We promise to bring you the news, no matter how painful it may be.
And the reason this is news is simply because it involves a significant reversal. To our knowledge, Square-Enix has never approached the fans with the possibility of a Final Fantasy VII remake; they've only played defense for the past decade whenever they were asked about it. But apparently, they wanted to gauge the reactions of gamers who may or may not be interested in such a project, as they mentioned it at Square-Enix's Japanese Twitter page (it's all in Japanese, so we won't bother to link). The point is that as soon as they asked, the page got blasted with a gazillion "hell YES, you should do it!" replies. It got so overwhelming, in fact, that S-E had to post a follow-up Tweet asking the fans to stop posting. Bear in mind that it only includes the Japanese audience; can you imagine if it had included North American and European gamers, too? Perhaps the most bizarre part about this is that S-E – depending on how you interpret the news – actually seemed surprised at this response. …as if fielding the same old question for like eight or nine years wasn't a big enough sign.
So now that FFXIII is done and out the door and they've turned to focus their attention on Final Fantasy Versus XIII , might Square-Enix finally allocate the necessary resources? Have they finally opened their eyes and said, "um…people kinda want this, huh?"
And then you woke up.
That is what I have been trying to say, but in fewer words. It's their trump card. Notice how they never came outright and said there will be no remake.
Turn-based is not extinct, it's simply…endangered at this point. People today have this insatiable urgency for action. They wanna act and do as quickly as possible. This is the reason for the lack of turn-based games this gen so far. I miss the old days when strategy, reasoning, and experimentation won you the tough battles. Nowadays, those with the quickest reaction time reign supreme. If they are gonna do a ff7 remake , please, do it justice. I don't think I can accumulate anymore disappointment from JRPG's without imploding.
I think there was always a crave for action in gaming, it's just back then capabilities were more limited.
I have to disagree. Look how popular civilization is. Turn based = Strategy.
Yes, because there happens to be a crowd which enjoys that genre of gaming, just like the crowd who happens to like games that twitch. Or you could enjoy both.
For FF 7 and FF10 had a good level of "action" and were still turn-based.
Not anymore , am starting to get sick of this whole thing , either say your gonna do it or say you wont.
But stop teasing your fans about it every 2 weeks , am starting to get sick of S-E.
@Kraygen, couldn't agree more, VIII's battle system was retarded, I hated drawing it was too damn stupid, then if you needed to used junctioned magic YOUR STATS WENT DOWN, and the limits, don't get me started.
Now I refuse to believe SE doesn't realize we want a remake, they're keeping ppl on their toes until they finish Fabula Nova Crystalis. and if they modify the battle system they should leave an option to go back to good ol' ATB
EDIT: I remember nomura said once "There's one missing part to finish the circle." Then there is Dirge of Cerberus' secret ending where Genesis flies away with Weiss in arms. Next Villian Omega-Genesis??? Idk remake or sequel it could go anyway…..
Last edited by totozero18 on 3/6/2010 4:56:00 AM
It's going to eventually happen, people need to chill and stop going insane over anything FFVII. Everyone got their Star Wars prequels and look what that got us.
I'm just saying…
nice point LV
TY, Nazty
if they do this they will fially brcomemimmorta;
translation: If they do this they will finally become immortal?
(What the French, toast?)
Did many of the responses read "yes remake final fantasy VII, and make it for playstation 3 only worldwide"?
I demand a link to ask for it!!!
Think of this going over to Failbox gives me the chils…
Last edited by totozero18 on 3/6/2010 6:44:07 AM
Sony owns all of the publishing rights to it so no worry.
How do you know if that is only for the original final fantasy VII and not a remake?
Maybe you should brush up on copyright laws.
Copyrights can expire and the copyright laws protecting video games are a lot more loosely defined than copyright laws protecting say music and films. And also the parent company that developed the game can opt to buy out of the copyright if mutually agreed upon which would be dumb on Sony's part but also the loophole in this whole ordeal is that the parent company that developed the game doesn't technically exist any more which could allow a really good copyright lawyer to find reason enough to void the copyright.
With the actions of Square-Enix and the shear market brutality that Microsoft exhibits I wouldn't put it past them to try a weasel manoeuvre like this.
Don't fall for it, they're just screwin' with your minds, it's probably like crack to them.
Wada: Eeh, eeh, people listen up, what can we do to f*ck up these peepz' week this time.
Random squeeenix employee: Let's like, put up a poll at the end of this week, then announce next monday, it will still take too long to remake and say we won't do it after all.
Wada: Good idea, let's do that, everybody get to it now!
Nomura: Damn it Wada, stop taking my team for your stupid actions, we need to get busy with Versus XIII! Or else Kingdom Hearts III will take too long to come out.
Wada: Versus XIII, what's that, if it doesn't come out on xbox too, I don't know what it is.
Nomura: Stupid son of a b*tch, I should really get my own company…
Am i the only one who would prefer a FF8 remake?-
Having the voice actors for squall,rinoa,and the rest would just be amazing to see.
The game had great ideas,it would be awesome to see the game remade but for some reason theres no demand for it =(
Last edited by XxNoir on 3/6/2010 8:16:06 AM
Scarecrow would love one I'm sure.
Doesent Sony have the distribution rights for FFVII??? thats what ive heard, if they do then Sqeenix cant make it for the crapbox 360.
And squeenix has not made a good FF game since FFX, and the completly destroyed FFXIII by going multyplat, and they make excuses for why the game has no towns or open world..its funny other JRPGs have towns in this generation.
