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Glyde: A Smoother Way To Buy And Sell Your Games

Update: I spoke with Glyde boss Simon Rothman today, who explained in detail how Glyde is more about subtlety and speed and less about user frustration and big profits for a large corporation.

After going through a step-by-step process of how we list items for sale at eBay (a process many of you are quite familiar with), we compared it with the same process at Glyde.  What can take 20-30 minutes on eBay will take mere seconds on Glyde, primarily because, as Rothman put it, they've "absorbed" most of the work into the platform.  In other words, they find the best seller (taking distance and rating into account), suggest the best market price (the system already knows it), set the shipping, and that's it.  There's every incentive to be an honest seller, and because Glyde doesn't have to support the massive overhead GameStop does, they don't need to take much off the top.  10%, in fact, while GameStop's markup is significantly higher.

Don't be misled by a seeming lack of content; it's simple because they do most all the work behind the scenes, leaving you to buy and sell with a few simple clicks.  And remember, WE at PSXE abide by a similar philosophy; we don't inundate your computer with giant pop-ups or shove screens and moving animations in your face on every page.  So y'all should appreciate that. 😉  Anyway, for those who just can't handle GameStop's trade-in values anymore, you should definitely give it a shot.

Original Story:

How many of you have complained about the prices of used games – and how much you get for trade-ins – at GameStop? Wouldn't you like a better option?

Enter Glyde , a new resource for buying and selling movies, video games, CDs and books. Former eBay Motors founder and chief Simon Rothman started Glyde in an effort to give consumers a faster, easier way to purchase and sell any number of entertainment-based products. If you wish to sell your video game, for instance, it will be listed on their site within 10 seconds and if you want to buy something, it's a simple, "single-click" process. According to a BusinessWeek article, Rothman got the idea when "decompressing" at home in Ohio, where he found out that many people really didn't do anything online in regards to buying and selling. Many simply said it involved either too much hassle or too much time, and the idea in general was a little off-putting; i.e, a lack of trust in online commerce. At the same time, Rothman figured there had to be around $300 billion worth of unused media collecting dust in people's homes – that's a large number – and so, the idea for Glyde was born.

Since then, Rothman set off to collaborate with a one-time co-founder of Excite and former Charles River Ventures partner in Mark Wong-VanHaren, all in an effort to reduce the "friction" involved with the online buying/selling process. Feel free to check out their site and give it a try; it's faster than eBay and cheaper than both Amazon and GameStop (usually). See what you think!

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14 years ago

Unless its substantially better than eBay or its not going to last long.

I'm surprised people still trade in games at Gamestop. I bought Uncharted used on eBay for $40 when GameStop wanted $50 for it, so they probably would have given $35 for a used copy. eBay or Half is the way to go. The seller gets more and the buyer pays less.

Last edited by NoSmokingBandit on 2/24/2010 9:52:53 PM

14 years ago


14 years ago

I doubt you would get that much.

14 years ago

Are you serious??!?!?!?!

Here in aus, trade in values are pathetic, they turn every gamer away.

Most games will only fetch $5-$20 AUD, thats 20 maximum!!!

then they resell them nearly full price.

14 years ago

EB Games employee.

Yes, the trades are not that good here in Aus. But you must also consider that we have an expensive store to run and maintain.

Also, once you trade your games into us, you are shifting responsibility of ownership to the store, rather than having to advertise, price, sell and exchange information yourself to sell a few old games. It's a much simpler system.

Basically, you have 2 options. Whatever one you choose is up to you. There is no right or wrong option, just whatever option suits you.

1. Trade your games at EB or Gamestop in US. It's quick and easy but you don't get a lot of money back for it.

2. Sell your games online, you get more money but it requires some work into advertising or placing it on a site, getting the purchasers address, shipping it, etc etc. Also, responsibility is solely on you for getting your old games to the receivers.

14 years ago

trades normally get me 70 bucks depending how old the title is.
i traded in darksiders 2 weeks after release and got 60 bucks for it.
the disk alone is worth 10 bucks easy let alone the code on there, let alone the case, let alone the book.
its old used games that gripe me.
burnout paradise for example its 2 years old and its 60 bucks.
how can a game only depreciate 40 bucks in 2 years?

