We promise to bring you the news, no matter how painful it may be.
And the reason this is news is simply because it involves a significant reversal. To our knowledge, Square-Enix has never approached the fans with the possibility of a Final Fantasy VII remake; they've only played defense for the past decade whenever they were asked about it. But apparently, they wanted to gauge the reactions of gamers who may or may not be interested in such a project, as they mentioned it at Square-Enix's Japanese Twitter page (it's all in Japanese, so we won't bother to link). The point is that as soon as they asked, the page got blasted with a gazillion "hell YES, you should do it!" replies. It got so overwhelming, in fact, that S-E had to post a follow-up Tweet asking the fans to stop posting. Bear in mind that it only includes the Japanese audience; can you imagine if it had included North American and European gamers, too? Perhaps the most bizarre part about this is that S-E – depending on how you interpret the news – actually seemed surprised at this response. …as if fielding the same old question for like eight or nine years wasn't a big enough sign.
So now that FFXIII is done and out the door and they've turned to focus their attention on Final Fantasy Versus XIII , might Square-Enix finally allocate the necessary resources? Have they finally opened their eyes and said, "um…people kinda want this, huh?"
X-2 is one of my all time favorite FFs.
Good God man, what is going on over there? Squeenix must have lost their minds. We have only asked for a FFVII remake about a billion times. Every time the subject comes up people start hyperventilating.
I just don't understand why they would do this. They know we want it, and they knew this news always lights up the rumor mills all over the net. So why would they do this just after telling us that it couldn't happen?
They cannot be that stupid. They must get some sort of sadistic pleasure from stirring things up like this.
You know Ben, I remember when you said that you would just not listen to any more of the remake news, and I thought, "Oh come on, don't give up hope!" But now I know how you feel. I'm so tired of this story popping up again and again, just to be shot down. Until SE comes out and officially announces a remake, I'm just going to ignore it. I'm tired of them playing with my head.
Maybe they should make a remake + sequel if they decide on making ff7. Then everyone is happy! 😀 remake and sequel!!!
They should save the money and make a remake of the better game, Final Fantasy 8. Yes, I said it.
While I do think that would be sweet.. it would make them a heck of a lot more money to remake 7… THEN work on 8 with their mountain of gold.
FF9 was better than 8..and 6 was better than all the others =P
Nah. You'll never understand the subjectiveness of the Final Fantasy franchise.
You get people going "FFX! I LOVED that game!".
Then you get someone going "Nah, FFVII is the best. You should try it sometime."
Then some ghey comes along and goes "I prefered FFVIII more than VII. It's a better game." Then: "No way. VIII was pansy with the most plotholes ever."
Then suddenly out of nowhere there's an angry: "Damn, I HATE you people. Why can't you understand that VI is superior than the rest?"
Then spawns an argument about which villian is more evil, badass, or stronger with idiots calling Kefka a gay clown & Sephiroth a Mama's Boy. [Though Kefka is definately more evil, Sephiroth is definately more badass, and no one's stronger than Neo ExDeath].
Some kid goes, "What about Kuja?". He gets shun down [c'mon, Kuja is pretty much homo insecure narcissist], but then the FFVI fanboy goes on saying how FFVI & FFIX are his favourites since it isn't all "crappily futuristic."
And then FINALLY, the elder comes in, tells everyone to STFU because FFIV reigns supreme.
@ piratedrunk
Yeah thats what I want a ps3 pretty ff where I sit for hours sucking magic out of the same creature because he has some rare hard to find spell.
8's story may be good but the magic was handled poorly. Thumbs down all ya want, you know its true.
taking magic from enemies is great
You don't need to do it for hours
Consumes no mp to cast
That reminds me, FFVIII has the best magics out of any FF, both stats wise and visually.
Scarecow: You forgot to mention the Refine abilities, where you refine magic from items. It's pretty useful.
@ Scarecrow
I hear you say that you don't have to for hours, but if you want all of your characters to have the best stats you do have to do it for that length of time. Certain abilities boost stats way more than others, so by not having 100 magic equipped to that stat you're gimping your team. Then you can't use that magic unless that monster is available or you want to lower your stats.
I'm not saying the game was bad, I'm just saying that the magic system left something to be desired.
