If you're interested in giving Final Fantasy XIV a try on your PS3, you just might want to have Final Fantasy XIII handy.
We know a beta test for the new MMORPG will be coming to Sony's console and now that FFXIII has hit store shelves in North America, Square-Enix has updated their FFXIV website with some new information. This is where you'll submit your beta application but you should definitely pay attention to the new details:
Now, if you try to apply with the PS3 as your selected platform, you'll only receive an error message and the words, "If you received a FINAL FANTASY XIV promotional code for registering FINAL FANTASY XIII on the Square Enix Members site, please enter that code now." Obviously, you need to wait for the official launch date, which is today, March 9, for North America and Europe. We sort of figured Square-Enix would find a way to connect FFXIII and FFXIV and it does make sense, despite the difference in gameplay styles. Fans of the series could very well be interested in both games and hey, is anyone wondering what that "secret in-game item" might be? How's about Excalibur, or something?
Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIV
First impressions 2 hours in, FFXIII is an amazing fast paced action game with RPG elements.
You better be ready for the intensity, this isn't your daddy's Final Fantasy 🙂
Ahh, that's no good, I want an RPG FF!
It's difficult to square this with my old FF feelings, but if you can kind of put that aside it is a great game.
Man that's kinda what I was afraid of. I kept saying that it sounded like an action game and that if I wanted to enjoy it I shouldn't expect typical FF. I kept getting thumbs down, but looks like I might have been right anyway.
I honestly am really enjoying this new ATB system. I'm not that far into the game yet so it is still pretty limited but it is a lot of fun. Still feels very much like an RPG to me
I played this game for 11 hours today, utterly engrossed by it, all the flaws the reviews hounded it down for washed away after the first few hours. I can'say i have much of a problem with the game, the one minor thing that comes to mind is when you have Vanille and Sazh and you have to use Vanille to cure, it can be to slow, i have died at least twice due to that but the game itself has certainly gone beyond my moderate expectations. I espeically love the back story parts, very well done.
really loving the game so far, for those who feel as if its too "actiony" don't, its still very much so a rpg.
All the faults people were reporting hasn't fazed me as much, it is linear but thats not really a bad thing in my opinion.
Waiting on the mrs to finish watching bad girls club so i can get the tv back
cOOL….I have the Japanese code for FFXIV…
Here in Brazil the people is already playing FFXIII pirate version in yours XBOX360…sad but true!!
you know everyone is bashing square enix about making FF13 multiplat, but did anyone ever think that this may actually work out for ps3 owners?
think about it, they hook more ppl with the 360 version and if they wanna play more, they'll have to get a ps3 for versus and 14.
afterall in europe the ps3 version for preorder is like 7:3. believe me they keeping track of stuff like that
ill excuse 13, i know its not gonna be the greatest FF and it will be different but it will be up there.
I still don't like the idea of having MMOs within the Final Fantasy iterations. Also I'm a poor 3rd year maths and stats student and so I really cannot afford such luxuries.