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GT5 Will Do NASCAR “Better Than Anybody Before”

EA Sports may have abandoned their NASCAR game franchise but that doesn't mean fans of the sport are without options.

NASCAR will be included in Gran Turismo for the first time in the upcoming fifth installment and if you think Polyphony can only handle road racing and Rally, think again. There's a new video featuring the developer at Texas Motor Speedway over at the PlayStation Blog , and it's awfully encouraging for NASCAR aficionados. Managing director of licensed products at NASCAR, Blake Davidson, says quite simply that Polyphony is "going to do it better than anybody's ever done it before," and "it's the best depiction of what NASCAR cars are in any driving game to date." If you think that's cool, check this out: Davidson says that one of the reasons NASCAR teamed up with Polyphony is because of the sport's most prominent stars – Dale Earnhardt, Jr. – flat out said:

"You really need to look at Polyphony Digital. They're a great developer, the best in the world at what they do."

We've known for a while that professional and amateur racers the world over have said the Gran Turismo driving simulator is the most realistic available, and it's the closest most of us will get to driving a real race car on a real racetrack. Simply logging on to Gran Turismo TV will show you multiple interviews with some of the world's most accomplished drivers, all of whom are behind Polyphony 100%. But it's even more impressive when we hear such praise for a brand new racing feature in the established franchise in question…just imagine how unbelievably realistic GT5 will be on the road courses!

Related Game(s): Gran Turismo 5

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Diggity Dan
Diggity Dan
14 years ago

GT5 Will Do NASCAR "Better Than Anybody Before"

>"This will be Sylvester Stallone's Funniest Movie Yet"<

Last edited by Diggity Dan on 3/5/2010 9:39:19 PM

14 years ago

I don't get it.

Diggity Dan
Diggity Dan
14 years ago

It was a vague Dilbert reference. I meant that a statement like "doing NASCAR better than anybody before" is sort of faint praise….because nobody has really done NASCAR that well, IMHO.

14 years ago

Great. Now give us a damn release date already, Polyphony.

14 years ago

they keep pushing the release date back to add new features…by the time this actually releases it will have a FFVII remake in it lol

14 years ago

haha the Nascar feature will be good if they put in Cole Trickle 😉

14 years ago

Ironically enough, and I know a lot of Americans will thumbs down me for this, but I actually started to lose interest in GT5 when I heard about NASCAR being involved. If they'd said F1, or Lemans I would have been all over it, but as soon as I heard NASCAR, I thought, oh great, left turns… I kind of reacted to the news of NASCAR the way most people on this site react to another first person shooter. That being said, I imagine there will be lots for me to do in this game that I won't need to worry too much about it.

Diggity Dan
Diggity Dan
14 years ago

I agree, NASCAR is not a feature I peronally want. However, from a business standpoint it makes total sense. GT has traditionally been kind of an "elitist" simulator and maybe a little too hardcore for mainstream gamers. If Polyphony can do something worthwhile with the NASCAR license, they could really expand their sales. It'd be great for Sony too, because nobody else is really doing NASCAR in videogames.

14 years ago

You won't get a thumbs down from me. I wouldn't go so far as to say I lost interest because of the Nascar inclusion but I didn't like it.

I just hope polyphony doesn't make the Nascar portion of the game a requirement to unlock other parts of the game. That would be a travesty to force us to turn left.

I, unlike Derek Zoolander, have no problem turning left and do not want to be forced to do so.

14 years ago

Not every track in nascar is a left turn, though most of them are, there are some that go left and right..and some that go right. LOL

14 years ago

Its a only a choice of cars & tracks like I don't mind driving a Nascar around a course for 50laps lol.

I can't wait to see what the Rally will be like. I'm just not liking the idea with Blackbean deving the latest WRC game which bound to fail after MotoGP. I have alot of faith in Polyphony to deliver a new racing experience!

I want Gran Tursimo 5!! looks like I'll be playing GT4 until its here hopefully in the summer.
Too cold for GT in the Autumn/winter

14 years ago

I thumbed you down for one reason alone.

1 (one) feature of a game stuffed with content should not deter you from what GT5 will represent.

It makes no sense.

14 years ago

Of course who's going to say No to Dale Earnhardt JR? lol

14 years ago

OK, so they can do ovals. Super. Can they also do a release date?

14 years ago

They are saving that trick for last. Oh what a day it will be when they quit showing us all the awesome stuff that will be in the game and let us know when we can play all the awesome stuff.

14 years ago

Highlander, if you really want GT5 to be "leaps and bounds" ahead of Forza 3 it is best Polyphony take as much time as they want… it's not like we don't have enough games to get through, right?… I am struggling to find time for the few games I can afford to buy and play through… maybe I am not a talented gamer, but from what I read here it seems people have plenty to get on with…

When it is released it should be the definitive racing title, something a Forza 4 or 5 could never beat.

In addition, the "true 3D" implementation is taking longer than expected. Maybe for the more complex tracks in order to keep the frame rate up they maybe overhauling parts of the engine… optimising routines and processing bandwidths for the console hardware… they really may well be dealing with a host of complex issues us mortals could never understand 🙂


"speak to the droid"

Last edited by Qubex on 3/6/2010 8:18:01 PM

14 years ago

Well, not really into Nascar, but it's cool, I look at it as just some "FREE" extra bonus content.

But they better not make Nascar so realistic, that I hear any commentary from Jeff Foxworthy & Larry the Cable guy!!!!

14 years ago

Thats the exact mindset a gamer should have when it comes to approaching GT5.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

I saw that video earlier. I'm not a fan of netcar but hell, even I'll give it a whirl since it's going to be in the game.

