We've already seen some impressive motion-capture and animation technology this generation; leading titles like Uncharted 2: Among Thieves and Heavy Rain have been most impressive.
But we can always move forward, right? Today, Depth Analysis has announced the development of MotionScan, which is described as "a revolutionary new system poised to forever change the face of high definition 3D motion-capture and actor performances in the Video Game and Motion Picture industries." Team Bondi will be utilizing this new technology for their upcoming drama, L.A. Noire , which is slated to be published by Rockstar later this year. MotionScan manages to streamline post-production processing time, and "also promises a radical impact on the quality of performances as they expect to be able to deliver in their game and movie franchises." Said Brendan McNamara, Founder & Director of Team Bondi:
"Traditional motion capture could never bring to life the subtle nuances of the chaotic criminal underworld of ‘L.A. Noire’ in the same way as MotionScan. MotionScan allows me to immerse audiences in the most minute details of L.A. Noire’s interactive experience, where the emotional performances of the actors allow the story to unfold in a brand new way. Through this revolutionary technology, we’re able to deliver audiences a truly unique and revolutionary game."
Oliver Bao, Head of Research at Depth Analysis said they know fans expect CGI actors to provide them with "realistic performances," and they've "focused on making high fidelity performance capture of actors for games and films affordable, accessible and easy." MotionScan uses 32 High Definition cameras to capture the ultra-realistic 3D performances at up to 30 frames per second, and is capable of grabbing nearly 50 minutes of final footage and processing up to 20 minutes of facial animation automatically per day. To have this kind of technology behind L.A. Noire makes us all the more interested in Team Bondi's promising project, and we're willing to bet the visuals will be pretty damn mind-boggling.
Related Game(s): L.A. Noire
If there was ever any comment I made that deserved a thumbs down, it was the one I made in that GTTV teases surprise sony sequel. I think it was a combination of not many people seeing it/those that saw it didn't understand what was said.
I know this has nothing to do with L.A. Noire but still I'm just wondering…when will the embargo date for GoW3 review lift? I noticed Greg over at IGN had the game already and being that there's less thank 2 weeks till its release that most sites should have it. Will you be doing the review or Arnold?
The crystal ball, the tarot cards, the great beyond tell me it will be the 8th of March.
Oh, wait, it was really just a quick google search.
lol, yea I actually just did the same, but I found it on gametrailers site…thanks though 😉
i saw that one earlier and i gave u thumps up for being funny before this article even came up. leap year 2 classic . LMFAO
I hear it'll be a real gamebreaker.
There has been quite a bit of noise lately regarding L.A. Noir; i do hope it turns out to be a great game. I haven't enjoyed or played a mafia style underworld title in years. The recent Godfather title did not interest me after the "poor to fair reviews" it got…
I really do hope L.A. Noir makes it into my collection 🙂
"i am home"
It would be great to know and understand why I got a thumbs down for my comment which was very generic…
There are some strange people about…
"speak to the droid"
This Pushtrak cat is a real piece of work, just ignore him and he will stop being a troll.
I've been on this site for a few years now. I have my favorites who's opinions i look for. Sad to see most of them are gone and we have Xbox trolls now.
Because I defend the 360, I'm a troll? Then, by right, you must see Ben as a troll. I have seen him mention in his articles the story in xbox 360 games. It is clear he either owns a 360, or has plenty of game time on one of them. And not all Ben says condemns them. So, is he a troll too?
Oh, and f*** ad hominem attacks. Thank you.
@ Pushtrak
Oh naturally your aren't a troll for defending the 360, your a troll because of the quite obvious undertones that you lace your posts with. Then if called on it you play the innocent me act. It is a ps3 oriented site after all you should expect a lot of heavy ps3 support. (-:
PS3 support is fine. Great even. It is only when I see evidence of a lack of brain power in a given person, I will call a person out on it.
I am equally as antagonistic to the braindead of the Xbox 360 or the Wii persuasion. Of which there are many. It seems to be a problem of the human condition, rather than that of console-itis.
