For about the past month and a half, we've been hearing whispers and various rumors that Killzone 3 might actually release towards the end of this year.
This continues as yet another source – citing other sources "close to Sony" – says the hotly anticipated FPS will release around Christmas time and furthermore, it will support both new technologies for the PlayStation 3: 3D and motion sensing with the new "Arc" controller. Either that, or it will simply support the inherent motion sensing already in the Dual Shock 3 controller; it depends on the accuracy of the translation. We're not entirely sure why we'd be interested in motion sensing controls for something like Killzone 3 , but the idea of such an intense experience in 3D…that's just plain insane . says they asked SCEE about all of this and "have yet to receive a reply," which is hardly surprising. We're willing to bet we can predict the exact wording of that reply, if it comes at all: "we do not comment on rumor and speculation." We seriously doubt Sony is willing to talk about anything Killzone 3 -related at this point.
No, they've got other PlayStation 3 exclusives to focus on over the course of the next few weeks. But wouldn't it be nice to have both Gran Turismo 5 and Killzone 3 for 2010 holiday season? If that happens, you can bet the PS3 will once again dominate the November/December months.
The Wiimote controls worked great for The Metroid Prime Trilogy. Arc could be interesting for Killzone 3. Could turn out great.
One problem with Wii controllers for FPS. You cannot use the Wiimote like a mouse, where the cursor is at the center of the screen. Instead it's a free roaming cursor. If the cursor is fixed at the center, your shaking hands will make you dizzy. I believe it will have the same problem with the Arc. Metroid Prime is a solution, but it doesn't feel making 180 turns.
I am doubtful if Sony can come up with a fun game with the motion controller. Imagine batting in MLB 2011. The tech demo shows how hard it is to hit a ball. That's because in real life it IS that hard. Unless we are real pro baseball players, we can't complete any motion controller games.
true point godsman concerning hitting a ball – it will be very boring to keep missing it. but i guess they'll put in a huge margin for errors to allow us mortals a chance to hit something.
I agree that the wiimote was fantastic in the Metroid Prime games – but it's alot slower and you don't have to be as accurate.
I don't know how it would translate to a faster paced game like KZ3. I'd just like to stick with the regular controller layout for now.
But I would love some KZ3 at Christmas.
GT5 and Killzone 3 for Christmas? Life just keeps getting better. My wallet just keeps getting empty though. Well worth it.
ya, sonys for damn sure been getting their fair share of my pay checks in 09 and this year!
Would be interesting indeed. Killzon 2 was a pretty good game so I don't have any reason to not buy the next one. Curious if there will be any gimmicks for the motion sensing.
until its done right id say motion sensing is the gimmick!
Oh boy, after Uncharted 2 last holiday season, seems like Sony has learned to make some buzz towards the end of the year. I just hope Killzone 3 isn't rushed, if it releases this year they'd have put less than 2 years into it. & they now are next-in-line to overtake Uncharted 2 as best-looking console game, rightfully so, hope they can do that, internal competition can't hurt one bit :).
2 years isn't so bad considering KZ2 only took so long because they had to make that amazing engine. They don't this time.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/22/2010 10:05:51 PM
Since Sony is concentrating on cerrent exclusive games like God Of War and Heavy Rain I doubt we will hear it announced untill E3. Really looking foward to this game although I'm a bit skeptical about the motion control, I just don't see it working with a game like this… But I guess I will have to wait and see, you never know how they might use it.
I would totally take shrooms and play this!
I hope they dont spend time/resources focusing on motion and 3d instead of polishing the hell out of the game. I'd really hate to see ps3 'Arc'-based games end up like shovelware wii games.
Well, Killzone 2 had bad motion implementation. It was like they felt compelled to insert it into the game. It was unnecessary.
Hopefully they are playing a lot of Wii games to get ideas on how to correctly use motion control. There are plenty of Nintendo developed Wii games that do a nice job, and can give them inspiration.
I thought KZ2's motion stuff was some of the best this gen. It wasnt intrusive and made sense in context. It was nicer than turning valves with the analog sticks.
Wii Sports is great, and Nintendo really pulled it off, but a lot of Wii games are just gimmicky.
Last edited by NoSmokingBandit on 2/23/2010 10:34:37 AM
Well, I will definitely be getting it whenever it comes out. I don't care about motion sensing or 3D since I won't be getting either, but I wouldn't mind some split screen coop.
I wonder if split-screen co-op would force them to deteriorate the game's graphics, like Naughty Dog said it would've done to Uncharted 2. Hmm, in that case I wouldn't like it, the visuals of Killzone 2 was one of it's highest selling points.
I'm thinking that if 3D & motion sensing were to be used, Sony would demand that it's done right or not at all.