14 years ago

I'm not a NASCAR fan either and to be honest I'm not a motorsport fan at all. GT is the only racing videogame I ever liked. GT is such a masterpiece that shines bright with quality and polish that even people like me who don't usually like racing games like GT.

14 years ago

Gran Nukem: Nascar Forever.

14 years ago

i will buy this just for nascar if nothing else todays video was sweet! damn near photo-realistic!

14 years ago

"GT5 will do NASCAR better than anybody before"

I can't decide if this is good news or not. NASCAR is only good for the wrecks. Which I'll be causing a lot of.

14 years ago

And speaking of wrecks, there was a nice car flip in todays race. And it was intentional. Makes it even better 🙂

14 years ago

Well I'm not a huge NASCAR fan, but I was sure that Polyphony would do better on it than anyone else. Just look at what they've done with the other games. There's no question. Well, that is if the game comes out…

14 years ago

im a big nascar fan but i still dont know if i want to get this game even with this in it? my friend who owns a xbox 360 is begging me to get it

14 years ago

you would certainly hope so their taking long enough!
i would of preferred it if GT stayed original, true to the series.
there trying to be jack of all trades, master of none.
id rather jack of few trades master of few.
remember the good old saying, less is more.

14 years ago

Kaz himself has stated that the Gran Turismo series in his vision is to be an automotive encyclopedia.

He has a passion for ALL cars, and ALL auto racing.

He also is a business man, with a studio to run.

Not only does he kill two birds with one stone with the inclusion of NASCAR, he takes one step closer to having completing his dream.

Your comment is so off base from facts, you should probably do some research on the subject.

14 years ago

@Max…his comments are always off base from facts.

14 years ago

I'm a little surprised by the comments. All I've heard before this article is how awesome polyphony is and how much everyone is looking forward to GT5. Now they announce they are adding more content and people start dogging it?

I know its nascar but, considering how great they are at the other stuff shouldn't that lead us to believe that nascar should be easy for them? Maybe they will surprise us and nascar will be fun.

Have they let us down before, have some faith I say.

14 years ago

People here just don't care much for Nascar and just want the game to release.

14 years ago

And I can appreciate that, but I'd rather wait for a game that and receive awesomeness, rather than rush it and receive pretty goodness. =)

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
14 years ago

Oh look , they're taking a left turn .

14 years ago

I'll be making right turns into oncoming traffic 🙂

14 years ago

Soft Right, hard straight, crash at the wall

14 years ago

NASCAR makes me gag.

14 years ago

f**k all u NASCAR haters ! I am a nascar fan and i can't wait for it. and f**k EA for caning there nascar games. the only resaon i getting GT 5 is for nascar i don't care about any thing other than that

14 years ago

Agree with u. I like nascar and im not American. Hope Polyphony creates the best nascar there has ever been.

14 years ago


Obviously not everyone is going to share your views. No need for the profanity but I applaud you for taking time out of combing your mullet to give us your opinion.

14 years ago

Thank god EA sports can hardly create a great besides Fifa & NHL

14 years ago

Looks SICK! Can't wait for this.BTW NASCAR kicks ass. If u don't like it… DON'T PLAY IT!
Didn't your grandmas teach u guys "If you can't say somthing nice… Dont say anything at all!" What's with all the hatred towards the sport…geez. BTW My head is shaved @Rogrs71 Bring it.

14 years ago

Gotta love the over the top profanity post, and the condenscending comments that followed.

Which is worse?

14 years ago

Well if you think that EA did a good job on NASCAR than you'll be blown away with this version.

14 years ago

Papyrus did the best job with their NASCAR series. There's no way this will be able to equal that.

14 years ago

The sale could potentially reach 15 million in this case with Nascar fans also looking into GT5.

14 years ago

It may be realistic, but not even polyphony could capture the irritatingness of driving through london when the streets are pilled with tourists, that cross at any damn given moment.
well, maybe they could.
that could be interesting… how many pedestrians can you not kill while trying to get home in rush hour 😀

14 years ago

Not so in to race games n such('cept for burnout) but I am glad GT5 is an exclusive.

14 years ago

I'm very excited about GT5, but I'm also extremely disappointed in the never-ending delays. Let's remember that it's only RUMORED that it will be out this year. It was also rumored that it would be out last year. And it was almost a sure thing that it would be out "shortly after" the March release in Japan. I actually had it pre-ordered. Ha ha ha. They sure fooled me.

Having said that, I am so uninterested in NASCAR that it's not even funny. I was just playing GT5 Prologue last night, and going around the oval freeway with the 3 left turns. Really, excruciatingly boring. I occasionally watch NASCAR on TV, not because I like it, but because there's absolutely nothing else on to watch. Those guys don't even use the brakes in the corners. They have in-car cameras with on-screen graphics showing the car's throttle position – 100% all the way through every corner. Fun stuff [/sarcasm]

I'm sure we'll have to slog through plenty of that junk to advance through career mode, not to mention the licenses. In Prologue, It would take me several, perhaps many attempts to clear each event. Then I'd get to a race at Daytona and win on my first try, usually by a wide margin. I really wonder how the hell they're going to make this challenging, much less fun.

Oh well, it's the best thing we've got to look forward to. Some day…over the rainbow. I don't see why they needed to add NASCAR to "attract new fans" – they've sold millions upon millions of copies of the previous games without NASCAR. Isn't that enough fans?

14 years ago

Never ending delays? Where outside of Japan has the game been given a street date?

It hasn't.

14 years ago

To be honest, I actually done some thinking and if GT5 doesn't make it this year it's fine.

Because we just had GT5 Prologue in 2008!!!
Don't tell me some of you forgot about that and you only thought PD has been doing GT5 only all this time.