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PSXE Poll Update: Heavy Rain Has An Overwhelming Impact

Heavy Rain appears to be a tremendous success: first-week estimates say about a half-million copies were sold, and gamers have responded with extreme praise.

In this past week's poll question, we simply asked what you thought about Quantic Dream's ambitious, excellently produced title and the vast majority were simply blow away. Most of the rest say the game is amazing but then again, they expected it. Overall, many gamers are currently holding an ongoing love affair with Heavy Rain ; they go through it multiple times to see any one of the twenty-two possible endings, and they greatly appreciate the nod to sensitivity and real human emotion. No game is perfect and this one suffers from a bit of technical hitching and glitching but artistically speaking, it doesn't get much better. As we said in our review – linked above – it's not for everyone, as the "twitch gamers" likely won't care and honestly, Heavy Rain is simply too mature and intelligent for some younger gamers. On the other hand, most major critics understood the goal of the game and older players have really embraced Quantic Dream's gem.

This week, there can be no other subject than Final Fantasy XIII . And because you don't have it yet, we just want to know: do you think FFXIII will match your expectations? Or will it be a total flop; unworthy of being part of such a legendary franchise? So many gamers seem split on this issue and it'll be interesting to see where the readers stand…

Related Game(s): Heavy Rain

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14 years ago

Now that we've got a bunch of reviews on it, I'm thinking FFXIII will live up to my expectations just fine. I guess I have the "advantage" of not being a long-time fan of the series, so I'm not concerned with it carrying on the tradition set forth in a bunch of games I've never played. I was watching a video review of it yesterday, and the guy was complaining about the linearity, but what I saw taking place on the screen behind him looked just fine to me. Pretty cool actually. Everyone seems to agree that the battle system is excellent – once you finally get a chance to use it. As long as the characters and story are up to snuff, I'm pretty sure it will be a worthy purchase.

Too bad I'm broke right now 🙁 It may very well be the next game I buy though.

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
14 years ago

I have to admit, even when I was buying the game, I felt slightly unsure of what to expect.

But after playing through the game, I was completely blown away by the entire experience. It's easily in my all time top 5.

14 years ago

too bad for all the screen tearing, you would think they would sort that before relase wouldnt you?

14 years ago

I was scared of the QTE set-up, but it was wasted fears. I really loved the characters. I had even mentioned to my girlfriend that if a certain character died I may cry a little. lol. I even got a little watery eyed in the opening where you see the balloon floating off. Haven't had a game make me feel like that since Aeris took a sword through the chest. lol. What's that been, 12 years now?

14 years ago

People complained about the linearity of FFX, and I still liked it. People complained about the automation of the battle system in FFXII, and I still liked it. People are complaining about FFXIII, and I expect I'll still like it.

Are there things I won't like, yeah probably. There were a few things in FFX and FFXII that I didn't like too, but I still consider this one worth the price of admission.

14 years ago

Hello all! This is also my first post, but I have been a PSXE lurker for a very long time.

This game is so amazing, I cant believe it. Its a revolution in digital entertainment, if you ask me.

We are very lucky to have such brilliance on our system.

14 years ago

I finally got to play HR still actually playing but WOW thats all I have to say it's amazing…. Just loved it can't wait to keep going.

14 years ago

Sony should have saved the Kevin Butler Uncharted 2 commercial for Heavy Rain. I can't play it unless my niece is watching it. She thinks its a movie. GOTY in my opinion.

14 years ago

Regarding Heavy Rain.

Just read a comment where someone said they had to "give the tongue" to get past a couple of sections.

I thought it was only me!

There was one scene (I wont say where), that I ran out of fingers during one of the more complicated button presses and I needed to use my tongue to press down the circle button.

Never had enough strength unfortunately…

Come on? Some one else please say it wasn't just me and I'm not the biggest noob around…

14 years ago

You were giving tongue to your controller?
Nice PS3 fetish…..



14 years ago

Yes, I used my tongue and it wasn't even the sex scene!

Seriously, all my fingers were busy and if it wasn't my tongue there was only one other choice!

14 years ago

LOL, Just had to laugh at the mental image of that.

But ya got to do what ya gotta do in order to beat a game.

It's still funny though, & thanks for the LOL's