Plenty of good news today for everyone anxiously awaiting God of War III …that number may be somewhere around 7,959,835,108. Maybe more. I dunno.
Anyway, as reported at the PlayStation Blog , the most hotly anticipated action title of the generation has officially gone gold, meaning that March 16 North American launch date is now written in stone. Furthermore, the E3 demo that some of you may have already played – it came with the God of War Collection late last year – is now on the US PSN and ready for download. Last but not least, Geoff Keighley will show off new gameplay footage tonight on Spike TV's GameTrailers TV, and they will also have an interview with the Santa Monica team responsible for this impending masterpiece. The good stuff starts at 12:30 a.m. EST/PST, so make sure to tune in for that. Although it will have to compete with Final Fantasy XIII , which releases one week earlier, it seems clear by our poll results thus far that SCEA doesn't have to worry about ailing sales. In fact, we'd be very surprised if GoWIII doesn't end up becoming the best-selling PS3 exclusive to date, surpassing even MGS4 and the eventual number for Uncharted 2 (which is closing in on 4 million).
I also know a lot of you are asking if we have the game already, and while I can't answer that one way or the other, let's just say we're working on it.
Related Game(s): God of War III
Is this the same demo you got if you subscribe to Qore?
I cant wait!!!! i pre odered this sucker last june!!!!!!! 100 bucks paid…..!!! sorry WKC, darksiders, dante's inferno aaand heavy rain…. all take the back seat to this badboy!!and yes i actually have all of these games… im not even thinkin about micro$ofts final fantasy! (disgusting)
He Hate Me….hmmmm…. that's from a guy in the XFL! Damn I'm sharp.
XFL it was good while it lasted! I actually remember He Hate Me.
Darksiders takes a back seat to just about anything. it will be lucky to even get a seat at all.
Darksiders was a massive disappointment.
no, bayonetta was the massive disappointment.
Darksiders and Bayonetta were massive disappointments. At least Darksiders performs better. PS3 Bayonetta is a train wreck.
Lol, 7,959,835,108, sounds accurate to me. An alien, with an arm around a monkey's shoulder chimes in, "Indeed, Humans, non-Human Earthlings, and even us extra-terrestrials are experiencing feelings of shared, universal, excitement as well."
In related news, UFO sightings have been on the increase, particularly local to Santa Monica Studios. Stig Asmussen had reportedly gone missing for 3 days, with no recollection of why or how.
Going to me a busy month. Heavy Rain, Final Fantasy XIII and God of War III. Great time to own a PS3.
And yet I still hear those Xbox jerks saying PS3 has no good games.
"The Ps3 has no good games…" Lol, that will go down as the greatest idiotic statement of the century…
"make.believe… or believe you shall not"
Hey maybe I'll try to catch that tonight on Spike. I might actually have to delete the GOWIII demo so I have room for Heavy Rain, but since the game will be out soon that's okay. Wonder if it also has a massive install.
upgrade my friend. 500gb sata 2.5 5400rpms on amazon. $70ish.
I won't mind if it will, because anything done to optimize and push the boundaries as much as possible will be welcomed.
Even before I watched the gameplay footage last night I was really excited for this game. But all I can say is damn this game cant get any better. And for those of you who watched the GT segment… WTF was he talking about at the end… its not fair to say something like that and leave us hanging!
I'll be upgrading very soon, I need to sell more crap on ebay first though. I hope I don't lose a bunch of saves or games. I really don't know squat about swapping the drive in PS3.
GOW doesn't have any installs! And they said no loading screens too. Well, if you gonna buy the game might as well delete the demo. lol
shoot me a Private message in the forums if you need some help Worldends. ill be happy to help.
The sooner you upgrade, the less file transferring you'll have to do. Unless you buy the 250gb slim, I would recommend anyone upgrading immediately to prevent the headaches that come later.
Yeah World, I even think there's a sticky thread in the forum about swapping the HDD. It's unbelievably simple. The only thing you had to really watch out for was stripping the screws because they are made of some really soft materials. Instead of using the screwderiver, I gripped the side of the screwhead with some needle nose pliars. Worked much easier.
Just remember to back up your existing HDD first before pulling it out of the system.
Last edited by CH1N00K on 2/26/2010 2:08:26 PM
Thanks guys. Not sure how to back up the HDD but I suppose someone addresses it in that thread. So many helpful people around here, no wonder this is my gaming home.
Oh dear, Heavy Rain just came in the mail 🙂
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/26/2010 2:16:45 PM
I think to back it up, you need a external harddrive.
A 2gb flash drive should be more than enough to back up any save data. As far as all your downloads it would be easier to just redownload them after you swap hdd.
yea if you just want to move Save data. a thumb drive large enough should do. but if you have music, movies, games you don't want to download you'll have to use an external hard drive with its own power source to back everything up.
Look on youtube, there are tutorials. It's so easy, but ya, be careful about stripping the screws. That was the only problem I had, but it was a pretty big problem, I just couldn't get them out, they were tight and my driver wasn't exactly right.
