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Full Trophy List For Heavy Rain

There are no spoilers in this article but the Trophy list through the link is LOADED with them.  Beware.

The only time you should read the entire Trophy list for Heavy Rain is after you've completed the game. Not a moment before.

We're not stupid enough to put 'em all in here, but if you've already completed your first play-through of the game and wish to see the full Trophy list, go visit PlayStation LifeStyle . Now, being on my fourth play-through, I can tell you that it will take a long time to nab the coveted Platinum Trophy; I know you need to go through at least three or four times just to put yourself in a position to nab most of them, and there are many that will require more than a few attempts. Furthermore, one of the last Trophies you receive is the Gold one for seeing all the endings…right now, nobody is entirely sure just how many endings this game has, but we've heard there might be 22. Now, if this is true, this means you'd have to go through the game a minimum of 22 times to get the Platinum, and that's only if you can manage to see a new ending each an every time. Essentially, don't think you can get all the Trophies will only a few play-throughs; I only had about half of them after my third time, so…

But hey, I'm willing to bet we'll have some readers who will eventually score the Platinum. This game really is quite addicting and if I had the time, I'd certainly go for it myself. Why? 'Cuz it's that good.

Related Game(s): Heavy Rain

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14 years ago

Sounds like a trophy hunter's nightmare. 22 times? All fine and good that the game has that many endings, but making a trophy to see them all? Not good.

14 years ago

Yeah, like the multiplayer trophies of GTAIV, insane!

14 years ago

You don't deserve platinum if you haven't even seen all endings.

14 years ago

Trophy's are made to encourage gamers to keep playing that specific game. I prefer trophies like the above than some trophies in NBA 2K10, which i don't remember off the top of my head but there is one where i believe you need 20 rebounds in one game with Dwight Howard. Trophies like that make gamers go out of their way to have to get them. What if i don't want to play as a team that has Dwight Howard on it?

Last edited by geovanwitdakick on 2/23/2010 10:00:59 PM

14 years ago

I agree. I don't like trophies for games that make you go out of the way and have to really try hard to get.

Like in Bioshock, there are 127 audio diaries you have to collect for one of their trophies. Well there are 5 that you cannot go back through the levels to get, so if you miss even one of them (I did in fact only miss one trophy at the very start of the game no less)you will have to repeat the entire game and get every single one of them again. A hassle.

14 years ago

easy solution, just trade howard onto your team, get the rebounds, trade him or never use him again.

14 years ago

I've already decided im not going to bother with the Trophies. Im just going to play through a few times until i get bored of it.

14 years ago

I don't understand why anyone do bother about them in the first place. If only the trophys had some kind of rewards, like bonus points in the psn store or unlock something in the game or even just a free ps3-theme it would all make sense, but as it is today it's just a whole lot of nothing…!

14 years ago

I got a plat in Uncharted, inFamous, ACII, and im 99% done Uncharted II and A Crack in Time.

I enjoy earning trophies just so i can have 100% of the game done. I've gotten 100% on the Jak and Daxter series on ps2, so it just feels natural to me to strive for 100%. I'm not going to obsess over it and spend hours getting every last trophy in games like Resistance 2, but if they are fun to get i'll do it.

Getting 100% in Jak and Daxter gets you a 10 second alternate ending (which still pisses me off to this day), but its fun getting all the power cells.

14 years ago

Sounds like a lot of work. I only have one platinum so far, and that was Assassins Creed 2.

P.S. I love the little project they gave us to make the install seem shorter. I won't say what it is for those that don't know yet.

14 years ago

I don't give a rip about trophies so I don't plan on getting any platinum here, but over the course of a year or two I'd like to get that gold one if only for the experience of seeing all the endings 🙂

Damn you Ben, stirring up all this hype about HR for those of us who are waiting for it to come in the mail.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

I apologize.


14 years ago

like ben playing it a month before me was not enough.
now all of yous are playing it before me too!

14 years ago

Me three as in I need to wait next month but I do care about trophies, getting platinum, now that I don't really force myself to.

Last edited by www on 2/24/2010 4:46:41 AM

14 years ago

i really hope mine comes today. to bad i have to work in the evening ugh

14 years ago

Well you guys think you have it bad, I have to wait at least a month and a half for each release to get to my country. I'm just happy a cousin of mine is flying over here on march 10, so he's bringing me this and FFXIII…

14 years ago

What is the save system like? Can you make multiple save files? I was wondering if you could, for example, continue a save file right in the middle of the game or later so you can start there and play till the end instead of having to go through 22 full playthroughs from beginning to end…

14 years ago

I dont think you can have several saves, but perhaps you can make a copy of the save to a flash drive, then load it back in later and use that backup as a "master save" (or whatever you want to call it) and just reload that one every time you want to restart from the middle.

I wonder if anyone will ever map out all the decisions/consequences? That will make getting some trophies (and seeing all the endings) much less painful.

14 years ago

they probably made something to discourage people for doing that to get trophies.

14 years ago

Idk, i'll try it later and see what happens.

