Let me make one thing abundantly clear: I don't like teases. I don't like that trait in women and I don't like it when we're potentially talking about huge game announcements.
And even so, GameTrailers TV host Geoff Keighley just can't help himself, by saying on his Twitter page that GTTV will lift the lid on another hot PlayStation 3 title very soon. He said this in response to a user who was blown away by the new God of War III gameplay footage that debuted on the show a few nights ago, and of course, this one little tease has managed to set the Internet alight with rumor and speculation. "Soon" is pretty vague and we have no idea if he's referring to an already-announced PS3 game, or one that has yet to see the light of day. Heck, we're not even sure if he's talking about an exclusive project but if he is, we'd like to think it's going to be The Last Guardian . It just doesn't sound like something as high-profile as Gran Turismo 5 , although we could hope against hope and cross our fingers for a new Twisted Metal or Kingdom Hearts 3 . But hey, let's not forget about Final Fantasy Versus XIII ; Square-Enix did say we'd see a big unveiling in early 2010… RPG fans have been anxiously awaiting for more news on this one for quite some time, so let's see it!
Anybody else have any bright ideas? Or is Keighley just yanking our chain or hyping up a game that doesn't deserve the hype? Well, guess we'll find out "soon."
Huh? Is this coming from the same guy who's been teasing all of us for over six months?
I think it could be Resistance 3… Sony doesn't have a big shooter coming out in the later months of the year. Killzone 3 or some unannounced title are also strong possibilities, but I think less likely.
Lol…exactly what I have was thinking. Ben has been teasing us about a huge "unannounced" game from Sony for quite some time now. A little bit of hypocrisy?
Ya, you've been teasing us for a while yourself.
Ben made it perfectly clear that he can't tell nobody what the title is, whereas as far as we know, nothing is holding Geoff back from telling us now. & Ben said that Sony let it slip, they didn't purposely tell him. I doubt it's the same story with Geoff.
Scared he will unveil your secret exclusive before you Ben?
And Twisted Metal was already announced, however unofficially.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/28/2010 10:06:36 PM
hellz yeah! TM ftw!!!!
ben i know what the secret that geoff has i can tell you it is unannounced and it is exclusive. now if you will be so kind as to tell me what your secret title is i would be glad to tell you mine. DEAL OR NO DEAL? LOLOL (evil mustache twisting laughter)
Jaffe shouted "soon, bitch!" at a crowd when they asked him when twisted metal was coming out.
On stage at that conference when the fans were yelling "Twisted Metal!" at David Jaffe, he goes "Soon bitches, 8 or 9 months."
edit: er, thanks kowhoho
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/28/2010 10:27:32 PM
@ carlospicyweinr
*reverse psychology* OBVIOUSLY ben doesn't know ANY unannounced game at all. He's just bluffing…… unless he can prove it.
thats exactly the angle im working here!
Starcraft II console version exclusive to PS3???
That would be AWESOME.
I hope it is Twisted Metal. Or Timesplitters but that probably wouldn't be this.
I haven't teased anybody. You're all teasing YOURSELVES by continually bringing up the secret…we haven't mentioned it since we found out about it.
Let's make that clear, shall we? 😉
come on ben, ill show you mine if you show me yours LOL
you dont like teasers, but than write god knows how many articles on them.
*scratches head*
The news isn't about what Ben likes, it's about the news.
Yeah, If it's playstation news, then PSXExtreme covers it, no matter if it's good, bad or likable… I'm really itching to know what your exclusive is Ben though…
I'm sick of this tease and "coming soon" crap that we are getting fed, either announce something or not, but don't jerk us around.
Anyways, Resistance 3 FTW!
The Last Guardian is one of my most anticipated titles of the year. I really hope we start seeing some more of it soon.
As far as a Square Enix game, I wouldn't hold my breath. They've burned us one too many times this gen.
Maybe, Just Maybe…..Metal Gear Solid 5
MGS5= Peacewalker
So, suddenly even TV shows are finally on the PS3 bandwagon, WELL maybe we don't like you guys anymore for being xbox fanboys. Maybe we don't think your shows deserve Sony's love.
Here's hoping it's Suikoden VI !! (But, yeah right. Right?)
lol in a dream?
Gah! WorldEnds is SUCH a tease!
True story 🙂
Hopefully Agent, I want to see what that game is about
FF7 remake. i know it.
As long as it's an exclusive, I am not to worried about it.
Keighley is the type of guy that gets impressed with Western games. It definitely won't be a JRPG.
Personally I think Keighley and others who hold positions like him just make comments like that to create a buzz and get more viewers or traffic for their particular show or website.
I say everyone who makes these comments are bluffing to get a reaction then they just wait for some tidbit of news that hasn't been reported and claim that was their big surprise.
This is why we are often let down by the big announcements, because they're not so big after all, but the annnouncers ( such as Keighley) don't know what they're going to announce when they make the claim.
producer:geoff tell the viewers you have a big announcement coming up
geoff:what is it?
producer: idunno but look at the amount of viewers we just got! hahahaha (evil laugh)
same here maxpontiac, if it's an exclusive it'll be a day one purchase.
I think hes just yanking our chains To be honest "soon" is very vague.
I would hope for KH 3 or another baulders gate 😉
SYPHON FILTER 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish it was the Last Guardian, but it seems to soon. Maybe its Mod Nation Racers.
Last edited by Danny007 on 3/1/2010 6:14:00 AM
Diablo 3, Blizzard finally see's the light.
there is absolutely no way diablo 3 is coming to the ps3.
in fact the day we see diablo on the ps3, is the day we see god of war on the 360.
just not going to happen!
plus he says from sony so im assuming its a first party sony developer.
KZ3 or TM ftw but as several people have said, as long as its an exclusive ill be fine with it
Kingdom Hearts 3 or Versus XIII, Kingdom Hearts 3 or Versus XIII, Kingdom Hearts 3 or Versus XIII, maybe if I say it enough times it will come true *praying*.
Anyways, as long as it's an exclusive I'll be fine with it, PS3 exclusive of course. I'm quite interested in Agent too btw.
Just give us sumthin good y'all teases.
"Keighley, don't you f*cking dare wake me up again, till you've got something real to announce!!!!
*turns back to sleep & dreams of giving Keighley to Demon Dog/White Fang as a chew toy*
*Snore…..Here ya go, puppy…..snore*
Versus XIII?!