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Square-Enix Explains Necessity Of Linearity In FFXIII

Last week, Square-Enix tried to explain that some of the lower review scores for Final Fantasy XIII came because of two reasons: firstly, the Western viewpoints are different than Japanese and secondly, the reviewers didn't like the game's linearity.

We're still not on board with the former but as for the latter, it's definitely a possibility. Critics these days really don't like linearity for almost any reason, even when it's absolutely essential for the telling of a cohesive, well-written story. And Square-Enix boss Motomu Toriyama elaborates on this with an official statement over at the European FFXIII site ; it's right there in front of you when you click through. Oh, and to alleviate any concerns that the "entire" game is linear, he adds that the second half of the game places you in the open-world atmosphere of Pulse. But here's the most important aspect of the linear explanation:

"In order to allow the player to become absorbed in the drama of the storytelling and the new and exciting world of Cocoon and be drawn to the characters without getting distracted or lost we have deliberately used a linear game design for the introduction sections so they can be enjoyed in the same manner as watching a film. We are aiming for a vibe while playing that is similar to the experience of an FPS style game, where the player rapidly progresses through a series of dramatic events and experiences one after the other on an imposing and atmospheric battlefield.

This kind of design is also very beneficial for the player in allowing them to gradually and systematically learn the brand new battle system that this installment brings to the series. It is set up such that the player will experience and try out each character’s possible roles in battle and naturally internalise the intensely tactical nature of the paradigm shift system."

We have never questioned the need for linearity in story-based games. It's simply a necessity. Therefore, nobody should be condemning FFXIII because it isn't like Oblivion or Fallout 3 , two games that – in my opinion – nobody plays for the storyline. That bit about Western critics just not "getting" the appeal of the game isn't flying with me, though; Western reviewers have loved just about every major FF title in existence. So if they have problems with FFXIII, we shouldn't just gloss that over. However, to say "it's too linear" simply means you A. have no clue what is required to produce a great plot, and B. have no interest in stories in games…well, that doesn't fly, either.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIII

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14 years ago

"We have deliberately used a linear game design for the introduction sections so they can be enjoyed in the same manner as watching a film."

Next areas people will complain about linearity:
linear algebra

14 years ago

I really am fed up with this linear style that life has taken now that you mention it. It is almost like I don't have any freedom as to whether I live or die. It's almost like each day I am just driven in the same direction…The Grave…I mean, if I want to explore for ten centuries I should be able to without this cloud of death hanging around saying "Gonna getcha in 60 or 70 years there buddy"

14 years ago

yeah I'm sick of how movies just FORCE a story down your throat for 2 hours.

14 years ago

So there you have it. All these whiners about FPS not being good enough for their RPG tastes and lo and behold, the RPG behemoth that is Square Enix says they want FFXIII to be "similar to the experience of an FPS style game."

This game is going to be good after all!

14 years ago

Tell me about it.

14 years ago

The only thing that frustrates me is theres no word of a collectors edition in NA. All i see is the FFXIII XBOX bundle. What a bummer

14 years ago

Wait a minute, how can you say that western gamers don't get it, and that you went for an FPS style in the same breath? Again I must ask you, are the patients running that mental hospital?

I have dropped the idea that this game took this path for going to 360, I think THIS is the game and it was always going to be kind of farked up. I mean look at SE lately, their cheese totally slid off their cracker years ago.

Still getting it though, I for one never explored too much anyway because the FF storylines always held me in a very linear fashion to the plot. Always wanted to see what happened next and hated level grinding. The PSXE review should be interesting.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/22/2010 2:06:17 PM

14 years ago

Same. I never really liked to explore in all the FFs I played, always getting straight to the story. But I still feel 360 is in a way to blame.

14 years ago

LMAO @ Cheese off their cracker.