I just thought of something disturbing. Everyone is going to read about this, get all excited, then SE will announce next week that this wasn't the policy of the company, it was a sole employee acting on their own initiative and does not in any way reflect anything that SE is doing. Then everyone will be all upset again over yet another FFVII rumour being started, and we'll be back to square one.
But not the right "Square one," meaning Squaresoft. I think you are probably correct about how this will all go down. Either that or they will come out and say they will consider doing it… for Xbox 360.
I actually thought of your square one comment after I posted, I would have said something but I was deep in a SOCOM match while I was doing it.
*Grabs Buster Sword* There is a down thumber about these parts.
woops, wrong button =P
Wanna fight? *grabs Masamune*
I wouldn't even mind if they just put a small team on making an HD version of the old one. Capture some voice acting, and call it a day.
Your comment made me think about how seriously they WILL F*** this up, no matter what they do. If they add voices they'll catch hell from the hardcores (The voices will be wrong no matter what to them) If they don't add voices people will b**** that they should have (We have technology etc.) If this becomes a reality it will be a double edged sword for them. The example above is just one of many design decisions the developers will face. This would probably outsell MW2 especially in Japan.
i didnt think the japanese voices for advent children were bad at all. as long as they give us the option of using japanese tracks then it'll be fine.
once they start getting tooo crazy in the world of warcrafty fighting system maybe when its all l ooking down hill they will have to put it up for development…. its almost like they know about this… and its like a secret fallback weapon….. not only would it seriously bring back turn based RPG's it will bring back TURNED BASED RPGs! no more world of warcraft running in circles till ur lil dude swings a stick…..i would with out a doubt if this comes out buy the mega super ultimate edition……. id pay over 130 for this HD remake if it was done right
I'm completely happy with the original as it is. Some classics shouldn't be remade. A remake can even hurt the originals legacy if it's not done correctly. Especially if people have never experienced the original. And in some cases, those that have.
I know this will only lead to heartbreak but…
And ditch turn based.
yea, then lets remake ketchup.
but w/o the tomatoes.
Turn based is dead, as it should be because its outdated.
*awaits the downfall of thumbs down*
Its not food, we are talking bout the video games industry, an industry that manages to completly reinvent itself every year. Change is always going to come, you adapt to it or fall by the wayside. IF its a time tested formula for success, it gets carried on, if not, its left behind. That's where turn based gameplay went.
Last edited by Snicket on 3/6/2010 12:52:05 AM
With your logic we should change basketball hoops to 20feet tall, soccer goals to 30 meters wide, and footballs should weigh 100 lbs.
Change is good, right?
That's not exactly what I meant LV, lets not turn this into something that it isnt.
If you're going to make an outrageous leap in logic to bash a great form of gameplay than I'm going to attempt to do the same to show how wrong you are.
You may not enjoy Turn Based but don't label it outdated. We're talking about videogames here, not fashion. If you believe it's outdated I'd love to hear your reasoning.
Im actually going to go with LV on this one… just because you don't like turn based games doesn't mean everyone else doesn't. Gaping over generalizations certainly do not make anything more true. Turn based is simply less popular, that doesn't mean that with the right production touches and marketing it couldn't be successful. Considering FF-7 is considered by many a fan to be the best FF or best RPG ever, I'm quite certain plenty of people would buy it, turn based battle system or not. (-:
Calling something "great" is just a matter of opinion. Lets all calm down just a little. I'm simply sharing my opinion that I think turn based is slow, and kills the pacing of the game, remember, these are just my thoughts. I don't work for SE and I'm not the one who will make the call, so chill out.
"just because you don't like turn based games doesn't mean everyone else doesn't."
And so…? I'm sorry did I say that?
hahahaha, its a twitch gamer. my bad if you're offended but i just read the article about twitch gaming.
Actually it has more to do with what you didn't say than did. You come on here and proclaim that Turn Based is dead and that it's outdated. You offer ZERO reasons to support your claims and than act surprised when people come after you for it.
Next time you make a statement (one that looks more like an attention getter than anything else) I suggest you at least offer some valid reason to support your opinion.
@ LV
Yeah, you nailed it.
Ok obviously Square Enix has had their heads in another place, while there are die-hards dead against it, the majority want a FF7 remake. I couldn't care less the original was good enough for me, but I would like to see the KOTR & the Golden Saucer in 720-1080p Let's hope if they do it they are smart enough not to "westernize" it, but if they were surprised the fans wanted a remake who knows wtf they'll do.