14 years ago

It is only $50 if you buy it outside the B2G1 used game sales GameStop runs or if you don't have a newsletter coupon (frequently 20% off used games) combined with your Edge card. Either of these sales gets a $55 used game down to either $41 or less than $40 depending on the sale.

14 years ago

This is great. About time Gamestop had some damned competition.

14 years ago

Sounds great so far, I'm tired of getting the shaft on ebay. Maybe I will try it next time I want a game on the cheap.

Not sure what's going on but your glyde link doesn't work as of this post.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/24/2010 10:10:31 PM

14 years ago

edit again: looks like it's back up, Ima check it out now.

14 years ago


True, but not all of us have credit cards.
I chopped mine up a few years ago when my stealer raised the rates on me for no reason, although I was always on time with my payments.

And anyway, for me, I want to physically see the disc, the box art, the manual, & the case, and their condition to make sure they're mint enough for my collections.

At least at GS, I can see all of the above before I buy, plus if there's more than 1multiple copies & the art's ripped on one & the box is broken on another, I can swap all the parts out to make up the best copy.

Plus even though I usually buy my used games in batches of 5 to 20 at a time, I make the store employees show me each & every disc first & have them swap it out for the best one they have.

But all my GS/EB employees are pretty cool with me, they're all on a first name basis & know I'm also a collector, so they'll automatically check on the best looking disc for me anyway.

BTW, I've been burned a few times by lies on both, Ebay & 1/2 price dot com before.

I always got all my money back from the BS'ing shysters, but I had to wait over 45 day to get it because it was stuck in dispute resolution each time.

photo K
photo K
14 years ago

Try Craigslist. I buy and sell my games on here all the time. It's free and You could easily buy a fairly new game for $40 no tax or fees. Vice versa you could sell a game for whatever you want and take offers.

If you wait about a month after a game release you can check out cl and find that someone has a used copy they are selling for $40 because they just beat it and dont wanna get ripped by GS.

14 years ago

The link's working for me

But, here ya go, you can try it this way then….

14 years ago

yeah it just didn't work for a couple hours for some reason.

14 years ago

I just scanned through the site.

It looks like some stuff is priced well, some others same ole same, & still others not so much.

They definitely need to change 2 things though that would drive me bonkers…..

1. Once inside a sub menu, they need to let you see all the items listed for that sub menu, not just a 7-item slide-show at a time the way they're set up now.

2. Once you click on a item(let's say a game), it only tells the game story info, and if there's a new, an excellent, or just a good copy to buy.
Well, that's all well & good but they also need the sellers to state what condition the disc is in(scratched? and if yes, light or heavy), along with all the other pertinent info, such as….is the manual there, still has original box art, & original case, and everything in good shape too.

Until then, I won't use the site
(see my message to Nosmokingbandit above this post as to all reasons why)

14 years ago

@ bikersaint

off topic but the other day we were talking about an m.c. 2 season series and i forgot what thread we were speaking in, i also forgot the name of the

and.. have you ever read the book "no angel"? it seems like your type of read. my father in laws trying to get me to read it. he said its a good read.

14 years ago

I assume the disc is new, excellent, or good.

14 years ago

Well in all fairness it does say "beta" on the site. They may very well implement that idea. I agree with you personally, there needs to be a description from the seller.

14 years ago

I have to say… The site isn't that great. It seems way to over simplified. Amazon still beats hands down. If I can't read a detailed description of the disc by its seller than no deal.

14 years ago

Must be going for the "Craigs list effect" Simpleness without epic website creation.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/25/2010 12:19:09 AM

14 years ago

LOL, I do that myself a lot, & I wish there was a link here that would show us all the thread's we posted in so we can go back & see if there was any replies.

I think the thread was about checking into "Home" again for all the added content????

The Canadian MC mini-series was called "The Last Chapter".

FYI, If you look for it, make sure that you get the "COMPLETE SERIES" "BOXED SET", it's the one which has the 4 discs, which also includes lots of extra behind-the-scenes goodies & other content too.

Here, I did a little bit of legwork for you, and seems the going price ranges around $32 to $50, but I'm sure if you dig inside a little deeper, you might find it a bit cheaper(I was lucky & got mine for $25 some years ago).

So here's the site's I quick-scanned…




FYI, I haven't read that book yet, I it's probably one of the newer books out because I also collect Biker books too(over 200) & I don't have that one yet.