I got my eyes on this one. Nothing intense like a stare to elaborate…a simple glance every now and then will suffice.
At Pushtrak,
About the PS3 being superior to the 360. It's not better graphics-wise. It's because of the technology embedded in the PS3 and the superior media that the PS3 reads. The PS3 reads blu-ray discs which hold more information thus allowing developers to utilize the 25-50 gigs of storage space as opposed to the 360's DVD storage space (at most a double sided double layered disc can hold about 17 gigs). With this large amount of space, developers can do more detailing on just about everything in the game to make everything appear more realistic and/or polished. The PS3 also has lighting technology that can really add a sense of realism when implemented correctly. I won't say the PS3 has better graphics because, well honestly, that doesn't make any sense. The truth is though, the PS3 is a more expensive product than the 360 and it has the potential to output better quality visuals than the 360.
The potential to show… That has been said a lot. I'll believe it when instead of the potential, it is the reality. The PS3 is a beast of a media playing machine. I can store whatever movies, TV shows or whatever on it. I can upscale my DVDs or watch blu-ray movies on it. In that respect, it far exceeds what the xbox 360 can do.
However, as a game playing machine, well, the victory isn't so one sided. I think it has been stated RE: LA Noire that the Playstation 3 is the lead platform. It would make sense that it should be, after all, it started out with massive funding from Sony, so development was obviously underway on that version for a long time before it commenced on the Xbox 360. To a tune of approximately two years, in fact.
IF and thats a massive IF LA Noire lives up to R*s hype than this could be a massive! game.
but reading what has happened during development, talking to one of the guys from R* Bondi well thats not the story they tell.
and R* is not exactly known for telling the truth, there always going on with the PR BS!
if LA Noire is as good as they say than were in for a real treat, but im certainly not holding my breath.
Team Bondi must hate their website. 22 months without a news update there. Think about that, 22 months. Not able to throw up a few paragraphs any time within that window?
The thumbs down…cute gesture. Pushtrak, it is a reality. What exclusives have you played for the PS3? Have you played Uncharted 1 and 2? How about Heavy Rain? LittleBigPlanet anyone? Folklore? Killzone 2? What about Infamous? Maybe MGS4 GotP? These games are extremely well polished and are truly stunning pieces of art. I mean have you seen a GOW3 trailer, the most recent one, its visuals are simply amazing! Did you even play the demo? If this isn't enough proof then you are simply in denial and there's no way of convincing…no not convincing, displaying to you the polish of these aforementioned games. Me, I 'm not one to follow suit, I'll accept something for what it is despite the hype or gravity effect. My eyes tell me that the PS3 is the more capable and the games stated previously are the proof. Now if you want to compare some 360 games to these games I just mentioned, go ahead. I doubt however, the success of this mission.
About the article,
This type of technology was also used in Dante's Inferno to get the unbaptized baby's movements. Pretty cool tech!
I have played Uncharted, haven't gotten around to 2 yet. I played some Resistance 2 but wasn't that big a fan of it.
And Killzone 2 I played a small bit of, basically up to that stupid part where they had you use the crank by means of shaking the controller. Tacked on gimmick which was stupidly added. There are some games where I approve of how motion control was done. Okami on the Wii, Resident Evil 4 on the Wii.
I loved Metal Gear Solid 4.
I avoided Folklore because I heard terrible things about it.
Never played a previous God of War game, so I wouldn't bother looking too much into the third game in that series.
Ico and Shadow of the Colossus were very hard games to find here so I never go the opportunity to play them. If they were rereleased for PS3 or hell, even the simple act of releasing them on PSN I'd get them. And then I'd be hyped more for The Last Guardian, I guess.
Despite having cleared it on the 360 though, its usually Modern Warfare 2 I end up playing most on the PS3 going through the campaign/spec ops.
Oh, I just noticed, that thumbs down you got wasn't from me. I tried thumbing you down there, and it went to 2. So, obviously that thumb bandit was someone other than myself. I'll give you a thumbs up, and should I need to prove the thumbs down I can change it per your request.