And if the last few FF games indicates they will most likely ruin the Remake, unless they bring back the original staff of FFVII.
Last edited by Athrin on 3/6/2010 8:22:34 AM
Umm what about vsXIII?
NOOOOOO NEEEED FOR A REMAKE , seriously it is a classic game ,let it remain a classic . No point in repeating an RPG ,knw ing exactly what would happen next .
If it was something like a sequel or a prequel i wont mind . return the old turn-based to ffxiii versus and i'll be goood
i agree. if a game is a classic why remake it? you wouldn't want someone to go and remake your favourite film and ruin it would you?
no, but sometimes remakes are better than the original and we can all hope. What's life without something to hope for.
Listen. If they remake it and i sucks its not like the original is going to dissapear. Just don't play the remake. Simple solution. Just allow everyone who wants a remake to have one. …that is if it ever happens.
why a remake? because not everyone has played FF7 and cant be even bothered to play the classic because "graphics are outdated". As for playing an rpg while knowing what happens next, there are people who play rpgs more than once. just ask around with people on this site.
"you wouldn't want someone to go and remake your favourite film and ruin it would you?"
They're doing that with Clash of the Titans unfortunately.
Hell Yeah!!! bring it on!
What they should do is Remake FFVII, Make a sequel, put Advent children movie and Crisis core and Dirge of cerberus all in one super colectors edition on the PS3 only. Like 2-3 BD disks set. To make the sequel wont take long they would have already most of the stuff done becouse of the remake of VII, and the sequel could be like 5 years after Advent children.
First disk has Crisis core and FFVII remake, second disk has ADvent children and Dirge, and last disk has FFVII sequel.
Sell it for like 125-150$ make 1 Billion$ everybody happy, and Squeenix can continie making crapy games and screwing up the other IPS
Last edited by Athrin on 3/6/2010 11:37:33 AM
only in a perfect world would something like that happen. Which unfortunately we do not live in.
Its going to happen. Just hope its exclusive. Sony better capitalize on this opportunity. This is one exclusive they need to hold on to.
Square-Enix headquarters:
"No! really! they want a remake!? If they wanted it so bad, why didn't they just said so? This is the first time I've heard of It…"
I would buy a FFVII Remake for $300!!!
Heck I'll buy another playstation if they'll just remake this right. Make a special edition for ffvii remake, put built in memory card reader, backwards compatibility, a large hard drive, special graphics on console(not a sticker), sell it for $500 bucks. I'd buy it and so would lots of others.
Well, now I think we can, maybe officially, say that SE gets the idea. And that's just from Japan. Like you said Ben, if they were surprised at just how much attention they received from Japan, open your eyes to the world SE. We all really want this thing.
If it ever made its way out of Japan (highly doubtful), there would be no doubt, I would preorder a copy the moment preordering became available. Even more so if it were exclusive, which it would be even more appreciated if so. But, if not, I wouldn't care too much, I'd still buy it.
But, I think the real question now is, would the remake soar? Or will it fall?
It'll Soar like an Eagle.
BTW, I wear glasses. lol
Last edited by main_event05 on 3/6/2010 3:55:01 PM
Now why would they go and do a silly thing like that? The original wasn't exclusive to Japan only, this game is arguably the most critically acclaimed game ever made! I think if they do remake it, they will release it for everyone because it makes better business sense.
The idea of a remake definately soars… But, will the real thing make everyone as pleased as the PS1 version did? That was my main question. Cause a remake can fail even if it is from an immensely amazing game like FFVII. But, SE could probably pull it off.
And you be a sexy man with the glasses then haha 😉
True… However, I just thought it seemed like SE to keep a remake in their own native lands. For example, the KH Final Remix versions never came to anywhere except Japan. That was my thought process behind them not bringing the remake to the states or anywhere else. Although, there's always that small chance…
I think SE would get a bigger response if they were to ask the fans about a FFVI remake =)
Don't get your hopes up guys and please if you don't believe me or doubt me in anyway, you can if you want to but. Well you know how Square Enix has been denying the FFVII remake for all this time. Well, what would you think that the secret black project game that Ben told us about could very well be FFVII. NOW PLEASE, DON"T GET YOUR HOPES UP. I"m sorry if I did but, it seems for all this time that this is turning suspicious. FFVII is what gave a big influence in RPG's, I would think that Square Enix does not what to them to know what else they are doing.
Now I like Final Fantasy VIII more and making a remake on that, I would buy that in a hearbeat because it has been favorite game ever since I played as a child. Of course, this secret game that everybody wants to know is not gonna be said for quite awhile. So only time will tell, but I my only guesses are that it will either be the new Twisted Metal or Final Fantasy VII. Please, don't get mad at me for saying it's Final Fantasy VII and it turns out to be that it's not because I know a lot of you love that game.
I can see that being possible, but your absolutely right, it won't be something I count on, it would just be an awesome surprise. (-:
I thought of the same, BUT "could be very well" doesn't sound too much of a guess to me, do you have a source????
@ johnld believe me i know what it's like to play an RPG a million times (got doomtrain in ffviii) the best RPG in my opinion.
back to the point , whats the point of BUYING a game that u will know what will happen in the end, really i don't see the point
Most of it has to do with the journey. Finding out how they got to the ending and enjoying the gameplay should far outweigh any previous knowledge regarding the ending.
Having said that I still think you're cute and I hope you're doing well across the ocean.