The return of many PS1 classics on the PlayStation Network has proven to be a great success, but how's about moving along to PS2 games?
Some developers and publishers have already expressed their desire to see this happen, and the latest on the list is Insomniac Games. According to , there has been some talk about bringing the great Ratchet and Clank PS2 titles to the PS3 in some form, perhaps even in high-def Blu-Ray format like we saw with the God of War Collection . The subject has come up over at Insomniac's Twitter page and as you can see, there's one particular response that sounds promising:
"It's a cool idea, if there is enough support for this sort of thing. If SCEA wants to do it, we'd support a dev taking it on."
If you're wondering, SCE Santa Monica didn't handle the GoW conversion for the aforementioned God of War Collection ; they outsourced that project to Bluepoint Games. And now, it seems that Insomniac is perfectly willing to do something similar, so perhaps we'll see that happen in the future. Maybe if the Collection does well financially…? Ratchet is one of those franchises that has been loved for multiple generations and although the more advanced ones are great, there's something to be said for the old classics.
OMG, yes please! i wouldn't mind if that happened.
Would be one great idea, the Ratchet games on the PS2 were some of the best.
If you haven't played this, then you should give it a shot, it really is one hell of a franchise.
Last edited by to_far_apart on 3/2/2010 10:04:48 PM
R&C is a tad before my time. I was 9 when the first one came out so it would be nice to see them in HD.
The Collection has already had 600k unit sales in North America alone. The European and Japanese releases should easily push it over a million. For something that took a paltry 15 weeks to facelift, this is an EXTREMELY profitable title. Probably covered most if not all of GOWIII's costs! So yeah other developers should be paying attention.
the GOW collection will probably top at 1 or 1.3 million. They'll pick up some more sales when 3 comes out. Sony would profit from bringing back some of their PS2 classics.
But I can honestly say I could never get into Ratchet and Clank.
A few years back, I saw my nephew playing one of those Ratchet games on his ps2, and I thought to myself, how can someone play this game for more than 5 minutes w/o getting a headache, and why would they?
Well, a few years later, little did I know that it would become one of my favorite series. I played through FTOD, QFB, and I've platinumed ACIT. If you haven't played these, yet, then you're really missing out on one of the sweetest offerings on the ps3.
I still haven't finished Tools of Destruction, which means i haven't started Quest for Booty or A Crack in Time.
what the hell are you waiting for son?
you got allot of work to do so you better get cracking, and dont forget to give quest for booty a shot too!
Don't feel bad Jawknee. I haven't played any of them. So a collection might be a very good thing for me.
ha! im working on it. Was making progress on Tools then i got distracted. With Bioshock 2 coming out i needed to finish the 1st one and by the time i finished the 1st 2 was already out then Heavy Rain came…busy busy busy!
I hear ya. I've been on a gaming marathon the past 2 months. It's been great.
Which means, this collection should be for you.
4 or 5 games in one package in HD. That'd be an amazing deal.
I'd so get this!
Please Imsoniac, get to it!
This would definitely solidify the series, and most importantly the story for many of those who missed the earlier games.
And even better since it'd get the HD treatment (ratio), etc.
I'd love to see a Ratchet & Clank Collection featuring all three R & C games plus Deadlocked. Please make it so.
Next up: Sly Cooper Collection!!!!
I just pooped a little.
OMG, I wonder if GT's "secret sequel" is Sly 4.
I jizzed in my pants.
Clean up on aisle BOOM!
It baffles the mind just how clueless some people are.
"If there is enough support for this sort of thing."
Whaaaaat ? How could they not already know? R&C sold PS2s for years, but they're not sure if there's enough support?
Bring on the BD PS2 R&C's collections!
Oh hell yeah!!!
it's qwarktastic!
Hell yes!! that would be a buy for me. i have he GOW Collection. that would be a def buy for me.
Also more Ratchet Trophies 🙂
I'd buy that in a nano-second.
As BikerSaint says, Hell yeah!
A R&C Collector's edition with the first 3 (or 4) games? That would be awesome. Very definitely a 'must have' too.
You know what I want? A collection of the trilogy in your avatar.
