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God Of War III Golden, E3 Demo On US PSN Now

Plenty of good news today for everyone anxiously awaiting God of War III …that number may be somewhere around 7,959,835,108. Maybe more. I dunno.

Anyway, as reported at the PlayStation Blog , the most hotly anticipated action title of the generation has officially gone gold, meaning that March 16 North American launch date is now written in stone. Furthermore, the E3 demo that some of you may have already played – it came with the God of War Collection late last year – is now on the US PSN and ready for download. Last but not least, Geoff Keighley will show off new gameplay footage tonight on Spike TV's GameTrailers TV, and they will also have an interview with the Santa Monica team responsible for this impending masterpiece. The good stuff starts at 12:30 a.m. EST/PST, so make sure to tune in for that. Although it will have to compete with Final Fantasy XIII , which releases one week earlier, it seems clear by our poll results thus far that SCEA doesn't have to worry about ailing sales. In fact, we'd be very surprised if GoWIII doesn't end up becoming the best-selling PS3 exclusive to date, surpassing even MGS4 and the eventual number for Uncharted 2 (which is closing in on 4 million).

I also know a lot of you are asking if we have the game already, and while I can't answer that one way or the other, let's just say we're working on it.

Related Game(s): God of War III

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14 years ago

Glad you made that wise decision Jawknee. The part towards the end where Kratos…*minor spoiler ahead*…pulls off the god's toenail looks awesome! I was left in awe, looking at the detail of the meat under the nail, & the blood flying around.

14 years ago

Little disappointed that showed that in the preview. Would have liked to see that for my self on my TV in real HD. Going forward i will not be watching anymore footage of the game until its released.

14 years ago

YESSS im watching it on spiketv ,I thank kratos for my workplace to allow the video to play. the internet is CRAAAP Im watching it in really bad SD .I guess im gonna watch it until I get home.

Last edited by Silent_J on 2/26/2010 2:51:34 PM

14 years ago


14 years ago

I'm considering get of the GoW Collection (never played any of the GoW games before) might checkout this demo and see if I like the gameplay.

14 years ago

If you decide to play God of War III you'll have to play the previous two titles before hand.

14 years ago

For what it's worth, a lot of us think God of War is pretty much as good as it gets. And God of War III looks, by EVERY indication I've seen so far, like it will be a very special game. So yeah, CHECK IT OUT.

14 years ago

Probably not true. I have the GOW collection, I'm sure they'll summarize what is going on at the start of 3. Part 1 felt kind of dated for me, I actually couldn't finish it. Part 2 is great though

14 years ago

migabyte, i too thought it was a bit dated. I rushed through and forced a finish to get the story for it. Two i took my time. Way more fun, much better to look at.

14 years ago

Ya, and it is really hard to, balancing on those beams just isn't any fun. It was a good start, but part 2 is way better in my opinion. Part two has a lot more variety too.

14 years ago

WOW ,my jaws just went through the floor,can someone help me dig it out caz my speech is a little slurd without them.

14 years ago

i know i'm off by a day, but: "Hey M$, beware the Ides of March!"

14 years ago

GOW3 will owned. Playb3yond

14 years ago

Considering that any PS3 exclusive, there's always xbox fanboys that talk crap about them, God of War 3 is the only game where they admit jealously.

14 years ago

Yes, but these people are generally nonsensical… add a degree of idiotism and you have an xBot wired up the wrong way…

I always knew those factories in BattleStar Galactica where churning out the wrong models…


"by your command…"

Last edited by Qubex on 2/26/2010 9:12:39 PM

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
14 years ago

I think it's safe to say… Best. Game. Ever.

My gratuitous use of periods shows you how serious I am.

14 years ago

Just watched it and holy god! So, so glad I pre-ordered it. This game is gonna melt my eyes and rip my spleen out of my gut.

14 years ago

How many copies did GOW and GOWII sold?

