The day has finally come for PlayStation 3 owners; the day when they can lay their hands on Quantic Dream's "interactive drama" and take the memorable storytelling ride.
Today, SCEA has announced that Heavy Rain has released in North America. Created by the team responsible for the likes of Indigo Prophecy , players take control of four major characters and follow a branching plot to discover the Origami Killer. "How far will you go to save someone you love?" It's the underlying theme of the game and one that is both extremely effective and poignant; this immensely atmospheric and gripping psychological thriller features excellent music and voice acting, mind-blowing visuals, beautiful artistry, and an emotional roller-coaster you won't soon forget. So many decisions, and so many possibilities… Said SCEA Vice President of Product Marketing, Scott A. Steinberg:
"Tapping into the power and technology of PS3, Quantic Dream has pushed gaming boundaries to the limits, placing emotion at the forefront of the Heavy Rain experience. This dark and mysterious story delivers a setting and mood that truly attests to the true film noir feel of the game. We're eager for fans to enter this world and experience their own unique story, one that can only be had on PS3."
As you step into the shoes of Ethan Mars (architect and father), Scott Shelby (private detective), Madison Paige (journalist) and Norman Jayden (FBI profiler), you will continue to dictate how the story unfolds. Ethan Mars' son has been kidnapped by the Origami Killer and it's up to these four individuals to find and save that boy…or, if things go wrong, it simply won't happen. David Cage spent over a year creating the 2,000 page script of dialogue and worked with a cast of over 70 actors to bring his vision to life. The press release says Heavy Rain is "possible only through the power of the PS3 system," and a team of 220 had to work for over 170 days simply to provide the game with the requisite motion capture. It's a gargantuan effort and as you've already seen in our review, it's one that paid off.
We're hoping the game gets some advertising; there will be a TV ad in Europe, at the very least, and you can view it over at the European PlayStation Blog . But also bear in mind that now that the game is on store shelves, the Internet could be loaded with spoilers. So just be cautious about the Heavy Rain news and reviews you read; we won't spoil anything at PSXE, that's for sure.
Related Game(s): Heavy Rain
Just a heads up to anyone interested in this game (like me), some prick(s) been spoiling the ending of Heavy Rain in sites like youtube, facebook and gaming news sites like N4G… soo I'd steer clear of the comments section of those sites If I were you… I can't believe at what level fanboys go in this stupid console war… sheesh… Spread the word if you can, a game like Heavy Rain can really suffer from someone spoiling the story…
Last edited by darxed on 2/23/2010 11:12:40 AM
Thanks for the heads up. I cant wait to jump into Heavy Rain. I picked it up today but i cant decide if i want to play the DLC first or not.
Thanks Bro, I can't stand when those Asswipes do that Crap.
ya i saw that little azzholes posting on n4g before they put the spoiler warning up now im gonna hunt him down and drown his dumbazz in a puddle.
Everybody already knows that the killer turns out to be an alien and in the final chapter you are playing as Fox Mulder dressed in lingerie. Like we didn't see that coming.
Well at the end of the game, Snape kills Dumbledore..
great now you ruined harry potter for me to boot!!! dammit.. lol
My apologies if I'm not available for comments on here for several days, my copy shall be arriving shortly.
Damn LV you can't do anything right. You comment you get thumbed down. You tell people you won't be around to comment you get thumbed down. You could probably say the exact words that will get someone else 50 thumbs up and walk away with just as many thumb downs.
How can I become as nefarious as you?
I'm actually a big fan.
LOL, it's no biggie. Clearly I'm doing something right if people bother to take the time to A. Read what I've written and/or B. downvote me.
I guess they are trying to make up for the days he won't be here for them to thumb him down hahaha
By the way, add me to the fan list.
I wont let you down boys!
….you know I'm totally going to let you down…
I'm also going to go into hiatuses of game pages,because I don't want to get spoiled with a random troll.
hope amazon delivers my copy soon.
Last edited by Oxvial on 2/23/2010 2:50:42 PM
Funny thing is it's raining in NYC, or rained already
Great big fat rain?
sting-ing rain, rain that seemed to come up from the ground, sideways rain…….lol
Chubby rain
Yep, its been raining here the whole day but, I hope it rains the whole weekend so I can lock myself up and play, wait for it… Heavy Rain.
It will make the mood so much sinister 🙂
I guess someone doesn't like the word "chubby."
I wonder if they get the reference.
I've been stuck in the office all day. I really need to duck out and grab a bite to eat. Hopefully, the streets of lower Manhattan are dry now.
Forest Gump was just on tv last night.
first off, forrest gump OWNS! and its been on every night this week 2 times a night and will continue like that until sunday i think. lol
I am gonna pick it up in about 40 mins when the store open!
Def is raining in NYC
still waiting for the UPS man to get here. soon. soon.