BTW, I also collect all the old wild biker movies(about 90) from back in the 60's 70's too.
And also collect Die-cast motorcycles(about 8000), mostly Harleys, police bikes, custom made's, & choppers, with a couple handfuls of other assorted bikes. They range anywhere from the Matchbox HO size, all the way up to the gigantic 1/6 scale. Even got an electric one that's actually goes, everything works, lights' horn, etc, and it's about 1/4 the size of my "Harley bagger"(H-D Electra Glide Classic, Touring Bike).

14 years ago

@ bikersaint
also i'm gonna give that book a read my father in law says its a great read. its about an fbi agent that goes undercover in the angels but gets sucked in and sticks with the life. kinda like johnny depp did with the mob in "donnie brasco"
are you hoarder? LOL, you seem to have a lot of collections

14 years ago

You just said the about same thing that I did, only you over simplified it by using about 1,257,346,288 less words that I did, LOL

14 years ago

Haha, I see that as well. Being a collector as well I can see why we both need to know everything about a game that is for sell.

14 years ago

Not a hoarder, at least not the type that has 18 feet of old newpapers reaching up to the ceiling, used cans of tuna & pork & beans strewn all over the place, and 3 million felines pasting the floors with their feces, with a strong odor of ammoniaized cat piss wafting all around the whole block's perimeter.

But I guess I do have a variable amount of collections though. Beside those previously mentioned, I have a vinyl record collection, an old vinyl rare picture discs collection, music cassettes, VHS/DVD movies, and a Firefighting memorabilia collection. FYI, I'm a ex-firefighter & had my own Firefighter's museum but had to close it down due to lack of funds.

I also owned my own firetruck, a 25 foot, 12 cylinder Pierce-Arrow powered Seagrave Pumper, which I a won a lot of trophies for at shows & new firehouse dedications, but unfortunately I had to sell it after I closed done my "Engine House #5" museum, cause I had no where to put it.

Now about the book, sounds interesting, I'll have to try to find a cheap used copy myself.

But just remember to take whatever they write with a grain of salt, cause MS stuff like that by LEO's(law Enforcement Officers) has been sensationalized(& dramatized) to make that person look better, & also to help sell way more books.

But in that same vein of books, you might also want to check out "Chain of Evidence" by Michael Detroit(about an female LEO that also infiltrated a MC).
Another book, is "Hell is not for angels" by Stephen D. Smith(It's also a true story about a guy wrongly imprisoned for murder in Great Britain in 1990, but only because he kept the MC's code of silence).

Happy future reading

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

I checked this out back when it first started and of course there wasn't much and the prices were awful. I see they've built up quite a database and some of those prices are competitive. I think it's time to dump my DVD collection on there.

14 years ago

There aren't too many things I would ever consider buying "used". I just can't do it. I want to be the one who breaks them in. I can't have my games comparing me to other gamers. I can't handle that kind of pressure.

14 years ago

disk envy lololol!

14 years ago


But It's not really that bad!!!!

It's not like your disc was a easy insertion for 5-6 hours a day, & then put away dry.

I like to think that although Gamestop labels all my precious honeys with a vulgar "Used" reputation, that in reality….all those sweet play-mates have only ever gone out on just 1 or 2 first date with any other consoles.

And their lasers probably died on them before they could even begin stroking…er….
I mean motion-censoring, their little itty-bitty WII WII's…er….
I mean….controllers.

(and do I have to remind you of all those other posers that can't get anything going, due to non-erectile post-op RROD)

Last edited by BikerSaint on 2/25/2010 1:27:42 AM

14 years ago

I'm the same way Hez. I not big on used games. I want a perfect disc, manual and case. That's why I don't like going to Gamestop. It seems everytime I've gone there, the only copy left was either used or display. Pass on that!

14 years ago

The only problem i see with this after not much research, is recieving your money after your item ships. Now i did read that the money will go into your glyde account, but is that money there before or after the buyer gets the product you sell. Its an easy scam if they recieve the product first.

But if somehow they pay for it and glyde keeps track of that money until buyer has somehow notified receipt of product (which even then seems like more work than need be) then that could work. Personally I always like to know the unfds are there for me before i send my product out. as a buyer though its a mutual feeling. buying online is always an iffy thing, especially from newer retailers, websites, etc.

But i like what ive seen so far!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 2/25/2010 12:09:54 AM

14 years ago

So pretty much amazon on steriods…..