14 years ago

yeah, i usually go though the story to see how it pans out. The only time i really went of the story was when my party is still weak or when there were optional characters that can join your party like the ninja girl from VII, forgot her name since i barely used her. I dont remember if vincent was optional. i guess i need to pop in my VII disc since square isnt really going to remake that anytime soon.

14 years ago

<<<<their cheese totally slid off their cracker years ago.>>>>

And sadly enough, I think their long-term plan is to also use "the 5 second rule", so they can slap that fallen pool of green rancid Cheese Whiz on all their fortune cookies in the future too.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 2/22/2010 9:45:29 PM

14 years ago

I could swear FFVII, FFX woulda still had great review scores even if they were linear like they say XIII is, back in the days.

People shoulda realized by now that games OFTEN get bashed by critics or gamers when they switch to a different path.

Resident Evil 5 : Took out the horror aspect, folks whining.

GTA IV : Got realistic, again whiners on the rise.

Dead Space 2 : Said they were gonna reduce the horror, proactive whiners have already began in advance when they don't even know the release date.

Now its the turn of FFXIII : for being linear, let's vent!

Last edited by www on 2/22/2010 2:20:55 PM

14 years ago

A lot of truth in that.

In the retail and entertainment business (I work both EB Games and cinemas) you soon learn that everyone loves to complain for the sake of finding something to complain about.

Lex Luthor
Lex Luthor
14 years ago

You forgot something:

RE 1 through CV: Survival Horror
RE 5: Action

GTA III through VCS: A lot of missions and replayability
GTA IV: Babysitting a drug dealer, a psycho killer and a prick (Brucie)

I fail to see your logic there, buddy

Last edited by Lex Luthor on 3/2/2010 6:38:43 PM

14 years ago

Weren't those western critics the same people that gave high scores to final fantasy VII, VIII, IX, X, etc?

Last edited by Andysw on 2/22/2010 2:37:18 PM

14 years ago

I honestly don't mind linearity in a game, but what I've been hearing about "kill tubes" – that sounds too linear even for a shooter. I do have to call BS on their excuses though: If it takes linear gameplay to tell a good story, then apparently they don't think that any of the previous Final Fantasy games had good stories?

And why the entire first half of the game? Is this going to be one of the most complex stories ever told? I very much doubt it. You want to know one of the best ways to ruin a good 5 hour story? Take 30 hours to tell it.

Whatever. I'm still quite happy to wait until it comes out and get the real scoop; then make up my mind.

14 years ago

exactly i mean both gtaiv and infamous had amaazing stories so it goes without saying that what their feedin us is a whole cup of bs or they just dont understand "western gamers" as they like to call us

Last edited by Kr3sn1k on 2/22/2010 2:41:30 PM

14 years ago

Most FF's were very linear around the beginning of the game, but started branching out.

I don't get why people are complaining about the linearity, but the subtraction of towns, world maps, random characters to chat to, etc is what really disappointed me.

That and the fact that MS thinks they can rule the world by throwing money at companies to do their evil bidding. I'm looking at you Square-Enix!!! (Gives them the Evil Eye)

14 years ago

I've seen the game in action on youtube. for those of you like me, who play FF just for their storylines and nothing else, ur going to love this game.

14 years ago

This is making me rethink my decision. I did vote for GOW3, but I wasn't really planning on buying it either. I just don't want to buy a game with a good storyline and cinematics, but with a boring battle system/gameplay and interaction. Thats the reason (I'm assuming for the rest of you)we play games in the first place. Otherwise I'd stick with just watching a movie.

14 years ago

Well…I guess I'm over it too. I really don't care anymore. It won't be a day one but most certainly a sooner or later. I'll just stay posted for the review here. Who knows, it might end up surprising us all.

