PlayStation 3 owners received Dragon Age: Origins on the same day as Xbox 360 owners (despite the fact that we told you the 360 version was slightly better), but they've had to wait for the Return to Ostagar expansion.
According to Kotaku , the waiting days are almost over, as the expansion has "passed certification" and will be released for the PS3 in less than two weeks. Return to Ostagar was actually supposed to release for all three platforms (PS3, 360, PC) during the holidays but got pushed back; it eventually released for the 360 in January but had to be taken back due to glitches and other problems. Then, on January 29, 360 and PC owners finally got a clean expansion. But PS3 owners have been waiting ever since, and it's good to know that an official post over at the BioWare forums has revealed that Ostagar will finally hit the PSN on March 11, just four days before the next expansion, Awakening . It's too bad we had to wait this long, but at least Origins is a game that can be ultra-addictive for RPG fans; we know we've got a few of 'em here at PSXE. Those who loved the game will certainly snag those expansions regardless of when they arrive, and we really can't blame them.
Of course, Return to Ostagar now drops two days after Final Fantasy XIII and five days before God of War III , so PS3 owners may have to prioritize next month…
Related Game(s): Dragon Age: Origins
I wish I could get this, but I can't. My DA:O is NTSC, but I can only access the EU store ( and I don't live in either region lol). I will try to get awakenings though.
Last edited by WolfCrimson on 2/24/2010 12:49:40 PM
Why can't you access the NA store? You live in Canada right? Make up an address in the states.
no, I don't live in Canada. I live in the Middle East.
I'll buy it day one!!
yeah i know what your feeling i had the same problem with lbp, my sister bought me a AU version of lbp! and i couldnt get any dlc for it, but now i bought my self lbp goty US version 🙂
i think all dlc have to be region free…and i have a japanese version of FIFA 10 but its in english it says on the disk made in japan! i didnt saw that in any game b4!
lol 😛 and I agree with you about DLC being region free, saves people alot of trouble.
I beat DA:O, the stone prisoner, and the wardens keep over the coarse of 100 hours or so. I enjoyed it, but I just can't excited about returning to Ostagar.
I kinda feel like I'm done with it and need to move on. Plus there are a few little games in March which I am looking forward to. 🙂
kind of sucks it took so long, four days before the expansion? I don't think I'd grab return to Ostagar too soon then, I'll be too busy playing the expansion.
I don't have the original but if I did I'd still probably have to pass. GOWIII and still have to pick up heavy rain this week. I hope I get a heavy rain of money into my wallet.
This should give me a good break from MAG.
Which is the one that comes on a disc? Awakening? I'd like to get them all at some point but not until they come way down in price. I did just start a new game on DA because I have like very little to do between now and when I receive Heavy Rain and FFXIII.
At least DA is a complete game and these are actual expansions instead of things sliced off the disk like everyone else is doing.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/24/2010 5:33:58 PM
I really should get back to DAO. And I thought I'd whip through ACII and inFamous. Silly me, these games are addictive.
My husband will be happy to hear this he's been waiting for the DLC for this game ever since he first heard about it.
nice to see a game delayed because of bugs, instead of the "its good enough" attitude.
im looking at you rebellion!
i might pick this up in the winter along with the DLC since there is normally a drought come may-july.
watching some of the videos it actually looks really good.
im sorry but they lost a potential customer with me on this one, the long wait combined with the short dlc ( about a hour long )killed off any excitement i once had.
I'm done paying money for a 1 hour add on
You seem to be in the minority when you state the 360 version of DA:O is better than the PS3 version.
I've seen a few multiplat sites give the PS3 version a slight advantage over the 360 version with the PC version always trumping the console versions.
Oh well… Everyone has a right to their opinion and that is all reviews are anyway, opinions.
personally think all of this content should have been part of the original game. EA just loves to gouge us for all they can.
actually ben, what makes the 360 version better in your opinion? most say the ps3 is better looking, is it a performance issue?
yess finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can't wait, guys/girls do you think if you didnt want to do the ritual with morrigan you will wake up in the fade in awakening?