Anything called "Joe Danger" has got to be worth your attention. I mean…it's JOE DANGER!
The IGF-nominated title from Hello Games has been cleared to land on the PSN some time this spring, although we don't yet have a price for it. It will be exclusive to Sony's Network at first, although it wouldn't be surprising to see it end up on the XBLA and Steam at some point in the near future. Joe Danger is a side-scrolling biking game made by no more than four guys at Hello Games, which is pretty freakin' cool. As Sean Murray told Eurogamer :
"We're totally focused on getting the PS3 version out there right now. We're a tiny little team and this is a pretty big game, with some huge features like content sharing. We absolutely have our hands full, but once this is done, and if people are interested, we'd love to look at some other platforms.
We're aiming for a spring date, but with just the four of us, the common cold could delay the game. Just wish us luck."
Those four guys at Hello Games are acting as "developer, publisher and marketing" for the game, and Murray admits that, "at best, there's only one of those that we know how to do, and even that's arguable." He adds that Sony has been really helpful in getting Joe Danger prepared for the PSN, though; it's something we've heard from other small designers, too. We can't wait to give another original, entertaining downloadable title a try.
Related Game(s): Joe Danger
4 people only? If a game studio = snack, then Hello Games would be even smaller than bite-sized. Still, very impressive.
I had to reply, that's a hilarious way to put it.
This game looks SO awesome. I watched a video of it on the PlayStation Blog and it looks like this generation's Excitebike. I've been holding off on purchases on the PS Store because I've spent a little too much in the last year but this game will definitely be a day one buy for me.
I was gonna say excitebike too. That game ruled.
Greed Corp is fun, and flying way under the radar.
WOW four guys.The preview for the game looks like alot of fun.
looks like an updated excitebike (the way it should have been done) i will for sure be giving sony my money for this one!
Cool. Hopefully the game is fun or engaging
how about both?
Joe Danger sounds exciting its gotta be deep like Littlebigplanet well not that deep.
Stikl content sharing? no way that'll happen on the Xbox
Uhh? spelling is off today
Last edited by SympoziumPawa on 3/5/2010 1:22:04 PM
Wat's next, Joe the Plumber? I thought the Wii already got an iconic plumber.
They had a small segment showing the game off on the GTTV episode of GoW3; the gameplay and overall presentation make it very appealing (at least to me). Definitely in my radar for PSN titles this year.
This is probably the first psn game that has seriously piqued my interest. It should be know tho that I'm super picky. I have to be.
Same here. This may be the first thing i buy on PSN. It just looks amazing.
Love PSN games…monsters, mushroom wars, 3 on 3 NHL hockey, Greed Corp. All great ways to kill some time.
Looks like Excitebike meets LBP. I'll be checking this out when it reaches the PSN.
off topic: guys, if you dont want anything spoiled for you, dont read the review for God of war 3 in the playstation official mag, it mentions some things that arent huge spoilers, but its stuff id have rather found out on my own
on topic, this game looks fun
Last edited by aaronisbla on 3/5/2010 3:10:03 PM
Thanks for the heads up. I don't know why it's difficult for some reviewers to not spoil things.
like i said, nothing too major but if you're like me, you don't wanna know anything thing dealing with the story until it hits you while playing.
they did give it a perfect score of 5 out of 5 stars though
Last edited by aaronisbla on 3/5/2010 3:30:54 PM
there was also a youtube video of the first boss battle by gamepro, man I couldn't resist. I heard IGN gave it a perfect 10.
yeah i watched the first 2 minutes of it, but i had to turn it off lol
Whoa. That pic has me interested. If it sparks the same fun that Excitebike did on the NES then I'm all for it.
Saw this one the GTTV with GOWIII, it looks mad fun!
definitely an excitebike feel, which is great.
This game was the only other game that caught my attention on gttv when it aired the gow3 episode
I went to school with a kid named Joe Danger.
F***ing of course. What else could it be?
If some of the people in psxtreme cares…theres yakuza 4 demo! on the jp store, the graphs and animations aren't AAA but still they are better than Yakuza 3.. so give it a try!
p.s warning the demo has like 40 min of cutscenes
to skip cutscenes go to options and look for:
ã¨ãã³ãã¹ãããã(event skip)
and change the option from ãªããto ãã
so you can skip them with the start button.
wow this coming from a studio of only 4 people, color me impressed!
i saw a trailer of this a few days ago, cant remember where from but it looks like allot of fun.
if theres a game in the pipeline that defines the word cool, its this.