14 years ago

you know what this really reminds me of?

the months before green day released "american idiot." there was a lot of chatter online about how they were making "a rock opera," and, understandably, long time green day fans took the view that "THATS NOT PUNK!!!!" well, when the album was eventually released, it wasnt necessarily 'punk rock,' but it was a kick ass album that sold through the roof, and reestablished the band as a major act on the music scene.

my only point is… maybe this game isnt a jrpg in the classic sense. but im guessing there will be enough elements of the classic cannon of the series mixed in to satisfy us all. and, im HOPING, that if you take the game experience for what it is… and with an open mind… you will be satisfied with it.

14 years ago

Tanith Belbin!

14 years ago

Tom Bombadil!

14 years ago

"We are aiming for a vibe while playing that is similar to the experience of an FPS style game" *Performs epic fail face palm*

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
14 years ago

It's only a matter of time before we see a Square-Enix FPS with generic space marines or set in modern times.

I'd give it maybe a year or so.

14 years ago

You can have linear storytelling without linear gameplay!
I Call BS!!

14 years ago

You can also have linear gameplay without being a bad game.

14 years ago


Yes but it probably won't be as fun as a nonlinear game.

14 years ago

Not neccessarily. I personally tend to have very little fun in open world style games. There is no such thing as a perfect game for everyone so design choices are going to be hit or miss and this one sounds like a hit for me.

14 years ago

We fans who have been following the development of FFXIII for all these years are intelligent enough to see through their excuses and BS.

Is it just me or have the disappointing announcements and problems in development only surfaced after the announcement of it being multiplatform?

I believe that Square Enix is trying to secretly and covertly rally support against MS without announcing or stating it. MS has bound their poor souls to a piece of paper.

Square-Enix are clearly crying for help with these interviews and announcements. I believe they wish they could take back their agreement to work with MS. If these interviews are anything to go by, Square-Enix had to botch up what was going to be their finest game just to fit it onto an inferior console.

FF Vs XIII will fix all this up. Square-Enix will return to their former glory if, and only IF they keep FF Vs XIII exclusive to PS3. That will be their shining moment.

If Square-Enix could hear or read this, I hope they realise the importance of Playstation exclusivity and how it ties to quality gaming.

14 years ago

Very well said.

14 years ago

wait wait wait…what!"We have deliberately used a linear game design for the introduction sections so they can be enjoyed in the same manner as watching a film." I mean Uncharted 2 fits the bill since its an action/adverture/platforming/TPS game but Final Fantasy XIII like a film…i don't know about you guys but i see all sorts of wrong with that.No wonder the gameplay is so linear.I myself have always thought of jrpg games as a book with freedom and exploration while the story is unfolding.
Owell i am still picking this up and getting a platinum trophy.

14 years ago

I dont really know much about how an rpg should be. Pokemon is the only rpg I've played. But shouldn't rpgs allow you to choose the characters you want in your party, from what I hear, this game doesn't allow you to customize
your party. Im assuming this since that feat is in all the pokemon games I've played.

14 years ago

Question for a certain mangy company….
Do you know what happens when you bed down with flea-ridden hair-matted scroungy mutts who want you to suckle their milkbone?????

You wake up with that skin disease destroying your body, you're constantly scratching at hundreds of new parasitic bite marks, and now nobody want to be near you because your wet-dog stench is now worse than the "in-flow" pipe at a sewage treatment plant.

And you also wind up being infected with rabies, & start foaming at the keyboard ….er…I mean mouth……just exactly like some mutts who have also been doing quite a bit(e) of howling at the moon themselves, as of late.

Please note:
If you still want to continue suckling, then you two sh*t-encrusted flea-bags just need to define who's going to be the Alpha Dog,….and who will wind up as always being the other one's b!tch in heat.

Bonus question"
Answer me something here….is it really be that much fun that two dog's meet up and they always have to sniff out each others butts???

Oh BTW, which one of you get's to name your new litter?

14 years ago

FFXIII hate probably came from SE hate.

14 years ago

SE is definitely in a unique position. The game is going to sell very well, and yet they speak like they're having to beg people to buy it. Trying to convince someone that has no evidence to the contrary that they are delivering a complete game.

