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Sony: “Extremely Delighted With Demand For Heavy Rain”

We were a little concerned that Heavy Rain wouldn't resonate with enough people in order to translate to a financial success. But with the combination of high review scores and general overall hype, Quantic Dream should be nicely rewarded for their efforts.

Although the numbers aren't official, early estimates say that Heavy Rain has sold approximately 500,000 copies in its first week of availability. Considering the uniqueness of the title and the fact that it's exclusive to the PlayStation 3, that's an excellent number. The estimates say the game sold around 200,000 here in North America, with an additional 150,000 sold in Europe, and there's every chance Heavy Rain could surpass the one million mark soon. However, it seems Sony didn't even anticipate this kind of success, because according to MCVUK , the rush to snag this innovative "interactive drama" has caused a definite shortage on the UK High Street. Said an SCE UK representative:

"We have been extremely delighted with the demand for Heavy Rain.  Whilst it isn't out of stock we are aware that supplies are running low. There is still supply in the chain, but I'm afraid if you're hunting for a copy it may require a little extra footwork. There will be more stock arriving next week.

In the meantime we thank everyone for their excitement and their support for this title and also for their patience if they are still seeking a copy."

It's all good news, although we know a few of you have experienced some freezing and crashing issues with the game, which is unfortunate. It's one of those games that deserves to be played more than once and if you're a collector, you'll likely want this one in your collection. So if you haven't yet managed to find a copy, just wait a bit.

Related Game(s): Heavy Rain

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14 years ago

Will play the waiting game, for cash of course.
Anyways, I think it's great that Heavy Rain has nice sales, Q-D really deserves it.

Thrill Kill
Thrill Kill
14 years ago

i've run into a couple of glitches and freezes and the screen tearing is horrible but other than that it is great.

14 years ago

I have that virus thats been running around on the PS3 so i cant play Heavy Rain or any of my PS Store related items, sucks.

14 years ago

I feel your pain, I had the day booked off work today and was looking forward to starting my second run through of the game but that didnt happen for that very reason

14 years ago

Dont spread FUD. Its not a virus, ts a date bug in the firmware.

Trust me, if someone managed to run unsigned code on a ps3 Sony would be super pissed.

Last edited by NoSmokingBandit on 3/1/2010 12:00:28 PM

photo K
photo K
14 years ago

Just bought mine on Amazon, hope to play it soon. The demo crashed on me while I was the FBI agent searching for a body… weird, it scared the crap outta me tho cuz the screen went all dark and had a loud screech to it. It was pretty fun tho and the graphics in the demo were very impressive.

14 years ago

this is true, i live in the uk, went into 3 different co extra's and they had all sold out on friday, went into nottingham city centre, to get the special edition one from hmv, and that had sold out, went into game and they had a special booth set up all behind curtains as you had to be 16 to get in, saw a bunch of 12 yr olds trying to pass them off as 16 lol. cant belive how well this is selling, tho i am mega happy about it, as ive barely seen any adverts for it, ive seen one which wasnt even a sony one, it was a hmv one saying how it had the exclusive special edition version.

14 years ago

I live in Notts too 🙂

14 years ago

Do you guys fear the Sheriff of Nottingham?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Wasn't he like a giant rat in the movie?

14 years ago

Disney's Robin Hood?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago


14 years ago

There is only Disney's Robin Hood…

…and Men In Tights

14 years ago

As soon as I heard the good news, I immediately pictured the main characters from 'Fahrenheit' dancing to 'Hang It Up' (if you've played the game, you should know what I'm talking about).

14 years ago

Oh I know…

Finished it and unlocked all the extra stuff. Was very rewarding.

14 years ago

I have really been heartened by the buzz and support which has been given to this game by the mainstream interest. I honestly thought it wouldn't happen. Hopefully it means Quantic has been successful in showing a big up yours to the games industry, and pushes developers away from 1 uping eachother to make the next better fps/action game.

It's been absolutely amazing the level of interest i've seen personally in non gamers. The reaction of hardcore gamers has been predictable, almost like they're jealous of the success of trying to ruin the experience for others online by giving away spoilers.

14 years ago

I finished the game in 3 days and was very impressed with the level of immersion that I got from it; I spent about an hour talking with a friend of mine about our different endings and the overall story. Indeed a unique title that everyone should try; glad to hear it's in high demand.

14 years ago

Heavy Rain is almost as fun to talk about as it is to play. Theres an incredible amount of variation in the last few chapters based on who is alive, what they know, and where they are. It will be nice when the "waiting" period is over and its acceptable to talk about spoilers in the open 😉

14 years ago

Give it a good 2 – 3 months, just to be on the safe side.

I'm still playing mine now. Up to 1.7 inches of rain. Not saying anymore than that right now cos I don't wanna spoil it, but you guys playing it should now whereabouts I am.

Just a bit past meeting Madison. I take it I still have a fair way to go?

14 years ago

I believe the max rain fall that accumulates is 6inches

14 years ago

I am glad this is selling well, especially as it is a new IP, its uniqueness could have gone either way, I'am glad it went the right way
Btw I love the cover of the special edition version, with the 'real' rain drops on the cover

14 years ago

Yep. Love my Special Edition too ed.

Rain drops are a nice touch. DLC goodies are good, and soundtrack wasn't too hard to order again.

14 years ago

Hmmm I have a original launch day fat 60gb and didn't play yesterday but actually took off today to finish up Heavy Rain ( whoo hoo for personal days, lol ) hopefully I don't also suffer from this bug ppl are speaking of! *** crosses fingers and turns on PS3****

Last edited by Mista on 3/1/2010 11:12:52 AM

14 years ago

Don't do it!

