The PS3 exclusive list is already loaded with names like Uncharted , Killzone , God of War , Heavy Rain , LittleBigPlanet , Metal Gear Solid , and Gran Turismo . But we're not done yet.
Well, provided we're not looking a red herring square in the face. GameTrailers is teasing a "surprise Sony sequel" that will debut for the first time ever on an upcoming episode of GTTV. For the most part, we're always well informed when it comes to big exclusive titles and we doubt we're talking about an "unheard of" game, here. Our guess is it will be Resistance 3 , although I suppose there's some outside shot at seeing a Twisted Metal unveiling. What was it that Jaffe said to that guy who asked when TM will arrive? "Soon, bi***?" Yeah, that was it. Anyway, here's the promo video-
So, what do you think it might be? They say it's a sequel so it can't be another new IP like Heavy Rain , and we already know about many of the hottest sequels of the generation. The Last Guardian isn't a sequel, and we should probably stop hoping for stuff like Kingdom Hearts III . Maybe it'll be something totally surprising…maybe it'll be Starhawk , the rumored follow-up to Warhawk . Or maybe now that SCE has bought Media Molecule, it'll be another LittleBigPlanet (although that seems unlikely; they'll just keep expanding on the original game). Well, what do you think it might be?
Hope its Either Kingdom Hearts or Twisted Metal for PS3. Resistance has underwhelmed. I dig Killzone 2 far more then Resistance.
Would be quite exciting to hear a sequel for Unchartered. But hell, sequels for all would be very nice.
If only we knew what they knew.
@Jawknee – How could you not like Resistance 2? Watching Hale transform was flippin' sweet….and then the ending! what are they gonna do next? Can't wait.
@to_far_apart – I can wait a little while for Uncharted 3. UC2 was great and it can stay around for a while. I also want Naughty Dog to blow me away again once UC3 is announced.
It has to be new Twisted Metal im hoping.
Sven, i actually never played Resistance 2. it has grab my interest but i was unsure if i should get it without finishing the 1st game. i bought the 1st one as part of the Great Hits collection, Sold it 5 days later. Just wasn't digging it.
You know…I usually never recommend playing a sequel without playing the original. But I think you could get the story from some site and then jump into the second.
It was just a fun game. But the ending was cool. And you will HAVE to play R2 before ever even thinking about playing R3.
the scale in Resistance 2 is what grabs my interest. That alone maybe the reason i pick it up.
Killzone 3.
I hope it's not another Motorstorm. Not that I have against that franchise but it's not exactly what I`m hoping for. Starhawk sounds just about right, if not Resistance 3. That's pretty much guaranteed a release this year. Hopefully.
Elite 4?
Privateer 3?
Wing Commander 15?
Ace Combat 7?
Heavenly Sword 2……COME ON!!!!
I would love a Heavenly Sword 2.
I'd kill for that…
Heavenly Sword too would be heavenly…
Yeah Heavenly Sword please!!!
Won't happen. Ninja Theory has a very different project they're working on.
I think Ninja Theory lost the RIGHT to make Heavenly Sword 2 -_-
They seriously lost the chance imo
This project should be given to one of Sony's great 1st/2nd party devs (GOW team? :O )
I'm sure you know this Ben, but SCEE owns the rights to Heavenly Sword, so Ninja Theory doesn't HAVE to make it.
Though, it's sad, since I really like NT. Still am a fan of them, but yeah.
I like that idea.
I know they could tap someone else for HS2 but if they wanted to do that, it would've been done by now.
OHHH, if it was Ace Combat, that would be sweet.
When I think of sequel I always think of the 2nd, so my choices in what this "Suprise sequel" is narrows down a bit to :
HS2 ( longshot, but wold be a total shocker, to me anyways )
Infamous 2
and what else?
Infamous 2 would be such great news
Resistance 3, killzone 3, KH3, Uncharted 3, Heavenly sword 2, Demon souls 2!
Whoa. Thats a pretty awesome list of sequels. The best things is that we know all of the are already in development (other than KH3 and HS2).
kh3 is in development silly
I don't trust it…remember last time?
I hate people announce an announcement or talk about surprises. pisses me off. Just tell us what the hell it is or dont mention it!!!
Lol it's probably flow 2…
Interesting to say the least. Announcements are nice, but they certainly don't get me as excited as an actual release.
I bet it's the exclusive Ben knows about, he just doesn't know it yet!
When is Ben going to let us in on that secret? Honestly, who knew the man could keep a secret that well?
well i am 98% sure that secret game was Twisted Metal… if the trailer is 4 TM, one of 2 things have just occured:
1)he never told us, and is crazy amazing at not letting sweet tooth outta the bag
2)It's not, and the only other option is a kingdom hearts sequel.
Im done being excited about 'Sony surprises'.
But Twisted Metal 3 or Infamosu 2 would be sweet.
Metal Gear Solid 5……………Would be awesome!!!
Please let it be Heavenly Sword 2 or Legend of Dragoon 2
i know what it is HAZE 2 LMFAO!!!
would it be that bad of an idea if they were to tweak all the bad stuff about the original and amp it up to an enjoyable game it could be possible well that is if the people who developed it arent bankrupt
impossible since the people who made it free radical are now owned by crytek and are making the console versions of crysis 2.
it has to be a sony first party studio from my interpretation and it has to be a surprise so killzone 3, twisted metal or resistance 3 are out because there hardly surprising.
think back to the old ps1 era, im expecting a sequel from those days, something we have not seen for a long time.
It wont be a surprise, there are no surprise announcements except at big shows these days. It will be one of the games you mentioned.
i would normally agree, big name exclusives would be announced at E3 but from what i have heard sony has so many titles to announce they are leaving a few for E3, gamescom, Tgs but theres still some spillover so this is the best way to announce it.
think about it infamous 2, killzone 3, resistance 3, syphon filter 5, starhawk, motorstorm 3.
sony has allot of titles supposedly being announced this year, so makes seance not all of them can have time at e3.
remember they are restricted to 1 hour if i remember right there the time restrictions so its pretty tight.
GTA V…. I can dream
I KNOW this is gonna sound stupid but hopefully CAPCOM will come to their senses and make a DMC5 EXCLUSIVELY for the PS3. It could be a smart move on their part after witnessing the success that most exclusive titles share. Anyone with me? Also there's no doubt that DMC3 still remains the best in the series IMO…and that was exclusive! They not to go back to their roots…I'm still dieing to see what happened after DMC2.
Last edited by Dridion on 3/2/2010 10:43:24 PM
I hope not DMC isn't very good.
Really? Wow! Are you refering to the entire series or just a particular one? Aside from 2 and 4 (which happens to be half lol), the series has been relatively good IMHO. Why do you think new IP's such as Bayonetta imitate that style or use it as reference? I just hope that, if they do make it, they return it to its former glory…there was a time when it was the GoW3 for Sony…it was a very sad day when 4 was announced to be multi. Hmm guess it's just wishful dreaming. Like The_Duke said, I can dream 😉
Last edited by Dridion on 3/2/2010 11:12:28 PM
what 2 was the best one!
ill agree that DMC4 sucked though.
id love to see DMC5 as a ps3 exclusive but cant see it happening since capcom has gone greedy, only way that they would do so is if sony paid them handsomely and thats never going to happen!
I own 4 and I was unable to finish it….I can't even really play it….That terrible rock music over and over again drove me insane, as well as a terrible story, and going through the same areas over and over again. Also like the 2 kinds of enemies.
what the music in DMC4 ROCKS!
A Syphon Filter?
i would be so down for some syphon filter ps3!