14 years ago

The sales in Japan were high in the first week but sales plummetted so sharply and the people who purchased it can't even resell it for more than a couple yen. Used game stores can't handle all the people trying to get rid of their ff13s.
That is why they are being so apologetic.

14 years ago

so games need to be linear to suck the player into the store?
that is the biggest steaming pile i have ever herd!
assassins creed, infamous and assassins creed 2 all say hello!

its official $E is now my most hated video games company.
congrats youve knocked the infamous bobby off the throne!

Last edited by ___________ on 2/23/2010 1:18:51 AM

14 years ago


I miss these commands SO much…..sniff…..

14 years ago

The comments on this piece completely destroy said piece lol

the damage is done Enix

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
14 years ago

If they were to include an airship, imagine the amount of DVD disk swapping that would be involved.

If you went to a location found towards the beginning of the game, insert DVD 1. A location toward the middle, insert DVD 2.

Kind of makes one wonder…

14 years ago

Just about every FF has had an airship. If they take it out for 13, I think we can say MS / SE colaboration influenced the potential quality that this game could've had.

The Playstation 3 is PISSED!

14 years ago

"so games need to be linear to suck the player into the store?
that is the biggest steaming pile i have ever herd!
assassins creed, infamous and assassins creed 2 all say hello!

….yeh they had great poignant, intellectual storyline's which discussed philosophical as well as political issues…

14 years ago

gt5, god of war, heavy rain, uncharted 1 and 2, killzone 2, ratchet and clank… one thing in common. PS3 exclusive. sounds like a recipe for success. unless you like fat microsoft paychecks.

14 years ago

In Japan, those who bought it on release can't even give it away so it makes sense SE are trying for damage control.

Last edited by pillz81 on 2/25/2010 11:24:40 AM

14 years ago

There is a definate beenfit to linearity when it comes to story-telling. I'm sorry, Fallout 3, Oblivion, etc. are all good games, but I don't play those for the completelly cursory and entirelly uninvolving storyline.

There is a definative movement towards cinematic storytelling these days and games like Uncharted are amazing for it. Now why doesn't anyone fault Uncharted for being linear?

FF games have ALWAYS BEEN LINEAR well into the second half of the game. You can do a couple of things extra here and there, but who cares? It adds nothing in the end. If you can explore towards the end(as always), who gives a rat's behind as long as the story is amazing?

14 years ago

I'm waiting for the psx review before i get this game now. Who ever heard of a ff game with no mp, no towns, apparently no options and evidently its a movie not a video game. Never paid sixty bucks for a movie, not gonna start now.

Ben as soon as you've gotten us your review i'll make my decision.

14 years ago

It's plain and simple, there are two types of gamers/critics, the new and the old and the difference between them is thus:

Old gamers = appreciation for a good game story.

New gamers = brain dead individuals entertained solely by big explosions and mindless bloody violence.

These two types aren't reliant on age either; it's just the mentality of the individual. I'm also not knocking either type, just simply stating that the general gamer type has changed over the years. Older style gamers enjoyed story driven games like older FFs while new style gamers enjoy stuff such as Halo…. I have a feeling most of the lower scores were from the "new style" gamers/critics (I don't listen to critics and play what interests me and that's that) while most of the higher scores came from those "old style" gamers/critics. Too much openness can ruin a good game story (like Oblivion, while a great game and good story it could have been quite a bit better if it wasn’t so open), and being too linear… Well, there a LOT of game out there that are VERY linear, just about all games that fall into FPS, Fighting, & Hack n' Slash genres, that are also VERY successful and enjoyable. Games need to be taken for what they are and the entertainment they provide not nitpicked to death because they aren’t a conglomeration of every genre in existence.

14 years ago

There he goes, comparing it to an FPS game again. I love the Final Fantasy series, but somehow mixing up FPS genre with one of my favorite series…that's just ruining it for me…