this on because of the absolutely amazing lighting. At least I have 5.1 audio :>

14 years ago

Im….confused…where do i go and what do i do to get in the beta? I just got FFXIII and it's freakn sweet.