The day has finally come for PlayStation 3 owners; the day when they can lay their hands on Quantic Dream's "interactive drama" and take the memorable storytelling ride.
Today, SCEA has announced that Heavy Rain has released in North America. Created by the team responsible for the likes of Indigo Prophecy , players take control of four major characters and follow a branching plot to discover the Origami Killer. "How far will you go to save someone you love?" It's the underlying theme of the game and one that is both extremely effective and poignant; this immensely atmospheric and gripping psychological thriller features excellent music and voice acting, mind-blowing visuals, beautiful artistry, and an emotional roller-coaster you won't soon forget. So many decisions, and so many possibilities… Said SCEA Vice President of Product Marketing, Scott A. Steinberg:
"Tapping into the power and technology of PS3, Quantic Dream has pushed gaming boundaries to the limits, placing emotion at the forefront of the Heavy Rain experience. This dark and mysterious story delivers a setting and mood that truly attests to the true film noir feel of the game. We're eager for fans to enter this world and experience their own unique story, one that can only be had on PS3."
As you step into the shoes of Ethan Mars (architect and father), Scott Shelby (private detective), Madison Paige (journalist) and Norman Jayden (FBI profiler), you will continue to dictate how the story unfolds. Ethan Mars' son has been kidnapped by the Origami Killer and it's up to these four individuals to find and save that boy…or, if things go wrong, it simply won't happen. David Cage spent over a year creating the 2,000 page script of dialogue and worked with a cast of over 70 actors to bring his vision to life. The press release says Heavy Rain is "possible only through the power of the PS3 system," and a team of 220 had to work for over 170 days simply to provide the game with the requisite motion capture. It's a gargantuan effort and as you've already seen in our review, it's one that paid off.
We're hoping the game gets some advertising; there will be a TV ad in Europe, at the very least, and you can view it over at the European PlayStation Blog . But also bear in mind that now that the game is on store shelves, the Internet could be loaded with spoilers. So just be cautious about the Heavy Rain news and reviews you read; we won't spoil anything at PSXE, that's for sure.
Related Game(s): Heavy Rain
Yo Ultimate…totally off topic, but Im going to SA for the world cup this summer–do you have any advice as to where to stay for cheap? seems like most hotels are jacking up prices and are sold out regardless.
Damn, due to the great deal I made yesterday which landed me a mint PSP1000 & bunch of games to add into my collections, I completely forgot all about HR coming out today.
Guess I'm gonna be chomping at the bit while waiting for some extra bucks so I can get it.
Oh well, later is better than not at all.
Anyway, I hope everyone has a great experience playing HR today(but no spoilers please)LOL
Ben I tried reading other people's reviews, but yours was by far the best. I can't read the others because they spoil the story. Keep it up.
Man I Thought The Demo's Graphics And Atmosphere Was Stupid Awesome! But I Was Even More Blown Away By The Starting Level! N D Story Is Better Than I Thought It Would N I Just Got Started!
Im playing it right now. Good stuff, good stuff!
Just got my copy from Amazon…so stoked to play it! I'm glad that the only review I've read so far is Ben's, and it was absolute gold!
Ben can you tell us how long the game took you to complete ? Cant wait for Friday, the offer is on in Game trade in Dante's get Heavy Rain for half price so it's got to be done im afraid. 🙂
It took about 9 hours my first time through.
Just one of the 4 scenarios take 9 hours?
There aren't four scenarios. There are way more than that…I have no idea how many possible endings there are, but it always depends on which of the four characters (or what combination of the characters) is alive at the end.
Oh nice. Hope to play it later today.
Got it during lunch, have to wait till four pm 🙁 I think I'm just going to say I'm sick lol.
Just picked up my copy during lunch and I'm thinking about blowing off work for the rest of the day.
Damn! I'd have to wait and get it together with FFXIII and probably Mass Effect 2.
Only a few days now 😀 i cant wait to get drentched 😀
By the way, I'm really hoping someone starts a Heavy Rain discussion thread in the forums. Obviously, a lot of people want to talk about it, but be careful of the spoilers!