14 years ago

People should bear in mind it is pretty damn hard to scratch up a blu ray disc.

14 years ago

Kids and pets prove that differently lol

14 years ago

Thankfully I have no kids and I keep my discs off the floor from my pets. Kids could snap titanium and tarnish Gold.

14 years ago

True that World, BD's are great.

But…..collectors such as myself(and probably Oyashiro too), are always on the hunt for all the older systems & their games just to get closer to completing our collections

14 years ago

Thats where the 'Man-Cave' comes in

14 years ago

hellz yeah @ mancave!

its my favorite place to be!

14 years ago

Being single, my entire room is a mancave.

14 years ago

After scanning through the site for a few titles, I'll be sticking with Amazon, Ebay, and others. The site has potential though.

14 years ago

sweet count me in!
o, actually as long as it does not have all the scumbags that ebay has.
ive sold 14 items off ebay and 2 of them have been paid for.
9 of them the buyer never responded to emails or a ebay dispute.
the other 3 the a$$ holes went so far as to create a fake spam email from paypal stating their holding the item till i send proof of shipment hoping i would send it and they dont have to pay.
should of rang the cops on those selfish a$$holes!

14 years ago

I bought a few used Cube games off ebay, only copies sold from gaming stores, not private residence.

I paid them immediately on purchase, then I received the games a week after in the condition described.

If you search carefully, ebay is pretty good. I guess I've just been lucky so far.

As for buying other preowned games, I always go EB. Check out the condition of the discs, the covers, the booklets, etc before making a purchase. If it's close to perfect quality and not available brand new, then it's totally worth it.

(One example is I found a Shadow of the Colossus preowned on PS2 at EB. It was in excellent condition and I'd been told it had been traded that morning. I bought it for my friend for $30 Aus for his birthday. It's his 2nd fave gift from me next to the Gamecube and Starfox Adventures I got him for $45)

14 years ago

yeah buying Ebay is ok because if the seller does not send the item paypal will be on their a$$.
but selling, is the other way around.
its so stupid if the buyer does not pay all ebay will do is issue them a non paying strike.
by law if i sell someone a item and ship it without payment im fu**ed.
thats why they do it, because they can get away with it.
but ive had a few bad purchases also never turned up so im done with ebay for good.
if i want to buy a game its JBHIFI from now on because their normally dirt cheap, and give you much more for a trade.
i saw heavy rain their today for 80 bucks appose to EBs 120.

14 years ago


WOW, that sounds just like "payback"

I mean, with the way you always buy your games, finish them, & then get a refund and all.

AHHHH, life is grand,
and "KARMA", even sweeter!

14 years ago

god your a A$$
as they say, whats good for the goose is good for the gander.

14 years ago


This has just topped off a great day… very happy and will definitely use this service… I can start to look out for games I want and see if they pop on here, and then purchase them. This is much better honestly… the $40 to $60 dollar a game purchase price has been a tough one to swallow… this will no doubt relieve my wallet somewhat 🙂



14 years ago

Yeah, I'm an a$$hole, and proud of it!

But at least this gamer is an "HONEST" a$$hole, and that's way more than I can say about you and your conniving ways of getting your games to wind up as nothing more than free rentals.
And you of all people wonder why game prices are so high???

Actually there's a lot more that I'd like to say in person, man to man.

It's just a shame, that you're so far away.

Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
14 years ago

I will check out this site for sure, but there is a site extremely simlilar. It's called SwapTree.

There you can trade in your games, DVDs, CDs, and books for others that you want. You should try this site out as well. This site is actually really addictive, so long as you've got things you don't want and are willing to trade in for something you do want. It's pretty awesome and the best part… It costs no money! 😀
Thanks for the info Ben! And I'll stop being an advertisement lol. 🙂

14 years ago

Thats cool that you can make more with this site. I'm sick of being ripped off with Gamestop's trade in system.

14 years ago

I buy everything from Amazon. Just checking my last few purchases against this place, Amazon (and the sellers on Amazon) had all my games and DVD's cheaper. Except for Final Fantasy XII, but I think I bought a used "like new" copy while this place is advertising a copy in "good" condition. Actually the majority of DVD's I've bought recently from Amazon aren't available from Glyde.

About the only game I'd like to sell is Turok, and they say my proceeds for the sale would be $6.40. Meh.

Still, it's always nice to have options.