Why do we get the feeling that such a poll would've been closer about six months ago?
The recent negative feedback surrounding Final Fantasy XIII appears to have taken its toll; either that, or God of War III is just that good and there isn't a single solitary PlayStation 3 owner who doesn't plan to buy it in a few weeks. Of course, we should probably consider its exclusive status as another driving force behind these poll results, but either way, SCEA Santa Monica's impending gem won't disappoint anyone. That footage on GTTV was downright amazing, the demo was bad-ass (even though it's nearly a year old) and basically, the idea of a sub-par God of War is totally foreign to everyone. The beautiful, visceral, brutal experience that will be this third installment has garnered a ton of attention, even if it's the end of the trilogy. That's sad news, in a way, but SCEA has already said the franchise won't just disappear, even if they decide to push ahead without Kratos. It'd be tough to embrace a new series iteration with the bald brawler but at this point, I think we all have plenty of faith in these developers.
So after nearly three-quarters of you said you'd take GoWIII over FFXIII if you had to pick one or the other, we're wondering how you're responding to Heavy Rain now that you've had a week to experience the "interactive drama." Is it everything you thought it would be or do you feel let down? Are you happy with your purchase or do you just feel as if you're missing something? Let us know and vote now.
I wonder what the results would have been if FFXIII had stayed exclusive… hmmm… nah, GOWIII woulda still won.
Anybody gonna step up?
GOWIII still would have won because exclusive or not, all the bad stories about no towns and linear gameplay and stuff still would have come out and angered the masses.
Actually, I disagree, I think that FF would've been much more well-received had it stayed exclusive. Sort of like Quantum Theory. Remember that? Yeah, me neither lol.
Plus, who knows how different the game would've been had it stayed exclusive. Remember all that content 'enough to make a whole other game' (they said), cut from XIII? Sure, they say it wasn't removed due to…constraints of a certain non-hd format optical drive, but….face it, there's no other reason _that much stuff_ would be cut except to make things 'equal'.
LOL. You bring about a good point. I believe the voting would have been closer.
But FF13 sure would have been a better game if it was a PS3 exclusive. I don't care what SE says!!
They would have allocated the x360 port man power to actually adding more village content. So I'd agree it would have been better an exclusive.
i cannot wait for this game… and as far as heavy rain… ive never experienced gaming like this and i love it!! its so crazy i can't believe how good our exclusives are compared to tired halo and games that have been established…. sony is breaking ground with their exclusives…..dont get me wrong i use my 360 alot…. i have 4 years of building a friend list there…. but the ps3 is truly next gen unlike 360 where its more HD gaming…
I've been saving for this month since last Halloween (my birthday)….bring on the games…
GOW3 over FF13 was a no-brainer to me.
FF13 —> lots of negative criticism.
GOW3 —> lots of positive criticism.
'nuff said about that.
Heavy Rain is downright epic. I can't believe the way one characters decisions affects another character, & the one they intertwine. The writing of that game is pure awesome-sauce.
I'm stickin with the game that has more gameplay, GOWIII can wait a bit. I'll just nab it off a trophy whore for a good price a couple weeks after it releases. I'm already playing 2 games at once, XIII will make it 3, I don't need to make it 4.
I basically consider FFXIII an exclusive since I've crapped out stuff that looks better than the xbox port. And RPGs come before action, Dante's Inferno was a tasty tide over though.
Heavy Rain is just amazing, aside from a couple technical issues I give it a 10.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/28/2010 11:20:59 PM
I'm right there with you. FFXIII for me all the way. I may play GoW3 at some point but seeing as how I didn't like the previous two, it's unlikely I will.
you know thats actually a very good idea. I am starting to have some fun with the collection, but I dont see myself spending 60 on the third, epicness or not.
Bad Company 2 will be way on the top.
