Well, isn't this a tremendously bad idea.
I think we all know that Hollywood ran out of original ideas some years ago; the only films they make now on based on other original ideas from books, television and video games. So it's not surprising to learn that with every popular game release, movie makers consider a film adaptation. However, in the case of Heavy Rain … Please God, don't let it happen. But according to Superannuation , New Line Cinema exercised a short form option on Quantic Dream's masterpiece, meaning they're allowed to consider the possibility of bringing Heavy Rain to the big screen. The good news is that this option is dated July 2007 – about a year after that unbelievable tech demo debuted at E3 in 2006 – so perhaps New Line has dropped the idea since. I'm honestly hoping they have and I really can't imagine how the movie would be even remotely decent; one of the game's primary appeals is the branching storylines. The fact that it's a "Choose Your Own Adventure" book in virtual form; that it's an "interactive drama" and almost more of a movie than a game already .
To me, it would feel like a backwards step. I've already played the first true example of a movie I can control, and was swept away by it. I really don't care about a story I can't control, with only one possible ending. Hollywood, you can go wreck other films based on games; just leave this one alone .
Related Game(s): Heavy Rain
There would be nowhere to go but down. Awful idea.
Agreed. I also agree with you Ben, Hollywood has run out of ideas, for a long time now.
I honestly think adapting this movie to the big screen would be a bad idea as well. The beauty about heavy rain are the different angles and different events you can encounter with just on decision or by choosing a different person, I found that aspect of heavy rain truly remarkable. If they try to adapt this type of movie to the big screen, I don't think it would do the game any justice at all. Movies have to be geared much more linear then anything, if not you lose the audience. One movie that reminds me of this is Vantage Point, I'm not sure if anyone here has seen it, it was fairly decent from what i recall. The one issue I had with the movie is showing the movie from each angle, while this is a bad example to use with heavy rain, I'm just saying to create a type of movie that can create those scenarios is rare. I'll be blunt, movies have rarely done games justice, and visa versa. In that respect i think movies should stray away from adapting games to movies and games should leave movies on the big screen, either adaptation has never been quite good, in my opinion of course.
As for Movie industry lacking creative and unique ideas, that's been lacking for years, and that goes with music also. All i hear now is horrible remakes of classic songs, not to mention that music today can't even touch the feet of what music was back then. Music then was lyrically superior, unique, and much more creative. I mean you could tell by just listening to 2 seconds of a certain song who was playing, which today is lacking, uniqueness. Now, there are many great artists and bands today, but to me there's no better times then the 60s to the very early 90's, feel free to disagree, i just feel that way. Same goes for movies, there are countless movies being remade.
But I'm with you guys, I'm not fond of the idea of making Heavy Rain into movie.
Last edited by to_far_apart on 2/27/2010 2:55:15 PM
Truly… a disgusting thought… enough said!?!
NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont do it! dont you dare ruin this experience by making some 93 minute piece of garbage so everybody can define this masterpiece by a goddam junk movie!
I hear you dude!
One against
Hi Shrek, haven't seen you in a while… will you be venturing out of the swamp again soon? Looking forward to another one of your adventures… and what of Donkey, seen him about?
I am with you Shrek, this is a bad idea.
Games should be games and movies should be movies, not movies into games and games into movies.
Hey Donkey… that smile is unforgettable… lol…
Hoping to see Shrek and yourself out and about the PS3 umniverse strutting your stuff… remember, at one stage you were a steed… and for the sake of your health and safety, please do not draft to close to Shreks' backside… as you are likely to come into contact with some abnormal gaseous clouds and pageant odors…
Last edited by Qubex on 2/28/2010 10:18:13 AM
bad idea… i've seen two totally different endings now and i can't possibly see hollywood doing this right… they probably wouldn't even pick one of the endings the game had and instead create their own ending… hollywood has a knack for changing the endings to video game adaptations…
Seems kinda pointless to make a movie out of what amounts to another movie.
its just going to be heavy rain without the inclusion of buttons and fun
hmmm if they do make one what ending would they use
you know, its either the happy ending(never played it yet so i dont know if there is) or one where the bad guy gets away to set up for a sequel.
Last edited by johnld on 2/27/2010 6:16:13 PM
There is a happy ending, I won't say what happens incase of I spoil it for someone, but I encountered one on my first play through
How can you make a movie out of a "player's destined storyline."
