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Aliens vs. Predator “Fastest Selling Game” In UK

It seems difficult to believe but bear in mind that 2010 is still very young, and we haven't quite hit Heavy Rain – launches tomorrow – or God of War III and Final Fantasy XIII yet.

According to the latest Twitter update for Sega Europe, Aliens vs. Predator is the "fastest-selling game this year" and "#1 on the all formats chart" in the UK. …yeah, I know what you're thinking. Considering the average review score of about a mid-6, how the hell did this happen? Well, a whole lot of advertising, the alluring fact that AvP was in the news a lot for initially being banned in Australia, and perhaps a dash of good ol' name-brand recognition. Our review will be up for tomorrow morning and you'll see where we stand but for now, let's just say we're talking about a relatively entertaining game with plenty of shortcomings. This really isn't stopping anyone in Europe from flocking to stores to snag it, though, and we're assuming that Tweet only refers to the European region. Maybe it's surprising to know that Sega has another quick-selling title in 2010; Bayonetta , which launched back in January to high critical acclaim. That one had the backing of the critics (well, at least the Xbox 360 version did) so high sales sort of made sense. This one…

Oh well, it's not like people won't have fun with the game, provided they know what to expect and spend most of their time online. Stay tuned for the review.

Related Game(s): Aliens vs. Predator

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14 years ago

I'm enjoying it a lot so far, it's nothing amazing by any means, but it's fun.

I'm a bit of an Aliens and Predator fan anyway (not the recent AvP films) so it was hard to pass up.

14 years ago

It's not quite as fun as AvP 2 but it's still an enjoyable game. Online is just a blast.

Last edited by Geobaldi on 2/22/2010 11:11:15 AM

14 years ago

I'm glad that I wasn't tracter beamed by its hype a well earned pass I must say! now its only 4 days till WKC!!

14 years ago

You won't regret it, I've been loving WKC for several weeks now.

14 years ago

Good thing the game case is plastic, easy to clean off any love residue.

14 years ago

theres good reason for this, this game has either been priced at 29.99 ( games usually cost between 40 – 50 pounds ) or the game has been 39.99 and they were giving aliens vs pred 2 on blu ray free if you got the game, brits love a good bargain! lol

14 years ago

This is really pathetic information. There sure are a lot of disappointed people across the ocean.

14 years ago

this game is pissy

14 years ago

When I tried the demo, I thought I was playing a ps2 game.

14 years ago

this game does look pretty last gen

14 years ago

lol did you notice almost everyone that gave this article a negative comment got atleast 2 thumbs down? lol.

14 years ago

This is just a back handed way to say the UK gamers are idiots. And I for one will not stand for it. *sitting down*

14 years ago

Amazed, wonder how the numbers are split. UK PS3 owners have good games just weeks away worth their money, 360 has…erm.. of yeah Alan Wake and another Halo at some point this year, they say.

Is it just 360 owners buying it, as they do not have have much else at the moment? also most of which could be classed as idiots, so it does tie together nicely.

14 years ago

Good point. XBOX 360 has, um, Bioshock 2? And um, Bioshock 2 Limited Edition. Hmmm, oh, and Bioshock 2 DLC. And they will point out Alan Wake.

14 years ago

Lets not go overboard, Alan Wake looks like an amazing game. As with mass effect. unfortionatly I have not played either game but they do look great.

14 years ago

That's right Jimmy, I totally spaced on Mass Effect 2. Pun intended.

But seriously, would love to have a 360 to play that game. I am waiting for them to solve the RRD syndrome before I get a 360. Sooooo….guess I'm SOL.

14 years ago

My PC also has Mass Effect2, big whoop.

14 years ago

The Force Unleashed was not an exceptionally strong game but it sells like mad. If people like the topic it'll sell.

14 years ago

Spread across every console ever made.

14 years ago

I am so disapointed in this game. AVP2 is one of my all time favorite games so I bought this game thinking it would at the very least be the same game with shiny graphics. But they striped it of just about everything that made it so fun. And the biggest dissapointment is there is no face hugger sequence. That was the most memorable part, crawling through vents looking for a lone singled out host.

14 years ago

Wow I remember being surprised UC2 sales were sub-par back in December (I think)
but the fact that AvP is selling so well, after the online only demo (that was the worst demo I've played since Turok) I think tops the former in terms of shock value.

14 years ago

UC2 has reached 3.5 million globally.

14 years ago

uncharted's sales were never sub-par it's just that MW2 had came out and sold so much

14 years ago

Thanks thumb downers!

I was only referencing the article that I read on here a few months back. I'm glad people finally started appreciating it.

14 years ago

I think there is a curse on anything AvP, I was mildly interested before but I don't think I even need the PSXE review to tell me this is a dud.

14 years ago

the jaguar version was good…

lol remember the jaguar?
"do the math!"

14 years ago

Jaguar days, huh?

At 57, I'm from the math days of Tandy Computer's gaming, way, way, back even before there was a "new math", Jaguar or 3DO system(which of both I still own).
Or even before the days of Atari 2600, Intellivision, and Colecovision(unfortunately eon's ago, I had sold these 3).

Damn, after going back down memory lane again, now I'm suddenly feeling older than dirt, itself.

14 years ago

I downloaded multiplayer AvP demo, I waited an hour to find a match, I played match, I won match, I quit the demo, I deleted demo off hard-drive, I sighed in relief.

14 years ago

I never played the demo, gave up on waiting forever to get a match. To each their own I guess I won't be getting it anytime soon unless its in the bargin bin lol.

14 years ago

further proof that sales do not translate to quality.
but than that is still nothing to be proud of, we still have not had any AAA releases this year.
well besides mass effect 2.
but than thats exclusive to only 2 platforms and one of them never buys games so that is hardly a shock.
not to mention AVPs fanbase i mean come on aliens is one of the most famous series ever made, and so is predator.
so put the 2 together and your in for a sure fire hit both in sales and quality.
well you would think so……………………..

Last edited by ___________ on 2/23/2010 1:16:01 AM