I'll try to be careful with the screws, wonder why such a quality system skimped on the screws, hah, it just so happens I have a 2gig flash drive.
They didn't skimp on the screws. People just have a big problem with using the proper tools. Seriously, it's a case of ignorance. You don't use a 17mm socket wrench for a 9mm bolt head do you? LMAO.
Even if you strip them you can use a pair of needle nosed pliers to tighten and loosen the screws.
I changed mine away from home, I bought a driver set, I used what they gave me. But I guess it wasn't exactly right and it began to strip them, from them on it was a lot harder. Anyways, they were just really tight on mine. Maybe yours weren't. No need to be a jerk…other ppl have had the same problem, just because you didn't doesn't mean everyone else is stupid….???//…
Instead of stripping your screws, put just enough pressure on them with the screwdriver and hold the pressure and the screw should break loose. Don't use enough force to strip them.
World… you should be ok.
Just go to the "Playstation dot com" site and have a look at guides about how to save your data and swap a drive… it is fairly easy. I am sure if you are having problems, members of this great community will advise and help out… just ask 🙂
@ Jawknee
it would be best to get a drive that has 7400 rpm's though, that is what is optimal for the ps3.
Sony ships 5400rpms with all their Units. I just stuck with the 5400rpms because they run much cooler. The increase in speed is barely noticeable with the 7400rpms. Just to be on the safe side, i went with the speed Sony ships with their consoles.
That would be 7200 rpm's actually and is not recommended for use in the ps3, because of issues with overheating.
dont use a 7200RPM HDD, when i rang sony with my over heated 60GB one of the first questions was which HDD speed i was using.
than i said, same as the one that came with the system why?
than was told, 7200RPM HDDs run much hotter and using them can void your warranty.
same as buying inter coolers for it as it increases dust into the system.
and sony does use cheap screws, buy a toshiba laptop than you will see expensive quality screws.
if you strip the screw it means it was done up WAY to tight, that happened to mine and my father rang sony and gave them a ear full.
plus its not only stripping the thread you have to worry about, if the screw is so tight it can eat into the indentation on the head of the screw so when you rotate your screwdriver the screw wont rotate with it because the heads been eaten away.
I was hoping for a different demo than the E3 but oh well. Just wanted to play new stuff.
Me too. Santa Monica Studios said the latest build of the game looks even better then the E3 demo too.
eeeeeeeerrrmmmmmm… wasnt the footage on gttv last night at 12:30? i watched it and im pretty sure it wasnt a dream. lol
just go to gttv. com and click to watch its one of the main headlines.
the footage will blow your freaking minds
Last edited by inkme101 on 2/26/2010 1:20:40 PM
I knew it was out already .i dont have cable so I was waiting till tonight for it to be up on Gametrailers.
Hey World,
Here ya go man, just ssve this info till you need it.
How to upgrade a PS3 with a bigger hard drive
BTW, If you have a lot of stuff you want to save(hopefully all the games & game saves aren't locked), I guess you'll be best going with an external hard drive,
FYI, but you'll have to format the external HD to Playstation's format which is Fat32.
So I also found this tidbit to help ya do a format too….
How to convert my external harddrive which is ntfs to fat32??
plug it into a pc,
right click on it –
click format.
Then change it from ntfs to fat 32
If that doesnt work, go to disk manager and try.
If that doesnt work you'll have to do it in the command line interface
Or just plug the external harddrive into a PC, right click, & press format.
Set it to FAT32 & press ok.
Hope this 411 helps ya out(I've been saving this info, for when I'm ready to upgrade my 60gigger to a 640GB later on).
I just saw footage you mentioned, carlos. And I gotta say, Xbox has nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, at least half as good as GoW3, and I mean in every respect: epicness, graphics (like Jawknee said, looks like SE CGI), scale, and gameplay.
There's a poll here about which game will we get first, GoW3 or FFXIII. It's a no-brainer. After seeing that video on GTTV, I mean, isn't it obvious who's gonna win?
you mean where thers a part at the end of the game that is super duper amazing and itll peel the skin off our faces and blow our mids out of our earholes part?
at least thats how he made me feel by saying what he said
Holy sh** man , I want to do those things just reading that lol and havent even seen it episode yet .just 3 more hours before I get off of work.
so have you all watched it yet? what do ya think?
I just checked it out, totally down with the sickness. I might try to catch it on TV sometime too just to see it on the bigger screen.
Kratos is goin back to hell? Too bad Dante's wasn't exclusive or they could meet up, lol.
My god. The entire in game engine looks like a Squeenix CGI movie. This game is going to be freaking epic. my "wait till im done with Final Fantasy XIII" just went to a day one purchase for me. Even my wife could see the scale of epicness this game is going to achaieve.
amazing game play and presentation on that footage. They mentioned an ending with a TWIST and that makes the anticipation for this game even greater.
Hey Ben I know this is off topic but no one seems to be talking about the new update for MAG. I mean this update is HUGE in how much they've tweaked. Just wandering if you were going to comment on it or not.