14 years ago

The game saves automatically and you have to start a new game to get a second slot. There is a chapter select, but I dont know if you can use it to get chapter specific trophies. Oh and copying is prohibited. Is there a workaround?

14 years ago

i hate copy protection, it takes a long damn time to back games up, and i got over 200gb of stuff on my ps3. It happened to me with killzone 2. i got the trophy for beating it on elite, trophy never saved, ps3 broke. I had to beat the game once to unlock elite mode then beat it again on elite to get the trophy again. luckily, the game seemed a lot easier the second time.

14 years ago

The instructions say that on the chapter select you can "return to particular points in the story to play them again, creating an alternate save file if desired".

I don't know if you really can though because I'm sitting in the drive way LOCKED OUT OF MY HOUSE WITH HEAVY RAIN SITTING IN MY LAP!!!!

….. This sucks.

Last edited by SvenMD on 2/24/2010 4:15:21 PM

Cholo Gamer
Cholo Gamer
14 years ago

I love trophies me and my buddy play Special Ops, super fun we have a blast killing them juggernauts. I'am also trying to get them on 007 and Blitz pretty fun.


14 years ago

you mean "TROPHIES FTW!!!"

14 years ago

Takes around 10-12 hours I think. I'm halfway through but didn't play THAT much yesterday. Not saying its short, it just can move faster than other games that let you mess around.

14 years ago

I finished my first playthrough, what a crazy twist!

14 years ago


14 years ago

How long did it take??? The game came out yesterday!!?

14 years ago

Around 8-9 hours I think. I'm going to start the second play through soon.

14 years ago

Geez, sounds like I'm going to have to skip some work, or some sleep….or both…to catch up to you guys…

14 years ago

ya i had about 8 and a half to 9 hours in it my first time around

14 years ago

i'm only about an hour in. i had to work ugh

14 years ago

this game comes out tommorow in aus and guess what…. It has been pissing down rain here the last few days!! I cant wait 16hrs to go and i will be smashing the doors down on my local eb store.

14 years ago

It's been Heavy Snow here in TX

14 years ago

whew thank god i live in florida. snow sucks

14 years ago

Same. It was nice and warm here in Daytona Beach yesterday.

14 years ago

down here in palm beach we have a freeze warning tonight ugh!!!!

Last edited by ace_boon_coon on 2/24/2010 1:05:29 PM

14 years ago

We're supposed to get about 8 inches of snow in PA over the next day. Maybe I can hang out and play HR all day tomorrow 🙂

14 years ago

wow pa is really getting hit hard with snow. i don't miss the snow one bit

14 years ago

wow that's tremendous, 22!

14 years ago

Well, I'm not gonna worry about HR trophies for now. I just want to enjoy the game and see if I have the urge to complete it 100% to get the platium.

14 years ago

yea it will be hard, but heres the million dollar question.
will it be harder than KZ2s?
i got so close to getting in the top 1% for the week i was literally 10s of XP away and because of all those 5021 errors i got i lost thousands of XP.
so in other words thanks to those 5021 errors i lost my chance to be in the top 1% of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!
man i was PISSED!

wow there goes the idea of getting the plat.
i was going to play it a few times, but there is no way im playing it 4 times i still have battlefield BC2 to finish.
not to mention all the PC games i bought to try out when i get my new monitor and 3D Nvidia kit.
i wish money grew on trees, because im about bone dry about now.
and i still have not paid off that GOW3 ultimate edition, may have to cancel it and go for the normal one.
250 bucks is just ridiculous! especially since there is nothing special in there.

Last edited by ___________ on 2/24/2010 1:27:04 AM

14 years ago

Well I didn't look cause I don't want anything spoiling anything on this game, thanks Ben for the heads up BTW.
Man lots of "so called gaming" websites with tons of spoilers of this game which isn't very nice to people who cant get it right away or play it right away. I am staying clear of any gaming website except for this one of course since Ben and the gang respect that people need to play the game and not get ruined by spoilers. Thanks guys for not spoiling it for anyone another reason psxextreme is awesome.

14 years ago

i just finished my first playthrough and watched all the bonus material i unlocked! and ill tell ya what………… if i wasnt so dead dog tired id be starting my second playthrough right now. im just stoked to see what all changes from one go-round to the next. all in all though it is a must buy game that will not disappoint!


14 years ago

i just received heavy rain *screams like a girl*

14 years ago

I got my copy yesterday in the mail but unfortunately I won't be able to play it to this weekend. Too much homework… I have been thinking about playing it for just a little bit but I know that once I start, I'm not stopping 🙂

By the way, I love trophies, they are so addicting. I have 7 platinums so far. Looks like HR is gonna take up my whole spring break so I can get all the endings…

Last edited by YesterdysRising on 2/24/2010 10:11:24 AM

14 years ago

Hey Ben did any fools sign up just to spam us with spoilers and then get deleted?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Not that I know of.

Why? Did you see anything like that?

14 years ago

No but I figured if this was the last refuge on the internet that they hadn't corrupted, it was only a matter of time before we were besieged. That's good though, I feel safe here 🙂