Last month, we learned that Platinum Games has been working on Vanquish , a shooter that obviously represents a drastic departure from their critically acclaimed action extravaganza, Bayonetta .
It was revealed by Geoff Keighley and Co. on GameTrailers TV but we really didn't get any specific details during that unveiling. Now, we can add a few more significant pieces of info to the list of baseline information: according to VG247 citing the latest edition of Famitsu, Vanquish director Shinji Mikami confirmed that the game is actually "80% complete" and will release this winter in Japan. We also know it will be available for both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 but if this project ends up like their last, PS3 owners may not be too happy… Well, that's jumping the gun and we're sure Platinum has learned from their past mistakes, so we're hoping they're creating Vanquish simultaneously for both platforms. The other interesting tidbit centers on the style of gameplay; we knew it would be a "shooter" so everyone assumed they meant first-person. But that isn't the case, as Mikami has said his new game will be a third-person shooter, and we'll be taking down robots (not humans) in this futuristic adventure. The setting appears to be the distant future on earth, where the US battles Russia; apparently, it's like the Cold War Round 2, or something. Lastly, we will indeed get a demo, which isn't exactly surprising but still good news.
We'd like to learn more about Vanquish but in the meantime, we suggest you head over to the Platinum Games blog and check out the announcement trailer. It's extremely well done and although it doesn't boast any gameplay, it has piqued our interest.
Related Game(s): Vanquish
I'd like to see some gameplay videos of this. The trailer definitely was done very very well.
More interesting than any new Call of Duty announcement.
Last edited by Nynja on 3/3/2010 10:53:36 AM
This is the game that had the live action trailer right? I haven't gone to the official site but is it the same trailer? I too would like to see the actual game and not some fancied up live action trailer to draw me in only to find that the actual game looks and plays like crap.
Yeah, pretty sure it's the same trailer.
Thanks Ben. I'll pass on checking it out then, don't need to see it again really. If I don't see any type of game play until the demo then I will give that a shot before I pass judgement but it doesn't sit well that the game is releasing so soon with no real media and it is being done by Platinum. Also, if I remember correctly at the end of the live action trailer it said it was being done by Sega and Platinum further adding to my worries for a craptastic porting.
Hmmm, if the game is gonna release that soon, I doubt they're making the game simultaneously for both consoles. I smell another port on the way.
Please port this game,
I just love to play glitchy, sub-par games……NOT. I smell another xbox fanboy parade coming.
Yay, can't wait for the ADHD addled brains of the 360 fanbase to have their glorious moment.
multiplat games rule on the xbox,ps3 sucks!!halo ,halo, halo !!
Last edited by Silent_J on 3/3/2010 1:35:21 PM
Oh wow,
another 'teabagger' took time out of his profanity laden day to post about the 'pleasefixme'. Surprise Surprise
Looks like crap to me
Ok, not crap, but it doesn't do anything Halo or any "Independence Day" ish game hasn't done (in terms of setting + main character)
Not a big fan of space (sci-fi)
What about Dead Space?
Dead what?
Nope, don't have that
I don't think at this point we have enough information to make such a judgement. It is possible you will be proven right, but it is far too early to assume that from my perspective.
The only thing interesting about this game is Shinji Mikami. Take him out of it, it's just another shooter for the bots.
Last edited by Jawknee on 3/3/2010 12:04:53 PM
"Vanquish A Third-Person Shooter, Teaser Turns Heads"
My head's not turning for some reason…
This trailer still just kinda pisses me off.
The woman president that looks like she would NEVER be elected…
The War of the Worlds background music…
The District 9 "in-helmet" cam…
Then there's just one guy… who looks like he might be a chief…maybe even a master chief.
anyway…they've got a long way to go to get me interested.
I can just see it now, Bayonetta all over again. Then again the game is releasing in JP first, where 360 is practically banned. So who knows, I know I'm not even getting it so why bother.
Shinji Mikami has obviously proven himself as someone who deserves respect. Looking forward to hearing more on this title.
Hes the only reason im still open to this title.
You are very correct about the respect due but as we have seen a single visionary can still fall to the traps of bad porting which is out of his control or the mentality that everything needs to appeal to the western twitch gaming market to make it a seller. I hope that this doesn't happen with this game but I would not be surprised in the least if it did.
Yo Pushtrak, haven't seen you for, like, forever. Still psyched about LA Noir?