I'd do the same thing If I couldn't get both, but luckily I've just had my birthday so I get a couple free games from that, which went to Heavy Rain and will go to GOWIII… already had saved up for FFXIII so, well, lucky me I get them all! 🙂
WorldEndsWithMe, I don't know why everyone is giving you a thumbs down. All he did is state his opinion. He in now way said GOW3 would suck or anything negative. It's all about preference. Just because my girlfriend prefers games like Critter Crunch and Peggle doesn't make her any less a gamer than someone who is into COD or MGS. That,s the beauty of games. There are enough out there variety wise for ALL of us to be happy. GOW3 isn't the ONLY game on the PS3 although from some of the comments it seems like some people think so. It's just like movies. You have comedy, horror, action, drama and other stuff and too each their own. It seems it's a lot easier to click a thums down than to click reply and say something meaningful. I am FF13 first and then GOW3 and no matter what there won't be any regrets. FF since the beginning has been the best if not one of the best RPGs on the plant. Look at how many of them there are and other than X-2 they have all been pretty solid.
Best RPGs on the plant??
What plant are we talking?? 😉
And I actually liked FF X-2 more than I thought I would. It wasn't bad for an offshoot of the main series. Definitely better than that Dirge of Cerberus junk.
Oh yeah, before I forget "It'd be tough to embrace a new series iteration with the bald brawler"
Should be withOUT the bald brawler, just in case someone gets confused. :)~
Damn! I'd love to buy this but I want to play GOW 1 & 2 before I buy the third one(sigh)oh well guess I'll have to wait till I get more money.
id like to see them go on with kratos' brothers story!
No way…
Reminds of when they add these second "pansy" character
Nero (DMC4)
Not better than the original
They should just start a new series with Kratos' brother if they so desire (call it something else) and make its story/gameplay very different than GOWIII. I mean they could keep it similar to GOW, but it definitely needs to be "different" enough to be its own title
you calling Hercules a pansy?
better start running man.
n how is raiden a pansy?
assuming your referring to raiden in MGS hes a bad a$$ ripping all those geckos apart.
sure is no snake but still he can stand for himself.
im in 2 minds as to where they will take the series though.
before the latest interview i was sure they were going to kill of kratos in GOW3 and have hurc take over and seek revenge.
but now im not so sure, there will be another GOW game thats for sure nothing is going to stop that from happening.
id like to see hurcs side of things, maybe have it as a prequel to the series leading up to GOW1.
I hated playing as raiden in mgs2 (he was pure epic in mgs4) and nero too.
FFXIII's release don't feel that grand
GOWIII on the other hand is something we can all FEEL
thats quite a surprise, i thought i was the only one who was pissed off with $E for peeing on their own creation.
the words RPG and linear just do not go together, so why did $E have to cram them in?
as for heavy rain it is by far the best, most enjoyable game i have ever played!
what the %@$# is with the ending?
it makes absolutely no sense what so ever, you feel like your going 100 miles a hour in one direction than hit a brick wall and was hurled in the other.
just ends so abruptly and, well i dont want to spoil anything but that has to be one of the worst endings in a video game ever!
what is it with developers creating a fantastic game, than completley destroying it with something so silly and small?
QD, just because ubisoft do it does not mean you have to follow suit.
@FM23 What the issues with the older PS3 models with Heavy Rain, i have yet to have any problems and I have a launched 20gig? just curious.
I would have to say from what I have seen my husband play (yes I can't play it he's hogging the PS3) it's amazing and emotional and just overall a creative game. I know GOW III will be my next best game 😉
I preordered both GoW and FF13. i know Gow wont disappoint, but when it comes to FF13, well lets just say SE has let me down b4 (Cough* FFX-2 Cough*)
saw the recent GOW3 footage on GTTV and right away im contemplating upgrading my pre-order to the SE for the Pandora Chest.
as for Heavy rain just beat it and honestly was one of the best things im experienced in a long time. i hope this really is a start of a new genre, cuz i would love a sci fi or action flick done like that.
Some of the PSX frequenters have probably scrolled down previous articles and noticed my comments regarding the other two GOW games (those being 1 & 2). My comments regarding those games were sort of negative mainly when talking about the storyline and character development. This time around however with GOW3, all I can say is wow! I mean, I have never seen anything in a video game this epic! Dante's Inferno was epic! But GOW3 is on its own untouchable level of epic! Already pre-ordered, just one more week…and some days. If only I could make time fly by engaging in some time-consuming yet highly enjoyable non-strenuous activity. Hmmm…I just can't think of what to do…oh well. Oh yeah, I also can't wait for Resonance of Fate, after reading some reviews and doing some necessary research, I think GOW3 won't be my solo for march.