And besides, Sony could always step in with their "developer help team" once again, just as they did before to help out with KZ2.
Sweet… the 3D not so much but just cause I get sick from it but the motion controller thinking this could be promising. either way can't wait for another KZ.
I'll gladly get a 3D TV when my regular old 1080p LCD dies, which could be a long time.
But World, you could always sell that TV for 2/3rds of the price, add a bit and then get a 3D TV, no?
Yeah, I still think mine has at least 5 years in her…and I won't even think about getting a 3-D TV until then.
I can't freaking wait for this year's E3. That's probably the thing that I look forward to more than anything this year. Ben, may we count on you being there?
Yeah, The Ps3 is definitely "gonna to rock the boat" at E3 once again this year.
But as "Jaws" crusty old captain once said……
*jumps on the boat*
That was chief Brody, dude
Holy smokes! Then it's true!
Killzone 3 this year!
Another AAA title for ps3
Will get
well, bear in mind its some obscure source talking about another obscure source "close to Sony" so yeah…
I have a gut feeling we'll be seeing KZ3 this year or early next year
It's an FPS (it's the "hot" genre these days), and its graphical achievements are too good for Sony to not let them continue this series.
We'll see, hopefully it's true
true, FPS don't take that long to make, I could probably slap one together using a paperclip, a rubber band, and some tinfoil.
Wouldn't that be a MacGyver FPS?
a mc guiver game would be the Shit!!!
hopefully they will give us back alternate fire. If not it'll still probably be my favorite FPS of the year
If that means we can have two different weapons at a time instead of being stuck with the Magnum then I'm all for it.
I wont buy this game.
because it's not on PC?
PC elitist snob!
Pff, when it comes to a few genres sure. Sony has taken far more of my money than any other gaming company, keep that in mind.
Killzone 3D
Last edited by Xra897 on 2/23/2010 12:06:58 AM
motion controls?
fine as long as we are not forced into using them.
if i cant play KZ3 with my traditional DS3 sony are getting a very unpleasant phone call.
IF they do have 3D support in there i hope they fully implement it into the gameplay, instead of tacking it on.
hopefully they have all the effects, and bullet time in 3D.
imagine bullets flying towards your face, than a grenade explodes and you have cement and metal shrapnel flying towards your face.
most PC games that do support 3D are sadly only surroundings based, none of the effects are 3D so you barley notice it.
metro 2033 is the first game to have particle effects in 3D so thats going to be very interesting.
hopefully i can find a retailer that stocks 3D monitors and the Nvidia tech by then.
i can not believe how fu***ng hard it is to find this stuff.
ive been to like 30 PC stores, who sell video cards, PCs, laptops, monitors.
everything PC related but none of them stock the 3D tech.
O, and while your at it hurry the %$#@ up and release your DX11 cards too!
Love the wording they use. "It will support both new technologies." Only "support" it? Why's that? Because in order to make money, the game has to be freaking awesome on a 1080p LCD while using a Dualshock3 controller.
Highly doubt K3 will come out this year. Sony aren`t the type to rush out a game. If GG ask for more time for polishing and stuff, Sony will gladly give it to them. If it`s a FPS that will come out for PS3 in 2010 it`s Resistance 3(which I really are looking forward to), And K3 for 2011 🙂
Turkey, but the hype machine steam engine needs to be fed coal, like from now… look what one is fighting against… the previous comments (in the previous article) about how ignorant xBots are and GameStoppers… it makes me shudder…
The hype machine needs to get going… and get going it will…
The true Legions we are 🙂
KZ3, I await you – your humble servant!
Last edited by Qubex on 2/23/2010 6:34:14 AM
Sry, it was supposed to be "Turbey" and not "Turkey"…
K3 will never get as much hype as K2, and I`m glad for that 😛 That`s pretty much a safe bet.
3 things I wish for K3:
1: More colorful singelplayer, and multiplayer.
2: More open worlds.
3: ….and more weapons please 😛
Maybe kill Rico to!
I laughed when you called me Turkey…thank you for that 😛
Lol Turbey… well as you know for Thanksgiv'n… you can never put a good'ol fiesty turkey down, right? ::pluck pluck::
…but when it is down the turkey will keep on giv'n…
"plucked your feathers shall be"
I hope they fix the voice acting. Hearing, "Come oooon, Sev," or "Help me motherf***er, right noooow!" in the thick of battle for the 50th time, detracted from the atmosphere, which is such a pity, since they spent so much time and resources creating that atmosphere with cutting-edge visuals. They should take their time, and a little guidance from Naughty Dog wouldn't hurt, either.
Last edited by Shams on 2/23/2010 6:57:33 AM
I, for one, am not a developer. So if Guerilla chooses to implement either of these technologies into their game then I'm pretty sure they've found a way to make it work effectively.