14 years ago

GOW3 looks incredible and I am sure it will be epic and I even preordered it BUT I am more interested in Final Fantasy 13. The early reviews mean nothing to me. People complain about it being linear but you sure as hell won't get to explore on GOW3. There is a set path you HAVE to take and while that may be an awesome path I am sure FF13 will take a lot longer to complete and if it's anything like 10 and 12 that will be a damn good investment of 60 bux. Not knocking GOW3 one bit. I think that could easily end up being game of the year but FF is like reading a great book, you get lost in the story and it takes you away. Kinda like The Never Ending Story not to try and sound funny. I've always had a preference for RPG's and FF set the bar pretty high in my opinion. I just replayed part 7 and spent 92 hours on that. Replayed GOW2 and completed it in like 10.

14 years ago

I agree I am very excited for GoW3 but FFXIII gets my money this month. I will probably pick this game up in the summer.

14 years ago

I'll be getting Final Fantasy also. And will be passing on God of War.

14 years ago

GOW3 going to be like Dante's Inferno. Great in a lot of ways, but something you can probably complete in one sitting or over the weekend. NO Final Fantasy can be completed over a weekend even if you played for 72 hours straight. They are both must haves but for the money Final Fantasy will get you the most out of your dollar hands down. FF comes out before GOW3 and while I have ordered both I am going to play GOW3 first not because I think it will be better but I know I will finish that way faster. Final Fantasy is going to take some serious time and once I start I am not stopping.

Last edited by Condemnedsoul23 on 2/26/2010 8:15:29 PM

14 years ago

It all demands Condemnedsoul… Some people just can't stomach sitting through an RPG for 70+ hours whilst others can.

So for those people FFXIII means little, but to people who love the franchise and don't mind it having had it sold out to the MicroBots… then that is fantastic for them…

I am easy either way; the biggest issue I have generally is time… I just cannot spend the time I could before playing games… it's called life…



Last edited by Qubex on 2/26/2010 9:16:12 PM

14 years ago

I just got it… played a bit (had to leave)… now the graphics call me crazy (and I know my TV sucks)… but they looked a lil worse than Dark Asylum… maybe because I played it for so little – but what's your take on the graphics

14 years ago

I respect your opinion…to each their own, however I must say please look again and HARDER cause I've always said these graphics are giving Uncharted 2 a run for its money BIG TIME. There's so much detail in the game that you wont really be able to point them all out in just one sitting. Also don't be too surprised if you notice a nice update in the graphics, though they were good just the way they were. This is however a build that's at least a year old. Don't worry my friend, the graphics wont disappoint you and even if they do, the gameplay sure as hell wont, but this isn't a conversation about that so I'll leave that alone. One last thing, no pre rendered footage, no pre installs and no load time, THIS IS JUST GONNA BE SICKKKKK!!!!!!

Last edited by Dridion on 2/27/2010 1:11:33 AM

14 years ago

Just played the demo. Holy crap I actually forgotten how awesome the GOW gameplay is, there were at least 2 orgasmic moments in JUST the demo..

This game is going to be UNTOUCHABLE once it's released..

Last edited by slackernz on 2/26/2010 10:02:06 PM

14 years ago

Qubex, I am hoping the having a life comment isn't directed at me at a negative way. With that said your points are valid. I start school again in June and FF releasing next month is perfect timing otherwise with my schedule, there would be no way I had time to play it. I would also have FF release on the Xbox rather than not having it at all so while it does bother me it's mutilplatform, change is inevitable. Make lots more money covering multiple systems than you would releasing solely on one. I personaly view FF as a way of escaping the daily grind you know? The hustle and bustle of work and stress and just life in general so I will always try to find time for it.

14 years ago

🙁 why o why did it have to be the same as the E3 demo?
i want to see more!

14 years ago

dont worry 17 more days left and then we'll see all brutally in full glory .

Last edited by Silent_J on 2/27/2010 8:11:04 AM

14 years ago

i cant wait that long 🙁

14 years ago

i played this demo yesterday.

two words: fan tastic!

fan because i just became a fan of GOW III and tastic because its similar to tasty. together they make the word fantastic. pretty cool huh?