14 years ago

Well Mista….I'm kinda curious how it all turned out.

BTW – World told you not to do it.

14 years ago

I am so glad that I finished my first play through Saturday. I'd be climbing the walls right now waiting to see how it ended. I found a few glitches and bugs. The worst was the little boy just standing there with his balloon. The dad's all freaking out and I was standing right beside his son. lol. Had to go down the escalator to start the next cut scene.

A great game. Almost haunting. I loved it and it is worth every penny I paid. Hell, I'd even buy QD a drink if I met up with them. Looking forward to some DLC now.

14 years ago

I played the first episode, It was fantastic.

Troy Powers
Troy Powers
14 years ago

Great news, Sony.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 3/1/2010 12:33:34 PM

14 years ago

looks like we're gonna have to just wait and see if our ps3's fix themselves.

14 years ago

Due to budget constraints my game purchases are primarily dictated by how the dlc will be handled and considering this game will release more and more chapters over the next year, I'll just have to wait for goty version with all the dlc for the same $60 price tag. I do really want to play it though.

14 years ago

kraygen, the dlc chapters are not extra story chapters. Merely tangents that are not necessary to the full story and simply flesh out characters. I'd say buy it now, it's incredibly worth it, and just grab the dlc if u actually want it way down the track. the beauty of digital store is that it's always open, months down the track and wont run out of stock.

14 years ago

The other thing too is that u risk having it ruined for u the more u leave it unfortunate as that is lol with all the assholes about

14 years ago

well for one all my day to day friends are too lame to purchase good quality ps3 exclusives and instead limit themselves to mmo's and watching bluray on their ps3's. To each his own i guess, but game sites should have warnings about spoilers. Its just that even tho the dlc isn't a must, i'll want it and i'd rather pay the 60 bucks for everything instead of the starter pack, now a days we always get a better deal if we wait and i'm always looking for a good deal.

14 years ago

It's nice to hear it's doing well,specially for the type of game it is.I'm getting ready to play it in my perfect working PS3 😀

14 years ago

I too didn't think people would warm to this one, glad to be wrong. I love what I've played so far and I would be on it right now if SONY WOULD FIX MY FU**ING PLAYSTATION!

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 3/1/2010 12:33:18 PM

karneli lll
karneli lll
14 years ago

I hope this changes Cage's stance about this being the last of its kind from him.Never thought a game after FF X could work me up the way Heavy Rain does.

14 years ago

Even if we don't get another like it anytime soon, Heavy Rain will be getting downloadable episodes. The first one, called the "The Taxidermist", will start Madison, and will be a self-contained story. It was supposed to be available by now, but I guess QD is still ironing out some kinks.

14 years ago

i cant even find this game anywhere here in vegas, so i guess i have some time to kill to find this game since my ps3 wont play it anyway. i knew getting a backwards compatible system was going to bite me on the ass somehow. i hope we get compensated for this though even if its a long shot. i know we dont pay for online but to not be able to play offline is just an inconvinience. Plus i wanna get the uncharted pack for free because i dont have extra cash to spend on dlc.

14 years ago

Awesome news! I hope this game sells millions

14 years ago

im definitely getting this game…the demo was awesome!

14 years ago

I wonder if Sony would be delighted enough to let me have the first episode of DLC if Amazon fails to deliver their pre-order promise.

I'm glad Sony is happy about the sales and that they were higher than expected. Maybe Sony will make more games in this genre even if QD doesn't.

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
14 years ago

Just bought mine today. My +1 will show up in next weeks numbers. Be sure to look for it.

14 years ago

Well deserved, hope they sell millions soon!!

14 years ago

That's a very very promising number.

No one would have ever ever knew it would sell this well because this isn't mainstream.

14 years ago

These are very good numbers not surpised though Heavy rain is very unique game and I surely can't wait to play it… Now only if my husband would share the damn console.

14 years ago

great to hear hopefully this goes on to be the ps3s best selling title.
i really want to see more games of this genre but for that to happen this needs to sell through the roof to give developers reassurance their efforts will be repaid.
downloaded the first DLC pack cant wait to play it tonight, i hope they do heaps more because i cant get enough of it.
this is what more games need to do, release a expansion of the SP campaign.
id kill to see some of this for killzone 2, uncharted, uncharted 2 or ratchet and clank a crack in time.

photo K
photo K
14 years ago

Anyone else having problems with slow load times DURING gameplay? like a couple times during the "family" scene, the gameplay just froze up for like a good 3-10 seconds. It happened 3 times.. one was right when I picked up the remote control to play with the remote control car, and then it happened a couple times when watching the TV on the couch. O_o

14 years ago

have you installed the patch?
i had allot of problems with audio cutting out, levels freezing or taking ages to load after i downloaded the patch.
so i deleted it and tried without the patch that did not work, so i reinstalled the patch and wallah works like a dream.
for some reason allot of ps3 games suffer from that, you download a patch but it does not install properly so you have to re download and re install it.

photo K
photo K
14 years ago

a patch? I was prompted to download an update when I installed the game, was there something else I had to do?

14 years ago

well depends.
if you downloaded the patch and had problems thats what happened to me, i deleted the update than re installed it and i never had another problem.
the update will be stored under game files, not game saves so make sure you dont delete your saved file.
there will be 2 heavy rain files in the game folder 1 will be like 4GB thats the game install than one will be 200 MBs that will be the update, delete and reinstall and you should be good to go.