I cannot wait to get home and crack this puppy open. I have it arriving today from Amazon and I may just take a sick day from school to get my grubby little mitts on it.
Thanks for the heads up darxed. It is quite amazing to see the lengths people will go to to ruin something for people just because of a stupid "console war".
Yeah no prob, just trying to help out a fellow gamer (gamer!=fanboy)
It is sad that people can't just be happy with what they have and let other people be happy with what they have.
I always thought that gaming was about enjoyment and having fun with a hobby that you loved but over the years it has gone from fun to rabid bs and I really just don't understand it.
I was suppose to get the free DLC with my pre-order from gamestop. But I did not, probably because I pre-ordered it yesterday. Which is sad, for the man behind the counter told me that I would be getting it when I pre-ordered it. Might have to start shopping at Best Buy I guess…Of course this was my own fault for not pre-ordering it sooner. I'm such an idiot.
Emotions run high even before starting the game!
Did you ask for the code when you picked it up? The codes where limited per store so that could be the problem, they may have run out. I actually made them give me my code when I pre-odered my copy Monday, I always make them give me my code beforehand just for this reason.
I was talking with the man behind the counter and he told me that I would have to wait until I picked it up. When I picked it up, it was a different man. He told me that there were no codes at all, none had shipped to that Gamestop. So I left because I had to be somewhere. Today I decided to go back and complain that all Gamestops should have the codes. I met an older lady who didn't look like she wanted to be there. I told her that I did not receive a bonus for my preorder and also about the "No codes here" story. She pulled the drawer out to look and automatically said they didn't have any while she looked. The person who came with me spotted it against the back of the drawer and told her that was it. She just handed it to me and told me to have a good day without checking my receipt. It was the last one. I wonder now if it was saved by one of the employees for his own benefits.
So I finally got it, thankfully. It was well worth the hassle. I'm going to be more careful when I preorder anything nowadays. =)
i decided to rent it… i'm going by hollywood video today to see if i can snag a copy before the kids get out of school around here and beat me to it :D…
The last time I was in a Hollywood Video was back in 1999-2000 when they were the only place you could rent Dreamcast games.
Goodluck snagging a copy, you better hurrry.
i haven't been in there in like 5 years… i hope i don't have an outstanding late fee i skipped out on… it might be why i haven't been there in 5 years, lol…
LOL, I had a friend do that. He had an outstanding balance at a local video store a few years back and went off to Iraq. When he came back he was made aware of the fact that his outstanding balance had been accessing monthly charges. He was pretty pissed and just never went back to the place, to this day I believe he owes them a pretty penny but evidently they haven't gone after him for it.
HA!! hollywood video only had ONE COPY!! and she said it was taken before she could even put it on the shelf!! i can't believe a rental place only buys one copy but no worries, i went to family video instead and they had one copy left… i got it just in time… and i had to set up a new account so, there's no history there… plus, i get rentals half-off for an entire month!!
i think i might be renting this for the entire month, lol…
Last edited by bOnEs on 2/23/2010 12:42:44 PM
20 bux you end up getting a late fee!
i can't take that bet, lol… because, i know i'll end up with one… i hate renting…
Can't wait! Going to pick it up after work…..Oh, It's going to be fun!
Gamefly Status: SHIPPED…Woot!!
I've been playing the game for a couple hours now. Get ready for a 226mb update and a 4gb install. The install area is cool though because the game shows you how to make an origami with the paper that comes with the game.
yeah ive got my oragami on my mantle with all my games it looks good. and yes update 1.01 right off the bat then 4gb install. geez. cant wait for gow3 with no install!
picked up my copy at about 8:00 last night started to play too a break was surfin the web and came across the spoiler-fag on n4g. theres another guy saying it was a false spoiler but i doubt it. little prick just about ruined it for me. i will still play through it multiple times of coarse.
the screen tearing is still quite prominent!
So this is my first comment on this website guys! I am a frequent visitor though and I love Ben's reviews, so I just had to get that out of the way. As for Heavy Rain, I have had a copy for almost a week already (cant tell you guys how I obtained it :P) I just have to say this is probably the best game I have ever played! All of you have to get this game and play the hell out of it. Never has a game got me so emotionally attached, that it makes the game actually seem believable.
oh yeah im only a couple few hours in and im absolutely engrossed in it.
Gotta go pick up the GOTY soon. Yeah of course, Last Rebellion, what else?
oh man i want last rebellion so bad! I love NISA published games, no matter how bad of reviews the games get. I live in Canada so I have to wait till feb 26 to get it:(
Just finished the first chapter. So pretty. /begin sarcasm/ But, where the hell is my reticule for aiming up my headshots??? /end sarcasm.
I'm in South Africa. . . And Heavy Rain is out here. Just like when Uncharted 2 And Brutal Legend were out before their release dates. I'm buying heavy Rain 2moro 🙂