I'd want a world map I can actually walk fully across and see multiple cities on the horizon. I miss that. Stupid FFX had to change things!
Last edited by LimitedVertigo on 3/6/2010 3:03:59 PM
Yeah, to tell you the truth I was kind of expecting a return to the glory days of turn-based RPG's when I bought my ps3, I thought this was rational thinking at the time, then I played Oblivion it was my first real 3rd person RPG (Unless Baldur's Gate counts) I remember thinking "When do I meet my party?" and "Are these actual people playing online?" LOL Then I got Demon's Souls and after walking around with Ostrava from Boletaria for 15 minutes I realized he wasn't going to join my party! That and the departure of turn based this generation has disappointed me so far with our RPG's. Hopefully Demon's Souls 2 will at least have full-time co-op.
how is it a surprise to them?
i mean the fans have only been asking for it for god knows how many years.
its like sony coming out and saying o we did not know our fans wanted ps2 compatibility back.
typical $E first it was no we cant do it because its too hard, now its o all these people want it imagine how much cash we could make.
funny how a little $$$ changes the impossible to the possible!
while on the subject of remakes i really hope insomniac do decide to do a remake of the R&C series.
i doubt they will do it because well they said there not putting in trophies for TOD because its "too hard work, and for no reward."
so if putting trophies into a game is "too hard" than i cant see them going back and remaking the whole R&C series up to TOD.
would be nice, no i would fu**ing FREAK! if they did it, but i wont hold my breath.
My money's on FFVII remake coming out before FFvsXIII
finnaly! Cloud's picture, I'm getting sick of Sephiroths
Lol if they do F up the remake I will blame the fans for wanting it soo much knowing how remakes turn out…
you dont get it, we are asking for a remake not a completely different game. they can upgrade the graphics, sound, and maybe voices. as long as its the same as the original then it'll do fine.
Last edited by johnld on 3/6/2010 5:35:53 PM
Not all remakes turn out bad. Resident Evil on Gamecube was a fantastic remake.
well if they included the whole world to reply, were busting their computers with our HELL YES!! replies- consider it "slight punishment"
I dunno… I like ff7 the way it is right now. The only thing they would improve would be the graphics. And maybe add a Materia fusion system like in Crisis core, but that's it. Plus I worked really hard to get all the final Limits for every character (am currently trying to finish FF7), I've got every ultimate weapon except Barret's and Cait Sith's, and all I need to do now is kill Emerald and Ruby weapon, and then kill Sephiroth. Would be a pain to do that all again. On the other hand, it would be awesome to see the WEAPONs (I mean emerald, ultimate, ruby, diamond etc) in next-gen HD. So again, I dunno… I say go for it.
Man I've beaten that game 5 times now, over 120 hours each time, cause I did it all. Loved every minute of it every time. There is no feeling like taking 2 Knights of the round up to Sephiroth and saying Eat this. AAAAAh yeah!
All I ask is they keep Tifa's outfit from the original game.
two questions
1 will it be a ps3 exclusive
2 will it have towns
3 will it have fingers?
4. will i still be alive when it is released
SE and Wada are Genius's.
I have been saying it for a couple of years now. It's so obvious, can't you see what's been going on. Remember the ffvii test trailer from a few years ago. Remember how your heart stopped beating, you wet yourself, cried, and laughed at all at the same moment because you couldn't believe what you were seeing and it was so, so wonderful.
SE and Wada have been playing us all for years. They've been developing this game for years already. Think about it, every time people start to forget suddenly there's some comment or video, or tiny little glimpse of a mention and ffvii regains the front page. People screaming this time its for real.
SE has always delivered stories that draw us in, and the ffvii remake is just that. The entire process is one giant secret story bent on keeping us on the edge of our seats, so the day that it is announced every gamer on the planet says, "Yes I will buy that!"
Don't be surprised if we get ffvii special ps3's, Uber deluxe editions, controllers. The whole enchilada people.
I'm telling you it will happen and this whole thing on twitter is just another ploy to make us all scream, "yes we want it."
All of SE is sitting in their offices smiling, thinking, "We are going to be so rich."
All I can say is, "Bravo SE, Bravo."