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Naughty Dog Listening To Uncharted 2 Multiplayer Suggestions

If you've been hooked on the Uncharted 2: Among Thieves multiplayer, you probably have plenty of suggestions for Naughty Dog in regards to upgrades and improvements.

Well, the developers have been listening because in a recent update over at Naughty Dog's official site , they tell us what to expect in an upcoming multiplayer patch. Firstly, they intend to fix the issue where it's too easy to take down foes by shooting them in the legs; they're currently considering knocking the damage down for limb strikes. Other possibilities include removing the auto-shoulder switching, the irritation of having the scoreboard obscure your obtained medals, grenade adjustments, Booster balancing, and of course, the ongoing process of clearing up any remaining glitches or unfair exploits. Now, they're not exactly saying that all of this will be addressed in the next patch; they're merely saying they've listened to the fans before deciding on a direction for impending update 1.05. They've been testing everything internally thus far and we imagine that we'll soon see an official announcement. In the meantime, don't ever be afraid to voice your concerns and complaints because Naughty Dog always listens. These guys are hands-on with their community, which is an admirable – and ultimately productive – trait.

Obviously, the single-player campaign remains the primary appeal of Uncharted 2 but if you've ignored the multiplayer, we still say you're missing out. It's damn fun.

Related Game(s): Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

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14 years ago

The sniper rifle is too powerful AND the rate of fire is too quick, its gotta be one or the other
Plus, the hammer fires too quickly, imo of course

14 years ago

Yea, the last update they had, the sniper rifle became a 1 shot kill, even shot on the legs. All the players end up hiding with their rifles. I think the gameplay was as close to perfect as it was right before the last patch.

14 years ago



14 years ago

Not many complaints from me, and thanks naughty dog!

14 years ago

O thought of something! Its not a complaint but i think it would be cool if they made the melee n multiplayer like the melee n single player. I can see it now that maybe half of my kills would be from kicking someone in the head! 🙂

14 years ago

actually i've seen that. I think i've kicked some1 in the head online, but i've played the single recently so cant remember.
but kicking in the head, or intertwinging the legs and flipping over is awesome.

14 years ago

Did anyone else lose a lot of their stats? I bought this game on Day 1 and played it a LOT until MW2 came out. I hadn't played it in about a month and I put it in for a couple matches this weekend and it says I've only played the MP for 31 min, my record is something like 5-7, and I have a 30-24 K/D total. My "perks" are still there and my cash sounds about right. The friend I played with had the same problem. What gives?

14 years ago

They have been adding more medals in lately. I get extra 5k cash from those "Retaliation" medals itself.

14 years ago

You didn't lose your stats but if you haven't played since the leader board update, which was the very first mp patch after the game came out I believe, they weren't keeping track of stats before so they reset everything to zero.

14 years ago

Thanks Phantom. That makes sense.

14 years ago

Multiplayer in this game is awesome although i do agree the rifle is to fast and powerful and should be one or the other… other than that i dont have any other complaints

14 years ago

I always distinguish UC2 as the shooter with more close range combats. Like you run and gun, then punch kind of game. Ever since the rifle power up, the everyone is hiding. If one person hides, eventually, it'll scare the opponents from approaching and they hide too. It's not fun anymore.

14 years ago

I haven't bought U2 yet.

*shields himself under a quilt*


14 years ago

You should be ashamed of yourself.

14 years ago

Your quilt will give you no protection from the soap on a rope beating that you are about to receive.

14 years ago

I never want to see your face around here again. Oh wait, you have no face.

Buy the damn game. Pay full price if you must, you won't regret it.

14 years ago


U2's on my list, but just haven't got around to it yet.

14 years ago

I haven't played the multiplayer a lot, did play the single player lots though (platinum trophy ftw). Anyways, I'll probably check on the multiplayer, sometime soon, after I heard the clock problem being fixed.

14 years ago

Posted this on a former uc2 article but was too late to get a response. someone please help me with the answer to this.

Hopefully someone can answer this for me. I have not played uc2. Reason being that on the first uncharted there was a glitch that drove me up the walls.

When shooting guys and it was not a 1 shot kill the enemy would stumble backwards and during the time that they were stumbling, it didn't matter what you did to them they were invincible. I tested this in many ways, if you shot them in the chest, waited for them to stop stumbling, shot again, and repeated, it took 3 shots to kill the average guy. If you just unloaded on him you could empty a clip and not kill him.

I'm wondering if uc2 has this problem or not because i just could not get past this on the first one. I also was not impressed by the online demo for uc2. any insights would be helpful, because uc2 is getting all kinds of praise but so did the first one.

14 years ago

never noticed that when i played uncharted 2. mostly because i go for head shots, push them off cliffs, stealth kills, and one punch kills after softening them up. maybe that last part kinda answers your question.