I've never played em, but I would buy since the GOW collection was great.
Same for me. So much bang for the buck with these collections.
Eh, I was never a Ratchet and Clank nor a Jak and Daxter person, I played Spyro until the ps2 came out and then I really wasn't interested in platformers anymore, mostly rpgs, so eh, not too much priority for me, I'd rather have a SoTC+Ico HD collection or a ZOE1/2 HD Collection
Yes! I 100th the motion! I never have played those. It would be great with hd and trophies!
Last edited by dragonx_HD on 3/2/2010 11:18:51 PM
I'm down with this idea. If it hasn't been said enough yet…
1. Metal Gear Solid Collection (HD)
2. Final Fantasy Collection (HD)
3. Ratchet and Clank Collection (HD)
Granted third parties probably won't jump on the bandwagon, but why not? Metal Gear in HD would be AWESOME!
Final Fantasy Collection: I'm guessing by this you mean the PS2 FFs? Because the PS1 FFs can be released on the PSN.
Would be nice to get some HD remakes of Final Fantasy X and XII in the fashion that the God of War Collection was made. But its unlikely well see anything like that from Square unless they can put it out for the Xbox too. Greedy bastards!
o ben please do not tease me like this.
i would do anything, and i mean ANYTHING! to have ratchet and clank 1,2,3,gladiator and throw in the PSP versions for good measure.
o fu** it, just send me your address im writing the check now!
Who said he'll be taking money? *wink *wink
Last edited by cLoudou on 3/3/2010 1:09:46 AM
I would want a Ratchet & Clank Collection with ALL of the PS2 games in it (include SAC and Size Matters)… But there really is no gaurantee that this will happen…
Please bring it on. Maybe they can also add trophies for Tools of Destruction.
God of War Collection was super, next dream was indeed an HD transformation of all Ratchets & Clanks. Where can I pre-order…..
Yes! Yes! That would be really cool R&C collection, a MGS collection be cool too so would GTA , Have bine hopeing for R&C ever since The GOW collection was annonced.
Last edited by I C E_COLD on 3/3/2010 2:00:04 AM
How many ps2 games will fit on a blueray? on average?
It depends on how big the ps2 games are, but most are well under a single layer dvd. The average ps2 game is probably around ~4gb (dont quote me on that, im just guessing) so on a 50gb blu-ray you could fit ~12 ps2 games. There might be some overhead when porting them to run native on the ps3, so they may only be able to fit 10 or so, but thats still a lot of games on one disc!
I'll buy a collection in HD if they choose to release one. Up Your Arsenal is the only ps2 R&C game that I've played. I wouldn't mind playing the titles that I missed.
They Should Come Out Wit A Kingdom Heart Collection Before KH3 Comes Out!!!!
Damn, 5 mins before me…
So, I second that!!!
I would really enjoy replaying the first 3 ratchet and clanks too, if they'd just give them the same make-over as god of war one and two, they'd get my cash when I can afford it.
This must happen! God of War Collection was full of awesome and this would be no different.
I still have all my Ps2 copies of the Ratchet series, but i might consider buying this anyway. R&C is my favorite game series and im a bit of a collector.
I missed out on well all of them. I'd very much like this. Team ICO should do the same because I missed out on all their PS2 titles as well.
I'd buy a Ratchet and Clank collection. Since we're bringing back old games I'd like to see some need for speed bundles from the good old days, my first PS1 game was the NFS road and track game. I'd also FOR SURE buy a GTA collection.
Yes. Yes?!? YES!!! Spruce up the graphics a bit, add some trophies maybe (to Tools of Destruction as well…) and I am in.
I only have Up Your Arsenal from the PS2 games, so I would definitely buy these.
I was so ready to buy Gow collection but I didn't want to re-buy games I already have but it's getting more and more compelling. Playing the Ratchet games on my 60GB PS3; while you get use to them they would definitely benefit from the upgrade. I'd likely buy 1-3.
Plus just think how much more "new era" a "collection set" would be……
A multitude of games on one Bluray Disc, all running jazzed up graphics in HD, and with trophies too.
Kewl beans!
Last edited by BikerSaint on 3/3/2010 3:01:12 PM