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Square-Enix On Final Fantasy: “No Singular Aim” For FFXV

Square-Enix has already warned us that their RPG flagship franchise, Final Fantasy , could go in a very different direction with the next installment. They said Final Fantasy XIII might be the last "traditional" FF; the last "recognizable" one to fans of the classics.

As much as many of the fans don't like this idea, they should know S-E is definitely considering just about anything for Final Fantasy XV . As reported by Connected Consoles citing the latest issue of Xbox world 360, FFXIII producer Yoshinori Kitase left everything entirely open-ended by saying:

"We’ve got a few ideas for Final Fantasy XV lined up, but there is no singular aim for where we want the series to go. Final Fantasy can go in all directions, each one is very different from the last. The one thing we set out to do is to make sure we tell a story that hasn’t been told before."

Okay, can we at least assume it'll still be an RPG? Or is even that too much to assume? Might they be taking a similar route as Konami with Metal Gear Solid , where Rising is supposed to be more of an action/adventure title without much in the way of stealth? Or could it be even more of a dramatic departure? We already know that FFXIII sports plenty of differences that have thrown avid followers of the series; that's clearly the start of a trend. I suppose it's too much to ask that we go back to turn-based…maybe S-E could work super hard to perfect that older mechanic and add all sorts of unique spice to it. But I know it's a pipe dream.

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14 years ago

Let's see how FFXIII and XIV turn out before we start worrying about XV.

14 years ago

I have to agree with you…

14 years ago

well XIV will be in its own little world/genre seeing as it's their new MMO… But regardless things look a little sketchy with that one too.

14 years ago

Let's just hope these people get their things in order and make FFXV a turn-based PS3(or PS4)-Exclusive RPG, just for the fans.
Though that probably won't happen, we can still just hope…

14 years ago

I got an idea for the "Final" Fantasy. Since VII, IX, X (haven't played VIII) all have something to do with a "false reality" in a sense why not work with that bring all these guys together in a final monster of a game?

14 years ago

I didn't play it, but wasn't that what Dissidia: FF did? It's on PSP and it's a RPG Fighter? Heard they might make it for PS3 though.

Now, I'm not a die-hard veteran fan like many of you are, but I'm just going to throw this out there. One person mentioned it, sort of.

A company like Square Enix, who is known for rewriting what a game is (mostly FFVII, and possibly FFXIII), they are constantly looking for new innovative ways to create games through gameplay and story. My prediction is that, with the upcoming new gaming controls for the PS3, they will want to incorporate this technology into their games.

Of course they will keep some sort of RPG element (leveling up in any way is all it takes to have that title now-a-days), but to throw in motion controls for battles and such would throw a huge curveball to the genre. Can you imagine yourself going through the motions of casting spells, swinging swords, firing guns, and whatever else?

I think this would be amazing fun. Throw in a memorable story that FF is known for, and you might have the greatest game ever created.

This could easily work for both turn based and real time, but probably better for turn based. I can understand everyone wanting SE to go back to their roots because thats where their favorite games of all time are from, but SE's goal as a game developer isn't to go backwards in terms of game creation.

I'm looking forward to FFXIII and the changes they decided to make, and I hope they continue to change things up to keep us entertained (cause face it, there are tooonnnssss of turn-based RPGs out there that are similar to the FF gameplay, that if you love it that much, you could play those games – and I'm not saying that is a bad thing)

14 years ago

I think the motion controls would be fun for about the first 10 battles then get exceedingly annoying. I do like new ideas but I just can't see it working out well for games as long as these.

14 years ago

Turn-based is a style of gameplay that many enjoy. Why does it have to be seen as going backwards?

I believe developers can keep the style and be creative to continue to make it exciting with new elements thrown in.

I don't know why Devs like square enix can't take feedback from fans, gamers etc. pre development like devs do post development or when the game is near completion…

14 years ago

"The one thing we set out to do is to make sure we tell a story that hasn’t been told before"

Tell you what we haven't heard before.

