There are no spoilers in this article but the Trophy list through the link is LOADED with them. Beware.
The only time you should read the entire Trophy list for Heavy Rain is after you've completed the game. Not a moment before.
We're not stupid enough to put 'em all in here, but if you've already completed your first play-through of the game and wish to see the full Trophy list, go visit PlayStation LifeStyle . Now, being on my fourth play-through, I can tell you that it will take a long time to nab the coveted Platinum Trophy; I know you need to go through at least three or four times just to put yourself in a position to nab most of them, and there are many that will require more than a few attempts. Furthermore, one of the last Trophies you receive is the Gold one for seeing all the endings…right now, nobody is entirely sure just how many endings this game has, but we've heard there might be 22. Now, if this is true, this means you'd have to go through the game a minimum of 22 times to get the Platinum, and that's only if you can manage to see a new ending each an every time. Essentially, don't think you can get all the Trophies will only a few play-throughs; I only had about half of them after my third time, so…
But hey, I'm willing to bet we'll have some readers who will eventually score the Platinum. This game really is quite addicting and if I had the time, I'd certainly go for it myself. Why? 'Cuz it's that good.
Related Game(s): Heavy Rain
at n4g i did. i thought maybe he was wrong for a second but it turned out to be a spot-on spoiler (little prick id have liked to have found out for myself)
on a side note: ben you have been 100% right about this game its amazing and im glad to have it in my collection. i just cant believ that for a game thats been in development for so long, that there is as much screen tearing framerate issues, sound drop-outs and all around bugs that HR has. all that aside (im sure itll get patched for stuff like that) its one of my top 5 maybe even top 2 games of all time. (mainly beacause of the originality of it)
Last edited by inkme101 on 2/24/2010 1:10:47 PM
Those problems are nowhere near as severe as you're making them seem.
If you just play the game without searching for them every ten seconds – which people tend to do – I doubt you'll even notice them.
I had a ton of issues in the first few chapters, but its been good ever since. There were moments during the birthday party that the whole game froze for a few seconds, or the audio would cut out for no reason.
I havent noticed anything since then, but it was a frustrating way to start the game.
I've noticed a little bit of screen tearing, but i just finished Assassin's Creed II so i dont even care. ACII's screen tearing was horrible.
The only issue I experienced was the camera not changing when I was playing as Norman in the club. I restarted the game and it was fixed.
@ ben
im not making it out to be that big of a deal im just saying it is kind of alot for a game that has had this much development time!
I honestly believe that mentioning the plot in the trophies was a mistake. Everywhere I go related to HR, I see xbots screaming the name of the killer and then saying "I just saved you 60 bucks :D". This is just as bad as the idiots that ruined parts of Blazblue's plot for me by revealing info about certain characters, like Hakumen's identity. If you know who the killer is, just try to think why he's the killer. It won't be as suspenseful, but it's something 😛
We should go around spontaneously posting that a different character is the killer. That way people will read that each character is the killer and still wont have any idea what is going on.
I'm being very careful about what comments i read on game sites until i finish Heavy Rain. I will pour out the wrath of a thousand angry gods on whatever a**hole ruins this game for me.
So why did you even go off-site from here to check them out then?(You did see the warning notice posted right at the top of the Trophy thread here, right?????)
And especially since everyone else here been also been posting numerous warnings about the jealous scumbag's posting spoilers on almost all of the other sites too?????
I mean come on now….even Stevie Wonder saw that one coming!!!!!!
Last edited by BikerSaint on 2/24/2010 7:18:00 PM
Because I'm not planning on buying it at this point. I didn't go to the site to see the list's details, but it doesn't concern me right now
I acquired my first two just now. I'll probably check out the list after I beat the game once or twice. I plan to platinum this game.
This is one of the best games of all time for sure, but besides the screen tearing, which isn't severe, the game has caused my ps3 to freeze twice so far.
@Sonic, OK cool,
Sorry that I misunderstood your post.
Finished my first play-through early this morning at about 3:30. Gotta say, this game had me going through the motions. When I found out who the killer was, I just couldn't believe what I heard. Great plot, great twist, outstanding game! It must have been a hell-of-a-chore to branch off the story in so many different directions. The replayability on this game should have been a 20…and that's being modest. I have to play through this game again especially since one of my characters were killed. I wonder how much that character's death actually affected the longevity of the game. If you haven't bought this game yet because you're still on the fence or if don't like the concept of the game, you should still give it a go. You might be surprised.
im gonna play through and kill off 1 main character per play through. and see how that works out 4 me.
Omg is that what people have been doing? Posting who the killer is? That's effing low.
Just finished my first play through and all I can say is: AMAZING!!!!!!! I don't want to spoil anything but wow this game is right on par with UC2 in my book.
And as for the trophies I have filled almost 3 pages in the ingame list. All bronze except for one silver.
Last edited by michiganfan1983 on 2/25/2010 1:43:14 AM
I read through the list of trophies (have already finished the game) to see what else there is to do. To get the platinum one is insane.