Hot on the heels of the Activision/Infinity Ward blow-up , we have a new Call of Duty announcement.
According to IGN , Activision has tapped Sledgehammer Games, a newly formed studio with ex-Visceral Games execs Glen A. Schofield and Michael Condrey at the helm, to develop this new installment. Perhaps the most surprising – and intriguing – part about this is that the new CoD "will extend the franchise into the action/adventure genre." What ? Really? No FPS? Well, we can't be entirely sure and we also need some clarification on the issue, because supposedly, there's a CoD title slated for 2011, too. Are we talking about the same game or two separate games? Might Sledgehammer develop this one and Infinity Ward continue with the FPS model with the 2011 entry? Oh, but it gets better; a third title gets added to the mix, because we can't forget about the Treyarch-developed Call of Duty that will launch later this year. Activision says they want to expand the franchise in question "with the same focus seen in its Blizzard Entertainment business." So of course, that includes toying with the idea of "high-margin digital online content" and bringing the acclaimed series to "new geographies and new genres."
Yes, well…new genres. Didn't expect to see that one coming. Is anyone else suddenly more interested in Sledgehammer's project than either Treyarch's 2010 game or the "other" one that might drop in 2011?
Eh, definitely need more info on this one, sounds a little iffy to me. As if they weren't already milking the COD franchies enough lol. The last thing we need is a COD Uncharted 2 rip off. Hahahaha
What exactly would spawn a thumbs down on that comment…? lol
A person voting from Australia perhaps?
HAHAH! (-:
If they manage to turn out quality games, I don't see the problem. I simply love the way CoD games control. But really, I want to know what happens to Soap.
2 CODs in a year now?
Just wait – The next Guitar Hero will be entitled: Guitar Hero S.A.S., with Captain Price singing lead vocals, Cpt. Macmillan on the lead guitar, Gaz on bass, and Soap on the drums! . . . . . bringing CoD into new genres, my @$$.
@ The_ R0gue_Ninja
That's classic. You made me laugh. Maybe Bobby Kotick can be their roadie.
Milking the franchise for everything it's worth. They have been going downhill over the past few years and I won't be endulging in anymore Activision games myself.
I smell an Uncharted 2 wannabe.
i smell more than that
I think I do too.
Action/adventure Call of Duty?……..Yea this is what happens when you don't appreciate what people do for you. IW is basically gone, and now this is what has to happen. I can just see it now, a Tony Hawk Ride repeat. Also I agree with what the user above me said, an Uncharted 2 wannabe.
#@$% activision
Action/Adventure…so it could be like Uncharted 2…or it could be like God of War, lol either way.
::movie announcer voice::
One man.
One gun.
One world.
One chance.
One fight.
One bullet.
One player.
One game.
Call Of Duty 5 : Infiltration.
Coming soon….
@ Highlander…
You forgot
One player playing this game!
@ TheHighlander
Only one gun, one bullet, and one fight? That would be one short game… but I guess CoD's are short anyway, so who cares. Maybe it'll be DLC. LOL
One war, one battle at a time, one battle one fight at a time, one fight one enemy at a time, one gun one bullet at a time, one player one shot at a time…Infiltration – snipers, one shot, one kill.
Acti want $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ MONEEEEEYYY
that's about it 🙂
who doesn't???? seriously u guys sometimes crack me up, never forget that activision is a company .lol
Market watch:
3/3/2010-Shares of Activision Blizzard (NASDAQ:ATVI) are trading 0.7% higher to $10.89 premarket Wednesday after the world's largest video-game company said it has created a new unit to run its "Call of Duty" franchise following the departure of two executives who oversaw creation of the title.
…the world's largest video-game company said it has created a new unit to run its "Call of Duty" franchise into the ground…
Fixed it for ya!
It could be a good move if done right. If they created another CoD with the same model they've been doing for so many years, there would be (and have been) people who say, "same old crap, we want something new."
Not sure if this is what people really wanted when they said they wanted something "new." We'll see where this goes.
No thanks,
Activision has finally hit the bottom for me. I may pick up the next Treyarch COD but I will not even glance in the direction of anymore Activision COD games after that.
Just my opinion, but I'd love some kind of action/adventure ZOMBIE game with CoD controls and gameplay. But I'd still like the bi-annual installments of MWF.
As long as its done right and is a spin-off series or something. But it doesn't look like thats their direction. It's definitely an executive decision that is all honey and candy that investors and stakeholders will eat up. Assuming that people like you and I will continue to buy their games.
'Activision says they want to expand the franchise in question "with the same focus seen in its Blizzard Entertainment business."'