Someone already did in the PS3 section. It's been pretty dead though since the game hasn't been released till today. I'm avoiding it like the plague till I'm done with several play-throughs.
it's definitely raining here in columbus ohio, you know why?
well i was first planning to rent the game so i first checked the blockbuster but they're delayed til friday….
then went to the local hollywood video and they were just out and i got there at noon…
then i went to the local game crazy but all copies of the game were preordered…
then i went to the local gamestop but they said all 23 copies were preordered…
so i went to best buy and ended up buying the game with my rewards zone card…. how many copies of the game were left??? TWO.
N-O!!! sorry i'm not originally from ohio so i'm not a big buckeye fan.. and i'm a 'non-conformist' so yeah, sorry limited!!! haha.
I still like ya, and I'm glad you at least knew what I was getting at 🙂
i'm in columbus, too!
oh and to LV
UPS says my copy is out for delivery; just another several hours here at work then time to get immersed…
The game sits on my bed with the Origami bird that comes with it.
After I finish this comment I'm gonna have a Heineken in my right hand and a DaulShock 3 in left with my lady at my side ready to watch.
Life is so damn good right now.
See yah in a couple hours when Ben drops the days news.
Corona for me 😛
**CHING!** (two virtual glasses collide)
Cheers buddy!
as for the spoilers…. i'm never going to youtube or gonna read another article or comments about heavy rain until i beat the whole thing 😀
for sure dont read any comments on n4g!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just picked my pre-oredered copy up, but I havent slept in quite a while, I don't think I should be put in charge of peoples lives right now, Heavy Rain might have to wait a while before I'm fit to do so.
Damn you Amazon!!
Its showing as shipping on March 1st 🙁
If that is true, it will be the first and last time I preorder something from them…
::Looks outside at the rain…
Im on it now, its a very engaging story, heads up to QD for making a great game.
i hope my blockbuster has it for rent cause i so want to play this.until the new bl dlc comes out this thurs which will keep me from playing hr for lil bit.
Last edited by Bloodysilence19 on 2/23/2010 2:06:32 PM
I guess sarcasm really has to be written after ever comment to ensure everyone else is on the same page as I am. Last Rebellion is not even gonna be a contender for GOTY, as a matter of fact, from all the negative reviews rolling in I don't think Last Rebellion even garners a rental. In my post above I was really getting at Heavy Rain, just picked up my pre-order from Gamestop, right now it's installing, so anxious. 99% just about complete. Heavy Rain is now installed. Press the start button to play. Yes! So long PSX, I'm going on a journey, I'll be back, one day.
did you make your bird while you waited?
Just picked mine up. 🙂
It releases on Friday in the UK
Anyone know where you can still get a download card if buying the game today? Both Gamestops in my area say they dont have enough cards even to fill pre-orders…
Amazon status: shipped. I know I will have to wait about a week for it to get here because I didn't opt for the day 1 delivery but I am stoked as a monkey on meth.
As usual I will only be looking at PSXE so no chance of spoilers will reach me. It looks like this game might actually get the sales it deserves, let's hope it does.
Have fun in the rain guys, I'll be out to play soon. 🙂
Did you ever get your copy of WKC from ebay?
Nope, I opened a case against the guy today though. And I tried another seller, hopefully this new guy will come through.
I just received my copy. I will definitely be losing some sleep tonight.
Sonic & Sega All-stars Racing comes out today aswell :(. I'll probably be getting Heavy Rain at a later date…
Because of the effort and originality of this game, and because it's my most anticipated, it deserves my $90 (NZ).
Will be getting my copy by Friday… Not bad I say, just in time for the weekend. Now, if it would only rain the whole weekend… That would be nice 🙂
Hehe I was hoping the same thing.
Love the cool breeze brought to us by the cleansing rain
Must…get…this game NOW!
Oh yeah! It's raining here too lol
Last edited by Scarecrow on 2/23/2010 4:58:41 PM
Im so mad that I didn't preorder this game.
I've had this pre-ordered for a while, but unfortunately won't be able to pick it up until late tonite.
The anticipation is a real nail-biter, but I've been waiting three years for this game, so a few more hours shouldn't do any longterm damage.
Spoiler alert.
You brush your teeth using sixaxis.