14 years ago

Meh, just get to work on Uncharted 3.

14 years ago

I agree with you, but im glad they are fixing or patching something theyve created. A lot of people play the mp and honestly its the most fun ive had online in a while. Sure MW2 is competitive, and MAG as well, but UC2 online was all the above and FUN! Something online needs for lasting appeal.

ND still working on the MP to make it better shows they take that aspect seriously. They didnt make it just to let it go down hill. And honestly all i could ask more of is some co-op maps. they are doing everything right as a developer.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 3/1/2010 1:00:26 PM

14 years ago

I wish they didn't have the rpg and hammer in elimination, it's really a pain in the ass to be doing everything right and then BOOM, someone who runs straight for the strongest weapons shoots at your general area and gets a cheap kill.

14 years ago

they're knocking down the damage?! i mean i get my fair share of kills, but they just need to make it easier to kill when hitting the other areas…

14 years ago

After playing COD for so long I decided to switch to UC2's multiplayer but the bug has my ps3 down:(

I forgot how much fun UC2 was

Last edited by NightHawk17 on 3/1/2010 2:20:15 PM

14 years ago

yea im with ya!

Lex Luthor
Lex Luthor
14 years ago

I got one for ya:

STOP deducting so much cash for connection problems!!!

It's a mayor pain in the ass to be $ 40,000 down just because the damn PS3 keeps disconnecting!!!

14 years ago

Fake money = not that big of a deal

14 years ago

open your ports on your router for the ps3, and if your media server is on turn it off (under settings on the ps3 xmb).

I honestly cant tell you when the last time i got disconnected from the PSN, or from UC2 online was.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 3/1/2010 7:12:03 PM

14 years ago

Still, some people have lives or something they really need to do. It sucks to lose like 10 levels just to have to get off. And it sucks even more if something happens which disconnects you. I think they should just not give you the money you earned in that match for leaving.

14 years ago

i cop that every single day.
actually if i got paid 1 cent for every 50 times im disconnected from PSN i would be rich enough to buy M$,$ony, and nintendo twice fold!
n, no its not because of my router because everything else is running of it and i never have any problems on either of those.
even gone through 3 freaking routers just to try and solve the problem.

14 years ago

@blank line ___________-

Ur problem could still be your router. ill put money on it that your router didnt come with the ports needed open for the PS3. If these ports that the PS3 needs open on your router are not, it may or may not work correctly. I'm telling you the honest truth when I called sony they told me which ports needed to be open on my router. I opened them up and disabled my media server (under network settings on the PS3 xmb) and I cant complain since. Or just hard wire it.

Try some different things ask around, your problem will get solved!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 3/2/2010 11:33:58 AM

14 years ago

yeah its not my router because i have my ps3 running a DMZ.
so in other words its let through the firewall so ports wont be a problem.
ive rang sony so many times and every single time leave without a solution, i even tell me what code i keep getting which is 8002AD23 and they have no clue whats causing it.
and i cant hardwire it because the nearest socket is my router and thats a 3M run, my familys constantly moving around and tripping over wires.
last time i had a console hardwired it was in my 360, my mother tripped over the wire and sent my 360 flying onto my sub leaving a massive gash in the 360s side panel.
and it still worked!

Last edited by ___________ on 3/3/2010 6:27:10 AM

14 years ago

I absolutely love the multiplayer. No complaints from me.

14 years ago

This is the reason I've always loved Naughty Dog, they actually listen to the fans and fix the problems that the players are having. Only wish more companies would follow this example.

14 years ago

I started playing the multiplayer again, and am not stopping now.

14 years ago

Dedication, I like this
They've really done a lot of things with the online

Overall, co-op is the funnest imo

14 years ago

i agree! i want some more co-op stuff!

but i love what they are doing, and the MP is really fun!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 3/1/2010 4:19:45 PM

14 years ago

Agreed, I just want to be able to use the new skins for co-op modes.

14 years ago

Again I'll say this….

Listen up, all you other mangy-mutt developers that are MS money whores & content stealers!!!

This is how you make a AAA game.
And also reward the AAA players for buying it.

Confucius say…
Ah, more happy game made today,
then most sales leading down road of paradise

Last edited by BikerSaint on 3/1/2010 6:17:33 PM

14 years ago

i stopped playing because for some unkown reason when i was playing my characters just stopped moving dont know why . will be going bak to see if it doesnt happen

14 years ago


14 years ago

nah no split screen. But more online co-op!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 3/1/2010 8:33:30 PM

14 years ago

Man I have to try the muliplayer keep forgetting, plus I have so many game to play right now and no time. Really can't wait to be done school so I can get my game on.

14 years ago

ah screw the MP and get back to that remake of crash bandicoot.
if anything to take GOTY away from heavy rain, its that.