I heard Activision wants to make a CoD MMORPG, and specifically target Asia with it. Get ready to bend over Asia, Bobby The Tick is coming, and he's bringing the shaft!
Sounds like CoD is going to get Guitar Hero'd. If Tony Hawk were dead, he'd be rolling over in his grave.
Tony Hawk is dead…Oh, you mean the man not the franchise…sorry.
HAHA! so so well said!
Hey Activision, instead of tweaking your 2 big franchises, how about coming up with something new, that's not a movie-based game? Oh wait, that would require creativity instead of just whipping out your wallet and buying something you like and milking it to death.
is that Elmo with dual light sabers?
Yes it is.
I'd like another Modern Warfare game, as long as it goes back to the style COD4 has: Giving you an epic, deep, amazing story with great gameplay, without overdoing it. The latter is done with MW2.
I don't want it to be like: "Wow cool another explosion." But like: "I'm actually killing people here, war sucks IRL, glad this is only a video game."
And: "OMGWTFBBQ is that a nuke that just went off…?"
Does anyone understand this? Preferrably someone from IW?
Last edited by faraga on 3/3/2010 12:03:55 PM
I'm having a real hard time figuring out what kind of person would want to go to work for this outfit when they just had security guys / bouncers invading Infinity Ward the other day. I mean, is money really that freakin' important?
Whatever; they're not getting any of mine.
I really hope this comes back to bite Craptivision in the arse. Firing IW then trying to remake Call of Duty in their own image. i.e. action/adventure. Please, lets see it happen. Would love the day when Kotex is required to either cut his own pay or lower the prices of their crappy games. Good night Craptivison,.
cut his own pay, thats crazy talk. hes just going to fire another head of one of their studios.
So COD is going to have how many versions/variants now? Can we say overkill?
So after the RTS version, and the TPS version and the JRPG version and the WRPG version and the combat sim version and the MMORG version do we get a tactical version with cell shaded graphics as well? Or has that already been done?
Oh Yeah,
Call Of Duty: The Sims Edition.
In this game you play as Soap. You will have to start a career, get a house and then find a wife so you can start a family and have a bunch of "Soaps" on a rope. Love the idea craptivision. Keep em coming.
OH, and instead of battling russians or insurgents, you battle corporate america. That means you 'craptivision'
Last edited by rogers71 on 3/3/2010 1:08:52 PM
"New Call Of Duty To Embrace Action/Adventure Model"
Let the Activision boycott officially begin!!
oh yes, because we all know how well that went the first time…
Boycotts never work.
Almost sounds like Activision is realizing that they've flooded the market with FPS's but know that to abandon the Call of Duty games would be like shooting themselves in the foot. So now they are deciding to spread COD and hope to attract all the people online who claim they hate "FPS". Just another attempt by Kotick to rule the world, one console at a time.
Just looking through my collection though. Activision is a company who has yet to defile any of my systems. I don't a single Activision game, never realized that before.
Last edited by CH1N00K on 3/3/2010 12:54:25 PM
Just looked through the entire list of Activision games. Only ones I ever owned were the original Tenchu's on PS 1&2. Gun….and before that? Pitfall on the Atari. Nice to know that none of my hard earned money is lining Kotick's pockets right
But Treyarch is still continuing to create CoD FPS right? I don't know why we're complaining that the plan on giving us something new.
I thought we used to complain about too many FPS, CoD every year? why? this is the same stuff, just updated… it's kinda like Madden, people complain year after year about the same stuff. Then if the company decides to listen and see that another genre is succeeding and they decide to make a game for us to enjoy, we complain?
It's obvious that Activision wants to branch out into different genres using their flagship franchise to make $$$, but honestly I think its a smart business move as long as the game doesn't suck.
If this new CoD comes even close to an Uncharted/CoD mix of some sort, I'd be happy. I welcomed a game like Uncharted because after hours and hours of CoD WaW and MWF, it was nice to have a change of pace.
Oh god. I can just see the next COD…it will come with a crappy plastic gun and have zero game play quality…they will in essence 'Tony Hawk' the game. joy.
if they keep the FPS, but have an expansive MMO style game where you actually have a role in a war, where every "kill" means something/has an impact on the game as a whole, and where you can buy and aquire weapons in an expansive "Black Market" style bartering system, like a MMOFPSRPG. and maybe an actual Clan System. They could call it Factions or something… like have american/british side, the spetznas and the other group (cant remember the name… al asad or something?) as the main 3… I'd buy that… it would be my original vision of MAG!
Op For
Activision really needs to stop treating it's games like oil and take the zelda approach (about 2 games per console life span) Then we could actually see some high quality games