I mean, the game gives you full control of EVERYTHING (or most everything). So everything that happens is way different per person. I'm not even sure Quanticdream knows which storyline chart the characters would truly ultimately follow.
Hollywood is so clueless/unoriginal, it's sad…
i'm actually going for film after my associate of arts so my opinion…
not one gamer's going to be happy about the ending that's on the movie (if it ever happens, hopefully never though).. unless if you're just an ordinary moviegoer that never plays videogames. so for the actual movie ending… chances are the movie's ending is going to be the most predictable one.
i'm never for all kinds of remakes.. asian, old movies, or videogames.
Last edited by archs13 on 2/27/2010 12:02:42 PM
I don't think they will do it, but if they do a lot of people will be angry. What is the point in taking original ideas from games and books and distilling them down to a predictable Hollywood mess?
That said, I am actually looking forward to the Nightmare on Elm Street remake with Rorschach as Freddy 🙂
i wouldnt mind a straight to bluray release where you can also press buttons to play each scenario and the consequences that go with it. Add the many different endings. it would be like a dumbed down version of the game. However, even that idea seems iffy to me. If they wanted, they can release it on dvd for the 360 too, you know, multidisc and compressed.
That's like saying, "hey, let us destroy in 2 hrs what you guys worked on for years". Hollywood just wants a piece of someone else's pie.
We've got the movie and game already in one package. There's nothing left that can be done with this title except for leave it alone …… and go buy it of course.
Well said my friend! (-:
It already is a movie. 🙂
Last edited by Danny007 on 2/27/2010 12:35:05 PM
This doesnt make one damn bit of sense. The whole point of Heavy Rain is that the player's decisions determine everything. When you take away that freedom it takes away all the fun. I'm sure the story would still be great because the plot of HR is excellent, but theres no way to properly translate it to a movie. Does Ethan save his kid or not? Does Madison die in any of the various fight scenes? Does Scott protect Lauren or save her when she gets in a bad situation? Does Norm break free of his drug habit or not?
These choices are what makes the game amazing, and picking just one of the many endings to put on film is just an insult to everything Cage and his team has been working on for years.
Quantic Dream can come up with something fresh and fun, why can't the idiots in Hollywood take a hint and do something different for a change?
What if they did? You think they'd leave in the button prompts?
Well, movies can be based on stories. Take one of story lines of HR and make that into a movie. Then improve it with better acting and dialogue, because let's face it – those two parts could be better.
About this:
"I really don't care about a story I can't control, with only one possible ending."
That's what passive storytelling is all about. You are being told a story and you look and listen. What's wrong with that?
Nothing if that is what is intended by the makers, but with Heavy Rain being a branching storyline game, that is not what is intended.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/27/2010 1:03:53 PM
Hmmmm….I should rent an auditorium and start charging the masses to see "Heavy Rain: The Movie". Of course it'd just be me playing it on my PS3 behind the scenes. I'd have to remember to use all the same choices, so that everyone would witness the same experience. I think I could pull it off.
or that could be an incentive for ppl to come back :P. It may end differently every single time!
all they would be doing would be condensing a 12 hour long movie into one that is only 1.5 hours long. It would never work.
Never mind the intention of the makers. If there is a story to be told in-actively and it is "based on…" so be it. If it works, it works. Just because it is game originally, does not make it sacred. Different media, different ways to go about it.
Wrong. There is an original idea with original inspiration and an overall original concept, designed specifically for one entertainment medium. Changing it messes with the original artist's vision and can ONLY be a step backwards.
I tend to agree with you on this overall Ben.
I also can't think of many licenses that have benifitted much from adapting a movie to a game and vice versa. Although I suppose there are exceptions very few and far between. In my opinion I think successs is usually awarded to licences that are used independantly for productions, as opposed to "based on" or practically carbon copy plots of movies/games. I guess one of the most current and popular examople that come to mind is Batman: Arkum Asylum which reviews, player feedback and sales have shown. Also wasn't the latter title in Guiness Book of World Records?
However I do think some people would rather take no part in the interaction in experiencing Heavy Rain and just sit down/back to simply watch some version of it unfold. Now just so that's it clear (and as mentioned) it is already very theatrical and atmospheric already (based on my time with the demo), thus I would rather experience this interactively than opposed to just watching it. This is not to slam movies/film though in general at all. I actually also very much like that as well. I actually found myself really enjoying Avatar (in 3-D) and it was in that way I wanted to experience it. Although it was not interactive like Heavy Rain, I still use the word experience (rather than just entertained) because I personally thouroughly enjoyed it. I felt engrossed because I was thrilled, saddened and outraged among others while watching that film. Even though I know the game is out and available (before the movie was released no?) I much wanted to watch the film than to start playing the game first. I may try the game, but it doesn't captivate my interest near as much as Heavy Rain does, nor would I think a movie based on it be as much interest to me.