Cant wait for GOWIII. Time poor so don't want to get wrapped up in FF13 for 50 hours.
GOWIII is a must buy though.
Heavy Rain. Phew, what a ride! The most immense and immersive video game experience I'be had in 25 years. Bar none.
I thought Uncharted 2 was like being in a movie, and it is in a "video game" sort of way.
Heavy Rain is like being in a movie, in a "bookish" sort of a way (if you get my drift).
Not bagging U2 by any means, just the immersion of Heavy Rain was outstanding.
The feelings you got making those choices knowing there was no save and restart were mind boggling.
Sends shivers down the spine. It's rare to be treated like an adult in a video game. We'll be speaking about this one for years I think.
What about that guy at Destructoid that is saying: "Deadly Premonition on XBox is blatantly better than Heavy Rain"?
If you want to be a troll and get some hits on your site there are better ways than being a complete idiot.
You take the Heavy Rain review on this site. Considered, detailed, well written, educated and enthusiastic.
On the other hand, this guys is just a complete ignoramus. No redeeming features at all. Reverts to swear words when his vague grasp of the English language alludes him.
The rubbish people are putting out there trying to knock Heavy Rain because it is a PS3 exclusive and something new is astounding!
Yeah I read that trash too, & it's pure unadulterared bull$hit!
The A-hole whined like a 16 year old muck shoveler at a sewer treatment plant during one of it's "down for maintenance" times.
One who had a sudden illusion of grandeur while looking into a mirror & dreaming he was a reviewer, instead of actually seeing the real him, just a pimpy-faced hormones-raging, snot-dripper ankle-biter who was actually staring right back at him.
Well DUH, with God of War doing things better every installment, impressing fans, and FF doing worse, disappointing fans… its a no-brainer
I'll do my best to convey my thoughts on 'Heavy Rain' thru a relatively brief summary of the seventh generation of video games (from my perspective, of course):
For nearly the past two years, I considered 'Guns of the Patriots' and 'Mass Effect' to be the two highest points of this generation.
Then last month 'Mass Effect 2' came out and it is overall an even better game.
And then, less than a week ago, 'Heavy Rain' (a game I've been anticipating for over three years) released. And I must say that it is even better than 'Mass Effect 2', placing it directly behind 'Guns of the Patriots' in my list of the best games thus far this generation (several minor things kept it from hitting the top, but second place is certainly nothing to sneer at when one considers the competition).
I could go on and on about the reasons why I love 'Heavy Rain', but then I'd essentially be writing my own review, and this isn't the place for it.
But my summary should show that my three years of anticipation were not wasted in the slightest:
'Heavy Rain' is a dream come true.
heh, im getting them both. already have them worked into the budget.
yeah, the im the same. my problem is my list keeps getting longer. right now i got heavy rain, bad company 2, and resonance of fate along with both FF13 and Gow3. Not to mention i still gotta play god of war collection. but now just cause 2 is starting to catch my attention and the demo isnt gonna help me ignore it.
Btw, the demo is amazing!
I'm getting both and having the most epic march I've had in my entire gaming life (already got Heavy Rain BTW)
I pre-ordered both. The two franchises are among my favorites.
Yes, I am disappointed in SE, just like every other PS3 owner. But XIII does look good, and I'm really looking forward to it.
Did any of you guys watch the new God of War 3 ad?
hello …
God of War 3 😉 …
already bought HR SE, waiting for delivery.
FFXIII not my genre, but if a demo comes out (doubt it) i can try & maybe like it, then would go for it later on.
What is the problem with older PS3 !? I didn't switch mine On since Sunday morning about 2 (GMT+4) … A friend of mine called about two others having issues launching games or PSN …
i must seek for more info …
OK, now i've seen the other article … & getting anxious !!!
Sigh, every day more news on God of War III, it makes the waiting so much harder. I think I'll just be like Cartman and put myself in hybernation mode, until it's march 19th(yes damn it, EU gets it 3 days later).
As for all of you who can just go around ordering every great game this quarter. I wish I was you…
Can't wait for FFXIII. Can wait for GoW3. Probably at least a few months.
