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Square-Enix Asks About FFVII Remake, Fans Explode

We promise to bring you the news, no matter how painful it may be.

And the reason this is news is simply because it involves a significant reversal. To our knowledge, Square-Enix has never approached the fans with the possibility of a Final Fantasy VII remake; they've only played defense for the past decade whenever they were asked about it. But apparently, they wanted to gauge the reactions of gamers who may or may not be interested in such a project, as they mentioned it at Square-Enix's Japanese Twitter page (it's all in Japanese, so we won't bother to link). The point is that as soon as they asked, the page got blasted with a gazillion "hell YES, you should do it!" replies. It got so overwhelming, in fact, that S-E had to post a follow-up Tweet asking the fans to stop posting. Bear in mind that it only includes the Japanese audience; can you imagine if it had included North American and European gamers, too? Perhaps the most bizarre part about this is that S-E – depending on how you interpret the news – actually seemed surprised at this response. …as if fielding the same old question for like eight or nine years wasn't a big enough sign.

So now that FFXIII is done and out the door and they've turned to focus their attention on Final Fantasy Versus XIII , might Square-Enix finally allocate the necessary resources? Have they finally opened their eyes and said, "um…people kinda want this, huh?"

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14 years ago

Have you never seen a movie more than once?

Some things that are really great, need to be experienced more than once to receive the full enjoyment.

14 years ago

FF7 remake will probably won't happen in our lifetime it would be too difficult and too expensive, lets just face the fact

14 years ago

IMHO they need to leave it alone. That's the problem with MOST of the so-called FF fans. They wont settle for nothing less than a remake of FF7. Anything that's not 7 will instantly get bashed for the most part. I personally believe that's what all the hate on XIII is about. People trying to force square into a 7 remake. If you wanna play 7 so bad download it off the PSN.

14 years ago

all i gotta say is…DONT DO IT SE!!!! the only reason people want a remake of FFVII is because its the 1st FF they, if your a true FF fan you would know that VII was only good because it was no longer 8-Bit and could be produced on disc, allowing for better graphical and space capability.heck, if any of the 8-bit FF's were in 3D polygons like FFVII, the hype for VII would be less. but VII was the gateway for most FF "fans". real fans thought it was good and looked better. personally, FFVII is good but, its not the greatest.

14 years ago

I disagree, and I don't appreciate you claiming that if FF7 is my favorite, it must have been my first. It is, and it's not (in that order, if you're keeping track). Maybe it's the Aerith (Aeris) factor that won me over, or perhaps my interest is just more rounded with the additional FF7 stories of late that make it more complete, but the fact of the matter is that while I'm not going to debate which is "better" (completely relative and impossible to concretely prove anyhow), there are far more reasons for fans to want a remake. The fact that there are newer gen games to round out the story are a good start… then you could discuss the fact that FF7's strategy guide alone sold over 1 mil. copies and how ff7 remake would produce revenue… then you could make an extra point about the newer generation of gamers who loved Crisis core or were captivated by Advent Children, but just don't want to play FF7 because it's outdated (let's face it, ages 18 and under are REALLY not interested in anything pre-PS2 IF that. no matter how good.) For me, graphics were not what won me over. In fact, it took me a while to get around to FF7. (PSX was a big buy for me at the time. Didn't graduate from SNES to PSX until around the time FF8 came out… If it were a graphical issue, I'd have been won over by FF8.)

Look, there's lots of HC FF fans in here. I am definitely one of them. FF7 was not my first, but it is my favorite for a lot of reasons. I'm just a little tired of some of the folks here trying to act like they are somehow above the average FF fan simply because they appreciate the classics. The fact of the matter is, there would be more hype over a FF7 remake than any other FF, and it would SELL. Why else would the embellish on the story in as many ways as they already have? And don't try to act like you wouldn't be all over that… especially if you're a real FF fan.

14 years ago

I just had to create an account to share my point of views.

I've been around for a while. I know the business, I know the rules. In this world, the most logical solution never is the best.

I believe that a remake of FFVII is essential. One of Square's greatest game ever created would get them back straight on the line.

Square has been off ever since it merged. Going back to the roots would do good for them. Actually, doing what they know people like and go from there.

SE must now man up and show us what they've got, or they're out of the business. You can only come so far with a fantasy. SE tries to be innovative, sure, I'll give them that. But sometimes, just sometimes; just show your guts, listen to your fans; I rarely see that these days.

Create games from the heart, not by the brain. It ruins the entire reason of gaming. There's nothing to lose but a tad of your pride, you can always rise your head back up again.
Equal trading, give something to get.

However, the Japanese people carry a lot of respect within themselves and wants to emit nothing else. Perfection is the only goal. I love SE for what they do and what they have done for the gaming industry. So it's sad to see them fade away, all because of their pride.

Speaking from a personal perspective, though staying anonymous, I know what I'm talking about. A simple click on the reset button would be the best solution for SE to get back in track. Love comes from the heart, war comes from your brain, don't think, just do, right?

We had to go back to our roots to learn what we lost. What we did it for. But it gave us the right kick in the ass to create one of the best games ever made.

I just felt like sharing some of my experiences and thoughts with you people and I hope you guys appreciated it and perhaps learned something of it.

Let's hope we make the right choice.
I will not respond to any replies.

Best Regards, Anon.

14 years ago


14 years ago

Did/do you work for Square/Squaresoft/Square-enix?

14 years ago

"gave us the right kick in the ass to create one of the best games ever made" so he did work for square…

@Shadowscorpio I bet he didn't make it to the Sq-Enix merger, nothing good came out of it. My guess is he was there as part of the FF-V team? Maybe VI
I'll see what I can find

Last edited by totozero18 on 3/9/2010 4:58:07 PM

14 years ago

"This is just in" umm Square completely bought Eidos Interactive (they published FF-VII por pc) soooo there's even less chances of the remake going to failbox

14 years ago

hell yea there should be a remake just think of what the game could produce from looking at FF13 and Advent Children !!!!! and think if they added content from Crisis Core and or Advent Children it be off the charts!!! SE would be raking it in and we all would love to beable to own one of the best games again but in SO much better product while still injoying the game we know and love!

14 years ago

I’m going to be painfully honest here.. But let’s face it. Square/SquareEnix hasn’t released a decent game since Final Fantasy X. To me it has just been one disappointing game after the other and it has gotten to the point where I can’t even look forward to seeing a game being pushed out by my once adored and utterly revered game company. So.. Of course, the mere mention of them “remaking” Final Fantasy VII makes my gut churn. I would rather them not have the chance to ruin this game by remaking it with their inability to even make good games now. You’d think “If they remake it from scratch just as it was and polish it up really pretty like, there is no way they can mess it up!”

I doubt it. I really.. Really doubt it. Look at Final Fantasy XI–
Sorry. I just threw up in my mouth a little. No clue why they even fathomed the idea of making the main character of their storyline Chris Crocker, but hey, it is there. Then there is XII! “Yaay! We waited years for this, I‘m so excited, there is no way they can mess up like las-… what the F*** is this!?” Yeah, I’ll go back to playing IX now.

Now.. Why would any of you actually believe that an seemingly washed up company, who apparently adopted a no more good games policy at the end of 2001, would be doing us any favors by remaking the timeless classic that we grew up with and love to this day? You people should have seen it coming with X-2! I mean, I know people seem to think us gamers have no dignity, but I’m going to ask that they spare us the shame ahead of time. Yes.. Get mad at me. I know I’m not dumb, blind, or stupid and I’m certainly not in denial.
#281 Subtlety