Last edited by H8WL3R on 2/27/2010 5:44:41 PM
Isn't Heavy Rain a movie already? I mean, I went to the cinema to finally watch Avatar 3D, and among the movie trailers, there was a commercial for Heavy Rain.
Last edited by faraga on 2/27/2010 1:48:55 PM
bad idea written all over it. Producers need to stop trying to make games into movies cause everyone that's tried fail completely for example bloodrayne was horrible, final fantasy(not advent children)but the other one sucked, silent hill was OK but needed a better story/plot, tomb raider 1 and 2 right actress using Angelina Jolie cause she does look like Lara Croft in some ways, but both movies was so horribly written. I know there's talk about making uc2 a movie. Which is fine but one problem though finding someone who looks like drake and can sound like Nolan North the voice of drake.
Jack from Lost should play Drake, but they'll probably go with Jake Gyllenhall lol
making U2 a movie is definitely a bad idea. Even if you give them everything they need to make it like its story, they're gonna screw it up. It may not be a good example but look at that past dragon ball movie. Everything is already out there, so what did they do. they put goku in high school among a bunch of other messed up stuff like modernizing it.
Well, lets see, the wife and I currently involved an hour a day mini-series called "Heavt Rain"..
Not sure if I want to see the movie, especially if it follows this plotline.
Hollywood needs to leave the gaming industry alone and vis versa. Never been happy with a game based on a movie and never been happy with a game based on a movie.
yeah and movies based on games suck too! lol
Unless it's David lynch, David Fincher or Christopher Nolan. But Besides that I say Hell No!!
i dont get it… make a linear movie based on a game aimed at allowing multiple outcomes… facepalm to the max.
"I really don't care about a story I can't control, with only one possible ending."
After making a statement like this, you're a hypocrite if you ever watch another movie from this day forward.
People need to get off their high horse. Just because most game based films are crap doesn't mean a good one can't be made.
You should learn to read context. Obviously, I only meant that statement in relation to Heavy Rain.
Furthermore, the movies that are in the theaters these days are insulting, retarded, or just plain bad…or all three. Hollywood is sh** right now and they've had about a bazillion years to make a decent movie based on a game. Until they can prove they can, I'll criticize all I like.
Let me give you a tip, it would be a lot more affective if you would just disagree with a point of view rather than go on and start criticizing. Clearly, you have an opinion, just like every other person, learn to except it.
So next time, think, just a little bit. Disagrement as supposed to whining will go a long way here.
I'll give it a HELL NO!! i mean they've proven to me time and again that they wont be able to make it work. Hell, they could have the entire story and everything and they could still find someway to ruin it.
They would either have to make 30+ separate movies and release them altogether and let you choose each choice as it got to each decision, or destroy the main reason this game was made. And the first choice already makes the second happen, lol. It's like remaking the game with real live scenes, subtract the parts that made Heavy Rain what it is, lol. Hollywood has already messed up Street Fighter along with loads of other games, better not add Heavy Rain to that list.
Nobody, and I mean "NOBODY" in Holly-weird could make Heavy Rain any better than it already is!
So just leave HR to the real pros at QD, & leave it the hell alone!!!!!
Now with that said, I do remember watching a pretty good movie a few years back that just might have been as close as you could get to an HR type movie(using multiple branching pathways).
It was a psychological thriller(I can't remember the name of it..maybe Rewind? or 24 hours?, or a completely different name???), that kept rewinding your last 24 hours, & each time you woke in the AM, one thing would change that would alter the rest of your day and all of the outcomes(although it didn't actually let you do it yourself).
And for a flick, it was one hell of a great plot-lined thriller too.
ummm groundhogs day perhaps! lololol i kid i kid!!
There is absolutely NOTHING to gain from a Heavy Rain film. It's not like A Uncharted film where it might (and i stress might) translate into something good on film.
Heavy Rain is ahead of the curve of the film industry right now, heavy rain does not need a film, simple as that, I have my heavy rain film already, which I have complete control over.