I am prepared to get a dozen or so thumbs down for this comment but Final Fantasy 13 is the must own out of the 2 for me anyways. I ordered both because both have a damn good history but I would take FF 10 or 12 over GOW 1 and 2 any day of the week. That's not a knock on GOW3 by any stretch but I will get the most for my money with FF. Once you beat GOW3 which I GUARANTEE can be achieved over a weekend then what? Play it again? You would be only half way through FF within same time frame and everyone knows it. Plus it's comparing apples to oranges. A better comparison would be Dante's Inferno to GOW 3 since they are same type of game. FF belongs ins ame conversation as WKC or Dragon Age Origins. There is no real reason to choose between the two. If youa re in to RPGS and have played all the other FF games then you will no doubt by the enxt installment which is the SAME reason you will be buying GOW3. GOW is an exclusive. So what! That doesn't make it magically better than everything else by default. They can put FF on the WII for all I care. The game is for me and my PS3 so XBOX owners will nto affect my game so those who won't get it for that reason alone can't possibly be fans of the series anyway.
The show Family guy was always on Fox now it's on TBS and Adult Swim as well but that doesn't make it any less funny. Come on people.
why would you get a thumbs down for saying your prefer one game over another?
I see you got one but you shouldnt pay mind to the thumbing system!
GOW3 is upwards towards 15 hours long. For this genre thats a whopping game. Your right comparing GOW3 to FF13 would be non-sense, but asking the question which do you prefer is completely legit, and you gave an honest answer! as for me Its GOW3!
Anyone who doesn't like Final Fantasy doesn't like good games – those are just the facts.
There's too many 7 year – olds on here crying about how "God Of War Iz Da Bombaz!". Both are going to be great games, so the only people who would feel the need to heavily defend one of them are the kids who are too poor to afford more than 1 game per month. I'll be getting FF XIII, GOW 3 and Yakuza 3. However if you were to ask me which one was more important – it would be Final Fantasy all the way.
I think your taking a lot of things out of context.
BTW its nice to meet you, havnt seen you here before!
Anyways, no one is saying that FF13 is a bad game, nor is anyone saying the franchise is bad. The facts though is that there has been a lot of negativity revolving FF13, and that negativity goes right to the consumer. Why would the consumer invest in negativity? Theres no getting around the fact that FF13 was supposed to be exlcusive, and that most of the negativeness towards it relates to the it being multi-plat. FF13 has not followed its roots of FF from what ive heard, (not having played it, obviously) and that puts a lot of ps3 owners, and a lot of people on this site (it being a PS site, but not fanboy since its about all gaming news) on the fence about it. OF course we'll defend GOW 3 over FF13 anyday because Sony SM, and the franchise has not abandoned us for money, instead they are in fact deleivering on there promise, where as SE has not fulfilled all the promises they made.
I will say your right in buying all three, and i think most on this site will tell you they will eventually get FF13. But GOW3 is obviously higher on the todem pole as not only this poll suggests, but everything about it is positive, FF13 will be another FF game where as GOW3 will be something special, something great, that a lot of fans have looked forward too, and a lot of fans have wanted to play, to see the final moments in this epic trilogy!
Sorry things got off on the wrong foot for you!
right so that means i dont like (takes huge gasp)
GOW, resistance, uncharted, ninja gaiden, crash bandicoot, GoW, devil may cry, resident evil, assassins creed, infamous, heavy rain, MGS, ratchet and clank, sly cooper, twisted metal, battlefield bad company and so on.
no offense but that has to be the stupidest thing i have ever read.
the reason why people would choose GOW over FF is quite simple, its either
A: because they have strayed from the series, linear, less open world exploration, more linear storyline, different combat system and so on.
B: because they dont like RPGs.
or C: a little of both, like me.
IF FFXIII was like the older series mainly like FFVII i would of bought it, but its not it could not be more different.
Personally I'd rather first have FFXIII (primarirly because I enjoy my Final Fantasy games more) but what's wrong with having both? They are both great games. Heavy Rain is something I want as well. Unfortunately until I get both a PS3 and some extra cash, I have to put off getting anything.
I am completely amazed and satisfied with Heavy Rain, though some idiot spoiled who the killer was on the IGN forums, about 2-3 days before I played it.
That's IGN for you.