A story about the Earth, Fire, Water, Wind Crystals, or Energy from the planet. No Final Fantasy game has ever had a theme revolving around that topic before *cough* I, IV, V,VII, XI *cough*.

Maybe a story that revolves heavily around summoned monsters *cough* IV, VI, VIII, IX, X *cough*.

Oh wait, that was XII, and it sucked.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Yeah, no it didn't.

14 years ago

XII was good.

14 years ago

Every time I played XII, it just made me want to play FFXI. God I miss that game.

14 years ago

Yeeaahhhh I can see your point I guess. Maybe if it wasn't TOO involving/annoying to do. I just think it would give the battles a little more..pizazz? More meaning… and maybe more of a challenge.

Also, it would kind of force it to be PS3 exclusive 😀

14 years ago

I don't get it. None of you are thinking like a business. You all act like FF fans were the majority of gamers worldwide. News flash: you were only a mere fraction! If you want to increase your profits you have to change things at some point otherwise you have to rely on word of mouth or hope that the same people live forever. I am one of the many new fans they've won with XIII just for changing their battle system alone. I can only tolerate turn-based in a game like pokemon where its one at a time. Believe it or not like everyone likes to micromanage battles.

Someone please explain to me what's so great about turn-based without being a douche about it please. Ya know none of this 'nOOb' crap or the like. I mean i tried 6, 7, 8, and 10. I enjoyed everything about them EXCEPT the battle system and that alone was the single reason i didn't finish either one. Turn-based is just highly irritating to me. As i stated earlier i TOLERATE it in pokemon, doesn't mean i like in that either.

14 years ago

Your username is Gamer4Life…there's no way you're a gamer for life if you don't like one of the main old school game technique, lol.

14 years ago

Your username is Gamer4Life…there's no way you're a gamer for life if you don't like one of the main old school game technique, lol.

14 years ago

What's so great? It actually involves strategy and epic battles, you can only have a minuscule amount of either in a button masher or real time combat game. Strategy is what made the battles engaging.

14 years ago

Give me FF Tactics with a free roaming world and PS3 top of the line graphics. Why do all the SRPG games have to resemble the classic 8/16bit look? Give us something different from what has been offered lately… give us a Turn-based RPG.

14 years ago

You know, I honestly feel that after the FFXIII projects and FFXIV are finsihed, Final Fantasy is dead.I've been feelin' it since X-2…

14 years ago

I agree. I think X-2 was the final breath of the series.

14 years ago

X-2 still had one of the best battle systems no matter what you think of the game itself. It was turn based but still fast and furious.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/28/2010 12:26:21 AM

14 years ago

Probably their peak. XII and now XIII is probably going too far. Changing the basics of a franchise that's loved for that reason isn't helping matters.

14 years ago

Wouldn't it be FF XIV(14)? not XV(15).

14 years ago

XIV is going to be online only. So XV is right.

14 years ago

i think its funny how so many ppl say that turn based is a thing of the past and yet every top ten list of everyone's favorite rpgs is nearly all turn based games. Evidently there must have been something great about turn based.

ff xv should bring back turn based gameplay.
Rpg's at its heart.

14 years ago

I can sort of see what you're saying about the strategy part, but i completely disagree about the epicness of battles. I have extremely epic battles in the likes of GOW, DMC, NG, etc. However to me there isn't much strategy besides finding out elemental weaknesses. And since I usally powerlevel through rpgs the bosses aren't usually tough for me because my weakest team member's level would be like 30 levels higher than the bosses and my strongest almost 15 higher than my weakest (yes i play favorites lol). This also ruins the game for me because it makes it too easy. That's one more reason y i like XIII. It seems they put a level cap on you at certain points in the story.

14 years ago

Lol at ff 12-13 being traditional FF game . To me the only way to save the series is by going back to a turn based ff game with a world map like old days .Also getting full control over everyone would be great to have again .

For the past 2-3 year i had more fun replaying ps2/ps1 rpg then rpg i never played on recent console .