Half a year till its out now. Gone 3.5 years of me looking forward to the game now. After that, the next game that I've been waiting ages for is by Frontier, one called The Outsider. Nothing been said about that game to the gaming press since October 2007.
lets hope that he truly learned from mistakes and make this a great game for both consoles.
I'm sorry but if it's being released this quickly it sounds rushed to me. From my experience games that are rushed, end up sucking big time. I can hope not, but they are not high hopes, especially if coverton341 is correct about the sega info.
Sometimes people don't learn from their mistakes, especially when they made a bunch of money from them anyway.
hello …
i want a demo, the trailer was quite interesting.
After re-winding that trailer numerous time, I'm really angry that they went as far as perfectly emulating our tragic World Trade Center disaster.
Although they made sure to add a few buildings from different cites to it look ever-so-slightly different, the video still screams out 9/11.
And in the second shot of the building coming down(just before debris rains down on the street's intersection) it's identical to one of the actual Twin Towers as it was coming down.
So f*ck you vanquish, you're already "Vanquished" by me.
"9/11/2001…..Never forget"!!!!
So, it has a real life basis for the game. Big deal. Tell me, are you a Metal Gear Solid fan? If you are, then you are a hypocrite.
PushTrak what the hell does MGS have to do with 9/11 or the World Trade center? Explain yourself a little bit more before your start throwing around accusations of hypocrisy.
@Bikersaint, i wouldn't take any offense to it. I watched it a few times and didn't infer any thing offensive from it. If anything it's a Halo rehash in an alternative universe with space marines fighting space invaders instead of Islamic terrorists. Not a big deal. Don't think Platinum Games or Mikami meant any offense.
Wait…maybe not a Halo rehash but a ripoff.
Last edited by Jawknee on 3/3/2010 6:59:57 PM
Read, please. It helps. "A real life basis" does not equal me saying Metal Gear Solid references 9/11.
Is this rushed?
80% completed and they're not EA or Activision.
Who the f*ck are you to assume anything about me???
Big deal?????
That BS comment tells me either you're not American or you just don't f*cking care that thousands of innocent Americans were murdered that day.
So go get off your high horse & f*ck off!
And if you don't like it, then PM me & I'll give you my address!
Tell me, are you as morally outraged about World War 2 games, Vietnam games, any game that surrounds any real life tragedy? Or is it just in this one instance?
Nonsense Pushtrak, complete nonsense. Vietnam and world War II are non sequiturs. Nothing to do with Bikersaints upclose experiance with 9/11.
Whenever I make a point it flies right over your head, doesn't it? The underlying point I was trying to make was that games are capable of dealing with tragedy, and are a medium which should be able to be inspired by real world events. Just like movies or books can.
It is this attitude that something serious can not be used in video games that is so prevalent with anti-gamers who cling to the belief that gamers are only teenagers. I wonder, being part of this community, if they are closer to the mark than I'd have liked to admit.
Sorry man,
I know it's not about human terrorist's, but to me that trailer's setting looks just way, way, to realistic to the real thing.
They should have changed the cities look enough that it didn't scream out 9/11 so much.
FYI, I live in New Jersey, & I had way too many friends that commuted to work there, and they died in that attack.
So I really don't want to keep re-living that day again(as I'm sure that other's who had lost loved one that day would probably feel the same way too if they saw this game trailer).
Last edited by BikerSaint on 3/3/2010 10:05:24 PM
Sorry to hear that. it was a dramatic day for all of us. :*(
Last edited by Jawknee on 3/3/2010 10:38:29 PM
@Thanks Jawknee,
I lost close to 30 friends that day.
And they did not have copy what happen in real life that closely in any fictitious game, us VS them, aliens or or robots otherwise.
so that's why my attitude resonated so much hatred over the situation.
First Hideki Kamiya, now Shinji Mikami… Considering their history I don't see any problems and eagerly anticipate the result(even if I can't play it yet).
platinum games?
oh, you mean those guys who made that overrated crappy ps3 port of bayonetta?
ah, ok, no thanks.
Last edited by ___________ on 3/4/2010 4:21:55 AM
Er, that would have been Sega. I suppose you hate Valve for The Orange Box, do you? Not EA who did the port?
no i dont hate the publisher or the developer, i hate the fact that they came out and released a rip off of a game and no one riticuled them like they did with darksiders or dantes inferno.
why is it they get a free pass?
o,n, yes i hate EA but not for that reason.
Just found this. Thought this might remove some of the suspicion that its going to be another Bayonnetta like Port.